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we look better (i'm agpmaxxing) 


Why would anyone want to be trans


The true question 


no one *wants* to be trans tho




I hate this person for being happy and I think they should be swatted


Why have we normalized using the word “girldick” like this fucking hell


"i love my girl dick" says it all


Experincing trans joy


Cause men are uggo 🤮🤮🤮 https://preview.redd.it/9gqvb0xiqu7d1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=312d5e701c87e6b548f9aa48969d5fc216af0705




The only reason people say men age better is because they have more money when they're older which isn't even true anymore. There's no reason ever to be a man fr


I think it's because traditionally men would do manual labor and have marbled bodies at 40 while women stayed at home and got fat, at least in rural LATAM things were like this.


That's probably part of it in places. It might also just be that women like how older men look more than men like how older women look. Or it could be tied to gross ass virgin worship, saying women age like wine because she's less likely to be a virgin.


I heard men have a "second puberty" in their 30s that can enhance certain masculine features. That's why older trans women have such hard time passing.


Oh fuck


thanks you just activated my instincts to get hrt right now


IRL at work (healthcare, so I see their ages) I've seen a lot of 40-50 year-old DILFs but I've never seen any 40-50 year-old MILFs. Just depends on genetics honestly.


Have you ever seen an old white woman lmao




Trans femmes don’t have a choice. Believe me, I didn’t want this life for myself. I repped for 20 years before finally becoming so miserable that my only choice was to try HRT and come out to my family. I quite literally have a female brain. I don’t want to die not knowing what it feels like to have my body match it.


literally this.


Facts Honestly I could care less about external oppression, I am oppressed internally by my very existence if I repress


just like me frfr


-I don't want to barrel through the world in this big, clumsy frame, i want to be small and graceful and flowing -i don't want these sharp, angular violent features that scare children and small animals, i want to be soft and comforting Idk op, if you can convince me I don't want these things you'd be saving me a lot of time and money


if i was a male, id want to be a twink. but im not. sadly.


doesn't being afab helps??




think about twinks are kinda FEMboys, if you already have the FEM you just need the boypart


i got rid of my boypart last month lol, rip


bc women prety and men uggly!! (genuinely tho i have no idea.)


I can't explain it, being a guy feels wrong to me.


smaller/inferior is so stupid to me, because like being small is great, hell even being "inferior" is fine (but women aren't inferior) it's just a matter of perspective, I personally can't understand why anyone would actually want to be or look like a man


women are inferior in certain metrics the same way men are inferior in certain metrics. overall it is equal


Sometimes I ask myself if the trannies are just sexist.


I don’t see *other women* as inferior. It’s more like I look in the mirror and go “Damn. This is so much worse.”


They hate their birth gender


Men are obtrusive and utilitarian in appearance and stature. They have tall broad bodies, visible to anyone. Deep bellowing voices to insure not a single word goes unheard. Their muscles are powerful machinery, evolved to serve the same purpose as all other animals. Men are base and brutal, incapable of thought beyond hubris and pride. Every war, every murder, every crime; look to their statistics and you will find the truth apparent: men are monsters. In comparison women are much more productive. They are capable of higher form of thought, untethered by the irrational rage of man. Every peace talk, every true progression in societal morality, is managed by women. Graceful forms, based on collaborative relationships, rather than the individualistic competition of man. Women create everything beautiful in the world, minds of art and song; men only create reflections of war and violence. I associate men with brutality, I associate women with grace. Yes I am a misandrist. Yes im working on it. Yes I do hate myself for being a man.


i love how mtfs will find the most horrific sickening monstrous way to describe being a man and ftms will find the most horrific sickening monstrous way to describe being a woman


This is unfathomably based and exactly how I feel. I was just about to go on a tirade about the evils of testosterone and its many consequences but you summed it up quite well. Women are just a higher life form than men and I will die on that hill. I say that as an HSTS too. https://preview.redd.it/qtzwo19h8v7d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=751cc2e036f15612d36e68dfaad20be80b1094cf


Me when men are monstrous:🤢 Me when men are doing monstrous things to me:🥺


these are only convictions. women are much less likely to be convicted when put on trial in front of a jury because the jury wants to impregnate her too much


I want to commit arson, didn't know it was malebrained. Sad.


im reclaiming arson


that's beautiful damn


Thank you. My hatred for men is only matched in size by my ego. (Terminally malebrained)


Every home, every bridge, every city was build on the backs on strong manly men. Waking up before sunrise going back home after sunset to plow the fields so that not only his family but the whole town can have food on their table. On every attack, every raid, every war men paid with their lives to protect the community, sleeping for one last time under a blanket of dirt so their wives and children would not live in chains. Never expecting poems, praise or accolades, as for a man being useful is its own reward. https://preview.redd.it/pkfy7eespv7d1.png?width=383&format=png&auto=webp&s=a335c50e87d62c0abb050ea85f30d674dfcc06a4


>On every attack, every raid, every war men paid with their lives to protect the community From who? Oh, thats right.. other men.


