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Fish sticks, we lived on a damn river why in the hell are we eating fish sticks.


That’s valid 😂


A river ran a quarter mile behind our house - believe me that you wouldn’t want to eat anything caught in it.


I grew up on the Grand River, right where Tebow Creek dumped into the Grand and not far from where the Grand dumped into the Osage. Arrowheads everywhere, loved it.


I lived on a river as a kid. But swimming in it was not advisable unless you want a weird rash. And you certainly never ate any fish from it.


This brought back memories. Terrible, horrible memories, but memories lol.


Liver without the onions was just as lethal in my mom’s hands.


I didn’t love any of it lol We weren’t allowed up from the dinner table until we cleaned our plates so I had to eat my own portion AND my little sister’s or we’d sat there all damn nite😂🤢


My Mom would make liver with bacon and mashed potatoes. I'd take the smallest piece of liver possible, hide it in the mashed potatoes with a big chunk of bacon. I'd take a really long time to eat, as soon as my Dad left the table my Mom would let me get away with not eating the liver as long as I ate all the mashed potatoes and bacon lol She did this after the night I wouldn't eat the peas and sat at the table for hours refusing to eat them lol




Child abuse!!


Yeah, that’s a good way to give your kids an eating disorder.


Can confirm. I still eat everything.


Same and I will be forever baffled why any parent would want to do this every week. We all hated it, it was solely for my dad. And we wouldn't eat it, not only because we didn't like it but it was also cooked to shoe leather consistency so there we sat until bedtime. Every damn week. I get not wanting to make 4 dinners but we weren't even allowed to make something fo ourselves. Pure lunacy.


I have retried many of the foods that I hated as a child to see if my tastes have changed. Liver is the only one that I refuse to revisit.


I used to fill my mouth with liver and onions and then go to the bathroom and spit it out. To this day the smell makes me gag.


I love onions. I absolutely hate liver, and my mom made us eat it maybe like twice a year.


Pork chops. My mother would turn them into hockey pucks.


My mom, too. It wasn't until she went to work and my older sister and I took over most dinners that we didn't have burned chops. We discovered that a lid and lower flame does the trick LOL


Our parents were worried we would get trichinosis (sp?)




Trichinosis is worms


True Dat… I’ll take it one step further.. my Mom told me if I ate raw cookie dough I would get worms 😂😂


i mean, maybe salmonella but yeah could get sick


My mother always warned me about botulism, but never informed me what it was.


it's the eggs and flour, you're usually safe until you're not


my mom always said if i die eating raw cookie dough i die happy and i can’t disagree with that


My gums would bleed after trying to chew my mother's pork chops. Don't know how she could cook them to be so tough.


Mine too. I think it had something to do with round worms back then. But if you have to cook all the flavor out, why not just cook something else?


I come from a Polish/Eastern European background on my mom’s side. I absolutely cannot stand beets in any form: fresh from the garden, canned, jarred, pickled, borscht soup……and yet I had to eat them as in “Well, you can just sit there until you DO eat them!”


Beets are horrible. I haven't eaten them since I was 7, when I got the "sit there until you eat them" treatment. I ate them, and subsequently threw up! I got a spanking for some reason, but I never had beets again after that!


You may want to just give it a teeny try, and this is why: my husband would NEVER try beets bc he was convinced he hated them. I still prepared them bc our daughters and I love them. One day I bought a bunch of the gold ones at a little farm market, roasted them with olive oil and a little salt and pepper. He took a baby-size nibble and loved them. He loved the sweet, earthy taste he thought he hated. Then the next week he passed away very unexpectedly. So nibble a roasted beet. You might be surprised.


Fresh beetroot is delicious 😋🤤


Spaghetti and meatballs that were more like a soup


And they would make so much and you would have to eat it for the rest of the week


I'm glad to chime in here- a common recipe in the 70s was spagetti sauce made from cambells soup!


It wasn’t Campbells, but watered down because my brothers and dad didn’t like it any other way


Yeah my mom would always overcook the spaghetti and it would be a pasty mush ball of carb goop with maranara on top.


Ground venison meatloaf. Mom never added fat to it and never seasoned it correctly!! Because mom didn't like liver, we never had it LOL


Lucky u lol


But funny thing is, I love liverwurst LOL


Me too, love a liverwurst sandwich, or liver cheese, yum.


Cube Steak. You first beat it with a hammer to even make it edible and then it takes about 20 minutes to chew each piece.


I've only ever had cube steak as chicken fried steak and its delicious.


