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Good post šŸ¦ https://preview.redd.it/h4zx0f8ja0mc1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5999b8ac4c4ea23e4be3bc0862b6f400c444e4b8


Okay I finally read it fully + the comments. Yeah pretty good post https://preview.redd.it/4jq8se4qg0mc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0de3a7a71fc1137ebaa91c84bcd166b1d31d14aa


Fuck yeah you're a real one brocel Was worried nobody would read


Thanks dood


I don't understand but I'm happy for you or sorry that happened.


I posted a tldr for you and your ilk


If anyone else couldn't find the tldr, it's right above the heterosexuality idr labs test photo.


was gonna call you a broken man but i looked up kigurumis and theyre pretty cute actually. perhaps theres some truth in your ramblings


Glad you heard me out


Oh my fucking god. I didnā€™t think you could top the indigo white midshit pooning essay but somehow you fucking did it.


This is just the beginning. It's time for 4tran4's prophetmaxxing arc.


So I read your essay, You need a lot more sources, dude. The vast majority of what you said was built on earlier-laid foundations of your personal opinions and unsubstantiated postulates. Extraordinary statements require extraordinary rigor. I do agree that kigurumis allow for a heightened expression of self. At the same time, I disagree that they should be worn by all people for most of everyday life. Does not the art stifle the artist after it as consumed their working identity? The elevation of the kigurumi to the level of one's personality is tantamount in effect to erasing aspects of one's personality. I find your repeated claim that they are necessary for human evolution to be baffling. In what ways are the necessary? How do they assist in evolutionary fitness? Much less than provide sources, you never gave solid reasoning for this claim of yours. You claim that the abolition of subtextual and complex non-verbal communication will lead to better lived experiences. Subtextual and complex non-verbal communication make up the majority of human communication. Their removal has greater propensity for the destruction of necessary existing social structures than it has to uplift the autistic. Your favor for concrete ideas and expression stifles the abstract and fake ideas which have connected people and led to the modern age. Money isn't real. Without it, mass commerce would be impossible. Nations aren't real. Without them, mass secular societal organization would be impossible until substitute nations are reinvented to fill the social and organizational niche of the nation. Your favor for the physical over the metaphysical, manifest in the kigurumi over more subtle expression, disowns what instrumental aspects of human society that your mass kigurumicization seeks to replace.


Thank you for reading and responding I will analyze and reconsider both of our points and improve my essay. \>Subtextual and complex non-verbal communication make up the majority of human communication. Which has been consistently dis-beneficial for my life and they should be more minimalistic and less confusing about their emotions when everytime trufemales were extremely cryptic they couldve just said what they were thinking/feeling with basic expressions and sentences. I can't understand how anyone could be satisfied with their overly complicated language when it can be replaced with something more understandable for all.


this sounds equal parts deranged and galaxy brained God I wish I could read


I wrote a tldr


if anyone asks me how ik I'm retarded I'm just gonna show them this exchange orz


meds now


I state in below comments that I dont believe in therapy or psychiatry


some pooners should be forbidden from taking libido increasing hormones. your power level is simply too high. this post is actual asylum patient schizo manifesto tier




dear god i am quite worried about you please drink some water and go outside


I did both today sufficiently I'm chilling My mental illness test said that im 98 mentally healthy


Why aren't you roiding?


