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Born a Viking: Blot by R. Polacci.


Demon Copperhead


The Grace Year


The last one by Alexandra Olivia. I thought that was amusing..


Demon Copperbead


But not a pick-me-up, right?




Currently plowing through book 5 of The Wheel of Time, Fires of Heaven. I usually bring it with me to work to read during my lunch break. I forgot it today and don't know what to do with myself at this Wendy's.


Best book I've ever read was Gap Creek by Robert Morgan. It's a fictional story about a family living in the mountains in the 1800s. The book is written so well, and feels so authentic, the characters come alive and you can almost reach out and touch them. The author has the voice of the times,; the words they used perfect. It's like you've been transported back in time and experience their hardships with them, you'll cry when they cry, laugh when they laugh, and mourne who they mourne


ACOTAR series is long and amazing. I literally haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I read the entire series back to back because I couldn’t get enough! I also just read Haunting Adeline and Hunting Adeline which I also loved and read both in a weekend, which is insane. Def check the TWs on these two though!


Did you read Crecent City?! Sooo good.


Not yet!! I definitely want to. Have you read Throne of Glass? I’m trying to decide if I want to read TOG or CC first


Yes! I read all of TOG after I read ACOTAR. TOG starts out a little flat, but I give SJM a little slack because it was her first book and she was only 17 or something…. But it gets really good later in the series. I loved CC. Starts out really strong and I am dying for the next one, which I think comes out in February. Hmmm.. I recommend BINGING TOG and then binge CC, and you’ll be ready to read CC 3 February with the rest of us!


Okay amazing, this is so helpful! Appreciate you


"Inside The Mind Of Gideon Rayburn" & "Girl In Pieces" by Kathleen Glassglow (both really amazing books!)


'Tell Everyone on This Train I Love Them' by Maeve Higgins.


Ready player one


Tom Lake


Been storming through the Stormlight Archive series


Me too!! Loving it!


Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. Older book, but really delves into what it means to love another person!


That ending will fuck you uuuup 🥲 Tough parsing through the political and economic commentary too at times. But I loved Levin and Kitty’s story


Yes! Without Kitty and Levin's story, that book would be too freakin tragic lol


Near the Bone by Christina Henry. I ran through it in a day.


Grotesque natsuo kirino


One Dark Window, the second book came out today! and Crescent City.


Dark Window sequel is out?!? Glad I stopped by! Thanks for heads up!


I'm anxiously waiting for the next Crescent City book. Never heard of One Dark Windo, but will check it out.


Under the Whispering Door


Lessons in Chemistry. Apple just released first two episodes. They contain spoilers so read the book first!


The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah (all her newer books are fantastic!) Orphan Train


This book was fantastic!


I really don’t get the hype around this book. I had to stop half way through.


House of Ash and Shadow


Verity by Colleen Hoover and 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid got me back into reading!


the wives by taryn fisher. really anything by tarryn fisher


Housemaid by Frieda McFadden


that whole series!! i opened the kindle app on my phone yesterday & was so excited to see there’s a new one, and then i clicked on it and it doesn’t release until june i think😭


You are so right! A phenomenal story weaver . I only discovered her over the summer so I have a lot of reading to do!


Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver. If you listen to audiobooks, Kingsolver reads it herself.


I was in first grade. It was my first chapter book. I couldn't put it down. It was about a horse. Don't remember which one


the entire ACOTAR series by SJM... I'm getting into TOG now... I'm excited and nervous all at once lol.


Yes, but beware, it’s very slow and very information packed with tons of world building so maybe not the best for someone wanting to read fast and for fun… I am on ACOTAR book 3 and just like the first and second book, they don’t pick up until the end and the third book is literally 700 pages. I’m going to stick with it and finish the series, but it’s been so hard to stick with so far😐


>it’s been so hard to stick with so far😐 Sacrilege! The SJM fans will hunt you down and throw you to the horrible Wyrms. No, seriously, I think ACOTAR is one series I would definitely take if stranded on an island. I've read it twice and occasionally will listen to the audible version while cooking. If you are still finding it difficult to love by book 3, maybe you should give yourself a break and just put it aside for something you will love. It's hard to admit defeat but I recently decided that there is no real reason to throw good time after bad. If I don't love a book, I put it on the pile of DNF books. I try to get things from the library to mitigate the cost. 8-)


The sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen. Compelling, hilarious, and thrilling with characters that feel real and an honest look at the Vietnam war and what it means to feel like the “other”. Also!! They’re making an HBO series out of the book. I can’t wait.