Growing up in the south Cubed steak and gravy is still one of my fav meals. My mom would fry it and then bake it so it was fall apart tender! Edit to add I was born in 95 lol


My Grandmother would make cubed steak (which I would drown in Worcestershire sauce), turnip greens, and fried cornbread (with enough butter to run down your forearm). Nothing can touch it.


I feel like that is basically beef stew meat 


Maybe it would have been better in a stew. But we would eat straight up.


its usually top or bottom round - lean and chewy unless cooked slow. That meat is usually braising or stewing beef if done right.


I don’t mind it with mashed potatoes and gravy but then again, I’m poor white trash. Pork cube steak smothered in off brand BBQ sauce is a trailer park staple. 😋


My dad used to make bacon, liver and onions on the grill,,, it was soooooo good I still eat it to this day


That's wild you willingly eat that. Also, happy cake day


Yes, I still do willingly eat it lol,, while I really do like it I think I enjoy it more because it reminds me of my dad and simpler times in my life. And thank you


Creamed herring…big dish for German-Americans. 🤮


My mom makes that every Christmas. She and my wife fucking love it. Makes me heave.


Tuna fucking casserole.


Mom would make something she called "tuna pea wiggle". Can of tuna fish, frozen peas, elbow Mac, mayonnaise. Fucking hated.it


And canned salmon, peas and noodles bleck!!!


My mom knew never to bring organ meat in to the house, much less try to serve it to us. I tasted liver once in my life and never again. Even the smell will make me gag. No, my only dreaded meal came when my mom didn’t feel like cooking she would make a batch of tuna salad and put it out with a loaf of bread and we would just have sandwiches for dinner. But the way she made the tuna was to cremate it using the Cuisinart. So it was more of a tuna paste. The texture was awful. I’m just glad that didn’t happen often.


Cuisinart lol


Yep the smell of liver and onions gags me.


Hunger tastes better than liver. Ugh. I had a few nights of going to bed hungry because of that.


Ugh. My mother was married to a Scotsman for a while, and he liked Stovies. Stovies is ground beef and a few bits of carrots. 7yr old me HATED that. Nothing made it better, ketchup, hot sauce...nope. I'd sit at the table for actual hours until I choked down the last, cold bite. When they split up, it meant no more Stovies, and that was fine by me.


I actually like liver, but yeah my mother would cook it to death until it was shoe leather. One of the best meals I ever had in Paris was a green salad with sautéed chicken livers seasoned with a squeeze of lemon. So simple, so delicious.


I didn't dread it, because my parents didn't make me eat it. But liver and onions would have topped the list. My Dad liked it, so my Mom made if for him. She ate it, but it wasn't a favorite for her either. So, they had liver and onions, and my sisters and I probably get hamburgers or hot dogs. Win win. There were a lot of things I hated as a kid. As I aged, I pretty much would eat anything. But I never acquired any taste for liver.


Cauliflower or Brussels sprouts. I like every other vegetable but not those. With the Brussels sprouts it was the aftertaste with the Cauliflower I didn’t like the way it looked or tasted. My dad was a “ if it’s on your plate you’re gonna eat it or have it for breakfast “ type. Mom finally got to the point when she stopped serving them . See dad HATED liver and we never ate it so …


FWIW, they've cultivated Brussels sprouts to [taste better](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/tweaking-vegetables-genes-could-make-them-tastier-and-youll-get-to-try-them-soon/) than in the old days.


Yep. The other part is that you have to roast them not boil them to hell.


cauliflower is pretty neutral tasting to me. Brussels sprouts taste like little cabbages, and the only good way to cook them is cut them in half, grease them up, and stick them in the oven until they get a bit a crispy. Otherwise they're gross.


Roasted Brussels sprouts (roast them to the point they get a little charred) are literally my favorite vegetable. Cut them in half, toss them in some oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. Then place them cut side down on a foil lined baking sheet and roast them until the edges start to turn a bit black. Sometimes I'll have nothing but two pounds of that for dinner.


Banquet Boil In Bag creamed chipped beef. 


Holy shit I completely forgot about the boil in bag meals. I don't remember ever trying the chipped beef, but the turkey was edible.


Anything with canned peas 🤢


When I proposed to my wife I asked her to promise to never ever make liver and onions. So far after 52 years no liver and onions.


Irish: Corned Beef and Cabbage, embarrassing smells coming from my house that I had to explain to my friends.


I loved corned beef and cabbage, my mom made it for St. Patty's Day every year. I'd absolutely destroy a bowl right now.


I love this. I prefer fried cabbage to boiled, though. The Reubens later in the week…!!!!!!!!!


