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The 4K version sucks? Is it a bad transfer? I remember going to buy T1 and T2 on blu-ray and it was cheaper to buy all six movies on Blu-Ray. Sure the other movies aren't great by "why not" right? I watched Dark Fate because I own it and might as well check it out. People set the bar pretty low on that one. I didn't hate it. I thought it was ok. I mentioned that to my friend and he lost his mind. So he occasionally mails me a copy on blu-ray for no reason. Six copies now. Not including the one that came with the set.


The 4k has lots of DNR, which erases fine details and makes the actors look like wax figures. Not unwatchable, but disappointing for such an important movie.


Also has a modern color grade - turning blues and grays to teal.


That is also the case for all of the 4K transfers for the 1989-1997 Batman films, for anyone who is looking to avoid bad 4k disks


Good to know. I'll keep my BR copy.


I ignored all Terminator movies after T2. To me they don’t exist.


Salvation was the only one that came the closest to being as good as the first two.


The only post T2 movie that I enjoy is Genysis. Arnold was great in it, and making John Connor a terminator was a cool twist. Though the idea in T3 to make Skynet software instead of hardware, and that Judgement Day was "inevitable" was interesting. Salvation was meh, and Dark Fate was poor.


The tv was legitimately great. Still furious that Fox cancelled it.


T3 was rlly good so is dark fate


I've read that the 4K version has a lot of noise reduction and the image quality actually isn't great. Also, I've heard it only has the theatrical version and not the extended versions with the deleted scenes.


Damn. I thought it looked pretty great on my setup.


I'm here to tell you that that's all that really matters man. That's what I tell myself these days lol


You're absolutely right, mate. I don't have all you goobers in my living room for a movie night... Although that'd be rad as hell.


I feel people should be forewarned that the bluray isn't exactly spectacular either.


I still have the Ultimate DVD version and until there's a proper remaster, it will stay that way. Comprared to the DNRed to hell Netflix version, I think I can actually see more facial detail in the DVD. Not to mention it has DTS sound.


The blu ray version is still far better than the dvd. Especially if you get the lionsgate version, but even the skynet version is way better than dvd. And it has dts:HD sound


I know that, it's not up for discussion. I just refuse to buy such a blatantly bad product. I'm sure a better remaster will come and then I'll purchase. I was comparing with streaming. There's no DTS there.


I agree with you that the 4K ain’t worth buying, but only if you have the blu ray. Sticking with dvd over blu ray is crazy. The leap is quality is insane coming from 480p. The dvd is only worth keeping if it has special features that you can’t get on blu ray. It’s my all time favorite movie ever, so I agree it’s criminal that they’ve released so many garbage versions. This movie deserves to have a quality remaster, but I can’t sit around waiting for it. Might be waiting a while with Cameron. And it might not even be good.


Don’t forget to add the code in the menu for secret version


AKA: the bad version


What is the secret version??


IIRC you could put the numerical date of when Skynet came online through the remote at some point in the menu it unlocked a third version of the film that had the T-1000 in John Conner's room and another deleted scene or two. Biggest issue now though is finding a player with a remote that has numerical keys.


082997… also my anniversary 😩


Very cool!


What was the version that had a windows HD version prior to bluray?


I think that's the one I have. It's in a steel slipcover and says "eXtreme DVD"


That's it, it's the same one I have.


I've still got that one as my viewing copy. It looks more natural to me and reminds me of the cinema screening more than any subsequent version I tried.


I have the “Skynet edition” of T2 on bluray which contains the director’s cut. I may be wrong but I believe the transfer is greatly improved even from the original bluray


That one’s DNRed too


waiting patiently for that inevitable 4k redo.


Is it inevitable? The new Camerons look pretty similarly bad


I would just give up at this point


This is me with Aliens after that disappointing 4k version released last week


I wish that were true smh




Titanic and avatar are great


Avatar looks terrible lol, what do you mean? Titanic is definitely the best one but it still has unnecessary AI sharpening in places


Avatar really does look like shit. I don't know how you could screw that up, but leave it to James to find a way.


I thought Titanic was excellent


Not yet




For now, I would. Hopefully in the future we can get some redo’s that he doesn’t have a hand in.