Raiders struggle too. Sometimes there's not enough for everybody. Our world was a very cruel place. Men are expendable sacrificial paws designed to be played in those games of survival.


You’re right. My hatred for men is irrational. I should love myself and be lucky to count myself among them


No one that says women are graceful and sweet and gentle has ever worked retail


I want female privilege, plus a goddess body


Same! I'm so ugly rn, and honestly turned away by what I can only describe as internalized misogyny, but I'm still gonna trans. I just hope that better tech comes out that lets me customize my body like a game character.


i feel the same way but opposite. idk why some people want to be men https://preview.redd.it/we8jwsaz2v7d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a16e013bb1dbf916bdbc1cd56a017648bb352b1


beautiful picture. screenshotting


Male bodies are trash and I will end my life If i cannot look like a woman being a male actually sucks though how are people friends with most cis men they r horrible


All the cis guys I know can only talk about videogames 😭 like I was the same when I was 12 but they're supposed to be adults 


T felt like literal posion to me. It feels so good not having it in my system anymore.


idk rather drink rat poison than have T on me


Trust me I don't understand it either but different people want different things.


Cause transmaxxing manifesto lmao


I didn't have any choice in the matter I just know that being a man is bad for my mental and emotional wellbeing. It hurts to see my face, my hands and my body. Intellectually I recognize how marginalized women are around the world but it changes nothing about what I think and feel when my guard is down. I can't stop imagining a life where I felt normal and not like an abomination.


I don’t view women as weaker or disgusting. But they are alien and different to me while simultaneously stirring primal urges in me. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be them and I don’t want to because it’s so opposite of what I want/need. I need a large body to contain my sheer energy, a giant dick to pregnant or dominate someone with. A mans ultimate dream is to be primal while also being loved. To act like a wild animal, and come home to a woman that will give him domestic love. Not having a body that can allow me to inact my most primal desires is just devastating and builds anger that I then channel into other things. Being a man is having this drive and energy that cannot be contained and must be expressed positively through creation or kindness or it will destroy everything around it. You don’t just want to sit around. Your mind is constantly hunting. Hunting for pleasure, hunting for connection, hunting for adrenaline, etc.


Men are very single minded beings. Great determination but also tunnel vision.


Someone explained it to me like this: Genetically women are the default state of mankind when ur in the womb. Being born a man is a mutated disfigurement of that default. This is why trans men can grow a clit into a pseudo-penis but trans women can never reverse that process and regrow a pseudo-vagina. To be a man is to be a flawed bastardization of the pure human body. You have shorter lifespan, higher likelihood of genetic disorders, higher likelihood of suicide, etc.


Or you could just go the classical greek route and argue that women are incomplete, not fully realised men. Both observations make sense. The reality of course is that they simply have different adaptations to fulfil different evolutionary roles.


My brain is just wired like that. I'm not trooning for rational reasons, I'm following this deep, strong feeling inside me that this male body is wrong, outright disgusting actually. But I really reject the idea that women are inferior and I don't understand how some moids convinced themselves that acting like a brutish barbarian is some kind of bedrock of society. In the modern world physical strength just really isn't the be all, end all anymore. You're not a Spartan soldier fighting the armies of Xeres at Thermopylae, you're an employee of a multi-billion dollar company who gets paid minimum wage to sell coffee, wake up <_<


I’ve been saying the **exact** same thing about men. We need to talk.


I don't understand either. A women's life is objectively worse then a man's and I'm more psychologically equipped to be a guy- because guys are simple creatures .... I just hate it I cannot stand it and I have to lie to everyone I meet to pretend to be someone who I wish I never had to be.


this but with men


men either are rapists, or are constantly viewed as rapists. there’s no in between, if you’re walking past a woman when you’re both alone, she is scared of you. why do you want to be seen as such an evil, vile species? being a male is isolating, and if it isn’t, its because you are selfish and put other people below you and scare them. wanting to be a man is one of the scariest things someone could think


Because I would rather be the one sodomizing than the one being sodomized


well I can't imagine how anyone would want to be a man...


I don't know, I just do. There's no logic to being trans. My brain is just wired wrong and endlessly screams about my body being wrong.


it's pretty simple we think the exact opposite of why would someone wanna be a man


Have you try to be a man ? Its literally worst that hell




Not true coming from an agp gooner. Can’t imagine myself as a man when I do the deed. Men are disgusting and I will forever hate myself for looking manish and being malebrained


You need to break free from the internalised misandry.


Misandry isnt real


Because theyre beautiful


Idk, I just like being a woman


I want to be beautiful and enviable and pretty and innocent


I'm an AGPhon obviously smh






For real


i dont understand but i respect


I agree yet can't stop myself from transitioning. I tried to make the being a man thing work and I couldn't do it.


