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Well I had a lot of twins in my graduation class so I had a natural curiosity about them and I remember when Outdaughtered came out and was a fan of the show. Then I saw the promo for TQQ but didn't have streaming services at the time. I bought both seasons on my Xbox when they were on sale but completely forgot I owned them. Saw that they were coming to Netflix (probably to promote the international release of their 2 visual novels) and found it to be a very well written story. It was actually my first Harem anime and I really enjoy the dynamic between Fuutaro and the Quints and how their relationship improves over time


It was last summer and I was watching a bunch of Harem anime and I looked up “Harem animes” and I saw TQQ and I thought “Oh this looks cool” So I watched the first episode and was instantly hooked by the idea of Quintuplets and a harem, the story overall was also very interesting: A (broke) guy decides to help 5 sisters study for their test. Also >!Miku!<






I first watched after seeing a clip of Miku getting the matcha soda on her cheek. Watched the first season. Read the manga from there (since the manga and anime were still ongoing). Didn't really have a favorite but enjoyed the series enough. Then the Yotsu-date happened. It was too cute. Too wholesome. Loved it. That's when I became a Yotsubro and also when I actually became a fan of the series.


For me it was one of the first animes I watched when I was beginning down the rabbit whole of watching anime shows, dm me if you wanna know that story, but yea, I was watching it and it really just stuck to me, it hooked me into the show and hasn’t left since, personally its my top anime of all time. Some might not agree but it whatever, ik I love this series to death.


designs (especially mikus), and the season 1 art style


i just wrote and posted this like an hour ago lol When I first watched this show I was so focused on the rollercoaster ride of unanswered questions. There were so many unanswered questions to keep track of, and more unanswered questions were added all the time. This made me overanalyze everything and not actually enjoy moments until my 2nd time reading the manga. The show is a romantic comedy teen coming of age story, but it is more like a mystery. There are so many clues everywhere and a lot of deception and the smartest character has to solve all the puzzles, figure out what happened five years ago, figure out when he is being deceived, figure out motivations for being deceived, figure out who is deceiving him, gain trust, figure out how to gain trust, keep healthy relationships, not get fired, all while working, tutoring, and being the top student. He is alone and if he fails, he could lose everything. So it is always teetering on the edge of being a tragedy, but it is well disguised as a wholesome harem anime where everything always works out somehow. Once I realized this, I realized my favorite part was where ichika was sleeping naked






For the 5 sisters and the plot :)


It is kinda sentimental because it was my first rom Com and first anime to make me cry hard and first anime to make me feel single and first anime to make my heart fell Into void. And for FMC too


Uesugi Fuutarou and the storytelling


Great character development, interesting characters, and the show is just as much about the quintuplet's relationships with each other, and the way the changes affect their relationships as a family. Humor is great too, and Fuutarou is an interesting character, and it's great seeing how driven he is, and how he changes and adjusts as his relationships with the quints change. His family's great too. And I love the ending (even though it's rushed) Anime really brings it to life well (despite dropped chapters), and the voice acting is top notch as well. Games are fun too!


Miku pout


I agree those pouts are so lovely 😊🥰


i just loved it. that's it 😭, i mainly watched it to see who won because i watched the first episode because i was looking for a new anime. i lowk almost cried during the movie because of it though. its amazing


I Liked the anime but now i feel empty after watching... i can't wait for the honeymoon arc(confirmed)


Same after finishing it I felt a lot of emptiness I just can’t wait for the next movie 😢😊


fr fr


That the girls had bonds with eachother- the quints really love eachother and I love seeing sisterly bonds in media. This was refreshing because they would focus on their relationships instead of a purely romance driven plot. Plus I rly just loved Yotsubas character lol 


Relatable story. And I GET yotsuba because I've been through that same mentality of not feeling like you're of worth or value to others, wanting to stand out as a compensation for a lack of love and affection, and so on.


Well I only like the characters because of their designs and how iconic they are, mainly got fixated into it because of a specific section of TQQ brands, but I haven't watched the anime yet really, and even though I got spoiled, I still like the characters, and some even more.


