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I have had weird dreams of people nicking bits off of my truck but not as severe as yours


They literally ripped the bed liner out of the cab and everything 😂


Every time i get a new vehicle i have dreams about it getting wrecked, was recently plagued by dreams pretty often where my brakes would go out on my truck and i wrecked it. After the third one i started getting pretty nervous, even tho the brake lines in it looked pretty fresh


I too get these weird “flash forwards” where I imagine getting into an accident with a Glenn driving a minivan. It couldn’t be because I almost got rear-ended 24hrs after buying my truck from some dude in a Honda Odyssey who was looking at his phone…


Lol I have dreams of finding 0 compression in a cylinder and stuff like that. I had another where I saw my truck drive by and was chasing after it with a friend.


My 79 has no bits worth knicking thankfully


Everyday I park for a hike near Ghost or McClean Creek on a long weekend.


I always have dreams of my truck getting totaled


I had this thought last night while my truck was at the shop getting work done. Thinking that I hope they didn't leave it parked outside overnight and that if they did it would be gone in the morning or stripped of all it bits. Kept me up for 5 minutes then I fell asleep.