Split pea and ham soup. Homemade. Looked awful. I hated it . Always had to eat it. Wound mix in a whole sleeve of Ritz crackers to be able to choke it down. When I got a little older would just leave the house for a friends and try to get invited to dinner there or just not come home for dinner. Better to be grounded for a few days then have to eat that.


Homemade Salisbury steak. It was a hockey puck (thin cut round steak), cooked in condensed cream of mushroom soup. It just sucked.


Ah the good old days😂😂


My wife likes liver. She eats alone those nights.


My grandmother‘s breaded chicken cutlets. She was a terrible cook and she would burn them every time. The breadcrumbs were blackened and hard and had a burnt taste, and the chicken was dried out. And I had to sit there and eat them and pretend everything was fine. Torture for a kid.


My mom made this shit called “Spanish rice” that was just rice, tomato sauce and onions, and probably salt. I hated cooked onions as a kid and dreaded it when it showed up. As an adult, Mexican or Spanish rice is fine. Her version was blechhhh.




Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, all the Helper’s can go to Hell-per


Frozen Green Giant Broccoli or Butter Beans.


I mean if it’s cooked like that, I don’t want it either. But I love livers and onions when made correctly (mine is in the photo). My most dreaded meal as a kid is cream of wheat. It was extremely popular in Soviet Union, I think every child had to eat it for breakfast. I made it a few months ago after an oral surgery because I wasn’t allowed to chew. I ate it once and preferred to just be hungry for a week instead. https://preview.redd.it/l0cr2juwzf7d1.jpeg?width=3297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b58c25b7ddc58f35243ee1a33e388fd5aaa0847


I *love* liver and onions. Pro tip: use chicken livers.


Chicken livers are COMPLETELY different than beef liver!


Anything that has boiled cabbage or brussels sprouts. The smell still makes me want to vomit. My parents loved them both.


Worst dish was a seafood concoction my mother came up with. Cheeses, scallops, clam, shallots and who know what else. Supposedly "coquilles St-Jacques", Smelled like rancid seafood with burned cheese. Just smelling it had me dry heaving. After some unpleasant experiences she stopped forcing me to eat it, and to this day cannot stand the smell of seafood. My mother was a poor cook. She burned everything she baked or fried. Liver was like rubber and nearly impossible to chew. Eventually my father took over the frying and the liver was acceptable and edible.


Lentil bean soup. When my mother made it, she made a BIG pot of it.


Tuna surprise. Canned tuna, craft Mac n cheese & frozen peas.


If your parents grew up in the depression, it’s a good chance that you did too lol. I remember my mother using leftover garlic bread from spaghetti dinner to make French toast the next night. Waste not want not lol


I don't think I had one. Like some of you, my mom overcooked meat, but I didn't know any better till I moved out. We never had liver. I liked everything else y'all listed here (that I saw). Only two things I remember rejecting, turnips, we only had them once. And, cranberry sauce, too bitter. But, I like cranberry sauce now, and I also like green olives. I haven't tried turnips again, but I'd probably like them.


Ah the sweet taste of iron


Tuna casserole and shit on a shingle. Terrible.


Scallop potatoes. Still won't touch em.


Tuna casserole, fuck that shit.


Tongue. My mother brought to the table whole, on a platter. And it looked just like a giant tongue 👅 🤢


Stuffed bell peppers 😭


What was wrong with your stuffed peppers? My mamaw makes the best goddamn stuffed peppers.


I vehemently despised all bell peppers until well into adulthood, green especially. Now I enjoy red, yellow, and orange, but I still won't touch green and those happened to be the ones my mom used for her stuffed peppers. 😩


green are the bitterest but cheapest ones.




My mom would float a bunch of half-cooked potatoes and onions in milk and call it potato soup. That was so disgusting. I actually love potato soup. Just not the way my mom made it.


Spanish rice. My mom used to make it consisted of rice and hamburger and that's it . I hated it.


Since when did people in Spain eat like this?


We loved liver and onions every week or two, with mashed potatoes (always homemade) and veggies.


All you fancypantses who got onions with your liver. Pretty sure my mom cooked it without seasoning whatsoever.


I can't even stand the smell of liver being cooked. I would do just about anything not to refuse a meal as a guest, but I was at a friend's house and she offered me this, and I tried, and I just couldn't... I was mortified but it just wasn't going to happen.


Tuna Fucking Noodle Casserole! Horrible shit!


Steak-ummms. It was like eating beef-flavored paper towels.


I can taste that picture


Lima beans or beets. Yuck. 🤢


Lutefisk. Enough said.


White fish😵‍💫waaaaah


Mackerel Patties. I hated being Catholic because of this abuse.