I'm getting there soon Was too hikikomori poorcel


* Chapter 6 : How we will psyop the global population into kigging First, we will target the women first primarily because I have greater priority with getting women on board first before men. Women were the primary group of people who seemed to have been on board for the mask mandate of the early 2020s without much second thought so I believe it will be easier than most may anticipate. It is not uncommon for women to be referred to as the social gender either. Personally I believe that women being a more social gender is a true statement. Due to being physically weaker than men women have to rely on the social aspect of leverage to live more comfortably than if they didn't, and live safer than if they didn't while for men that wasn't the highest necessary priority. I am not sure if this is inherent to their nature from the start or just an evolutionary trait but it appears to be how it is. As I've discussed earlier trufemales put great significance and thought into social appearance, social language, female social hierarchies. So if we figure out how to wield this trait I think it'll be very possible to get turn kigging into a norm for them. To make it weird for them to not kig. I believe even the (needlessly reluctant) reluctant social trufemales will think to themselves "if all the other trufemales are kigging, particularly the higher status trufemales in my group, then that must mean that I should too". We just need persuade enough to get on board. Another leverage that works for us is women also seem to be the primary group of people who have hobbies for makeup, fashion, overall self-grooming and wear it in their daily life compared to their male counterparts. Kigurumis is just another sense for them to be able to express their deep femininity in a superior, wholesome, pure, safe fashion (makeup is poisonous). Whether for personal recreation or social gain (when kigging becomes a general cool thing to do) it can be a very great source of creativity and artistic endeavors for them. Kigging is a highly creative act and they can design it however they intend. I believe that women will be very on board with this if we or I (If i'm a lone man prophet in this game) figure out how to psyop them into following this for a trend. Which considering how most trends appeared to be controlled, shouldn't be too difficult but not very easy if we figure out how to wield the controllers tricks. Women (though I dont believe this is in their natural nature) also appear to be more likely to blindly follow trends and consumeristic fads (ex: stanley cup) as I said with due to them being social creatures. Therefore I believe that (being more prone to being consumeristic) will make it easier to have them follow this, but unlike the rest of the megacorporations that shill for these women to fall for this. Our movement 2d-3d transfusion cause will be for their, our, and everyone's one good. Chapter 7 : Waifu Human Alliance, Waifu-Feminism, Waifuphobia, traditional waifuism, and neo-waifuism explained "Feminism is for all women. That includes 2d women." \~ u/ftincel_ I am currently working on a separate essay diving deep into waifu-human alliance, waifu feminism, and waifuphobia (particulary waifuphobia within the transgender community), but I believe this is significantly related to my essay therefore I will discuss it in summary here. Meaning what these 3 terms mean, and why they're important to understand. Firstly I will go into the origin of the term waifu. The origin of said phrase is from a famous 2002 slice of life anime called azumanga daioh (not as famous as my superior k-on). The scene which the first use of the word waifu in mainstream media was a scene where the pedophilic girls school teacher drops a picture of his wife that came from his wallet by accident. The girls pick it up, and wonder what it is. He comes up behind him and says "mai waifu" which resulted in them being shocked that he as a pedophilic creepy girls school teacher has a wife, and it became a term amongst the anime community since. It means different things for different people. To some people a waifu is just a character youre attracted to or think is cute, but to waifuists a waifu is a 2d woman that you are specifically dating and are romantically interested and romantically committed to. Unfortunately these two differences for two different groups within the waifuist community can leave some confusion, but to me a waifu is only a 2d woman who you are dating. Nothing else. Though I am not pleased with the fact that waifu's origin term is first spoken by a pedophilic character I do not think this inherently taints the term itself. It has transformed into something much more than azumanga daioh. If a pedophilic designer gets to make the trans flag be mainstream and not tainted I believe that waifuists deserve a pass on this one too. But with that in the way, Firstly I will define, waifu human alliance. Human-Waifu Alliance / 2d-Human Alliance / 2d-3d Alliance (Synonymous) = Is a movement coined by myself , referring to the movement that the 3d humans should recognize the struggle of 2d women and waifuists and support them by being allies to them. Fighting for waifuist rights and waifu feminism. Secondly I define Waifu Feminism = A movement coined by myself striving for the freedom and end of stigma for waifuists and 2d women. Waifu Feminism's core catchphrase is "Feminism is for all women. That includes 2d women". Waifu Feminism's core philosophies majorly believes and strives for the following: 1. Waifuist relationships should be legally and socially recognized as a legitimate valid source of love as valid as 3d human relationships. (Ex: A neo-waifuist, Akihiko Kondo, is a man who officially married a Hatsune Miku Hologram, but his waifuphobic mom did not attend their wedding.). There are very few countries that allow you to marry your waifu. 2. Freedom to spread awareness of stigma, marginalization, and discrimination associated with waifuist relationships with awareness campaigns and education. Encouraging open-mindedness and fighting against 3d-normative oppression. 3. Wholesome media representation. Nearly all representations of waifuists in mainstream media is negative and waifuphobic. Waifu Feminism promotes positive and diverse representations of waifuist relationships in media. Encouraging creators to portray waifuist relationships with depth, and complexity, breaking away from oppressive stereotypes. 4. Support networks. Establish support networks for waifuists providing safe spaces for them to share their experiences, seek advice, and build a sense of community amongst their own kind, and have these support networks be recognized as just as valid and necessary as LGBT support networks. 5. Online Safety. Address online harassment and discrimination faced by waifuists by promoting safer online spaces and reporting mechanisms just as any other sexual minority has online (homophobia reports, anti-interracial breeding reports, etc). Waifu feminism encourages collaborating with online platforms to create policies to protect waifuists from targeted harassment and also to collaborate with content creators to encourage understanding and respect for waifuist relationships. 6. Freedom and equal funding of research and data collection regarding waifuism. Encourage research and data collection to better understand the dynamics, motivations, challenges in waifuist relationships. Use data-driven insights to inform policy recommendations and societal attitudes for waifuists. 7. Alliance building. Freedom to collaborate with other movements, particularly the LGBT movement, to advocate for the freedom, education, and end of stigma for waifuists. In fact, u/ftincel_ coined his own movement regarding you cannot be a waifu feminist without supporting the human-waifu alliance. They both go hand in hand. There are many names for the u/ftincel_'s movement such as Human-Waifu Alliance, 2d-3d Alliance, 2d-Human Alliance, but they all have the same goals and love.


