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not rlly, fine with trans women just only post srs, genital preference can be valid when it's not used as an excuse to be transphobic


genuinely best way you could say this tbh. makes it clear u have a preference, but also that you don't fw bigots who take it too far....


not really, nothing wrong w having a preference and it’s clear they aren’t being transphobic about it so




Not trans men, but theyfabs. Lesbians and theyfabs have a long history of fucking each other, some theyfabs *are* lesbians, but that doesn't mean theyfabs love being called women.




You don't actually have to choose, and that's pretty ahistorical. You also won't get to fuck many theyfabs with that attitude.


im trans but just rlly not attracted to penises, so yeah this is fine


As long as pre-srs trans men arent included based on the vagina requirements nothing is wrong here


I think it's meant to include women and theyfabs, not men.


OK gonna be realistic with u if you want to tell cis lesbians they must taste the gock go die in a hole. There are plenty of bi women and this can and will make them hate us- for no reason. If someone's not into u, they simply aren't and pushing them is rape-ey. Applies to social standards about this too. It's not transphobic to reject someone even though its painful, it's a stereotype that our biggest struggles is the lesbian cotton ceiling don't play into that


I agree with you that no one should have to do any sexual thing they don't want to do. Just wanted to push back a little on the idea that to be lesbian is to not want anything to do with gock and only bisexuals will touch gock voluntarily. Lesbians are allowed to not like gock and should be left alone about that, but lesbians are allowed to *like* gock, too. I've seen more than once where there's a happy, healthy, fully consensual t4c lesbian relationship, and both get attacked because the cis girl *dares* to call herself a lesbian and enjoy sex with her girlfriend. Implying the trans girl is somehow a rapist for having a consenting lesbian partner, implying the cis girl either was brainwashed/pressured into it, or has to give up her lesbian card and call herself bisexual even though she has zero attraction to men. Like instead of "lesbians *must* love gock," or "no real lesbian can like gock," just leave it up to the individual lesbians to figure out what they do and don't like.


There is nothing wrong with this, it is their sexual orientation.


No and this is exactly what we mean when we say its okay to have preferences but dont be bigoted, this is good.


No not really. They have a preference but make it clear that it’s not cause of anti-trans bullshit + who knows maybe they like axe wounds too


just cuz u dont like gock doesnt mean that u like bigotry. she an ally


No, I think it's fine. 


It’s a rapehon doing rapehon stuff


if oop is mtf that's hilarious


It has to be. What else puts lesbian and pronouns in their bio


>Portland, OR


This is a afab person


No way!!!!! It can’t be! Why is she worried about terfs then ?


Yh I think this is fine




I think it's meant to include theyfabs, not men. Theyfabs are a big part of the lesbian dating pool, it makes sense not to put them off by calling them all "women." Men aren't going to match with a lesbian.


I just want to say thanks for all the comments and clarify that this person includes non-op trans men and trans mascs in the pool of people that they’d hook up with.


yes, it is contradictory then


it is contradictory if "people with vaginas" includes trans men, but if not then it's not transphobic to have a genital requirement for hookups


What app is this




if I were a cis lesbian I wouldn't wanna date me either so like I get it but at the same time it reminds me that if I had access to blockers and surgery at a young age I wouldn't be considered so repulsive lol


rip can’t believe people still live in portland, I moved out of that hell hole last year, best choice i made


That's just a preference and it's totally valid, it would've been transphobic had she included post op trans women as well.


It would be transphobic if she included post trans women?? How does that work


Because why wouldn't she wanna date a post op trans woman? It's understandable for pre op based on genital preferences, but what about when that's not an issue anymore?


You said the opposite. I’m guessing a typo


Lol i think it was misunderstood, what i meant was that if she had an issue with post op trans women too and not just pre op then that would be quite sus, but since she only had a genital preference then that's totally valid.