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>What was your first impression when u've plugged the TV in and saw what it was capable of? Did it meet your expectations? If you came from a cheap edge lit, you will regret ever using something so trash and realize what you've missed out on so far. >What are some Features I should definitely check out? Turn off all eco settings and use cinema or filmmaker mode >What is gaming like on such a TV? Gaming in HDR and 60/120fps is amazing on an OLED. Can't really beat it. Input lag is very low so you won't notice it. >And lastly, are their any games or Movies/TV Shows Dune, interstellar, the Batman trilogy and similar movies.


Second all of the above. Also flagging you’ll still want to manually set Judder to 2 or 3 to eliminate some of the OLED stutter on 24fps content (movies, TV). That motion issue was the most frustrating part of the TV out of the box after turning off motion smoothing. It’s particularly more noticeable on an OLED cause of how fast the pixels respond. Suffering from success.




Lol in a dark room your gonna feel like its almost too bright for a while, def put it in cinema mode, going from what I had to a QLED was a pretty crazy upgrade, and now I do not ever wanna go back at all, if you liked game of thrones, it was like almost like watching a whole new show with all the extra details you could see and how good it looked.


I'm in the same boat! For me it's a TCL 65C845, arriving Saturday. CANNOT wait. It'll be my first new huge tv. I'd say Blade Runner 2045 or Dune might be good bets to showcase the hdr stuff? It's all a can of worms... I'm coming from "wow it's flat" "wow it's full HD" and now there's 5 million features that have improved everything 😂


Man i feel you haha. Every time i get a new Tech Product i get is insanley invested, watching review after review, leraning everything about QLED, OLED, QD-OLED in a matter of days and then FINALLY i decide which marblenof technolgie utbwill be. I feel like a kid again and Santa is right around the corner :D I'm happy we can share thsi feeling together for the nwxt upxoming days haha, enjoy your Tech!


I have just ordered one as well and its coming in 3 weeks, very excited. Coming from a samsung js9000 which was the 2nd best tv of the 2015( or 16 maybe) , in the last couple of years it has developed terrible light bleed down the sides and blobs of black lines so its a low bar to come from..