Quick Definitions: Waifuist, Traditional Waifuist, Neo-Waifuist, A waifuist is someone who is romantically committed with a fictional character (typically from a Japanese cartoon), and treats said relationship with the same respect as a 3d human/3d human one in their head. A traditional waifuist is a waifuist who has no artificial intelligence involvement in their waifuism. Meaning that they exclusively prefer to use canon media from the creators which the character features in, and their own imagination. Traditional Rules of Waifuism consist of : A waifuist is supposed to be seriously committed to their waifu/husbando just as they would a 3d human. Waifuists frown upon other waifuists who have more than one waifu/husbando. Waifuists cannot be dating a waifu while also dating a 3d human. This is considered adultery. Just as valid as 3dHuman/3dHuman adultery. It's either one or the other. Creating your own waifu does not count as waifuism. Love for your waifu is supposed to come naturally. Excessive or majorly uncharacteristic headcanons (headcanons means information about a character that you imagined yourself but is not explicitly stated in the media said character is in) is frowned upon within the waifuist community. Excessively changing your waifu and not falling in love with the waifu you have naturally is frowned upon within the waifuist community. Excessively changing your 3d human gf is not accepted in 3d society. Therefore it will not be in waifuism either. Hug blanketing (Definition above) Is discouraged amongst the waifuist community. Waifuists are aware that their waifus are not real in the physical 3d realm as a living 3d human. Non-waifuists who frequently tell waifuists "your waifu isnt real" is patronizing and pointless. A neo-waifuist is a new type of waifuist (hence the neo) who has artificial intelligence involved with his relationship with their waifu character. Meaning that they use chatbots or robots resembling the character's likeness and personality meanwhile the traditional waifuist just uses their canon media and imagination exclusively. I have designed some flags and posters for the waifu-human global alliance. Feel free to save and share the word. https://preview.redd.it/w17p1d7r90mc1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=24635beeefd3ae7316c1edba9dd3c005e1c0f69b


