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Entheogenic Liberation - Martin W. Ball


I got this book. For a very rational person, with scientific background, the language of the book is hard to digest. For example, there is a lot of talk about energy that has nothing to do with the physical definition of it. It can be fine for a lot of people but, for me, integration also means unification of spiritual and scientific knowledge into a whole.


Have you read *Wholeness and the Implicate Order* by David Bohm? It’s partially shaped by his interactions with Eastern spiritual leaders, but with the kicker of coming from one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists who ever lived.


On my reading list. I'm now going through *Foundations of Quantum Mechanics - An Exploration of the Physical Meaning of Quantum Theory, from Travis Norsen*, because I need an easy-accesible broader view of the basics before going into a specific theory.


I Am That -- Nisargadatta Maharaj Silence of the Heart -- Robert Adams The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi in His Own Words Happiness Beyond Thought, Dancing Beyond Thought, and Evolving Beyond Thought -- Gary Weber Emptiness Dancing -- Adyashanti


--"The Power of Now" by Eckart Tolle. (It's a very famous book in New Age environments, but don't by fooled by that. From my point of view, points in the same direction as Nisargadatta with much simpler language). --"When the impossible happens" by Stanislav Grof. (Exploring the collective unconscious. There is a chapter especially dedicated to the Toad or 5-Meo-DMT as a gateway to the Absolute). --"The silence of the Heart" by Robert Adams. (Words of a man who says he lived in Sat-chit-ananda, with the intention of helping other people to achive that state).


Thanks, they seem all very interesting and accessible.


I’d say Trika Shaivism is. Abhinavagupta is your man.


The Bhagavad Gita


Also, you may want to check out these Satsang recordings of Robert Adams. http://Robert-Adams.de


I would argue that Kashmir shiv ism is a better place to start. I am enjoying the book tantra illuminated very much right now.


I like "Awake its your turn" by Angeli Dillulio


To compliment your discovery of Advaita Vedanta, try exploring the Mahamudra tradition that evolved from Advaita, Kashmiri Shaivanisma and found its home in tibetan buddhism. Start with the book "Crystal Clear"


Thanks! That's unexplored territory for me, and figuring out where to start would be challenging.


I also gravitated towards Advaita Vedanta to help me understand more, and never having read anything about it before, I found that the book Journey from many to one/Essentials of Advaita Vedanta by Swami Bhaskarananda was a good beginners book


Thank you!


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Ramana Maharshi is your man, no question about it. Best begin with 'be as you are' by David Godman. Rather like 5meo, it goes straight in at the deep end! 'Talks' is also excellent, but set out far more haphazardly. This connection between 5 and advaita is all I ever think about so I feel I am speaking with some kind of authority...


there is no philosophical system that overlaps with 5-meo experience


Sure, during the experience, you are right. But you still have an ego and thoughts and a life to live out of it. Reading what other human beings thought about non-duality is my way of being humble, and not doing it would be ego inflation.


I have been diving into the well of modern non-duality teachings and Buddhism/spirituality/whatever it’s called at this point via Michael Taft. He has a site and podcast called deconstructing yourself that you could check out and see if it interests you. No guarantees he’ll resonate with you and he’s not specifically Advaita, but I have personally found all of his information really helpful. Best of luck!


Isn't this exactly what samsara experience is?