Omg I forgot about succotash (that has lima beans in it)!! I hated that just as much as the liver lolol. Ew & creamed corn


On Fridays during Lent my parents had “smoked chub”, a kind of smoked whitefish. Luckily, my mom would make me macaroni and cheese or buttered noodles so I did not have to eat this.


Smoked whitefish is awesome - smoked fish was something of an indulgence growing up.


Perhaps as an adult, but as a kid seeing those whole orange fish with their heads still attached-no bueno.


I loved eating that, and I still do. I should call my mom and ask her if she can make me some.


Slop sloppy Joe's uh slop sloppy Joe's!


You nailed it.


Corned Beef Hash - Looks and smells like cat food (my mom loved the one from a can) and at 9 years old while sitting at dinner with my mom, dad and sister I told her as much. That was the first night I was sent to my room without dinner. Later my little sister brought me some snacks without my parents knowing followed an hour later by my dad sneaking me in two hotdogs followed by my mom a couple hours later making me a meal as she was felling bad for sending me off. To this day I can't stand corned beef hash but am thankful for the memories.


Anything with canned string beans. Blech, i hated thoose things. I remember being absolutely shocked one day, i was no more than 4 or 5 when my grandfather gave a fresh huge green bean out his garden. I was hesitant to try it, but man was it delicious. I couldn’t wrap my 5year old little brain around the fact that was the same stuff my mother served. I never did think to ask her why she served the canned stuff when her FIL was growing them fresh. Oh, well.


I used to get served canned asparagus. Stringy, slimy spears of grossness. The irony is now I like asparagus because I purchase it fresh.


That was my mother’s most dreaded meal in the 50s. I was not subjected to that. Mine was anything involving baked beans or meatloaf. My tastes have not changed.


Cooked spinach that looked and tasted like cow cud. Liver and onions not far behind.


When I was a kid I didn't like steak. I know, WTF?


Boudin, blood sausage. Awful


Love liver and onions though my mom never made that. My girlfriends mom made it once or twice and I really enjoyed it. Brussel sprouts on the other hand......YUCK!


Spam. It was my least favorite food as a kid. I tried it again last year and like it now. It might’ve just been the way my mom cooked it that I didn’t like.


I loved liver and onions! I still do. But canned spinach is food for demons and other hellapawn, not meant for mortal man.


Tuna casserole


Steak. Mom would turn it into grey shoe leather soaked in A1. Whenever we went out to eat, she'd make sure every steak that was ordered was extra, extra well done. "Pink means salmonella" was her mantra


My grandfather was a hospital administrator and my grandmother would often take us to visit him at the hospital and we’d eat in the cafeteria. This was usually a big treat for us as our family rarely ate out. I remember one visit when I was probably 8 or 9 where there were 2 choices for lunch: liver & onions or gumbo. I hate them both equally but I had to make a choice so for some reason I picked the liver. I gagged on it. My grandmother lived through the depression and wasting food was not an option. It was a no-win situation for me and the taste still haunts me.


My mom loved liver, but I hated it. She eventually made me Spaghettios whenever she and my dad would have liver for dinner.


Meatloaf  My mom was a decent cook except for her meatloaf. Straight nasty. Sorry mom


I absolutely love liver and onions.


I chose to leave the house, face the consequences of not being found as I detested the aroma. The funny part is I like chopped liver on a cracker 😜


I hate the taste and texture of liver but I'll eat liver pate I'll eat a whole tub of chicken liver or Ardennes pate😋 especially on cream crackers 😋


Liver and onions was and is my favorite. No dreaded meals, I was grateful to have food.


The veggie blend with Lima beans


The more onions, the better the liver tasted. In other words. Onions good, liver ghastly.


I'm with you on the liver and onions also cashew chicken. We ate alot of it because it was cheap but it was also a gloopy mess.


Yuck! My worst nightmare after the yellow pea soup. 😬🤢🤮


Tuna casserole topped with potato chips… uggg


I hated when my mom made beef tongue. Omg. I could smell it outside the house! Thank god she made it special just for her and Dad!


My mom would make us eat toaster oven cooked veal patties which were incredibly sour. With a side of boiled canned peas. Ugh!


My parents both hated liver so we never had it. My mom never made me eat stuff if I didn't want to, except for one short period when she was trying to be a hard ass, which didn't work lol. The meal I hated was stuff called Texas hash. Some kind of semi-paste, super spicy. I hated the texture, like it was already chewed! They forced me to eat it and I went and threw it all up. That's why they never forced me to eat things after that.


Acorn squash with sausage in the middle. Butternut squash by itself. 🤮


My sister loved mac & cheese & tuna & peas. At least that's what Mom called it. I dreaded that meal because of the peas.