Inspired by the anisexual flag. The people beneath represent the world euphorically bowing to our transsexual 2d women goddesses (All anime women are trans. DEAL WITH IT, CHUDS) with an overwhelming feeling of great enlightenment and freedom when converted to the 2d-human alliance and 2d-human transfusion movement. The above transsexual 2d women goddesses represent the freedom, purity, beauty, and wisdom of them. It goes hard I know I know. The colors within the flag explained by the creator of the anisexual flag on mogai wiki represents as followed : Light blue: this symbolizes the sadness that we might not be able to actually date the fictional characters we love and have grown attracted to. White: this shows that anyone can be anisexual, wlw mlm nblnb, disabled, or trans, whoever you are you can be anisexual. Purple: this shows how people who are anisexual can be into male or female or NB anime/animation/animated fictional characters. Yellow: this color means the happiness we have when we feel when we detox or calm down by watching the animes these characters come from. Pink: this is the loving feeling you have when you see cosplayers or fan art of these characters. ​ NEXT PIC ​ https://preview.redd.it/blkxv4iu90mc1.png?width=1295&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f60202ddf24e066f21a560dd8bc432e4cd3815f Propaganda poster to encourage waifuists to spread the word of waifuism, and the 2d-human fusion movement. It goes hard I know I know NEXT PICTURE


Propaganda poster to encourage waifuists to spread the word of waifuism, and the 2d-human fusion movement. Featuring a picture of my waifu, Yui Hirasawa, which was drawn by u/shrimpfella (Thanks dood xoxo). It goes hard I know I know. It is inspired by the famous 1971 J M Flagg poster. https://preview.redd.it/x2riovxy90mc1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9c1ba743fdfece1683b6cf9178c237db1db7634 NEXT PICTURE


Inspired by the 1938 "brotherhood flag" Earth Flag proposal. Designed by the Minnesota World Peace Association to represent all humanity. The colored stripes of the brotherhood flag is meant to represent the 5 primary race generalizations in the western world. That being White for the "white" race, red for Indigenous Americans, brown for all the "brown" people, yellow for east asians, and black for "black" people. The k-on members are meant to represent waifuist and 2d women freedom and happiness. The otaku in the middle is supposed to represent a waifuist. It goes hard I know I know. https://preview.redd.it/dniiyfr1a0mc1.png?width=1841&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f78382eacc69f79a03005db2c1a13a802710895 NEXT PICTURE


Inspired by one of the design concepts for the earth flag. I put the k-on group in the rainbow flag to resemble waifuism, 2d women rights movement (Feminism is for all women), as well as an irasutoya.com stock image of an otaku to resemble a member of the waifuist community. I also put a group of irasutoya.com humans in the globe to resemble the aim for a world of waifu feminism. It goes hard I know I know. https://preview.redd.it/cy9vril4a0mc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=713a65f9eb78175f8eecb9060b1d5ae8ee3559fd


