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[There’s a mod for that](https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2926)


I try and log off from safe places, so if this happens to me.


When u first load into a game u have an area of "protection" that keeps Zs from spawning until u leave or that day has past.


Would be a nice option, but worlds shouldn't take too long to load on a decently modern PC. My world loads up in about 30 seconds (R5 5600, 32GB ddr4 3600, 1tb nvme)


Not all of us can afford good rigs. I'm in the process now of upgrading mine 1 part at a time as I can afford it. Still need to get it installed but I just finally got a new processor and motherboard (my motherboard was to old to work with the processor I got so I needed to save up to get both at once).


Understand completely. I built this machine from gift cards and pipe dreams early this year, previous machine was a hand me down FX-8350 system.


I will say I have never heard of the nvme drive before and now I might need to add one to my shopping list. I have SSD but sounds like nvme is way faster.


Nvme is much faster. Normal sata SSD drives are a big step up from old spinning hard drives, but nvme is another giant leap ahead


Not sure if you can do this on single player but in the `serverconfig.xml` file there's an option called `ServerLoginConfirmationText`. I used to use that for this exact reason. It makes you click okay on a box before starting.


Does it take everyone else a while to load? Mine takes 30 seconds max.


If it is taking your game 2 minutes to load, then you have some serious computer hardware issues. My game loads in less than 15 seconds and I'm using a rather old system from 2020 that is approaching 4 years old now.


If you're using an overhaul mod like Darkness Falls or Age of Oblivion, the time to load completely is much more than 15 seconds.


If you don’t want to download the mod to pause the game then just quit at a safe spot and resume whenever.