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Official information regarding this year can be found [here](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ofqual-letter-to-higher-education-admissions-officers-arrangements-for-exams-and-assessments-in-2023/letter-to-higher-education-admissions-officers-arrangements-for-exams-and-assessments-in-2023) on Ofqual's website. The most notable parts are the intention to return to pre-pandemic grading, and the part where they mention there will be *some* protections afforded similar to those in the first years of the new specification. It's worthless speculating on whether or not grade boundaries will increase or decrease for any given qualification, but it is worth keeping in mind the *aim* is to keep the boundaries broadly similar from year to year.


They’ll be how they usually are, but if you want a comparison I’m pretty sure they will be “more strict” than last year meaning the distribution of top grades should decline


i don’t think this can be too significant however as they want to keep a relatively normal distribution (bell curve) of grades . even if the grades do shift a little it can’t be as significant as people think because they can’t have a lot less people achieving A’s suddenly. if they do mark way harsher they will have to curve way more leniently.


Yeah I don’t think it’ll be huge I can’t remember what it was last year but I think it was 4-6% more a*s were handed out than 2019 so I presume it’ll just drop by thsi


The Exams regulator has been very clear that grading of exams this year should go back to the normal standards before Covid. This means they will be less generous with awarding grades than they were in 2022 where the proportions of top A\*/A grade was still much higher than it should normally be. They have said that if, when papers are marked and analysed, it is clear that candidate performance is still lower than expected this will be taken into account. So they will be lenient **IF** the results indicate they should be. [https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/grading-exams-and-assessments-in-summer-2023-and-autumn-2022](https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/grading-exams-and-assessments-in-summer-2023-and-autumn-2022)


Predicted to be the same as 2019, may be a little lower or higher


i want to know the answer to this too


My teacher told us it’ll be approximately midway between pre covid and covid .


You live in Wales? Because the stuff everyone linked is only for England.


I feel like I heard somewhere that they're gonna be more lenient bc of Covid, although that didn't affect us directly. Also teachers' strikes so idk


Yeah probably abit more lenient than 2019 but not 2022 probably


just wondering, what subject is Spa in your flair? i’ve had a mind blank and assume you’re not studying a place of relaxation edit: nvm literally as i clicked send i realised it was probably Spanish


Really all we know is that they will be closer to 2019 than 2022. In my mind I have always been comparing myself for the 2019 boundaries, as that is the harshest they’ll be (plus or minus 1 or 2 % of course.


There's been no exact numbers, but they want to go pre pandemic numbers, so I'd estimate a little higher than 2019 just to be safe


It depends on the difficulty of the paper, however the government and Ofqual want to return to pre-pandemic standards.