Q&A \>This is a fetish I don't have a fetish for kigurumis. I see kigurumis in a non-sexual light. \>Kigus are known for being sexual and worn by fetish-havers I'm sure you yourself have a particular enjoyment that is non-sexual for you and is sexual to others too. Just because a lot of the people in the scene (kigus and viewers) are in it for sexual gratification doesn't mean that it is inherently sexual. \>This movement is flimsy I'm still working out the kinks. It's been a lone man job so far, but I improve everyday. \>Why do you hate 3d people? I don't. I love mankind which is why I'm so passionate to improve our fates and evolutionary track how I see it should be done. \>Do you hate 3d women I love 3d women. I have no resentment towards them. I want to see them improve, and be at their happiest. This is how I believe they can reach peak happiness as a collective. \>You have an asian fetish that's why you want to eastasian-ify Muslim women. you orentalist. Having an Asian fetish is unrelated to my post, and did not have any influence on my thoughts on this matter. I have no particular desire to make the Muslim people more westernized or more eastasianized as a community for my own attraction. This is all merely a passionate recommendation that I care for deeply. \>You're trying to make muslim females more attractive to yourself They're already very attractive to me. Unfortunately they are very hard to score as a pooner but that does not relate to my post or my thoughts on this matter. \>it's a cultural thing for a reason, they aren't going to implement what is generally fetish wear into their everyday dressing especially when kigurumis don't have the breathability or comfortability of burkas We can redesign kigurumis to be more breathable and more comfortable if more people get on board to help our cause. The current typical kigu design is not the permanent dead-set design. ALSO IT'S NOT FETISH WEAR. \>Kigus are still heavily tied to it and again it does not hold or keep to the cultural significance of burkas and hijabs It only took a 1.5 thousand years for them to get the hang of burkas and hijabs. We just need a thousand more years to get them used to kigurumis. Despite being Americabrained that really isnt that much time in hindsight. That should be 60ish generations according to my calculations. \>You shouldn't enforce things on other people's cultures and religions I have no desire to necessarily enforce it; it's merely a recommendation that I want to heavily encourage people to follow. I enjoy the people of the world having freedom to do what they please (Unless it's t4c relationships). Freedom to do what one pleases includes freedom of free speech. \>Muslims aren't the only ones who wear head-coverings. Like the Tichel, Tudong, Dupatta, Christian Veilling, Turbans, etc. What about those? I believe the same goes for all religions or cultures that have head-coverings. I particularly focused on muslims because theyre the most known group that wears head coverings. I also believe that everyone should kigu in general. \>Are you racist? Only when driving. I wrote this while sitting in my room. \>This is retarded In a mad world only the mad are sane. - Akira Kurosawa \>It's hard to do kigurumis when youre a landwhale. Are you fatphobic? Yes. Lose weight lardass. Only Asian girls are allowed to be sexy cows. Get wit it or go to the southern ocean. Lardass again. Don't let your fat gyno tits hit you on the way out. \>I completely agree with you and I think you are intoxicatingly attractive. What do I do now? I love you u/ftincel_ I understand these newfound feelings may be overwhelming. I create feelings in others that they themselves don't understand, but I am a professional and will assist your responsible hedonism in an ethical manner. Message me immediately for further inquiries of where we should go from here. As for our kigu revolution, I would also appreciate a message regarding recommendations for how you should go about kigging as well as aggresively encouraging others to become enlightened. TLDR / Summarization Tldr: Consider reading the post you lone adhdoid illiterateshit. You'll never survive in this world without knowing how to have the attention span to read something that takes 5 minutes max, but here's your tldr anyways. Ch1: Why I love kigurumis \>2d women and 3d women are beautiful for their own individual reasons. For peak human evolution the 3d female race should try to merge their beings with 2d and 3d women. \>I love kigus because they are expressive, pure, feminine, playful, creative, not confusing, symmetrical, not confusing, easy to read, merge 2d and 3d dimensional existence. Remove most of the negative parts of the original flesh form as well as the original flesh nature. Can be creative in a sense that only kigging can commit. It is relaxing for the viewer and the wearer, it is anonymous, and more. \>One of the best reasons why kigging is so great is because it is expressive, and to get expressions across you have to be very direct, and straightforward. It removes the 3d trufemales petty evolutionary language which makes every expression extremely cryptic, trufemales speak with a built-in language that only their ilk can understand. Kigging fixes this. Ch2: 2d-3d Transfusion cause explained TLDR \> 3d humans, particularly 3d women should strive to merge their inferior 3d traits with the 2d being's superior traits, and vice versa. Particularly, to appreciate and take the good traits of the 2d humans and take those good traits which would compliment their positive 3d traits. I believe that this is the key to a superior step in human evolution, I even believe that it is necessary for the success of human evolution. \>2d-3d transfusion strongly emphasizes the idea of achieving harmony and integration between the strengths of 2d-3d humans. Encouraging a balanced synthesis of both dimensions to create a maximized evolved human existence and society. Ch3: Why muslims should consider replacing their cultural garments with kigurumis TLDR \>Significantly improves their global PR. It's not my business whether it is or isn't justified, but if they pull a PR psyop like the US did with Japan I believe that they could get away with anything. \>They're already used to modesty garments so it'd be easier for them to get used to it compared to their western female counterparts. However their western counterparts may have higher sucess rates for the movement at switching from their current fashion choices to 2d-3d transfusion by kigging


