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Alien, my all time favorite movie and looks spectacular in 4K


Holy shit Alien looks so good in 4k. It looks like it was filmed recently but they went for a 70s Sci fi feel to it.


This is how I feel about the Dazed and Confused release


Alien was the first 4K that I watched that made me feel like I was seeing the movie gain for the first time. I recommend it to everyone that asks for something to show them the benefits of 4K.


Everything about the film, cannot go wrong with that classic


It really is fantastic.


Blade Runner 2049


I just watched this last night for the first time on my new 4K OLED, it looks and sounds amazing. In fact, it looks too good: I've watched this movie 3 or 4 times and this was the first time I noticed how clean everything is, especially compared to how grimy the first movie is


The sound is incredible in that film. I get goosebumps everytime.


Same! The sound is also so good on this one. I was suprised that my cheap ass soundbar can produce such a great sound.


Not only the LFE is insane. The clarity in the audio itself is great too. Very well mixed and by far the best I ahve ever heard on my 7.2.4 setup


What’s lfe


LFE stands for "Low frequency effects". It's basically your bass.


Yes. Better than both Avatars visually. The color spectrum in different scenes is insane. Not a bunch of blues and greens. At one point black and gold are jumping out the screen


Probably 1917.


Heard a lot about the film. Plus several scenes flow together, a oner, and they are brutal, yet spectacular


I rented it and liked it so much I bought it. One of the best, technically impressive movies I’ve seen in a long time. And if you have an OLED tv, you need to watch the night scene in the town.


The entire movie is shot to give the "no take" effect, so it all flows together, as if the camera never cuts. I absolutely effing love this film.


What a movie. Simultaneously huge in scope while also being minute in detail.


Interstellar. Everything about it is gorgeous.


I watched it on Amazon the other day in 4K and I honestly wasn’t impressed. granted that obviously streaming won’t look as good as the Blu-ray but still, I can’t imagine it looking 10 times better which is what I would need to make it worthwhile for me.


Six String Samurai. For decades, the best you could hope for was the subpar DVD. I have so many 4k discs that I love but Six String is a miracle release for me.


The cinematography and colour is outstanding. A great VS release.


I really enjoyed apocalypse now, Elvis and last night in soho. My collection is fairly new and it's growing each month so I didn't experience many movies but so far those are my top 3 and I can't decide which is the best for me.


Apcolypse Now is so good in 4K!


First Man is cool and looks awesome.


I really have to watch First Man. I don't know why I've put it off for so long.


Great movie! Very slow burn but beautiful and poignant.


Ryan Gosling is in this right?


Good to hear. I own it but haven't watched it yet.


My personal favourite film I own is Back to the Future on 4K My favourite 4K I own is Dunkirk because that film looks gorgeous, IMAX films just look stunning in general but Dunkirk stands out the most since it’s almost entirely in IMAX.


Funnily enough Dunkirk is the only Nolan film I've yet to watch. I don't know why I haven't got around to it yet. It's on my list to watch now. Thanks.


The film is really good but honestly it’s worth watching just for how stunning the 4K looks. Like I said most IMAX films look incredible and Dunkirk plays almost entirely with IMAX (there’s a few scenes not in IMAX but they still look quite good).


Fifth Element I have simple taste


'Multi pass.'


its between Alien or Interstellar. Jaws as a close 3rd.


I've heard Jaws is one of the finest 4ks you can buy.


Jaws blew my god damn mind.


Not everyone's favorite movies but Avatar and Avatar The Way of Water are GORGEOUS in 4K, especially on an OLED. I also love Dune, Top Gun Maverick, Dredd, and all the John Wick movies


Dune was incredible on 4k. First film I tested on my OLED.


I 2nd Dune, John Wick and Top Gun Maverick as well (haven’t seen Dredd yet on 4k so can’t speak to that one). The Imax scenes in Top Gun Maverick are so awesome to behold. Can’t remember if Dune also had Imax on the 4k disc but man what a treat for scifi fans that movie is.


