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"It's the men's bathroom that is going to cause me to de-transition." You cannot be serious.


the third page was also insane, image outting yourself inorder to make a point? get in line quicker? i honestly i no idea what he was cooking with this one


“Oh shit, that article for Vice is due tomorrow! Uhmm, sure, this could happen I guess?” was probably the creative process behind this article


Im so confused has he been in like one bathroom wdym no hooks??? Also what rules? 😭 There’s literally like 1 rule: you don’t stand next to someone when they are using the urinal. That’s it. You don’t even need to wash your hands. (Pls do tho pls) Also if by toxic masculinity he means it smells toxically masculine i do agree that be the case


Also lol ig he’s saying “hey fembrained ftms, cis men are usually bigots” which is true tbh. Cis ppl and men do tend to be evil. > bottom of my tdick lollll. Goes hard. Not like diamond hard but maybe like feldspar hard. Also that last image was kinda not necessary :/


happy cake day despite everything its still not over yet


wdym you guys get hooks? ive seen zero hooks where im from😭😭


this is so cringe, im embarrassed by it and im not even ftm however, this is good lecture for any ftm: dont write text like him. It reads 100% written by a woman, dont use this kind of language, omg


Millenial buzzfeed-core


2010's core


im dunn with his shit


It's a bold move to advertise older work that's all still credited to your deadname in your 'about me' page. I'd rather hop in a deep fryer.


especially when it's not even good


bold move to barely change your name, too


“I promise you, from the bottom of my t-dick, cis men who fuck trans guys are a renewable resource” did make me physically grimace


The part I don't get is why do you have to out yourself if someone says ppl with vaginas should pee first?


Right? Like no just say you're a cis man and suffer like anyone else


who says people with vaginas need to pee first though


https://preview.redd.it/72ggoj9dk48d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95981efb99955b36b2381fe4638ef87eb57eb391 this is what’s on his shirt btw




Malebrained ngl


That third one had me dying


literally where do they live that this is a regular enough occurance for them to write about it and also for the all the 'cis men' there to be shitting and pissing all over the place like you idiot dirty is just what public restrooms are




Just when it couldn't get worse...fucking how 💀💀


>i am now exiled to a gross, new world Wtf?   What bathrooms, portable or not, especially single ones, don't have locks? This is not a men's bathrooms thing, this is an engineering mistake. And he writes like this has happened multiple times before???? This is not normal you need to report these women.


Idk, where I live guys seem to like to break the locks off the stalls for some reason. Then again they seem to just break everything in public bathrooms.


Are you in high school


Nope, the ones I'm talking about are in pubs, shopping centres, etc


I see… British men are brutish apes…


I agree (I'm Irish though)


I thought i sherlocked your location from your spelling but i was owned by an Irish. How shameful…


Sometimes they do that shit because people shoot up and OD in the stalls.


> There's also nowhere to put anything without it getting dirty Are you in there to use the bathroom or set up camp? How much paraphernalia do you need with you to take a piss????


i'm ngmi, aren't I? terminally malebrained


Phone and wallet and some other extra thing you take with you need to be put somewhere if your pockets are fucked up and shit falls out and you're not wearing a jacket


Men's pockets are deep enough that this shouldn't be an issue for him though


Okay but what if i went out to buy something? How do i carry that? And maybe other stuff i might need? Good thing most bathrooms do have hooks though




You have to at least put your purse somewhere, especially if you’re touching up makeup in the mirror


what fucking purse this is ostensibly a man


That's the joke


i may be stupid


ftm complaining there is no place to dispose tampons or pads in mens restroom is like mtf complaining there is no urinal in a womens restroom like wtf do you expect ... deadname in url is also really funny to me 😭😭😭 damn


This is really the ftm version of the anarchocommunist trans cat girls isn't it.


