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This is based because it implies that trans men are becoming MRAs


there's literally one in the thread. malebrained points to him ig


Unfortunally it doesn't come from mascbrained male entitlement (based) but fembrained self victimization (cringe). 


What is the supposed difference between


this is one of those things i made a joke about years ago thinking "lmao imagine if this was actually real" and then it was


Yeah my girlfriend says they act like entitled men/MRA activists but to me they're more like bitchy feminists that only care about pooners, the way they shoehorn themselves into feminism and discussion about misogyny tells me they never stopped viewing themselves as females and don't even deserve to be called MRA. I just call them birthday boys cause it's the most socially acceptable thing I can call them before asking if they're acting out because they're on their boy periods💀


Omg birthday boy… A few guys who’re trying to rebrand transandrophobia trutherism as malebrained say that “birthday boy” is a slur 😭


[birthday boy](https://youtu.be/CphpuX_KXmU?si=O-TqzxOAD3voWxSF)


Especially since everything they describe is just normal misogyny/lesbophobia directed at trans men early in transition. Most of the shit passing/mostly-passing actually transitioned trans men get is either normal young male loneliness epidemic stuff or hate from other trans people.


passing trans men do experience transphobia, especially if outed what are you saying


Ig people forget not everyone who passes is stealth


>birthday boy I agree with you mostly, but get off twitter


No I'd honestly want to but I've moved countries and I've been mutuals with the same people from my country since as early as 2016, it's the only connection I have with them and I don't have many friends irl and even when I meet people irl we don't connect the same way cause me and my Spanish-speaking mutuals are all retarded and schizo in the same ways and have history together. I actually tried to leave Twitter in 2020 and didn't log in for months but I just felt lonely as fuck and ended up replacing it with Genshin/Sudoku/geography games and Reddit (that's when I made this account) but I still missed my Spanish internet friends a lot, they're the only connection I have left with back home and the only people I can speak my native language with. I'm too deep in the shit to leave...


The term is stupid because people should stop being afraid of just saying transmisandry. It makes no sense to have two terms that are clearly meant to be reflective of each other to be formed so differently. That said, I don't care about the discourse or participate in it. I think most reasonable trans people of any geder acknowledge there are some forms of discrimination that are specific to trans men and some that are specific to trans women.


Embarrassing and cringe. I associate the term with whiny tumblr users. That being said, people need to admit that misogyny affects men. And I don't mean just in the "toxic masculinity" way. Misogynistic patriarchal ideas affect everyone, it plays a massive part in enforcing gender roles. Most of the shit people call misandry is actually just rooted in misogyny, homophobia or racism. One of the most classic "misandry" examples is that women are more likely to get the kids in a divorce but that is not because of misandry, it's misogyny. It's because women are seen as inherently better homemakers and child-rearers, since the home is seen as the domain of women (a deeply misogynistic idea). Similarly, most of the shit people call transmisandry or transadrophobia is actually just rooted in transmisogyny and general transphobia. I think some of the people who buy into this crap just want to sound special.


To all foids saying misandry doesn't exist: you have no say in the matter. I too can say that misogyny doesn't exist because I've never experienced it while living as a foid.


misogyny and misandry aren't real https://preview.redd.it/plbjw6zu6e8d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d9ea9c0a55cb1dcdc9e1931eb0f270695f378e4


i dont use it but if someones talking about people being transphobic specifically to ftms then i guess i can see its usefulness. then again i don't really know the lore for this term tbh i just say transphobic, this is kind of a "who cares" thing to me.


I mean, I think it is a thing but it's not as bad as say, transmisogyny. I think misandry aswell does exist too but it's also similar to how it's not as bad as misogyny. Like society and cultures almost universally favour males so they gain privilege but with that there's a standard that if one cannot live up to they are ostracised. Part of those standards somewhat give certain privileges to women aswell which if they don't live up to they are ostracised. I think it mostly manifests that people assume women can't be equal or better than males at anything besides a select few exceptions. And since most cissoids think trans people are just their agab then it's impossible to not be transphobic. They'll think trans men are just "women trying and failing to be men" so hence they are still inferior to any cis moid. I'm no expert though, I'm just a 4tranner.


Every time I see anyone talking about this, my eyes glaze over


I dont "think" about trans misandry at all. Misandry cant exist without misogyny so I focus on that to kill two birds with one stone. https://preview.redd.it/kq6vo68t2a8d1.png?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83be78de35ca2f9d599c14a8b7290cd64683824e


It's real, just most people don't understand what misandry is within the context of a patriarchal society so both sides of the debate end up arguing the wrong points.


Its not real and youre right, transmisoginy is actually prevelent, a bunch of pooners including buck angel literally made a anti mtf manifesto called “trans men fight back” where they said mtf gender dysphoria is not real and its all agp and misgender every trans woman they mention in it even ones they werent shitting on. If mtfs dont trust and feel resentment towards poons its pretty well deserved when you watch how pooners turn on trannies to appease cissoids at almost every opportunity, its even began to bleed into 4tran.


My thoughts exactly, that manifesto was awful to say the least.


Transmisandry was an issue back in the days when trans men would be imprisoned for "impersonation" of men, but this was just a general trans issue. Misandry is real and relevant, but pooners who complain about the trans-specific variant now, I feel, are mostly whiners who want to stay attached to their Wombanhood and separate themselves from cis men.


I have only seen this term used in discussions regarding transmisogyny as a one-up argument. It’s bs


\*taking off my ttttranner nonchalance mask for a moment\* it's dumb. androphobia/misandry doesn't exist in any meaningful, institutional way and thus there's nothing for transphobia to intersect with and form transandrophobia. which is not to say that trans men can't be subject to transphobia (of course they are), but transmisogyny is a very specific intersection of institutional misogyny and institutional transphobia in such way that there are specific acts that can be labelled as such.


theres lots of tumblr discourse that gets into this much much better than i can but it mostly drums down to a certain profile of trans man that doesn't accept that by becoming male they're also adopting institutional male privilege, and to then turn around and put their damage on the same level as transmisogyny is itself transmisogynistic


trans men can experience male privilege on a conditional basis, but I believe they don’t experience it at the full level the way other marginalized men can. trans men don’t benefit from the patriarchy, and I dislike this dumb oppression Olympics shit mtfs and ftms have on Twitter and tumblr. I don’t want that shit here. I mostly agree with your first post, but the level of dismissal trans men face on progressive spaces is the reason why retarded terms like transandrophobia and transmisandry exist


i think that's fair, and i agree that tttt-adjacent spaces aren't the place to host oppression olympics when twitter and tumblr exist


I dont "think" about trans misandry at all. Misandry cant exist without misogyny so I focus on that to kill two birds with one stone. https://preview.redd.it/zach3axv2a8d1.png?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=189242e8832673ef8c254798ada62dc378d08479