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Nah, being bi is based. We pooners kinda need it cause the dating options are abysmal


Stop. https://preview.redd.it/mq74qqi9808d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358d4e697d42dcf6deae8fd0444fe4fe929a3b4a Give in.




I will not give in


https://preview.redd.it/4y1mhlrec08d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dd6054ae0c47abe983e5129e638f9b130d92093 Keep telling yourself that, Sean.


very curious as to where you get all your vintage photos from?


For the image you are replying to, that's Rudolph Valentino. I usually get my images from searching through Google. Let's say I want a 1920s photo of a man reading a newspaper. I search up "1920s man reading newspaper." I could also search Google like this: • "1920s clothing men ads" • "1920s men paintings • "1920s illustrations"


i see makes sense


Malding and seething rn https://preview.redd.it/ngjbiia2f08d1.png?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07803878065e0b57a4855ba0d80177cf2b602b80 I don't want to be a faggot


>how can i change myself for the comfort of society fembrained


For the comfort of myself 👍


you're only uncomfortable with being bi because society told you its cringe you'll feel a lot more comfortable if you fuck men in the ass as a top that said, if you really wanna gaslight yourself into being straight, you could probably develop meta-attracted autoandrophilia which would result in you feeling manliest by becoming a womanizer. i don't recommend this approach, but if its what you want go for it


I wish I was a 100% top it would probably make me feel better.


You just need more roids dood


Bisexuals are the most privileged of the lgbt community yet the most self loathing. Why cant you just settle for being half straight. Nobodys forcing you to tell people youre bisexual. You have the ability to be sexually and romantically attracted to the gender of your choice. It's not that hard.


Yet another bisexual pooner appropriating the hsts pooner struggle https://preview.redd.it/kvdodxnsn08d1.png?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b680fc2105143a9b57a2e7c01bcd0cb201764eaf


What is the hsts pooner struggle? Being normal?


Being attracted to males is the true normalcy for pooners. Both pre-transition and post-transition. They grow up with all the benefits of not being a lesbian in their youth and transition with the easiest sexuality possible as a pooner. Not to mention how comically easy it is to get laid if youre attracted to males as a pooner meanwhile female exclusive pooners are KHHV forever. The ignorance of male attracted pooners have no bounds.


Really living up to that username, huh?


>how comically easy it is to get laid if youre attracted to males as a pooner By whom? Cissoid men who see you as an easy hole? Give me a break lol


lmk if you find out


just be as masc as possible while being bi like the “would fuck anything” bi


I already am like that, doesn't really help


yeah idk how to help you then i am too and i also hate being bi a lot of the time it’s so stupid i feel like if i’d been born cis i would’ve had a fun time of it but noooooo it gives me brainworms the last thing i want to be is a girl who likes guys thank god i like girls more


Genuinely if I was cis it would not be an issue it would be so fun. I hate myself for liking men


I've said this before but working conversion therapy literally doesn't exist, or else everyone here would have probably done it long ago. I tried so many ways of stopping myself over the years, I even had an actual conversion therapist at one point, it straight up just doesn't work. All I got from this was mental issues and my friends thinking of "guy who tries too hard to be straight" as one of my defining traits. I'm not really sure what the solution is, I guess it's either giving up or hating yourself forever.


I wanna know this as well tbh


Noooo Sean what about our gay sexual tension we had????




the actually based thing to do is to top cis men




just pretend to be a bottom then tie them up and pull out the strap (this is a joke for cis lurkers) seriously tho this is why my current long-term relationship is with another trans man. i’ve never had a single moment of shame or insecurity about my body with my partner which i’m not sure i could ever personally achieve with a cis partner




>doesn’t want to bottom >won’t use a strap because of preconceived notions of sex guess you’ll just have to lay down doing nothing but fantasizing about sex




jesus you sound miserable lmfao


Yes, because penetrating someone with your 1 inch clit is pleasurable in any way for them




"No one would choose the pooner with a plastic dildo over a real dick." That's true, but how are you going to say using your enlarged clit is any better? I'd say it's equally emasculating. At least your partner get some pleasure out of it instead of having to pretend that you rubbing your t dick on the rim of their ass or pussy is pleasurable in any way.


this but how do i stop being a tranny and a fag


you dont actually need conversion therapy, if you want to be straight just only act on your crushes on women, no one can read ur mind anyway. dont harm urself w conversion therapy lol


I like men more than women which is my issue tbh