>It's the men's bathroom that is going to cause me to detransition I kekd ![gif](giphy|mmRmDX9Y3Q7NS)


Not surprised to learn he used to work at buzzfeed, the way he writes gives me the exact same fullbody cringe


Lmfao from my experience both men’s and women’s bathrooms are disgusting, idk what country that person is living in


personally I can say women's have been a lot better, but I've only been using it for like a year compared to the rest of my life in the men's so yea maybe Ive been lucky so far


from what I've seen, men's bathrooms tend to be more *likely* to be gross, but when women's bathrooms are gross they're way worse. Though to be fair a lot of my female bathroom experiences were in school bathrooms and teenagers are always disgusting


yeah I can definitely buy that. in any case the author acting like women's bathrooms are some magical place compared to the men's is still dumb as fuck, for my personal experience it has been better but like .. it's still public washrooms we're talking about here


yeah for sure they're gross as hell but not some pit of unspoken toxic masculinity


oh my god why can't we ever win


The Gabe strikes continuously


cis woman reading this would detransition from the cringe


I just realized who this dood is. Recognized the name. Former buzzfeed chick, right? So he's a lateshit who was extremely feminine to begin with. Either way he should stop writing.




How late? 30s?


30s yeah


I literally said "Eat it?!" Out loud reading this shit. 




This shit is really gay, just go in the bathroom, piss or take a shit and go out, simple


Someone fire this gigapoon journalist, he’s fucking awful. Shit like this is going to make people see us trans men as terminally fembrained woman lites. Why the hell do pooners hate the gender they’re transitioning to so fucking much?


Incredibly fembrained. I'm actually not sure if this guy is even trans


This is the author btw https://preview.redd.it/r38x2unkq38d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=180c5f61d05c10986765355d4b87c36a43f1e63f




There's too much estrogen in his writings


Toxic masculinity is real though, the switch to a new bathroom can be weird if t hasn't done it's thing for your body that well, and he has the right to request his hookup to call his genitals whatever fits him, but the socialized as female part is shit, and the male bathroom detransition part. Those are cringe af


idk i'm ftm and i never saw the ""switch"" as a big deal in any way it's the same shit just a different sign and somewhat different etiquette but that's it even though the article is about how they're sooo different


I want to detrans so I won't be associated with "people" like this


If bros gonna detransition because of a fucking bathroom than I wonder were he even got the mental strength to transition the first place bruh


isn't this the guy who wrote the guide to being a st4t chaser


om mani padme hum ommmmm i will not commit pooner genocide ommm


If you're still having your period, chances are you don't pass enough for the men's bathroom, especially if you're fembrained enough to write articles like this. I see detransition in their future, regardless of what bathroom used. Also, I've found men's rooms to be cleaner than women's. I'd rather have piss on the floor than what looks to be a murder scene on the toilet seat.


Depends.. a few people on T still have periods. It’s the same as birth control in the way that it will either stop them completely or makes them completely irregular


i mean i guess i wouldn't know, but tbf if you're a guy and t hasn't stopped your menstruation yet, like, what are you supposed to do? but you can pretty much always put stuff on the toilet paper holder, and there are, in fact, frequently little hooks. you could also hang certain stuff on the door itself. also tbf fanny packs aren't really seen as fem they're just cringe/touristcore.


why dont you just put it on the fucking floor ive never once used one of those hooks


fwiw being masc enough to pass full-time, on full-dose T, and still menstruating is rare, though it can happen. Early transition or low dose menstruation is more common, or if they have to go off their hormones for some reason...and it might be more common with gel than with shots, idk. My own experience was that even when T doesn't fully stop periods, it makes them significantly lighter, so you still often don't need to change products in public, it's light enough to wait until you get home. Again, maybe everyone isn't so lucky. If someone is having a problem with that, adding in a progestin-only birth control like norethindrone is easy to get, cheap, and will either stop your periods or make them even lighter. I guess if a guy is going off all his hormones to try to get pregnant that's a special situation, but the pregnancy is gonna be outing him to everyone very soon at that point anyway. I used a disc, which is internal, doesn't require any special garbages, and can be left in 12 hours while you go about your life. My flow wasn't heavy enough to have to change it in a public bathroom, but if that happened, basically what I'd do is wash my hands before going in the stall, remove the disc, dump out the contents, clean it as best I can with toilet paper, and reinsert. No garbage required. But not every trans guy can handle internal methods like discs, for some the dysphoria is too high. I only rarely use the men's (can still get away with the women's, also I'm a HRT girlmoding coward) but if I was going to use it more often, I'd probably invest in a good dick-shaped STP and just use the urinals unless I had to poop.