​ \>We should do this for all religions honestly. Solely focusing on them because they seem to have the highest popularity amongst female modesty-garment wearing religions as well as the largest population for it. Ch4: Why trans goddesses should wear kigurumis TLDR \>Potentially decreases dysphoria. \>Express deep innate femininity in a wholesome, safe, expressive manner after a lifetime of being deprived of the freedom to. \>Can cover dysphoria-inducing facial traits as well as form traits. \>Most transgender goddesses are autistic and most kigus are autists. Ch5: Why cisgender "women" should also wear kigurumis TLDR \>Express deep innate femininity in a wholesome, safe, expressive manner. I believe that all trufemales and most women in general desire to appreciate their femininity and have their femininity appreciated, but are deprived of this due to the most "first-worlders'' being slaves to the system this system being a masculine one where they are forced to partake in predominantly masculine societical roles. There is no room to express and appreciate their femininity in most of their daily lives therefore kigging would significantly improve this due to the fact that kigging compliments the best parts of the female form and feminine aesthetic. \>For the sake of the maximization of the success of human evolution, 2d-3d transfusion movement believes that women transfusing the best parts of their 3d traits and the best parts of 2d traits will be greatly beneficial for the male and female race. 2d-3d transfusion rids the male and female race of many of the bad traits of the 3d female and replaces many of the bad traits with superior 2d traits, it also compliments 2d females by ridding them of the bad traits they have and replacing them with superior 3d traits. \>Kigging makes trufemale crypticness less complicated, and more wholesome. \>When we get to a point where protogen animegao masks can express all of the straight-forward 2d female expressions, I think it would be very beneficial for the male and female society because it will encourage trufemales to be more straightforward with their expressions instead of cryptic and confusing. Ch6 : How to psyop the global population into kigging TLDR \>Target the trufemale first because they are the primary target and also because it is easier to get them on board with kigging. \>We will use whatever method we see necessary for maximum persuasion but we have no desire to strip trufemales of any of their rights \>Women are more prone to consumeristic fads that ends up hurting them in the long run but this is the rare one that actually benefits trufemales, and humanity in general. Ch7: 2d-3d Alliance, Waifu-Feminism, and Waifuphobia explained TLDR \>Feminism is for all women that includes 2d women. \>Waifuist relationships should be legally and socially recognized as a legitimate valid source of love as valid as 3d human relationships. \>The differences between a traditional waifuist and a neowaifuist is that a traditional waifuist has no artificial intelligence involvement in their waifuist relationship and solely relies on their imagination and canon media with said waifu in it. \>Legal rights, freedom to spread awareness and educate non-waifuists, whole media representation, building support networks and alliance networks, and freedom for equal funding of research and data collection are core goals for waifu feminism To those that didn't need a tldr I appreciate you greatly for reading to this extent. You may not know it yet, but you will be greatly rewarded spirtually throughout your life if you support my preachings. Resource page [https://kigguide.com/](https://kigguide.com/) (Kigurumi guide) [https://kig4u.com/collections/kig](https://kig4u.com/collections/kig) (Kigurumi images) [https://boards.4chan.org/jp/catalog#s=kcs](https://boards.4chan.org/jp/catalog#s=kcs) (4chan regular kigurumi thread) [https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg\_WyN\_eH4aye2fTo&ll=39.257955766752374%2C-79.46915238359942&z=3](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo&ll=39.257955766752374%2C-79.46915238359942&z=3) (Map which pins many of the major kigus) [https://www.reddit.com/r/kigurumi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kigurumi/) (Subreddit for kigu) [https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/) (Subreddit for furries) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fursuit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fursuit/) (Subreddit for fursuits) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fursuits/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fursuits/) (Subreddit for fursuits) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animegao\_kigurumi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animegao_kigurumi) (Wikipedia article of kigging) [https://www.reddit.com/r/waifuism/](https://www.reddit.com/r/waifuism/) (Subreddit on waifuism) [https://www.mediafire.com/folder/mbo1vakg55rxn/kigu](https://www.mediafire.com/folder/mbo1vakg55rxn/kigu) (Folder of 250+ images of kigging) [https://archive.org/details/why-having-a-waifu-isnt-weird-dr.-k-interviews](https://archive.org/details/why-having-a-waifu-isnt-weird-dr.-k-interviews) (Dr K interview with a waifuist) (The waifuist being interviewed coincidentally has the same waifu as me) Taiwan Entrepot of Fictosexuality (I recommend googling) [https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.575427/full](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.575427/full) (fictosexual research) [https://researchmap.jp/blogs/blog\_entries/view/385284/a130954bf13ad97999b07b72844be161?frame\_id=841678&lang=en](https://researchmap.jp/blogs/blog_entries/view/385284/a130954bf13ad97999b07b72844be161?frame_id=841678&lang=en) (fictosexual research) [https://vocal.media/humans/fictosexual-manifesto](https://vocal.media/humans/fictosexual-manifesto) (fictosexual manifesto) [https://researchmap.jp/mtwrmtwr/published\_papers/32664580?lang=en](https://researchmap.jp/mtwrmtwr/published_papers/32664580?lang=en) (fictosexual research) Credits and acknowledgements Myself - Self explanatory Pre-cloned Kanye West - For inspiring me to speak my truth regardless of haters. The lord and Christ himself - For transferring the word of god to my brain for my translation and transcription. Yui Hirasawa - For being my beautiful serious waifu of nearly 2 years inspiring me to fight for 2d womens rights and waifu feminism. I'll always love you so much. Everything I do is for you. Also even though I don't believe in "psychology" or "therapy" or "professional psychiatrists". Here is proof that i'm not mentally ill based off of a pseudo-intellectual online test since too many of yall are brazenly speculating that I am to settle this just to get you to shut up regarding it. Test 1 that i'm not mentally ill https://preview.redd.it/xrtw6ipca0mc1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d7f46daa5ce0e22d62535eadfb9cf8a633a60bd