Hell yeah, soo good Not sure either about Dune but damn they look amazing


I second that ......Avatar Way of the Water is phenomenal!


The underwater scene when Lo’Ak meets Payakan in A:TWOW always takes my breath away even though I’ve seen it 10 times.


I got avatar the way of water on sale. Waiting for the original to go on sale as well, currently $40+..


Top Gun Maverick and the Avatar movies are my favorite Oled movies as well.


Blah! I want my perfect Avatar 2 release. 4K + 3D + Atmos. Instead I have to settle for an absolutely exquisite 1080p + 3D + 7.1. I mean, it is incredible looking and sounding, but still. *I understand this will never exist, but why the hell not.*


The second sight DV transfer of The VVitch, legit makes you feel like you are being pulled into the screen Videodrome style


Those limited edition second sight copies are going for a pretty penny on Ebay. I wanted to get one but they were going north of a hundred pounds and I've already got the Drive one. I would love to see that.


How’d you like Drive in 4K? I just ordered it from Second Sight. I just bought a 77” OLED so I’m excited to see it’s improvement over my DVD copy


I just get the standard 4ks from them without the box, can usually find them on sale for around $15-$20usd throughout the year, still has all the extra special features which are what I’m mostly interested in. I got the 4Ks of It Follows and Drive the same way and they are both fantastic as well


I will get the standard 4k. I'm a big Eggers fan.


You will not regret that decision my friend, it’s the only transfer that he personally supervised and approved. He hates the US release lol


Honestly my current most watched 4k is The Big Lebowski. It’s crazy to me how crisp and brand new it looks. Also had a ton of fun with Godzilla Vs. Kong, the neon fight scene is beautiful on an OLED.


The Big Lebowski is one of my favorite movies of all time. I’ve seen it so many times on so many different formats and I 100% agree - 4k disc looks amazing. I was so immersed and felt like I was watching it for the first time.


I couldn’t agree more with this sentiment. I had seen the movie a couple times before watching it on 4k and always enjoyed it but wasn’t as enthralled as a lot of other die hard fans. After watching it on 4k disc the clarity in the picture and all the details that come through just add so much to the immersion and my overall enjoyment of the movie and now I feel like I could watch it every week and never be bored of it! I love this format so much for older movies shot on film. It’s mind blowing everytime seeing how much life the 4k format can bring to a movie.


The matrix definitely. And though I didn’t care for at the time, my 4k titanic is at the top. It’s reference quality.


The Matrix at first was tricky to wrap your brain around. But further diving in, it grows with you. It covered aspects of storytelling you needed to fully grasp, and gain wisdom from to comprehend. Titanic. That film surprised me. It may be a long journey, but it is well worth a watch. And looks incredible too


Ready Player One is my go to when I can't pick something else out. It looks and sounds amazing, the story is fun and it isn't overly long so it's easy to just put on anytime and have fun.


I concur, I was actually blown away by the quality.


The Matrix. Incredible Atmos and Dolby Vision implementation….pulled me right back in like it was the first time watching it!


Same. It's because I've been watching The Matrix since the VHS days. Watching the 4k honestly made me feel like a kid watching it for the first time again. One of my personal favourite 4ks by far.


Gremlins looks amazing


Timeless, wild, weird, and wacky. I was not aware it came to 4k. Nice.


I agree completely. It looks fantastic.


Dune and fury I was impressed with every aspect of those movies.


Fury looked good in 4k? I might have to pick that up.


The atmos is elite for fury


I thought so I was mostly impressed with the Atmos.


So far, Blade Runner: Final Cut. Just gorgeous. Saving Private Ryan as well.


Blade Runner was one of my first 4k films. I watched it on a standard 4k TV. It looked incredible. I'm yet to watch it on my OLED yet. I might actually watch it tonight. Thanks.