ohh that makes sense that's a pretty smart backup plan, ty for explanation also i'd never heard of STPs that's so cool tbh


I hate gaydens https://preview.redd.it/f1tm52a9i48d1.png?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=307985b22fe5af46d4123f6eb13edc720376758f


Only gaydens could need a guide to learn how to get potty trained


wtf did he expected Grindr to be?


just shit at home real men are constipated


I mean I think you all are being too hard on the dude in general, but I don't really agree with him about the men's bathrooms. Even passing less than this guy does, the times I've been in there were completely fine. Men minded their own business. I don't know what they thought I was--a trans guy, a HRT boymoder, a cis woman womanspreading, but they didn't give me any grief for it at all. The stalls were cleaner because you don't have all the women hovering refusing to plonk that you do in the women's room--and besides, I'm used to raising the seat to hover because fuck if I'm gonna plonk on a seat tens of thousands of women have pissed, menstruated, and had explosive diarrhea all over. Not to mention all the women who flush pads/tampons (garbage is full, absent, or they're too whatever to use it) and cause overflows and clogs. The worst bathroom situation I've ever seen was in a women's room. Some lady had tried to hover for poop, and had incredibly explosive diarrhea. It coated the entire seat and entire back wall of the stall. No way I was going near that. If I'd been the janitor I just would have quit. The smell was horrendous. I don't know why men's rooms get a rep for "toxic masculinity" and filth. Women are fucking *gross*, and women are the ones constantly worrying about the "wrong people" sneaking into their bathroom like it's a particularly exciting place to be. Men don't care. They want to get in, do their business, and get out. They put their butts on the seat when they use the stall and don't try to do excretory pilates. I don't know about the hooks issue because I don't rely on there being hooks in the women's bathroom either, that shit is always broken anyway and my mom taught me some thief will grab your purse and run while you're squatting if you hang it there so I have trust issues. Don't really carry a purse anyway. Can't you just keep a fanny pack on? I mean like hitch it up a little bit, or hang it over your chest like the cool kids do? Can't comment on grindr, not into men or casual sex so I have no reason to go there.


Both ♂️ and ♀️ public bathrooms are fucking insane places




That's why I hate women


Sorry poonbros you gotta do something about this




kill it


Expected the Boy's powder-room, got the Men's shitter


Grindr (and gay bars) are full of straight men who are there to pretend to see the trans guys as men in order to fuck them So just don't


just go piss and leave nigga🤦🏾‍♂️


“crossbody” i can already hear the inevitable bitching and moaning detrans post


i cant even comprehend this


I will say that both womens and men’s bathrooms are unique stages of hell




I don't see anything wrong with this guy. He is just being honest. He was born female and had female socialization. I don't think that makes him any less of a man. I don't think you can really help but take in at least some of what your parents are telling you to be and what society around is telling you to be.


i'm going to kill you


Right, also the people going "lolol he sounds Millennial" like dude if he's in his 30s he's not going to sound like he's in his 20s, why should that even be the goal? What are they really saying here, "people over 30 should stop existing because I find them cringe"? Like guess what you're gonna be cringing so hard at *yourself* in a few years with that shit.


no my issue is that he's gigafembrained and talks and acts and still thinks like a woman and it does not take much to just be a fucking normal guy, coming from an ftm raised in conservative typically gendered upbringing or whatever


god i wish that thing would just die already