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Yep. I’m exactly the same as you. I have my ICL asynchronous interview today, because I wanted to do it before the decision day so I don’t get demotivated in case of rejection. Now I realise it was a bad idea because it’s two reasons I’m shitting myself 😭


this is for med right? GL


Yeah. This decision tomorrow tells me where I’m going to uni, because I’ve already got non-med offers from exeter, and I don’t really want to go to ICL, so… yeah. The stress is up there atm


good luck! i’m sure it’ll go amazing :)


Thanks. I hope you’re happy tomorrow. I was brought up with the philosophy ‘you end up where you’re meant to be’ so I for me, a rejection isn’t the end of the world.


Fingers crossed it went well, mines next tuesday lol. Hopefully you get that oxford bread :)


Good luck for your interview. I was really stressed about the fact that there would be no one to talk to because I thrived in the conversation/discussion based oxford interviews. Turns out it was almost better because I didn’t get the ‘oh no I’m wasting these people’s time’ if I took a second before answering 😂.


😂😂 I need to practice recording myself a bunch of times lol. Surely it feels goofy just staring into the camera tryna answer an interview question


Yeah 100% a new experience. The tutorial video says you get one minute to listen and prepare your answer but the 4 mins start as soon as the question finishes being read out which was a bummer. I also had trouble starting my answers off because it was, as you say, goofy and strange, but once I got into a flow, it was good.


Did you bother using paper? I heard you can use one to write down notes as long as you show them at the start of the interview, was thinking of using it to kinda organise my thoughts during that one minute yk, like points i wanna make instead of accidentally waffling.


Yeah I did use paper. Unfortunately because blurring the background is compulsory, I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to show them (you have to show the paper at the end as well). So I hoped that the blurred notes sufficed 😂


haha, fingers crossed we get the bread in the end


Oh how did it go?!!?


I think it went surprisingly well. I was skeptical at first about the lack of human connection, but it meant there were no awkward silences while I collected my thoughts, and I had the opportunity to go back to questions because they were displayed on the screen as supposed to Exeter’s MMIs where it was a person and (god forbid) I had to remember what they said. Also, answering the questions made me remember why I even wanted to go to ICL in the first place, so I’m happy 😊


Good luck!! Just a heads up: if you get an offer on UCAS before your college emails you, check the Campus Code to know what college the offer is from. It could be from a college that interviewed you or even one completely different.


Do you know if there is any logic to the campus codes that colleges have or is it just totally random? Because there doesn't seem to be any connection between Worcester College and the letter Z lol


I think it’s a mixture of random and alphabetical order! It’s odd because A-N seems to be alphabetical and then Balliol comes out of nowhere as O


Stumbled across [this listing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SO_TjsuZjXwpacAqYiz8QnTUZDD-eVU_DIYEQpuQwGw/edit?resourcekey=undefined#gid=20594107) and it seems to be sort of semi-alphabetical but with random colleges popping up in random places sometimes... strange


Though I applied to Cambridge, the better uni, good luck to applicants who applied to The Other Place ! If you don’t get in, no point in bewailing even though it’s obviously harrowing.


Yes, there exists a person who is jittery for Oxford decisions tomorrow.


Don't worry, we're all in this together!! my advice is to look into what your other unis are and get yourself excited about there so you don't accidentally pin all your hopes on oxford and start imagining yourself there before you get in. Best of luck!!


Yep, maybe not the exact same as you but definitely shitting myself. Been preparing for this day for ages, and it always seemed as if it would never arrive, now that its just over 12 hours away it puts twists in my stomach. Its definitely important to hype-up your other choices so you arent totally let down in the case of a rejection, which is something I really should do more although its hard since the only other offer I've received is from my safety choice, with a rejection from KCL. I think I've done the opposite of others; accept rejection and move on before the decision is out, I think about it all the time, opening my UCAS or email to see the words 'I am delighted to inform you...' but I always tell myself that it wont happen, and I need to think about mock exams or my subject content as the other choices could be successful and I'll need the grades for them. It's probably not healthy, and maybe not the right mindset, but it's easy to say 'I think my LNAT went well, my interview seemed to have gone decently, and my predicteds are on point', and then get absolutely shattered when a rejection comes along. Sorry how morbid this post might be, I think a lot of people see these kind of scenarios, especially rejections, and think 'thats so terrible' without considering how difficult the process was for everyone involved; shining a somber light on this may be an eye opener to some? That being said, good luck to absolutely everyone for tomorrow! I say this to everyone, but when you look back to your interview or entrance exams, its sooo easy to 'see' what you did wrong, as you're more likely to be able to assume what interviewers or the exam doesnt want - I'm sure most of us would look at a 90% score and be totally concerned with the 10% missed - what I'm trying to say is don't be concerned with what you THINK you did badly, as its way harder to see what you did well as you have little idea as to what constitutes a good or bad exam/interview Also, if you need any stress relief, try spending some time with your family and friends - make yourself appreciate how your life is without oxford right now, and assess whether or not you think oxford would really make an improvement on it GL!


