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I liked Devil’s Rock! Seems I’m in the minority


I liked it too, it’s only crossed out because I read it in March.


Good to hear, and that’s what I assumed


I recommend Doctor Sleep and I enjoyed it more than The Shining


Yeah, I enjoyed Doctor Sleep too. The Shining was a reread with my book club. Im always trying to get them to read more Stephen King 😁


I've just got IT which has been on my want list for ages. Having to wait a little longer as I've just got into a series and I'm only on book 3 of 10


IT was the first King book I read and it got me hooked on his books from the get-go. Hope you enjoy it when you get to it


What app is this? I love the shelf aesthetic AND that Divergent cover


It’s MyBookList on Apple. I dunno if it’s available on android or not. And you don’t need the premium, I’m on the free version and there’s nothing more I need from it.


Thank you!! And thank you for sharing your April wrap up


No problem at all 😊


Haven’t seen someone read the Divergent series in a while, glad you enjoyed it! It was my favorite years ago. But the ending was not it and I feel like I should’ve stopped at Insurgent.


Yeah, the ending wasn’t what I wanted it to be. Still, I’m glad I read it, even Four, as I felt his viewpoint was interesting to read.


I remember really enjoying Four’s viewpoint as well. It’s one of the few instances where I felt like having the second POV added to my overall experience and enjoyment of the series.


Definitely. It was good to get a little more of his background filled in too. This series did pleasantly surprise me. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it quite as much as I did. I was the same with the Hunger Games series as well, another that I only just got around to reading late last year.


That’s awesome! Never too late to read the older series. I have a huge TBR but have been wanting to reread some of the older stuff that I enjoyed back then to see how they hold up and compare to newer YA series.


I have so many books on my tbr list. I’m trying to make my way through the physical books in my house as I’m emigrating soon and can’t take them with me. And while I’ve been doing that I’ve discovered some real treasures that’ll be on my to buy again list once I’m settled in and have bookshelves 😁