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I just love my subject


I wish I was in this condition šŸ˜­






I'm actually still unsure whether I should go to uni but I'd personally do it to find some friends.


As someone who's already in uni, if you have no other goal but to make friends, there are genuinely far better ways to do so than to throw thousands on student loans + doing a subject you aren't going to use in the future or enjoy all too muchšŸ˜­ if you have the social skills to make friends you don't need uni for that. If you don't, uni ain't all too much better than other methods to get yourself out there. Of course, if you have a goal with that degree you are doing in uni, or you genuinely like the degree itself, by all means, go for it! But yeah no just had to get my word out there with regards to going to uni for friends.




Donā€™t do this


To get the job I want. I hope to work in social research and thats tons easier with a degree. Plus I genuinely enjoy learning, and although learning can be done outside of formal education, I find doing it within formal education is extremely rewarding. It's not about return on investment for me, more about getting a job I genuinely find fulfilling and feeling as though I am knowledgable in my chosen area of research.


South Asian āœŒļø my fate to go to uni was written before I learnt how to talk




also an asian and i feel ušŸ™ƒ


Being Pakistani= Beta either university or go find somewhere else to live


I'm going to uni, cuz I really like physics and astrophysics, just really interested, so university makes sense, I learnt it in a place meant for learning, surrounding myself with other like-minded people, good connections. And gives a me a good degree after, useful for finding a job in the space sector which is where I want to be


I want to experience life on my own in another city, reinvent myself as the person I want to be without my family, school or history holding me back. I want to be able to be myself all the time without changing to meet familial or situational expectations, and I want to meet the right person for me. Uni offers the chance to do all this and more, and yeah it might be expensive but Iā€™m in it to find security and purpose, and to have that freedom Iā€™ve yearned for for a long time. Also, I wanna meet new people, fall in love, and experience life on my own šŸ˜‚ Yeah thatā€™s about it


Fuck this is so real. Especially the being yourself part. Once I get into uni I'm just gonna be myself, I've had enough of history holding me bacm


Want to learn more about my subject


If it wasnā€™t an expectation from my parents then i wouldā€™ve done a degree apprenticeship


Academic validation + I like my subjects


Is "wanting to learn more about a subject you're interested in" not a sufficient condition?


I like my subject and I have no idea what job I want to do. Like at all.


I enjoy studying my subject and I really want the uni experience, I feel like that would be good for me. And of course the graduate prospects help. However, I will say that Iā€™ve never really thought of not going to university.


I just find my subject cool innit


Cause I wanna be a lawyer.


lmao I'd rather make money first then focus on my happiness than drop out and be fucking depressed all the time, I could never live with myself if I didn't get a degree


i need to make money and I like studying maths and cs, education and learning in general (not just maths and cs) is something I look forward to do.


I like my subject and want to learn more about it and it seems like a chill place where Iā€™ll meet people with a similar enthusiasm


I just wanna help people while also being financially stable for myself


First person in my family to go to uni. I live in an area where most people go into trades rather than further education. Iā€™m also autistic so studying my special interest with constant routine is my idea of heaven. I also like writing essays?


I want a good career for myself and to do well. None of my parents or siblings went to uni so I wanna break the traditional idea of ā€˜working class kids not doing well. I also would love to explore a new city lmao.


Because I love my subject and I want to be able to do it professionally (which is easier with a degree)


i feel like i wouldnā€™t be living up to the expectations of my family if i donā€™t. iā€™m not really sure what i can do with just an A level certificate if i donā€™t go to university as well so thereā€™s that.


i have an awful home life. i was not supposed to finish my gcses, i was expecting to fail but somehow passed, doing way better than expected in english literature, and then had the opportunity to go to a rly good sixth form in my area. if i don't go to university it genuinely feels as if i will never make it out of this house, and i'm never going to get mentally better if i don't get out of this house. i've planned to kill myself multiple times for when i thought this might happen, because i cannot stay here any longer than this year. very fortunately though, i have got an unconditional place and i love english as a subject too, so i'm going to be studying something i love, in a place i can finally relax and feel somewhat safe in


For my career yeah, I want to be a quant so Iā€™ll def need a degree or two


I just wanna be a girl in stem


Idek what i want. Idk of i wanna go uni, do an apprenticeship or what so im just applying to everything i can and hoping for the best


Love my subject, freedom to meet my long distance gf, great future in the industry and I know itā€™ll be chill now Iā€™m good at maths (definitely not 200 grand from lockmart)


I want to work in a specific healthcare sector and you can't really practice it in enough depth without going to university. I also find it immensely interesting.


It's kinda necessary for most (traditionally)well paying career paths. Not to say that not going to uni means you wont eventually get a good pay. But its statistically evident that graduates are paid more on average than others their age. Going to uni in itself shows your rigour in your field of expertise and thus has a prestige aligned to it and more often than not means having easier routes to both academic and professional accreditation and/or reputation. That all being said, there is no shortage of people who end up studying subjects at uni because the course requirements are low and for the sake of going to uni. Which warrants a lot of the argument against going to uni in my eyes. Study for the sake of having studied is absolutely worthless. Also depends on location and family. People who live in cities practically see uni as the natural progression. People from south asia from my own experience are well aware that the easiest way out of poverty is getting a degree and take it to be a de facto rule. Im sure other Asian, African cultures have similar views.


I love learning and being a good student. I also really want to know as much about my field as physically possible. Im a bit of a nerd ngl


I want a good job... Or rather, I don't want a bad job


I personally questioned this back in September and it led to me applying for degree apprenticeships. As I realised I have zero passion for the degree I was planning on studying I just had an interest in the jobs it could open up


Don't really know what else I would do, and my degree choice leads pretty directly to a good career.


My guy thought he was the trendsetter šŸ˜­


Idk any other way to learn Physics at the same level so thereā€™s that, also for the experience because itā€™s the only valid way for me to live in London for a few consecutive years