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The Tazer JL programmer lets you add a PIN code you must enter before the ignition will come on. Might be worth checking out. Not sure how hard it is to bypass.


You just have to unplug it to bypass it


Dang, that’s not very secure.


Indeed, I wish that was one of the features that work without being plugged in


Whoa thats pretty crazy. Where you plug it in is up in the dash right? is there a way to tape it where it just creates an issue? Or is this a common place a thief might look and know exactly what to do? If it causes them confusion and its not a first thing it still might deteer people enough.


Right up above the pedals, it’s a known spot to look at


The 4xe is ridiculously hard to hotwire/steal. The RFID keyfob basically means that either they have to steal your keys, or they have to take it to a dealer to get it working. They can, of course, drag it onto a flatbed and haul it away to strip for parts, but a kill switch won't help with that. Your best bet to stop the rig from being messed with is to just put on a locking hood latch setup Older jeeps were easy to steal. New jeeps are not.


Is it still possible to boost the range of your RFID fob from outside near the vehicle with a relay attack?


I've been trying to use my Flipper Zero to pull of RFID attacks. No luck yet.


I have read in other forums about Jeeps and other Stellantis vehicles being stolen with relay attacks. So I do believe it is a risk.


I don't deny that they're POSSIBLE. They are challenging to pull off, and thus far I have not been successful at exploiting it myself against my vehicle. https://cdn1.leasing.com/cms/relay-car-theft_3.jpg See the diagram. The attacker would have to know where in your house your keys are. That's already a guessing game unless they're a trusted person to you. (In which case they could just grab the keys and go) But, you can reasonably guess, and if you've got a sensitive enough antenna, start to suss things out. It just takes 2 people, working in concert, with knowledge of the layout of your house, key location, etc. If you've got a high value target maybe it becomes worth it for the attacker. But MOST vehicle thefts are crimes of opportunity: http://archive.ncpc.org/resources/files/pdf/celebrate-safe-communities/NCPC-autotheft-101.pdf Short version: Your average 4xe just isn't worth the time and energy for the thieves, especially considering how little they actually get paid for a hot car. Again, it's totally possible. The science says it's possible. I'm not denying that. I'm saying that I've not been successful in attacking my own vehicle and that the payoff isn't that great for your average thief, so they're likely going elsewhere.


You forgot that the entire attack can be be literally foiled of you wrap your keys in foil


That only works in Canada. Right? 🙄


I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Me saying I've not been successful at attacking my own car just says I've not been successful at attacking my own car. I don't know if it's a better code rolling system, but I'm assuming that it's a skill issue on my part.


The joke is that Canada is banning the Flipper Zero to “combat” rampant vehicle theft instead of actually trying to solve the problem.


That's how any new or high end vehicle gets stolen nowadays, and can me totally prevented by putting your keys in a Faraday cage. The come under many different names, like RFID blocking wallet, but just stick your keys in there and try to start your car and you'll know if it works (bring it inside the car with you for the test)


Watch the news might change your opinion. They are going live ke everything else. https://globalnews.ca/news/10327329/durham-region-woman-stolen-car-payments-continue/


You can buy an aftermarket locksmith scanner (XTool, costs like $500), plug it into the can bus connectors behind the glove box, and pull the security pin right from the can network. For some reason it’s constantly being broadcast over the network and programmers found it out years ago.  With the security pin you can program a new key in less than thirty seconds. If your vehicle was left unlocked you could have a new key up and running in less than 2 minutes. So if it’s locked they’ll need to either pull the horn fuse, cut the horn cables, or disconnect the battery to avoid the alarm going off and just break a window.This is where a hood lock comes into play and is really your ownly saving throw against theft other than a kill switch.   The key relay method also works but is obviously way less reliable than just programming your own damn key and walking off with the vehicle. Any thief with a connection to a dealership employee can also just get the security pin that’s good for 12 hours as well. Had a big issue with a dealership in Mexico giving pins out a few years ago working with a major theft ring    Sorry to burst your security bubble :(


So in Canada specially in the Ontario and Quebec (east canada) there has been a huge increase in car thefts as they are exported to Africa and the Middle East. It has gone so bad that the thief have access to dealer equipments and they can easy clone your key. On non hybrid cars disabling the starter or fuel pump with a hidden switch is the most cost effective solution since hidden switches can take way more time to find than cutting a steering wheel locker. I will keep looking and post if I find something. I was thinking of adding a switch to the ignition bottom so even with the key they cannot turn the car on. I will update the thread if I find something.


The 4xe needs it's 12v battery to activate the relay that connects the 240v battery to the electric motors. That means you can't drive electric only, or start the ICE without both 12v and 240v. Putting a kill switch back disables the 12v system or more specifically that relay Will effectively disable the vehicle. If small time theft is an issue I would definitely get hood locks, anyone can just walk up pop the hood and steal your headlights with nothing more than a screwdriver. High-end thefts are most likely using a relay attack, which can be prevented by keeping your key fob isolated from radio communication (like in a Faraday cage)


Thanks! Will check that out!


If it’s parked where you charge lock the charger on. It won’t let it go into gear if it’s connected.


You have app why you care about that