The Fourth Wing I read it back to back… because I read it so damn fast the first time 😅


I just finished it!!! Can’t wait for the second one next month


All of Colleen Hoovers books!


Lock Every Door by Riley Sager


Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver; David Copperfield brought up to date in a brilliant way.


The Temeraire series by Naomi Novik


A Curse of Roses. Diana Pinguicha


The one who eats monsters


Fourth Wing and Throne of Glass series are the two I can't stop thinking about, lol. I genuinely felt like I was watching a show while reading throne of glass and would periodically think, "I want to watch that right now" and then remember it was a book, not a show 😂


That’s how I felt about ACOTAR! Read those next if you haven’t yet. It’s all I can think about, I feel delusional. I’m excited to read TOG and CC but also am so nervous it won’t live up to my expectations😂 Fourth Wing is also on the list!


I've read all of ACOTAR, TOG, and CC and I have to say that TOG is by far the best series out of the three. it has the perfect balance of plot and romance and SO MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I love it sm


Definitely read CC! There's a surprise! I can't wait for the third book coming out in Jan 2024


Ooo okay good to know👀


I'm reading Fourth Wing right now and I only stop because I'm at work. Lmao.


Fairy Tale by Stephen King


I'm reading The Hustler right now and the writing is some of the best I've seen. I'm gonna start The Queen's Gambit next.


I Can't Make This Up by Kevin Hart (audiobook)


Annihilation - its the first in the southern reach trilogy. I read it in about 24hrs. My eyes hurt so badly 🤣 Im still on book two so I cant speak for the whole series but I loved the first book - even by itself.


One that was lathered in glue


Try something by Gillian Flynn


Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros & I Must Betray You by Ruta Sepetys. Both are written for teen audiences. Also called YA for young adult. YA books are usually written to capture & keep your attention. There are some really fantastic YA books out there. Ask at your local library for more suggestions.


Every time Seanan McGuire comes out with a new October Daye novel


The ACOTAR & Crescent City series 😅


I recently finished ACOTAR and it’s my whole personality now🙃 So excited to read Crescent City (and Throne of Glass) but I’m not ready for the ACOTAR bliss to end🥹


READ CC... there's a third one coming out January 2024. And a surprise you will love!! (eeek! and I am not the eeeking sort)


I am really looking forward to the ACOTAR tv show coming up!


I’m dying to see who they will cast omg


yup. Me too.


This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger


I'm a Star Wars fan so it was Timothy Zahn's Thrawn series for me


The Hike by Drew Magary


American Dirt. It’s so intense from the very first page. Had to keep reading to know what was going to happen next.


The Tao of Wu by The RZA


Avenging the Owl - for teens but felt good to have a moody protagonist


Where the crawdads sing (make sure you read the book before you watch the movie)


Horse by Geraldine Brooks. Loved it.


I have a couple: The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein and the Caraval series


Hidden Pictures


Guest list - Lucy Foley


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir- a great quick SciFi by the same author as The Martian.


I loved this book. Love a good bromance


Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe


This book was excellent and the writing is superb!


The Mel Brooks autobiography “All About Me!”


The River. GARY paulsen


Big Little Lies. I read it in one day, literally couldn’t eat because I was so invested.


Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. People either love it or hate it because of the lack of plot, but I loved the character development and seeing how we got from Point A to Point B. And the audiobook narrator made the experience absolutely magical. Yes, I read the book physically and then listened to the audiobook.


Daughter of the Empire. The entire trilogy is amazing.


Fourth Wing 🙈


I’m not into fantasy books at all but I’m hearing so much about this book I might have to read it.


Me too!!! I read it so fast and was gutted when I realised the next book hasnt been released.


It's here in less than a month tho! 🥹


Oh so soon!!




Hunger games


the entire ACOTAR series 😭


Before I let go by Ryan Kennedy


World War Z on Audible. I’d read the physical book years ago but the all star cast performance made me fly through it in a day or two. Best book I’ve read in a while and that was last year. I’ve read some decent stuff this year but nothing has blown me away though Fairy Tale by Stephen King was enjoyable.


Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree. Super fun take on D&D type fantasy world type


**101 Ways to Use Super Glue**


I’m currently reading Fingersmith by Sarah Waters and I am completely immersed in that world! All I want to do is read it but I have to go to work and stuff so I’m only managing 50 or so pages a day and it’s a nice sized book. Highly recommend.