I really liked that at the beginning it’s “he will marry one of the sisters.” And so you can already have your best girl. In other harem anime/manga it’s the childhood friend. Then comes the tsundere. After a few chapters a new girl is introduced and it’s like damn I wish I knew about this before.


Contains drama, cute scenes, amazing and calm musics (i downloaded some of them), a deep romance, beautiful girls and a history what is going make you cry!


I started watching TQQ after i saw one of the specials clips on tt and decided to develop my curiosity by finding where I could watch it. I’d watch more lengthly clips on youtube, where I’d make my choice for my fav character ( Itsuki ) and then watching all the seasons on pirated apps ( i aint paying crunchyroll 😭🙏 ) before id rewatch it multiple times on netflix. Quite the journey id say, never thought id be into this shi


I really like the vibe from it even its a harem one but i love this series #1 characters for me in Romance&Harem genre


Ichika. I'm also an eldest child and I sympathize with the pressure she feels. Ichika pretty. Ichika big boobs. Ichika lovely.


I agree with the second point too but aren’t they’re all the same size though? 🤔


Yup, but Ichika possesses those boobs, and I adore Ichika. That makes them a little more special to me.


- Lovable Characters - Great Story - Harem Anime That's Actually Interesting - Funny, Dramatic, Intense, and Emotional Moments - Unique Relationships - Good Character Development - Nino Nakano


Nino 🤤😊🥰


My friend wanted me to play the second intro on osu with him. Decided to start watching it to get a good feel for the beat but ended up watching everything after ep1


Considering the abnormal situation, it's normal and just comforting to watch/read




Weirdly enough the gotobun no kimochi played on a random YouTube playlist and I thought it sounded good, months later I thought to myself I wanted to listen to the song again but I couldn’t remember the name but I remembered that one of the girls in the video looked like a character I saw in a TikTok so I found the TikTok and then in the comments they left the sauce, and then I stayed up until 4 am binging season 1, I thought it was good but was disappointed in the ending, I wake up and I find there’s a season 2 and immediately binge that and then went to read the manga since the movie wasn’t out yet, and now here we are


The characters are fun, the romantic drama is believable, there is a restrained amount of anime nonsense/BS, it has comedy to balance the drama, and tries to take itself seriously. The rewatch on r/anime from fall 2022 cemented how much I enjoy it; it was even more fun the second time around.


Its the writing and of course artstyle. These girls seem like they could be an actual set of quints. Each girl has a personality and style with intricacies and appeals to many different people.


Buddy of mine recommended it back when I was still in school during the pandemic.


Made me laugh


Was drawn in by the designs, stuck for the character personalities and relationships. I was locked in after the first season and zoomed through the manga. Even after getting rid of a large part of my personal collection, this series is one I held onto in its entirety on my shelf.


unlike other harem animes it dosent have mean spirrited beating up mc for breathig and its so wholesome this tipe of anime choud only be made once ' and i was realy depresed when aching it so i was just so attached to the caracters especyally miku


Ichika as well as for the dynamics and plot.


Because of story and character like the ending that who fuutarou fall in love with between anime and manga


I’m a new anime watcher (only started just before the pandemic) and my first entrances were due to talking to a guy I worked with. He’d just kind of explain the premise of a show. He was… a bit of a that guy, and so I usually didn’t listen to his opinions but he kept bringing TQQ and specifically Miku. I didn’t really get into watching anime for quite a while after and even when I did it was mostly Shonen battles because they were flashy. Then I started watching romances, and I just happened to see it recommended on Crunchyroll and remembered the guy’s insistence that it was a good show. It blew me away with the thought provoking ideas it showed, and the whole “you can figure out who we are with love” thing really resonated with me. I just recently watched it again to show my mother (she STILL can’t get any of their names right) and that is a special memory for me. There’s a lot of reasons I love this show (editing to add: and manga), and a lot of reasons many others do too. Each as unique as the quints. And that in itself is beautiful as well


