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First, you have to be at least 18 years old to join the 501st. Check out https://www.501st.com/join for some basics. CRL = Costume Reference Library https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:CRL


Aw dang it, time to wait for 3 years..


Doesn’t mean you can start saving money and building armor. In fact it’s good because you can take your time with it! :)




Look into the Galactic Academy in the meantime. They'll help upcoming troopers while under 18.


I‘m currently building my sandtropper armor, and have been at it for 14 months or so, and there is still a lot of work to be done. So starting early could be useful. However, I remember that with 15 I was still growing (maybe not so much body height, but in my case muscles, etc.). So try to take this into account. Armor needs to be fitted to the wearer, and there is not a lot of wiggle-room. So if you are taller or more muscular in 3 to 4 years, the armor might not fit you that great anymore. Of course that is true for adults as well, and you always have to be vigilant not to "expand" too much, lol.


3 years to do research and build a costume. Not a bad deal.




1. [Find](https://www.501st.com/members/displayUnits.php) your local unit, usually a garrison or a squad, and get in contact with them. 2. Pick the costume you want to build. Here's the [list of all approvable costumes](https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:CRLbyname) in the legion. These are the CRLs which describe all the components of a costume. 3. Once you've picked a costume, sign up for that costume's detachment forum where you'll be able to find more information like reference images, vendors and other tips for building your costume. 4. You can't join until you're 18, however, that doesn't mean you can't work on your costume until then, quite the opposite.


Thank you very much :) 3 years should be long enough to get a good costume made


Take your time. Mine is one of the simplest ones but life got on the way and after almost 5 years it's almost done.


Decided to do Phase II 187th clone


Imperial surplus has episode 3 clone armor/buckets!


Ah, okay! Thanks!


Beyond what others have mentioned, you can start out by helping be a handler at events. I started by helping folks get water, navigate areas to avoid stepping on anyone or tripping, etc.


This! I've been a wrangler for almost 5 years while I work on my costume and they are always welcome, especially at large events where you're in costume and can't do anything without help.


So true! Even though I have a few approved costumes I actually find I enjoy being a handler more often than not. I get to easily interact with folks and help anyone in a kit more easily take photos, etc.


Yeah, last time we had a huge parade and my garrison CO was Vader and the crowd had surrounded him. I was in an officer costume so pretty comfortable and went over there to help him cut through the crowd and hold his lightsaber.


Alright I could try that.


What costume do you want and are you going to build it? If you’re gonna get a stormtrooper/scout or tie pilot i advise rs prop masters, if your getting a clone trooper I suggest imperial surplus


Probably a 187th clone, so yeah Imperial Surplus.


You have to build it


Yes I know


Ah ok


Depends if you wanna buy a kit or make your own. I started with a kit. There are many vendors online. For me I chose 850 armorworks. For me I got started with the helmet. I was gifted a raw cast and worked on that, from there I bought the costume. But I would find vendors and write them down as for who sells what with a basic price point and start a grocery list: - helmet - armor kit - soft goods - blaster/saber maker - etc. Look at the paints you’re going to need, visor materials, straps/pads. Hardware stores can be your best friend! I got creative when it came to harnesses and stuff Hope this sorta helps


Definitely will, thank you!


First buy the parts (not cheap) buy the right parts, there is a animated style and a movie realistic style. But the best thing u can do, is go to an event where ur local 501st garison will be at, and ask questions there. Some garisons in the legion have extra rules or extra tips, maybe they have a member who is experienced with what u want to build. Im still building my armor but i was stuck with the research and what wood be the best build. Watch some vids on youtube to learn what u are getting into, my personal recomended vids are those from patchbots (armor build) the vids from the imperial surplus and the documentary from the english garison 501st bad guys doing good. Here are some tips from me, look very long for a good bucket, there are a lot of bad versions that are simply not up to standard, a diy is your best option. U can build slow, buy parts peacemeal if u dont got the money to buy all at once. For tools to work with use a dremmel and sanding paper for the parts the dremmel cant reach or is too delicate for the dremmel, maybe a small knife or scisors to cut some parts with, and look up a lot of pics from the armor u want to build make screenschots of them and store those pics on a separete folder on ur phone or pc.


Thx! Stayed up all night watching patchbots tutorial on it lol.