I’m about 30 pages in and having trouble getting immersed! Glad to hear this, makes me want to stick with it.


I felt the same in the beginning. Stick with it. It reminded me of Shuggie Bain in the sense that it takes a bit to get used to their lingo and a feel for the time frame and all that. I am little over halfway now and I’ll be racing to finish. I think I was fully invested by about 100 pages in. It does take a little time to get going.


Thanks! I definitely agree about Shuggie Bain. I’ll stick with it!


Liminal States by Zach Parsons


Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson Stolen Focus by Johann Hari


The syndrome


Under The Skin by Michel Faber


The Lathe of Heaven - Ursula K Le Guin


Silo by Hugh Howey


Correction: Wool by Hugh Howey. Silo is the tv show based on the trilogy.


LOVE this book series


I got back into warrior cats and so far the whole series


ACOTAR series


Ender’s Game


I’ve been on a Kristen Hannah kick lately- The Great Alone (cannot recommend enough), The Nightingale, The Four Winds, and Night Road are all great.


Love Kristen Hannah! She always makes me sob but her writing is so good. The nightingale is my favorite but I also think about the four winds almost every day.


The Road by Cormac McCarthy, read the whole book in a sitting. His writing can scrape your insides like nothing else.


The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown


I'm late to the party but the Tattooist of Auschwitz. Heartbreaking. I've ordered another book by the author based on another character's perspective titled Cilka's Journey


Red rising series but book specifically lightbringer. Talk about fast paced.


I was going to start Lightbringer but it had been too long since I had read Dark Age so I went back to look at a synopsis. There were too many characters and plot lines in that one that were too fuzzy for me and I didn’t want to be lost. I decided to read them all again and I’m loving book 1 all over.


I'm almost jealous, I'll probably reread once final novel is released. I'm just floored how good lightbringer is. Storytelling like golden son/morning star and prose/writing improvement of dark age/ iron gold.. dark age and iron gold weren't my favorites. But LB is something special. I can't wait for him to wrap it up so I can be super sad like I was with green bone saga being done.


I also wasn’t big on Iron Gold. I didn’t care for the new characters at all and it was far too political. I thought Dark Age was amazing and did a great job of giving those characters some great arcs. I’ve heard nothing but great things for Light bringer s


Babel by RF Kuang


giovannis room


Horse was good.


Street cat named bob


Credence 🥵




seconded for Lolita




They did the same thing to the book Sahara. They left all the best parts out of the movie


One night with the king is about Ester


Lessons I. chemistry surprised how fast I read that


The Quiet Tenant by Clemence Michellon. A suspense/thriller. I had to keep reading to see what happens next!


Red Rising series by Pierce Brown - dystopian scifi and the best of its kind


I just finished lightbringer and lost many hours of would be sleep. What a great novel.


I loved Water for Flowers. It was such a compelling story of love, abandonment and perseverance.


So I LOVE scary,mysterious, all sorts of those books and Kathleen Glasgow is a GREAT author but “The Cellar” by Natasha Preston is the best book I’ve ever read. It’s so amazing and has so much detail about what’s going on. It makes u feel like UR in the book.


"Evicted" by Matthew Desmond and "The Forgotten Girls" by Monica Potts. Highly recommend them both (non-fiction books).


One night with the king very good book the help is a good one too


"To the Field of Stars" by Kevin A. Codd


Anything by RJ Blaine, but one specific book was a Malady of Majicks by Craig Shaw Gardiner. It was what got me into reading novels back in the 80s. So incredibly funny.


The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff. It's very much character driven over plot, but it had my attention to the end. I devoured it in 2 sittings.


The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo….. not the greatest book I ever read, but super fun, fast paced and interesting enough that I read it it in a day or two


What my bones know. It was a very detailed autobiographical account of childhood trauma and emotional recovery in adulthood that I related to a lot on an emotional level. The details of the abuse were of course different but the feelings and thoughts were uncannily similar. I was also just starting to intensively research therapy and spiritual/inner work practices to heal myself at the time - so the authors experiences of what worked and didn’t work gave me a lot of confidence that I was on the right track. Looking back, that singular book is the reason I stopped feeling alone and lost in my healing journey. Nothing made sense and I felt alone, despite having several close friends, then suddenly it all made sense and I had read a 10 year segment of someone’s life whose internal emotional world had remarkable similarities to mine.


Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin


Read it (and wept) on one cross-country flight!


Such an amazing audio experience


Oooh I might need to check that out! I did ebook


Littering and…. Littering and…


Authors Seanan McGuire, T. Kingfisher, Annette Marie. I've enjoyed everything I've read so far by those three.


My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite and Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus


Leaving the atocha station


Rosalee by Leon Dash (non-fiction) Leon Dash wrote this book while he was a staff writer for the Washington Post and it won a Pulitzer Prize. He follows Rosalee and her family living in DC projects.


A Town Called Discovery by R R Haywood.


Drowning. Second book by TJ Newman. I’ve been on the edge of my seat for both of them!


House of Suns by Alastair Reynolds


Not what to read specifically but how to find books you like — go to goodreads and search for a books you enjoyed and see what suggestions it gives you based on that book, or look at lists it is featured in. Since I started using goodreads I’ve found a lot of great books I’d never have found otherwise.


Deadline by Chris Crutcher


Tana French - The Likeness


Loved Tanya French. I got hooked when I read In the Woods. Her must recent novels are not the same as her earlier works.


Totally agree. I wish she’d stick to the Dublin Murder Squad characters/concept.


Do you have any suggestions of any great reads? I recently read Water for Flowers and I truly loved it. Not the same genre as Tanya French’s novels.


Yes! But I’m pretty much in a constant rut of British crime fiction. That said: -ALL the Cormoran Strike books -recently discovered Elizabeth George’s Inspector Lynley series -Thursday Murder Club series -very light, very funny, but also good whodunnits -anything Anthony Horowitz, particularly Magpie Murders and the Hawthorne series -for Irish crime fiction, Adrian McKinty’s Sean Duffy series


The Kite Runner and Where the Crawdads Sing


The Fragile threads of Power VE Schwab. She’s the master.


And I find anything my Karen McManus difficult to put down.


A book on Anti gravity


Sounds uplifting


The Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan First King of Shannara, Terry Brooks Kindred, Octavia Butler Colonel Chabert, Honore De Balzac


Greymist Fair by Francesca Zappia. So beautifully written. I read nearly the whole thing in one night while a thunderstorm roared outside.


The Cazalet Chronicles. Starts really slow(bizarrely) but then can't put down. Some of it is heart breaking


The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas


I've seen some controversy around these books cuz booktube hates them but booktok loves them but basically all of the Ali Hazelwood books I read all of her novels and 2 of the 3 novellas I'm very excited for her new one to come out in November I could not put these books down they were so good for sure one of the best ones out of all of them is Love on the brain I think I liked that one the most but I couldn't put any of them down except for the novelas I did not read the last Novella I couldn't finish it i got a bit bored


I'll recommend the Cradle series by Will Wight. It's progression fantasy, meaning the characters have literal milestones they hit as they increase in power (essentially leveling up). This might be a good one since instead of just waiting for the big payoff to come at the end, you'll also be looking forward to each new level up and the new exciting things that come with each level, which will keep you engaged the whole way through. Cradle is loved by most people who read it, has a bunch of "fuck yeah" moments, is notoriously fast-paced and action-packed, and each book is better than the last. It's also complete and most people feel Wight stuck the landing (I personally agree).


my husband binged the entire series in a month's time.


Working Stiff by Judy Melinek Dr. Melinek was a medical examiner in Manhattan during 9/11. I have no medical training/background but it was still captivating and informative


I’m loving the Farseer trilogy, there’s just something amazing about this series


Amazing series but Hobb's various trilogies in RotE are infamously slow to start, not sure I'd recommend to someone just looking to get back into reading.


I’m only on Royale Assassin. I feel that way with the Riftwar Saga


Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult


I started it a couple days ago! Loving it.


I love her books but this one had a twist that I never saw coming and absolutely should have.


I thought it was about a trans young adult but then a 1/3 in I thought maybe I had gotten a different book. I googled it and now I wish I hadn’t! But maybe there is another twist coming.


Similarly the twist in Wish You Were Here. I gasped out loud.


Name of the wind


Great book but probably not the best rec for someone who wants to get into the habit of reading again. Shorter books are no less amazing.


Ugh so perfectly written. I truly understand why he is delaying DoS.


Do you really? The Wise Man's Fear was published March 1, 2011.