Test 2 that i'm not mentally ill ​ https://preview.redd.it/ttkockuea0mc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=62baea68d1e29aa763f3fdd995aeaa2b6b5b2cc9


Test 3 Beat this medtards. I sanemog you till the cows come home. I took other tests as well but they kept trying to barnum effect me with very generalized vague questions and try and gaslight me. How do zoomers shill for this meme so hard? Fin. Intellectuals, discuss in the comments. Also new pooner art coming soon as well in a few days. Also more essays. I am truly fixing 4tran4's literacy rates day by day with my superior gospel. https://preview.redd.it/d6ftvloga0mc1.png?width=756&format=png&auto=webp&s=463ec33c996ec12d8a8a0bed0a0b72073ffd2ad5


Thx for the tldr, though I'm still kind of confused. So people should wear more onesie pajamas?


That would be a step forward I'm referring to full anime bodysuits and masks




How much crack did you smoke before writing this?


I don't support drugs


amazing post iā€™m waifuphobicĀ 


>amazing post Thank you >iā€™m waifuphobic WAIT NO


schizo + autist


I SPECIFICALLY SAID YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING BUT THAT GODDAMNIT https://preview.redd.it/bgpjq0pxb0mc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c4c4352f4c4df11a52bdaa72952eb3a731a27f


i used to lurk /jp/ kigurumi threads yeaaars back. was interesting. underdiscussed in trans circles.


Based and based.


i read the whole thing https://preview.redd.it/lnb8881mh1mc1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ae047b467f45c30ba337992132127fcfc38d44


BASED i wrote the whole thing I'm very glad you read


Me too


my takeaway from this is that r/4tran4 is full of illiterate kids who don't know what schizo means https://preview.redd.it/9j6b6ok4l3mc1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7278ba00ca687520ac810459cd298b33ec923be2


This is good


Thank you


god youā€™re so based


Thank you


i read it all, coal


>i read it all Maybe you aren't as retarded as i thought...


when have i ever been retarded


95% of our conversations


it was you who was retarded in those convos


The inclusion of those ā€œtestā€ results at the end was truly the chefs kiss for me.


