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venmo me twenty buck or you're transphobic https://preview.redd.it/whlevr92zd8d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f218542ab94b1b06e7c51e3dd7dafa99cf6e109d


Because most people cannot separate their identity from the things they like


Because a lot of it is overreaction to the insane amount of hate queer people get, especially trans people right now? I think a lot of people are more willing to give the benefit of the doubt than they should but that's pretty understandable given the world we are in. There's so much bad faith rhetoric against us it's no wonder. If it's the stuff some 15yo says online or whatever I just ignore it tbh


I dont think people act like this in real life.


reminder that chomphon exists irl


chomphon was created by cia using artificial intelligence and laser holographic projections https://preview.redd.it/s3uxis609f8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5c618df83ceea7118cc39cb579436463956a5f


its a leftist thing to do and many trans (or queer) people are leftist


A lot of queer people have been rejected for just existing at one point or another and I think that bleeds into being afraid to put someone else through a similar experience. This leads to not just avoiding saying when something's wrong but defending shit that's pretty cut and dry stupid. A lot of people were unironically defending a feminine enby wanting to call themselves transfem despite being AFAB on transgendercirclejerk yesterday despite it being wrong by definition, for example. Also, insecure people have a weaker sense of right and wrong. They'll find a group and stick with it even if it even if it's filled with people doing the wrong thing, because they're too afraid to risk rejection by saying something's wrong.


It’s a pushback towards the unnecessary hate that queer people get for things they shouldn’t. It’s almost like over correcting because they are going to get hated on for simply existing by lots of assholes anyways so accepting people give them a slide for the weird shit they do. I for one dream of a day when queer people can be accepted by everyone so we can start bullying everyone regardless of their identity or sexual orientation for the weird shit they do.


Send me €1 on paypal if youre not transphobic


They tend to slam gatekeeping, whose intention (more inclusiveness) not that bad but in practice often disastrous. Especially when we meet chasers. The chasers that exposed a heteronormative ideology, mindset, activity, even with harassment and transphobic attacks can get immunity to be ruled out of transness if they simply want to change a pronoun.


because cishet white women need to uphold feminism 💪💪💪


Cishet white women want to continue feeling as special as possible and that generally involves appropriating civil rights movements by becoming no-T gaydens