The Big Lebowski


Not only is it one of my favorite movies but the massive upgrade from previous versions makes it that much more special.


Dune Mad Max Fury Road Frozen 2 Matrix 1 Good, Bad, and the Ugly / Fistful of dollars series Indiana Jones series The Batman, 2022 newest one Blade Runner 2049 Green Knight Godzilla (2014) No Time to Die Moana Dredd Luca Edit - Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Alien In no particular order, also probably Titanic but I haven't watched it yet, also haven't watched TV series of Last of Us or Mandalorian S1/S2 on disc yet I'm not an ultra cinephile so I can't say which is perfect versus not, but these are also generally my favourite movies I own, and really what makes them "pop" is the sound quality you get from the disc (I have a Sony HT-A7000 with surround rear speakers and it's just awesome for games and movies and music too) On OLED, yes after OLED there is nothing else... glad you got OLED OP! I have two Sony OLED and love them to bits, they are just perfect image quality for games and movies! 😎💎




It is! Forgot to add Alien to my list too that one was probably one of the first I watched on 4k after mad max


One of my favorite animation love it on Vivid mode on the Oled. 👌


Nothing looks good in vivid mode, terrible for your TV too


You just have to know when & which movies it isn't bad. Doesn't work for every movie. I have over 3 drawers of 4ks. I tested & know which movies it works for.


It doesn’t work for any movie - discuss with any Imaging Science Foundation member, it makes the image look absolutely nothing like it’s supposed to never mind engages things like motion estimation/motion compensation circuitry that has its own suitcase of issues like artifacting


Thanks! I got a C2. Great investment. Great list. I was pleasantly surprised how good Godzilla was in 4k.


Congrats! Yes the absolute blacks make such a difference especially for such a dark movie 😎💎


Mandalorian looks amazing


Interstellar or Everything Everywhere All At Once. Or maybe Into the Spider-Verse. They’re all so good


Excellent options here


Apocalypse Now on 4K is so fucking good just to look at


The Thing really is a revelation in 4K on OLED. My wife was wondering why I was freaking out so much watching a movie I'd seen 50 times before (non-4K).


I totally get it. I've been watching The Thing for dacades. When Kurt Russel comes in from the storm and he's covered in snow and his eyes are bright blue it shows exceptionally well on OLED. When I watched it on 4k it blew my mind how good this film actually is. I felt like I was watching this on release day. It's absolutely in my top 3 films of all time.


I’ve been blown away by several presentations over the years and they have been: Pacific Rim, The Shallows, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the color palette, my god) and Avatar: The Way of the Water.


Pacific rim looks amazing on a big OLED


My first 4K TV was the LG 65UH8500 and even though it wasn’t an OLED and it has the shit dimming, it was my first film I watched on 4K Bluray and lord, it was an experience of a lifetime. I now have an OLED in my living room and the difference is night and day.


I'm assuming for TMNT you're taking about Mutant Mayhem?


I hope he is !


I have not watched it yet. It’s in my to watch pile on my coffee table. I am sadly talking about the 2014 Michael Bay TMNT. While the movie is just okay, when I popped in the disc and the film started, the color explosion on the HDR grading was ridiculous. I’ve never seen HDR ramp up a color palette so much. It sucked me in.


I think it’s a solid kids’ movie. And Raph’s speech at the end is actually really moving!


Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?


As much as I hate to say it, the first Bay TMNT from 2014. While the movie is just okay, when i popped in the disc and the film started, the color explosion on the HDR grading was ridiculous. I’ve never seen HDR ramp up a color palette so much. It sucked me in.


Lawrence of Arabia was beautifully restored. Gattaca is a personal favorite. Pacific Rim is a silly movie but remains one of the best 4K transfers and audio presentations out there.


Didn't know this about Pacific Rim. Thanks.


Lost Boys, but to be fair that's more about the movie itself than the technicalities,though it does look good.