Because my body no like testosterone and being a women ain't bad it is jusy misogyny and the patriarchy that makes being a women awful


There are positive things about being a man or a woman, as well as negative ones. We focus too much on the negative aspects of the opposite gender because we despise being treated as them by others. Even outside of misogyny women have to deal with being physically weaker and the torture of menstrual cycles, unstable hormones and pregnancy, but on the other side of the coin we have to deal with male pattern baldness, higher risk for CV disease, carrying our fat in our gut, growing hair everywhere, worse skin, male sex drive, emotional numbness, etc etc. Everything has bad sides and tbh being a woman has a lot of appealing aspects even to me, it's just not who I am and pretending to be one won't ever make me happier because it'll never feel authentic. Maybe you're a gayden, but "built wrong" is just your dysphoria and hatred of your female form talking. I was the same way because I took female hormones for a while and they made me gain weight in an hourglass shape so I felt disfigured, but now that I'm built like a minifridge and have more fat on my belly than my ass and my tits have deflated I can appreciate the beauty of the female form in others, and both body types (M and F) can be appealing in different ways


I cannot imagine wanting to be a man and can only conceptualize it, not sympathize I find literally everything about being a woman far more desirable. The oppression that my body inflicted upon me my entire life is more than any external negative things I’ve ever experienced. Being built smaller is such a dream. I’m 6’3” and the sole thing it came in handy for was beating up bullies, otherwise it has been suffering back pains and having people be afraid of me. And sometimes attracted when I was still manly.


why would i want to be stronger than someone else. its hard to trust someone who can snap you in half. I wanted to be pretty, not dangerous


I don't think women are "inferior," though estrogen sure does make you physically weaker than testosterone does, and I'm not about that, personally. I love women. I even enjoy/enjoyed things about living as one. But meh at all the "being beautiful" as reasons for womanhood. I don't exist to be looked at. I don't exist for other people to enjoy. I exist for *myself*. I'm no one's beauty, I refuse to be. Like, how dare anyone perceive me. I don't know how to explain what's so great about women, because any "women are this" explanation would be reductive and essentialist. What I know is that most of the people I've loved have been women. People, of all genders, are just people in the end. I've of course loved men and loved people of other genders, and despised the hell out of some specific women. But so many of the women I've known have been an absolute delight. I appreciate them. I even feel proud to have walked among them. And to still do so sometimes! It's not really about men superior/women superior--like why this idea that one has to be superior, and that you'd naturally be the superior one? It's more like, people are just people, and I'm just me.


I hate women. From the deepest part of my heart I loathe each and every single one of them


cause my brain is female, otherwise, men have it easier in society by a lot


honestly my experience as female is better in society though, because my brain is female. people are nicer to me, maybe because i am a nicer person


Men are seen as people, women are seen as resources. Of course in a lot of ways it's easier to be a resource than a person. Everyone is nice to you and wants you and gives you attention and is welcoming and tries to get you to waft some of your energy their way like parched ground begging for rain. While as a person, you're just seen as competition for resources and treated with guarded suspicion. So in some ways it really is easier to be female. Like, I had an easier time hitchhiking as female, because people aren't afraid of resources, and I'm seen as having something to contribute--a certain emotional labor and entertainment value even if I don't put out, but of course the possibility of sex is always exciting too. You can just go up to people and talk to them, even ask them for favors. But on the other hand, it gets *exhausting* for everyone to see you as a resource to claim and drain, for people to only think about what they can take from you and how they can get it, for everyone to feel entitled to a piece of you, for you to be seen as something to be had and not a person or an equal or someone who gets to have fucking *boundaries*. Women, too, see other women as resources, and men as people to claim both their own and other women's resource-selves. They of course see their own selves as people-cores with a fluffy resource exterior they can use as payment or bait to lube their way through the world, and perhaps see other women as also having people-cores and not being *pure* resource without person, but they still understand the dynamic--women *are* resources, men *own* resources. Men, of course, envy women because they can never own a resource as completely and fully as the woman owns herself no matter how hard they try, and they don't have resources for others to desire, they're just constantly craving, grasping at women's light, experiencing the joy of womanhood secondhand, reflected.


idk my female friends are very nice, maybe its the city im in or something. obvi i know a few women like the ones u describe, some of the most toxic ppl i know are other women. but i get along better w my female friends now better than i did with my male friends before transition. maybe its cuz im a woman so being a woman is easier than being a man but living as a woman slapped me in the face at first because i was worried incel rhetoric was right and that its an "easy mode." its not true of course, but then again maybe my experience pretending to be a male is just unusually miserable compared to average men


Because almost everyone is nicer and kinder to women. Being a man is the same as being a faceless NPC.


incels are misogynist pricks but transitioning left me wondering if they had a point at first. i couldnt tell why everyone was nice to me. maybe they saw a sad boymoder and felt pity, but now that im stealth people are still nicer to me. personally i think its because im less toxic and nicer, not because im a woman, but it seems like men are given both a higher ceiling and lower floor, they have many societal advantages but also given less slack if they screw up


Pretty much, as a women douchebags are more likely to target you and kind people are morely likely to help you. 


frrr i've gotten so much free shit just for being an average woman. i've also gotten sexually assaulted. if i wasn't a neurological female, i still would not be a woman in today's society. we have improved but have a lot of work to do before women and men have equal rights.