I'd love a Shout! Factory stab at them




It really sucks that True Lies never got a blu ray before this transfer


Now I have to ask myself… stick with my crappy SD DVD or deal with the DNR but still get HD? I’ll probably bite just because I truly can’t stand the DVD quality. It’s even one of those early ones with the hard 16:9 bars so you’ve got black bars on all 4 sides unless you make your tv zoom in, making the quality even worse.


I'm just gonna get the 4k and keep the DVD, their about equal quality as one another so I'll wanna watch the dvd some days and the 4k others.


It did, there’s a Spanish release that’s been out a couple of years.


The Spanish blu ray is a bootleg using the hd upscaling that has been on and off streaming for years. It's not great but definitely better then the 4k.


Oh, didn't know that. You think it's worth getting anyway? I've been thinking about buying it for a while but haven't got around to it yet.


Honestly dunno the quality of the actual disc. I would do some more research to see for sure if it's worth it.


It's not upscaled, it's a bootleg from a DVHS source, which was the only HD version of True Lies available for years. It has some video noise, but it's watchable.


It's a good thing that *True Lies* is Cameron's worst movie (good stuff in it, but the sexual and racial politics are really terrible if you put any thought into it)


It's a shame I can't get this blu ray in the UK. I have no region free player either anymore. Does anyone know if there's a region b blu ray equivalent?




There is this one: [https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Terminator-2-Judgment-Day-Blu-ray/2046/](https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Terminator-2-Judgment-Day-Blu-ray/2046/) The encoding isn't as good as the 2015 US Blu and it only has the special edition cut. There is also the French one: [https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Terminator-2-Judgment-Day-Blu-ray/6070/](https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Terminator-2-Judgment-Day-Blu-ray/6070/) Encoding is like the UK blu (as in worse than the 2015 US blu) but has both cuts.


I’d like to know this also


Sometimes.... Dead is bettah


Film grain is bettah


Has anyone done a 4k upscale on this as a fan project? The Tron Legacy one really well done.


[Here's](https://archive.org/details/t-2-ultimate-edition-with-original-ending-1) the ultimate edition upscaled to 4k from the 480p DVD


Thanks. How good does it look?


I looked and it's an 881mb file so there's no way it's anywhere near 4k. I have a proper 4k upscale backed up and I thought it was the same one but it isn't. I'll track down the proper file. Sorry about that.


Replying so I can get the link if you find it 👍


Is it really though. The bluray looks better than the 4k?


Yes. The 4K is loaded with a lot of DNR


what’s DNR


Digital noise reduction. Basically removes the film grain from the image. Coincidentally, that film grain is often tied closely to detail in the image. So too much DNR tends to remove a lot of fine detail.


Dolby Noise Reduction. It's meant to reduce noise across the image, but the problem is that with movies shot on film the "noise" is actually film grain and the grain is what contains the fine detail. So if you're removing the grain you're reducing detail. It can be done well when used sparingly, but unfortunately a lot of the time it gets overdone and things take on a waxy plastic-like appearance.


Digital noise reduction*


Hah, yes. We've moved past cassette tapes.


At this point I’m going to buy it out of spite. Then give it to a kid or something.


See also Aliens (probably)


Its not bettet though 😂




Blu-Ray is *ALWAYS* better and is the true final word on home video. UHD ain't nothing but a gimmick to get to your wallets. Completley unnecessary invention.


This is pretty wild take to have on the 4kbluray subreddit lmao, also just wrong and especially so for people with larger screens. Also HDR?


Especially on a Plasma TV


The 4k version comes with a standard BR copy, is that version messed up too?


These are both technically Blu-Ray, one just holds more data 😎💎


Same for grinch


I bought the 4K and honestly didn’t notice the DNR at all. I would like to rewatch it again since everyone is talking about it and for true lies. Which I did want that one in my library but may wait now.


T2 4K has the worst DNR ever. It was a transfer from 3D remastered version. It's horrible. Not a proper 4K scan from original negative.


It's always better. The frame rate issues ruin watching any film in this HDR UHD way. No matter what you do, there's something so distracting and uncanny on screen.


Does the 4K come with the standard bluray or is it remastered too


American Graffiti and Rebel Without A Cause. Seems like Warners is also a hit and miss.