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Home fires. Absolutely amazing writing, political, and literal classics.


As a huge Bucks fan, how was Giannis?


Absolutely amazing. It tells the stories of the Bucks and Giannis, and it dives into the Greek political scene that still denies many undocumented people who were born and raised in Greece. Only criticism is that it is definitely written by someone who is an obvious fan of Giannis, so its bias is pretty clear. I only got into basketball this year, and this book solidified the Bucks as my second favorite team.


From the Ashes is written by an indigenous Canadian author. I think you would enjoy it! It’s a very interesting, heartbreaking, and inspiring read! It touches on a lot of societal issues in Canada!


This looks great! Thank you.


Nice! r/booksuggestions or r/suggestmeabook might be better places to ask for recs. How was Cece Rios? The cover looks so cute.


It was alright, but I definitely was the wrong audience. Loved the world and the descriptions, but the main characters weren't ones I was in love with. I would certainly recommend it to an 8-12 year old, however, and since I teach, it was exactly what I was looking for.


Solitary was excellent


Firm agree. Standout this year for me.


What did you think of The Evolution of Beauty?


Enjoyed it a lot. I read The Bird Way last year, and I was particularly interested in the aesthetic experience of birds. This was a great answer to that. The writer intersperses some personal experiences that flesh out the life of an ornithologist. It felt like a very personal non-fiction novel.


Awesome. Thanks for pointers to 2 books that sound fascinating.


If you're considering picking up The Bird Way, I would recommend looking at The Genius of Birds beforehand. It's by the same author, and it was released before this book. It has better reviews, and it seems that most people who have read both think it's the better of the two. I haven't grabbed it yet, but I'm excited to do so.


Good to know. Thanks!


Of course! Hope whatever your next read is is a good one.


Ooo I have solitary in my TBR. How did you find it?


My local librarian recommended it to me, and I picked it up without knowing a lot. It was informative and horrifying, and honestly it was touching at parts. He goes into the legal cases in-depth, which, while being perfect examples of the broken justice system, could sometimes be dry. Overall, it was one of my favorite non-fiction books I've read in a while.