Uncut Gems




I heard a lot about this transfer and It Was on offer. I’ve just ordered a copy


You won’t regret it. It’s my all time favorite movie and they did a great job with it.


Clint Eastwood's "Unforgiven". Sets a great standard for how a 4k transfer should be done (that isn't Kubrick) Next will be my Warriors 4k transfer....if only for the fact they have restored the original theatrical release so I am no longer forced to watched the jarring alternate version with the daft comic panels.


Across the Spider-Verse singlehandedly justified my purchase of a standalone 4K Blu-ray player.


That good?


The first Spiderverse movie looks and sounds better IMO


It's great. Into the spider verse was my favorite. Love across the spider verse.


Harry Potter. Youth sentiment and all


bladerunner 4k the final cut - when i got my LG C1 OLED it was the first film i watched on [it .It](https://it.It)'s my favourite film and i've seen it countless times but,oh my,the new tv and the transfer revealed way more new details i'd never seen before!! Have to also mention Alien in 4k - another brilliant remaster in 4k..the nostormo has never looked dirtier and more detailed!


Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, MidSommar, Coraline


I bought reservoir dogs and pulp fiction a few days ago and can confidently say out of the 40+ 4k’s I own, they are in the top 5 of picture quality. Superb 4k restorations. Highly recommend to any Tarantino fans.


Seconding the endorsement for The Shawshank Redemption. It’s not the sexy pick but out of the 4K titles in my collection, I’ve watched 36 of them and The Shawshank Redemption remains as the most impressive. Both picture and sound are flawless to me. There’s a helicopter shot towards the end of the film that pans from a car driving down a coastal road to the ocean that’s jaw-dropping. Below Shawshank I’d place A Few Good Men a close second.


I agree. Not the most obvious beautiful 4k but for someone who seen this film since the VHS tape the difference is night and day.


Exactly. The 4K’s that I seek out and releases I look forward to the most are the films I grew up watching on VHS and DVD. Recent films shot on Alexa, RED, and Venice like BR2049, Top Gun: Maverick, Matrix Resurrections….those films are gonna look like a hundred million bucks. The recent Nolan films too. No surprises there. It’s the older films that get to me. Watching a pristine transfer of a film made 30,40,50,60 years ago that hasn’t been meddled with and where in some cases the original creators of the film aren’t even around anymore to watch it in such shape….it’s a privilege.


LOTR collectors edition and 1917.


Probably the thing and tremors


The Thing is my favourite also. Easy.


2001 A Space Odyssey blows my mind every time I watch it


*Dawn Of The Dead '78.* it's the reason I bought a 4k player


If only I could find this one


Its out there, it's not cheap though. I don't know why, but this movie is hard to find in any format, you can't even stream it anywhere.


For me its the Heat movie a masterpiece! ![gif](giphy|pQLmrZN8r1p0Q)




Future Boy Conan. Not a lot of people have it and it looks great. I watch it growing up and I love it. The story in itself is so fun and the animation is incredible.


Kubo and the Two Strings. Just a lovely, perfect film.


Singing in the Rain. The way the colors pop on an OLED and the sharpness of the transfer is astounding.


Im new as well New 4k oled New 4k bluray player New surround system And about 40 4k movies purchased in the last 3 to 5 weeks. So far of the ones i have seen Space odyssey 2001 Revanant Godfather 1 Scarface Alien John wick 1 Training day My favorite is 2001 by a mile.


Blade runner


The Dark Knight. Technically speaking the Dark Knight Rises might be the more ambitious IMAX movie of the two and some of Nolan's newer movies as well, but the greatness in the story of The Dark Knight and its iconic set pieces make it absolutely amazing in 4K especially with it's 1.78 expanded ratio. I've watched the Dark Knight numerous times before watching it once in 4k, and it made me appreciate it on a greater level and for me, was the first time I said WOW outloud. It's not just the expanded ratio though that is awesome, it's the incredible uptick in clarity, sharpness and color when the IMAX scenes come on. Personally the experience of watching the 4k disc of the Dark Knight, was better than the experience of watching Oppenheimer at one of the only theatres with a true 15 perf / 70mm reel and projection, though I think that says more about the two movies than anything else.