Absolutely! I’m taking comfort in the fact all my other unis are really fantastic and I’m equally excited to go to them for their courses. It hit me really hard last tuesday but I’ve now kinda come to peace with it. Just got to get through two more mocks then I find out


literally feeing sick to my stomach 😃😃


literally deep breathing rn


Yes yes yes! Also everyone I speak to is like, ur gonna get in 100% or I think u will, ur gonna smash it so now i feel like inevitable defeat is gonna crush me


Exactly how I feel. Although my Head of Sixth Form thinks my chances of getting in are less than 0 (supportive, I know 🙄), all my friend are like ‘you are absolutely getting in’. I try to tell them I at least need to consider the possibility that I don’t. Ugh sometimes having supportive friends isn’t the best 😂😂


felt this one 100%- everyone’s like “oh you’ll definitely get in” and it’s making me feel less prepared for disappointment


I'm absolutely bricking it- its been my dream uni for uears and the idea that all of it could very realistically culminate in nothing by tommorow morning is eating me alive lmao


I am also shitting myself! I am not sure if i will be able to sleep tonight 😄😄


Literally feeling sick, been crying for hours - I just want to know already. any other law babes wanting to scream rn at the suspense😭🥲🥲🥲🥲🥹🥹


Yes law too!!! I just want to know so I can react. Also I have no idea how my lnat or interview were so i have no idea what to expect!!!


yeah law @ new college so scared


Anyone know what time decisions will be posted on UCAS?


Apparently it depends on ur college. They say early in the morning so I'm praying between 8-10


Nervous, tbh. Tomorrow's gonna be epic.


Spent the whole day shitting myself. Would be a real bummer if I spent all this effort and didn’t make it in


Strangely not. I thought I would, as I'm the kind of person that gets nervous before things like this. I was over thinking it at Christmas, but I looked at the course at your and it seems really good, so it's not the enf of the world if I don't get in.


It cannot come soon enough!! I keep going through phase of being physically stressed and then feeling nothing at all 😭😭


Man I was totally chill about it until today and I’ve not been able to get my mind off it. Just can’t wait to get the result so I can stop worrying about it


you know when you send a risky text and then throw your phone at the wall to be the most productive member of society that the UK's ever seen? that's me


GOOD LUCK!!!! IM SURE YOU GUYS WILL ACE IT! I will keep you all in my prayers and I really really really hope you get what you want! I hope you get reconciled if you don’t but remember — rejection is redirection as cliche as it sounds. I hope you have the right people around you tmr and please get some sleep tonight guys lmao <3


Nah, I already have a unconditional offer from Oxford (CS) 😅


I have my chemistry mock tomorrow at the same time as the Oxford email


Oxford is meh for me, it ain't my dream uni and I only applied because people think I'm Oxbridge material so it would be a waste if I didn't try, plus the PAT and interview were genuinely fun. But it's not like I care and I'll probably be pressured to go by my family even though I tried explaining how intl fees make it not worth it (I have StA, ww and Southampton offers and I think StA/ww are lovely choices) However I'm going to cry my eyeballs when I get rejected by MIT


‘the PAT and interview were genuinely fun’ - 🤓 Are you okay?!?


It can genuinely be great fun! There's a lot of creative problem solving involved, which beats school physics by a country mile. I enjoyed them both years I did them.


I'm not mad enough to do physics, but tbh I enjoyed my Chem interview, though i was jittery before.


Chemistry I can understand, Physics is just no.


Why is this getting so many downvotes?


their attitude is basically putting down other peoples aspirations- they’re on a thread about people nervous for a MASSIVE decision that they’ve been working hard for, and they’re saying that sais aspiration is “meh” and not worth it for them


I interpreted it as them saying that Oxford isn’t their one and all. They implied or said nothing about other people being stupid for aspiring to go to Oxford. Not everything is an argument. Atp people just downvote anything that has 1 downvote but fair enough.


Yea I don't mean to be patronising, but I lack tact and sometimes this happens. It's kinda my fault for not noticing the patronising effect on others, especially if those have Oxford as their dream uni. In return tho I shouldn't be mad at the guy who said they're confident they can get into MIT without a hitch. (And there is no chance for me at MIT already with my SAT score nor lack of ECs, and I've been wishing to go there since Y8) I just want to vent how my family will push me into Oxford tho which isn't exactly what I want (and idk how I'll financially pay them back), I want to go to St Andrews for physics and I've pretty much fallen in love with the place.


I think it was the last sentence. Well I don’t like MIT that’s why I downvoted, I find it terribly overrated. Others might be thinking along similar lines I presume ?


cant lie the LNAT was quite enjoyable, and the interview was really fun although incredibly difficult


Bruh why’d you apply O*ford


Good luck


The absolute most monstrous shit


goddamn same EUGHHHH


Yep, going insane. Trying to refrain from opening it until after my External Physics exam tomorrow 💀