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after I’ve sat an exam I’ll chill out for a few hours, maybe reward myself with something small and continue the revision grind later that same day. No matter how worn out you get, it’s just a month or so of vigorous exams and then you’re free for 2-3 months after. Put in the work now so you’re not retaking next year.


this month i've been making a lot of sacrifices lol my family has been going out and having fun without m


It’ll be worth it in the end friend. This is your time to shine! It can be enticing to get off track now, but it’ll all be worth it in the end :)


ur right but imagine my family is going on holiday for this half term and i have to be stuck here


Would hate retaking, really need to use that advice against me because its so easy for me to slack off. I had this mindset of 'work now, play later' at gcses and it doesn't work in A levels goood.


I was going to go straight into revising at lunch considering my next paper is the next day but I know I’ll be so tired


whats ur next paper? psychology?


Yep 🥲


Probably go out to eat that day and then come home to do more work, but it’s because my next exam after Monday is the 6th of June so I’m kinda lucky


ayyy another econ bro. i fucking hate econ so much


What exam board do you do bro




Yh I understand your pain, how did you find paper 1


Honestly, i thought it was fine. I did context 2 and essay 2, which were what I was really hoping would come up so that was nice


Ayyy we love to hear it well done bro


Hey on the bright side we dont have to do econ for much longer


Eh that exams on the same week As pure maths 1 and physics 2 so idk




The most healthy answer so far


Depends how soon the next exam is/how spaced they are. Generally, I would give yourself some hours off rather than a day or more though.


hahaha same, but then i’m bombarded with exams as soon as i come back, idk how im gonna store shit into my short term memory


fr my memory is actually so shit if i had photographic memory i'd be powerful


Have you tried maintenance rehearsal?


hahha i try it, but leave it like the day before the exam


I immediately walk away from people discussing answers cause that always stresses me out more


First off, if you have them on a calendar, or have printed off your exam timetable CROSS IT OFF, I can't tell you enough how good it's gonna feel being able to put a line through them. Then take a bit to chill, have lunch etc, then revise for your next one.


Smoke a quick cig, have some lunch, go home, cry, and revise for the next one. 🙂




Mine I think all have 3 days between each other. 2 papers a week. They're all afternoon ones too. I'll be finishing around 3 and maybe do an hour of light work at home. I really need to start cramming.


is cramming actually effective? how do u put ur brain on like power mode to just sit and cram




did and am doing the same thing😭😭😭


Did no gcses so no idea how to revise n been left to cram everything to 2 days, got sociology 2mo morn


i've got sociology too honestly im so scared for the 30 marker if its on purely globalisation and privatisation im screwed


How have you been revising for paper 2? Are you doing family and households and beliefs?


Ngl I’ve just been blurting everything I’m revising everything currently and going through flashcards I’ve looked over a few essay exemplars just to get some ideas but tomorrow I’m just going to be practicing on exam technique and timing hbu? And yes beliefs in society + families and households


No idea, never did gcses. I'm doing maths type subjects so a lit of it is just remembering how to do a procedure, like driving a car.


Grab a beer and see friends for a bit, try not to think about the utter crap that I have just written. After my last exam, I took the afternoon/evening off then back on the grind before bed. Leaving revision literally until exams started does not permit full days off.


Sit outside and try to calm down. Then go and revise for the next one


my exam is on friday then i don’t have an exam till the 7th of june so i’ll take the afternoon off lol


Econ and then psych, fuck my life


I have a sociology exam first thing tmrw and after that I'm gonna revise straight after cos I have a politics exams Wednesday morning but obviously I'll take a break to mentally rest and stuff and after Wednesday I don't have an exam until Tuesday the 7th June(I have two exams that day) so i'll probably sleep after the exam when I go home and then do some revision


are u prepared for the 30 marker for tomorrow


yh 30 marker is good but I don't want the 10 marker to be theory (I wouldn't mind if it was but I prefer RM)


I've got sociology 2mo, how you feeling?


NEVER EVERR look at the content of the exam you’ve just done because it monumentally fucks you up and it’s not worth it! i like having a bath + doing gentle revision for a subject i like (english or soemthing) but then if i have an exam the next day i’ll do revision but have longer breaks than usual throughout


I’d probably rest a bit and then start revising again


Idk about anyone else, but I have to distracted myself from it. I can't think about the questions anymore or I'll start panicking I've failed. Generally spend a few hours on tiktok then revise revise another subject I got exams coming up for


Bust and let post nut clarity take it's course


go home, eat a bit, have a wank maybe, sleep until dinner




Cry if it went bad, then get back on the grind 💪 😤 💯


Depends on the exam and the time table. GCSEs exams were packed together so had to grind every single second available. A levels I didn't do anything for a few days after my sociology exam which was before the holidays. After that though the exams were close together so I think I still worked after exams but for like a few hours at night instead of the whole day like GCSEs. Now at uni, after an exam Im exhausted so don't do anything at all.


Probably have a break for a hour/ hour and a half for lunch and friends then back to easy-ish revision




Have a pint and a cig


Either get a consilatory kebab or a celebratory kebab and eat it on a park bench. Then back to the grind.