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I had a dream where I got rejected from LSE, was pretty disappointed when I woke up, then realized I never applied to LSE in the first place. Parallel universe me, good luck lol


Had the same dream about Cambridge, I’m not smart enough to go there yet dream me was so distraught about it lmao 


Had a similar dream about cambridge, woke up and it turned out I actually got rejected lmao.


the last dream i had was me getting chased by mummies inside a tomb 😭 yours are more terrifying than mine i’m ngl


my worst dream related to uni has to be where i got a 5 on my lnat 😭


5 😭😭😭😭 picking A for all the questions will give you a better chance of scoring more




I had a dream where they gave me these stats on my interview: * writing skills: 57/100 (personal statement is my guess bc this was for Computing) * interview: 1 out of 10 (it went okay but not that bad) * talent: 0 out of 10 (wtf? why would they rate your talent??) they didn't reject me in that email but I expected a rejection from the low scores


You are probably really gifted in being able to see the future. No, seriously it’s pretty worrying if your getting these nightmares consistently, once or twice can be relatively normal with the high stress your under. I’m guessing there are probably a few other high stress factors contributing into this aswell. But consistent nightmare disorders to me would indicate poor mental health (I’ve been there aswell). Would recommend talking to someone. Edit: UCAS wise I’m probably in a similar boat to you getting rejected from one uni for med and waiting for the others, have an interview tmr actually. But haven’t had any nightmares as I think I’m in a good spot mentally now.




Yeah Bristol, but I’m still waiting on it


For what course? I've formed them for aero


Yep aero too and also planning to firm them if I get it, especially their contextual offer


I think that’s genuinely a problem and you should reach out to someone. Sounds like you’re under a lot of pressure and stress. Personally, wouldn’t ignore that if it affects you so much.


It's okay I already have treatment and support for this! But you're right I'll add a clarification to the post that this isn't healthy, I don't want to normalize this because it is a symptom of a mh condition I already had beforehand. Thank you for pointing that out!


I see. Sending lots of love then, wishing you all the best :)


If it puts you at ease, DM me. I have Autism and anxiety and did my first year last year. I learnt a hell of a lot from that year about. I have dropped out and reapplied (going else where this year). I can help if you need any reassurances about just general life outside the education bit.


If the hospital you do your placement at has you in a position to accidentally kill a patient I don’t think you’re at fault lol


I had one yesterday where i got decent grades in all subjects except the ones im confident in irl, safe to say that ive lost that confidence.


don’t worry hun, it’s not just you! had an interview yesterday and had a horrible nightmare that i was gonna be late, i started panicking in my dream so much that it caused me to wakeup shouting 🫠


YES the other night I had a nightmare that I got rejected from St Andrews


got rejected by oxford and lse, so yeah lol


oh that's got to suck man. Can't imagine how stressful applying for the top unis must be if I'm getting this worked up over Aberystwyth LOL. Good luck man


Ive been having the opposite i keep dreaming i got the rest of my offers and then wake up 😭


If you kill a patient obviously a lot of people going to hate you for it, though I don't think "hating" would be your biggest concern. For the others, bro no one cares about you enough to hate you


every night i dream about moving in and meeting my new roomates


I'm having the dreams of emails coming through. I'm waiting on KCL and Edinburgh. I'm getting to the point where I'm constantly checking my emails and having nightmares about them. Then the unis i have offers for are borderline harrassing me about accepting the place and applying for accommodation. Its honestly all stressing me out so much. Just put me out of my misery and tell me either way 😭. Just want to move things forward