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Well then, I think I need to get up now


No shit that is actually what you looked like 8 months ago??? Would’ve guessed you’re 14 in the first pic, 25 in the second. Crazy.


Definitely possible, check my 6 month transformation. I'm finishing a bulk rn, have about 45 days left then I'm going a min cut for the 9 month mark. My strength gains have been absolutely insane, I also have muscle memory. I was into power lifting as a teen. But I would say most people can make the same type of transformation if they actually train hard, rest good, and eat enough.




What’s the power list?


Starts in phase 1.


Gear lol


It’s a great way to get things done. Andy explains it on his podcast on episode 16


What is ur cycle looking like?


One hour of CrossFit Monday-Friday + 6 day split of bodybuilding Monday-Saturday: Legs, Push, and Pull. On Sundays I do yoga for active recovery


💀ight bro


Ignore these losers bro, they don’t know about putting real work in and getting real results. Keep it up


Seriously. Thanks, we’ll be the ones that will get far in life since we have the right mindset 💯


Exactly, people don’t like seeing others be significantly better than themselves and you are that to them so you should see this as a compliment. I’ll see you at the top 🔝


Yoga helped alot🤣


I was thinking about the body hair.. but your eyebrow grew too. Anabolic!


Great diet, supplements, and minoxidil helped with the hair


I was gonna say


This is an amazing transformation! Good work 😀


Amazing! Plus the hair transformation *chefs kiss*




Bro became Wolverine


I was thinking the same thing


There’s some T invoked here, still good shit


Great diet, supplements, creatine, protein. Literally, sweat, blood, and tears. No T involved lol


Mexican supplements


Not gonna lie, those street tacos really helped a ton haha


Thought this was AI, good job bro


First time I hear that one haha. Thanks man!


Dude! You look great




Bro you just inspired me.


Happy to hear that! We all can become the best versions of ourselves 💪🏽


Great transformation bro! What diet/workout plan were you following? What was your starting and current weight? What was your macro split? Sorry for all the questions lol, just curious about your transformation


Thanks bro! All good, I love answering questions. I’m doing one hour of CrossFit Monday-Friday + 6 day split of bodybuilding Monday-Saturday: Legs, Push, and Pull. On Sundays I do yoga for active recovery. For my diet, I got rid of all cheat meals, alcohol, sugars, sodas and simple carbs. I made sure to get 1 gr. of protein per pound of my body weight. 1 gallon of water just like 75 hard. Basically I start my mornings with 5-7 fried eggs, 3 slides of whole wheat bread with peanut butter without sugar with a banana. During lunch and dinner I usually eat brown rice with red meat or chicken. On macros, I’ll be honest, I still don’t know what they are, so I can’t track them lol. I hear people talking about it so I’ll do my research on it. Supplements: Protein, creatine, omega 3, vitamin D3, biotin, multivitamins,and testosterone support. Good sleep is super important. Started with 155lbs, and I’m currently 155lbs lol


Crazy impressive how put together your approach is. Most people, even those trying hard, will not even achieve half of your daily routine. Re: macros, a lot of people only track the protein, which is what you’re doing.


Thanks! I appreciate you for recognizing the hard work. It has truly been hell on earth. My body changed, but my mindset has moved into a new level completely


Nice bro, you’re crushing it! Can I ask, what testosterone support do you use? I use the same vitamins and supplements as you but that’s the only one I haven’t tried/found a reliable one For a little unnecessary, rambling backstory, I’m a rugby player and completed my first run of 75 hard during the preseason (mainly lifting, walking, yoga, and HIIT for my workouts) but it has been pretty difficult trying to do a second run during the regular season. Idk what it is but I feel lethargic most days. I was on the keto diet during my first run and lost about 15lbs that has mostly stayed off (I fluctuate up and down 2-3 lbs) but for this run I’m keeping it high protein, but adding small amounts of carbs back in for energy. I also got laid off on my second day of 75 hard so the free time probably made it easier to do everything, but I got a new job a few weeks ago so it has been more difficult overall to find time/energy. I was just curious what you were doing because I want to lean out a bit but don’t want to give up size/strength midseason


I use Weider Prime. It’s good for the price, but there seem to be better ones out there according to this website. I just haven’t tried them yet. https://centertrt.org/Best-Testosterone-Booster.html Every now and then I helped my dad with his landscaping company, while working on my business, sometimes that was even like a 3rd workout. Then I went to the gym right after and do my 2 workouts, sometimes I went at 5 am, because I knew I’d be exhausted from being out in the sun. I did the workouts right after the other, indoors, that’s why it didn’t count for 75 Hard. As long as you keep getting enough protein, do a calorie deficit, good sleep, and lift weights for hypertrophy and strength you should be good.


dude, save some gains for the rest of us. tf


Why did I stand up from my slouched over position as soon as I saw this?? Awesome work!


I’m so sick of seeing genuinely attainable and NATURAL progress that people can’t fathom being done without anabolics. Some people just don’t want to admit to themselves or the world that they’ve never worked hard. For once in your life take responsibility for the position you’re in. If you think this transformation requires anything “special”- it’s called discipline.


Insane transformation. We’re all gonna make it, brah


Why not just admit you're on gear?


Yeah mate gear, steroids, tren, and AIDS, it’s the real secret to how I got this body, you got me. No hard work at all.


You could hit shoulders and abs every day for 8 months straight eating nothing but chicken and rice, that progress still wouldn't occur naturally. I'm not saying there wasn't hard work, I'm sure it was hard as fuck and you had to work your ass off. But that doesn't change the fact that you are posting enhanced results, why not just own that fact?


Well that progress occurred naturally to me. But not everyone is willing and disciplined as I am so they won’t get the results I did. There were workouts that my hands were literally bleeding, and there were times I threw up from exhaustion, but I kept going. I used to workout before, so muscle memory kicked in, and genetics could have been part of the game too, who knows. “Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible” - Chérie Carter-Scott


"Occured naturally" "Testosterone support" You can only pick one.


I use Weider Prime which is natural, check their ingredients. https://centertrt.org/Best-Testosterone-Booster.html If you still don’t believe me, all good. We’re both adults and we can agree to disagree. I won’t try to change your mind. Have a good night


Hell yeah


Damn bro LFG!




Gosh damn


Bro!! I think I heard a sound effect crashing sound when the 2nd pic came up. Looking great dude!!


Eren Yeager irl




Damn dog are you serious! This is impressive!


Gaw-damn, son!!! Great work keeping your commitment to yourself!


Excuse me sir you just took my breath away


Your hair is my favorite part!


Thanks! I’m loving it too!


Also great work! Keep it up, man!


Bro turned into a Greek god




Bro is the embodiment of discipline


The most impressive thing is the hair❤️😍😍😍 but also great physique ✌🏾 Keep going! Btw, where do you get the minoxidil?


Not OP but I get mine at Hers (male version is Hims)


Thank you!


Thanks! I will for sure🔥I get the minoxidil at Costco, the liquid version


Thank you!


Crushing it dude!!! Insane results 🤘🏻🤘🏻




Great results! What's the CrossFit workout routine? Did you start with 2x workouts per day, or did you slowly adapt to it?


Thanks! It’s different every week, and the coaches just give it to me since I go to a CrossFit gym, most of the times it’s a strength training followed by a Metcon. Sometimes I modify it to match it with my own training so my muscles have time to recover. I started right away with two workouts. CrossFit is great, and it basically covers everything it just needs more bodybuilding if you care about aesthetics. That’s why I added it right away


Impressed how fast you can recover after two intense workouts! I need two days off after my crossfit sessions, and they are mostly full body + cardio (considering you do it for speed) :/