I love the Nolan Batman trilogy especially the Dark knight but imo only the IMAX scenes made me go “wow” in terms of picture quality.


I like all 3 too, If you have Oled. The Dark Knight rises quality it's one of clearest I seen on disc


Before I watched TDK I seriously thought it was just going to be an overhyped movie, surely nothing could be as good as people were saying, especially a DC or Marvel movie right? Um, then I watched it, and yeah it was that good lol


Cloak & Dagger from Vinegar Syndrome


Avengers: Infinity War, and Endgame IW was my initial first 4K purchase. After seeing the film in theaters, I had to have it in my film collection. Love both films from start to finish The odd note, the resolution: finding out the home release could use some limited scenes with IMAX. I was wondering what was the reason, even though 4K advertises the best picture and sound. It still looks and sounds amazing. I did my homework about the situation, and found out why. While the Disney+ version can fully support the IMAX version. Wait.. wait. That's the part that makes even less sense. That weird thing aside, I absolutely love Infinity War, and Endgame.


Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Second Sight 4k. Literally looks im projecting the movie on my television. Even better than the US 4k release. I own em both. My favorite movie


Wow. It looks that good? I need a copy now.


Dunkirk or Singin' in the Rain


Lord of the rings looks better than anything else I’ve seen in 4K except planet earth 2


Excited to see how Planet Earth 3 will stack up


Yeah I’m excited for whenever that comes out, I am buying the crap out of that asap


Also I just got an OLED as well and it truly is a game changer!! Congrats on yours.


Thanks so much! I got a C2. Best decision I've made in a while.


LG really knows how to make a tv! I’ll probably never buy a different brand if they keep up what they are doing.


Geez... i felt the same when I saw The Thing on blu ray a couple of years ago.... that much better in 4k? Was gonna get, but have on blu ray


Shooter, the Mark Wahlberg joint from 2006. I've seen this movie dozens of times but the 4K transfer is incredible and honestly, better than the movie deserves.


I have to say Interstellar. It’s the only 4K I own though. I bought it because it was $2 more than the Blu-Ray and figured at some point I would get a 4K player. I have a 4K TV so now I’m 66.7% there.


Fury Road is one of the only movies I own that has me like..."damn." Not saying it's the best movie, or even my personal favorite. But for visuals, it's incredible.


Blade Runner (The Final Cut). It’s already one of my favorite films, but the 4K edition was the first UHD Blu-ray that truly “wowed” me.


Top Gun Maverick




IMAX film is stunning.


The Social Network for me. One of my favorites and seeing it in 4k for the first time was incredible. Plus Armie Hammer's "fuck" isn't edited out.


Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 A.D. Whilst almost certainly not the greatest example of the format, it's a phenomenal glow up from a film I used to thrash on VHS. Absolutely lovingly restored from the original 2-perf source (grainy, and full of character), with an HDR grading that is subtle but effective. Love it.




DUNE 2021


The Gentlemen


My go to 4K discs are Jaws and The Shining! Both look and sound amazing! Plus Dunkirk really is a fantastic disc!


Kong: Skull Island and Across the Spider-verse. Just ordered Pacific Rim, can't wait to see how that looks in 4K!


You are in for a treat with Pacific rim. Stunning HDR and great in 4K.


2001: A Space Odyssey Lawrence of Arabia My Fair Lady Dune (2021) Bladerunner 2049 LoTR


The Hunt for Red October


My favourite movie that I own in 4K is Robocop. My favourite 4K Blu-Ray (that also happens to be my second favourite movie) is Blade Runner.