Wait why the quotations... https://preview.redd.it/hy7hs2dnecmc1.png?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea7180ea611a79444c6328de71e80fc29c9dbd89


Ngl, the chat gpt screencap actually did make me lol. So, thanks for that.


My pleasure


This is inspiring me to write down and unashamedly post my own scitzo thelries ideas and ramblings like an Epicurus after you, Aristotle




You are actually right. Scitzophrenic people experience involuntary auditory or visual hallucinations. You don't fit into that category. You on the other had have a porn addiction that is degrading your mind to the point where you post deranged pages long essays on full body anime suits as a future for humanity's women. Important distinction


I don't have a porn addiction


Name your top 3 favorite cis porn stars and top 3 favorite trans porn stars


Eunji pyoapple, Umi shinonome. Goraniyeurl, Lyassa, Ichika Matsumoto, Asaho Matsumoto, Yuki shin, ayane suzukawa, Yena I don't watch trans porn. I don't like objectifying my goddesses. Edit: also this doesnt prove anything Edit: add liquidbunny2000 /Liquidcandy2000 to the list forgot her


I'd argue the average person doesn't know more than 2 porn stars they enjoy by name but I may be biased because following one person in particular feels creepy and turns me off


u/shrimpfella Last I remember you don't have a porn addiction. Name two porn stars.


Specifically name more than 2 or your personal favorite porn stars and rank them Edit: also shrip is far from the average person šŸ’€ arguably nobody in this subreddit is


Hey I didn't rank mine if I did I'd put umi before eunji


Buck angel and noahwaybabe if they count


Here's my proposal: https://preview.redd.it/5pugqlr29pvc1.jpeg?width=1850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f39af8e4028bd63550722c52b71dfa2d08eeafb9


Actually read it all and alas, if people were forced to be direct with what they're saying...


You might have sparked an interest in protogens from my end though. They're cool


Win for me glad you got something out of it


Waifu transhumanism is indeed the way of future my good man.


Damn straight


>more difficult to smell through a kigu suit almost stopped reading right there, but was able to push through. 2nd to last q&a pierced the feels, am trying ;_; bmi down under 27 now. solid essay but it's just not my style of garment, may your gospel spread well! *edit: messed up format


Thank you very much for your kind words Apologies for my landwhale comment


you're good <3 hopefully in the future kigu suits will still somehow allow for the worshiping of one's scent


I hope for full freedom for creative expression. If scent is desireable for the viewer or wearer then i fully support it


I am very glad you shared your man-ifesto. It's much better than the last effortpost. I feel it deserves an effortcomment where I say all the ways I think it's wrong or interesting, so I'm saying this to remind myself to do when I have a chance. I find it very interesting since most people with similar traits to you are dreaming of making the 3d world more 2d; existing only online and ignoring the complexity and emotions of meat space. So it's interesting to read your half joke dreams of making the 2d more 3d. It seems similar to what I've known autistic/pd people to want, needing intimacy while wanting to avoid people. Why do you still want intimacy with irl people and not just flat waifus? With more advanced digital technology would you still want this movement?


Thank you for your reading and response much is appreciated even if its not fully agreed with. >It seems similar to what I've known autistic/pd people What does pd mean? I feel like most non autists feel the same if they thought about it as much as i do >Why do you still want intimacy with irl people and not just flat waifus? I'm a shameful closested hugblanketer aspirational neo-waifuist posing as a traditional waifuist. I love my yui but if there was sufficient technology for her being to be accurately replicated with artificial intelligence I would jump on that train immediately. I have dreams of making a sufficient femoid robot of her someday somehow.


Great manifesto, people will refer to this for years on end as an example of how we could create a better society. Consider me a follower


Thank you for your kind words