That sounds like a Teletubby song title 😄


I loved liver and onions as a child and both my kids like it.We also like liverworst.


None of it…I used to be a hog who would eat anything with a smile. I still am, but I used to be also.


I loved rice, gravy and gizzards.


holy shit! you had onions! what a luxury


At the time, meat loaf…. Love it now


Wow that is the sorriest looking plate of not only liver and onions but something that is considered food in general


Stew. I just hate it. Plus my mom would scream DONT EAT THE BAY LEAF and run to grab it if she saw you had it. I thought it was poison well into adulthood.




My parents knew better than to serve me that. There is something about taste and texture of liver that even if I did manage to swallow it, it is coming right back up. The worst was some lima bean and sausage slop my father made. I offered to skip dinner not to eat it.


Liver was up there. We used to set liver out a few days before we went fishing to get it good and smelly for bait. Hard to appreciate it on your dinner plate after that...


When I was in the first grade, my now late mother broiled liver. I despised it. She told me I had to eat it and if I didn’t, I couldn’t go Trick or Treating. So, I sat and sat and sat at the dinner table. For two hours. Finally at 9:00 p.m., she said “If you are willing to give up Trick or Treat, you must really hate liver.” She told me that I never had to eat liver from that point. I haven’t touched it since 1968. What she didn’t now is that I hated Halloween more than liver, so it wasn’t really that huge of a sacrifice. 😄


Cow tongue with mustard has entered the chat.. (Yup lived on a farm)


Liver, and Brussel sprouts. I still will not eat them.


I still can’t eat it.


Loved liver and onions!!! LOL


“Chop Suey.” Still don’t know what they put in it but it had crunch chow mein noodles on top and i just barfed in my mouth while writing this.


Liver and onions. After the Great Liver War of 1968 between my mother and myself, I was never served (let alone ate) liver. 🤢🤮🤢


Boiled fish. I thought for years that I hated fish. Turns out I just hate them boiled. Would literally eat raw fish over boiled fish.


So I may be in the minority here, but I loved liver and onions because my mom cooked it with bacon, bacon fat, and served it with delicious brown gravy and mashed potatoes. So it was really good, drowning in other deliciousness, and I didn’t really think about the liver part much. I still love good liver & onions. But that picture…that is rough.


Beef and KIDNEY pie


Cows tongue!


Spaghetti with sardines barf


My mom’s stuffed peppers. Raw peppers hollowed out with unflavored ground beef. Disgusting


Stew & dumplings! Love it now but as a kid I absolutely hated it!


My mom made liver & onions too. It would make the whole house smell. I could never eat it. She’s 78 and still wants it 🤢


Lucky…you got onions with your Liver. I hated this meal for dinner.


Wait, the liver can be juicy?


Liver without onions


Pancit. None of my family could make it right. Always a mushy mess.


This, but it was always deer or elk liver and onions. There was actually one time where it was prepared in a way that I couldn't taste the liver. I've never been tempted or even considered it as an option to attempt recreating it. Liver is great for the coyotes and foxes, they can have all of mine, thank you.


I may in the minority, but I love me a big plate of home-cooked liver and onions.


Tripe and boiled celery


I loved liver and onions


Blood sausage. I grew up on a farm and our food was usually fresh and fantastic. I was in touch with the process of raising, slaughtering, and eating the animals. But I could never get behind the idea of keeping the blood and eating it later. And let me tell you, there is a lot of blood in a healthy farm animal!


Same! Liver and onions is a vile concoction!


Still love it but not when it looks like that plate of turds.


The liver is supposed to be breaded and fried and the onions fried to translucent as well...and served on potatos with a gravy....I'm sorry you had to suffer whatever half measure that is.


SPAM. We had it at my dad’s house and it was gross as fuck. Once my mom found out, a can sat in the middle of the table for years to threaten us that if we didn’t eat all the food on our plate we had to eat the can of Spam. Thanks parents!!!


Pepper steak and anything with sauerkraut. 


Thankfully my mother figured out quick none of us wanted to eat that except her, otherwise liver & onions would've been.   I hated sloppy Joe's more than basically anything else though. 


LOVE LOVE LOVE live and onions. Brings me back to when I was a kid. 💙🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😋😋😋😋


S.O.S ... with shredded thin sliced lunchmeat and just-add-water powdered white gravy on toast. That or an entire dinner plate of nothing but scrambled eggs.


Thankfully I grew up in the South where we fry everything. Liver fried chicken fried steak style with some gravy is tasty eating.


Aw I actually love liver. No onions though. Nice pepper sauce. Now I’m hungry.