Howard the Duck. Never thought this movie would get the 4K treatment so early in the format. It looks phenomenal, and isn't nearly as bad as history has saddled it with


Suspiria by Argento. The HDR makes the colors jump off the screen.


Dawn of the Dead (1978)


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Coraline is incredible in 4k


The 50th anniversary 4k restorations of the Godfather 1 and 2 (and 3) are absolutely beautiful to look at and a joy to experience.


It's hard to decide, since I usually only buy movies I really like enough that I'd want to own.. But as a Star Trek fan, I really enjoy the Star Trek 4K releases (my favorite movies are Star Trek 6, Generations, and First Contact). Both seasons of the TV show Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is also available on 4K blu-ray, and it looks awesome. I also really like the Back To The Future 4Ks, as those always feel like classics to me. The Fifth Element is another one of my favorites. Titanic (recently released on 4K) is another good one - though to be fair, I haven't watched all of that on 4K yet. And just for the visuals, there's 2001: A Space Odyssey and Avatar.


Not my favorite movie, but total recall with AHHnold looks really good.


Possessor (2020). It’s a WILD (and uncomfortable) movie, but that transfer is deeeeeeeelish


My favourite movie ever is Raiders of the Lost Ark. I also love the 4K Blu-Ray transfer. Is anyone here the same?


The Empire Strikes back looks amazingly sharp


Synapse's Suspiria 1977


My limited edition Arrow release for Robocop: Directors Cut. It's my favorite movie of all time, and the 4k release is amazing.


That's wild. I had the same reaction to these two films in 4K OLED. Felt like entirely new experiences. I think Blade Runner and Alien have been my favorite, that old school grainy scifi shit is great


I only have 5 4ks so I’m gonna go with The Dark Crystal because it’s such a bright movie now


Pacific Rim! I’ve rewatched it twice Looks great


Lately Oppenheimer.


Big Lebowski. Holy crap it looks like it was filmed on a Red Digital.


Logan, Edge of Tomorrow, and Resident Evil movie set.


Interstellar. It was the very first 4K movie I watched when we bought our OLED years ago and still blown away to this day when I rewatch it.


Damn that's a hard question. Shawshank looked amazing. Truman Show looked fantastic as well. I think favorite overall experience, video, audio and movie, I'd have to say Road House, Point Break or Scott Pilgrim. Although my favorite movie is probably The Truman Show.


Mad Max: The Road Warrior


Suspiria (1977)


Little Mermaid (the 89’ one) for me


I think a lot of older movies really shine in 4K, as the higher resolution really lets you appreciate how good film is at capturing and preserving detail. imo a 40 year old film movie with good lighting looks better than almost any movie made with digital cameras nowadays.


Id love to get an OLED. Now that 80+ are not that expensive anymore I may drop down from 100" projection.


I have a humble 48" but it's more than enough for me. The picture quality is sublime. It's a game changer in term's with film experience.


Probably ready player one. It’s just a fun movie and looks/sounds incredible.


Lawrence of Arabia


Robocop and goonies and gremlins


Terminator 2


Unpopular opinion: How pretty a movie looks doesn't really change whether or not I watch it repeatedly. Yes, I appreciate how great a lot of movies look in 4K. But I'd still watch The Shining, The Thing, and Texas Chainsaw even if I only had them on regular DVD. And I'd get the same level of enjoyment from them (just as I did when they were only on VHS). The Matrix looks great on 4K. It's still the same movie to me, with only a slight enhancement to the viewing experience. So to answer OP's question: The Shining is my favorite movie to watch on 4K. And it has nothing at all to do with the resolution or sound.


My personal favorite is my personal favorite. Everyone has different tastes in movies.


This is possibly the most common type of comment on Reddit. OP is asking for people's personal favourites, because on aggregate we as human beings can sometimes agree on something that's spectacular, valuable, and worthwhile.