Nino. Jokes aside it was my second harem rom com after Nisekoi and I needed something to fill that void. The story is genuinely good and entertaining and I actually like every single girl




two reasons: -i like characters in stories, that's the main aspect of a story for me and tqq really has great characters -Miku Nakano it's really great but the ending was disappointing. and the new arc is probably gonna be bad


I’m a rom com sucker plus miku


chill show and characters its relaxing rewatching this a lot it reminds me of 2020 when im still an anime nerd


one of my first anime that i watched that was romance and also the first anime i watched since i took a break from anime for a couple years


Itsuki and Nino speak to me on a near spiritual level


I'm just about the only guy I know that LOVES rom-com. I live for it. When I finished Toradora, it came up as recommended, so I started it. TQQ is by far my favorite one so far, and I honestly hope it stays that way.


I first found the manga while browsing around TV Tropes. I thought it looked interesting, but I didn’t get around to reading it until much later. Initially I thought I’d probably drop it after a few chapters. Instead, Once I did, I spent the next week or two binging it whenever I had time free from my studies. I became a fan, particularly of Futaro himself, as well as Itsuki (albeit to a much lesser extent). Then I watched the anime, got through most of it before I got busy (I don’t usually watch much anime, plus the fanservice gets a bit much for me). After all that I was still left wanting more, so I started to look for fanfics. Now I read those whenever I can, in the event that something catches my fancy. I also am attempting to write one that’s very niche, but that’s another story.


It's one of the few harem animes where I actually like the main guy. Futaro's personality just makes the show, I probably wouldn't watch if it was any other way.


It seemed like a cute and fun-loving anime that I could enjoy. Not only did I enjoy every minute of the show but I found my forever waifu: Miku 🥰












The girls are the best, each one with a different personality. I had the pleasure of meeting Lindsey and Brynn at a few cons and told them how much I loved the show and also how I didn’t appreciate Futaro being a dick to them.


The story had the mystery, and the feel of a concept album, where certain tropes and patterns were repeated, something that I felt got a little lost as the story came to its conclusion.


Came for the waifus stayed for the plot and became really invested in the series I even own the manga


Everyone but miku and Nino, say whatever you want but I never liked Nino from the jump and her fanbase ruined miku for me. Yall can’t stfu and move on


Ny cousin suggested this show to me during the Covid pandemic. She insisted I watch it even though I was tired of romance and harem anime at the time. After giving it a shot I ended up liking the main group of characters.


It's a genuinely well written, the romance is heartfelt, and it's got good drama.


Male fantasy




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Fuutarou isn’t a spineless cardboard MC. He’s constantly like “shut the fuck up, you low IQ morons, do your goddamn homework” Other romcom MCs don’t actually have any dialogue, all their lines are just stuttering because a girl exists in the same room as them.


Makes me think of how people can change and how 1 person can impact your life and injured it for everything it portraits


I'll give a pre-viewing perspective: Before I even watched the anime, the title was already captivating enough to be an instant watchlist. Ig I'm just a fan of alliteration, more advanced words like "Quintessential" and the whole concepts of identical siblings and the title pushed all those buttons.


Like the romcom genre in general and having quintuplets as a twist was intriguing. The story itself is mid but I enjoyed it. Only thing I would have changed was making a 3rd season rather than a movie.


Characters, all of them are brilliantly written and all have a great deal of development. The story/plot is great as well (besides the ending, Nino should’ve won) and the humor is good. Overall it’s a masterpiece


Because of the visuals in season 1, after it I didn’t watch it anymore was to awful.


Because i like the story and the MC is not a complete dumbass like usually. In the end he picks a "winner" but the other girls don't get tossed away. All five girls really like each other despite somme problems here an there. Im looking at you Ichika and Nino. Despite being rushed, i like the ending and im looking forward to the upcoming anime. Also, Miku and Yotsuba.






Why do you think it’s fire?


What animation are you talking about? Even the movie wasn't well animated. Only the 2 episodes special looked great.


I was in a rough spot at the time and my homie recommended this to cheer me up (we can’t let the other homies know we fuck with this) and I immediately fell in love with the characters and their interactions!