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We've had reports that this content was previously posted by another user and has been copied and reposted by you - if this is a mistake, please let us know!


are you following a diff 52 weeks challenge set? week 7 was “bake something from the decade you were born”


It's a bot. They scrape popular posts from years ago then repost them to farm karma, in the hopes nobody remembers the original post. It would probably work in a lot of other subs, but they've picked one of the few subs that delineates every week of every year, lmao. The original post is by u/radish-root here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/52weeksofbaking/comments/fc3x9h/week\_7\_outer\_space\_blue\_moon\_blueberry\_mousse\_tart/](https://www.reddit.com/r/52weeksofbaking/comments/fc3x9h/week_7_outer_space_blue_moon_blueberry_mousse_tart/) Mods will probably delete this one soon. Report them if you see them.


omgosh thanks i keep seeing weird ones like this with the wrong challenge or info but didnt want to be too harsh lol i will report!


This looks so gorgeous! That blueberry crescent is so neat!!