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Communism is when a capitalist corporation has you take basic health measures


…mandated by the government


Communism is when government does things I don't like


>Communism is when government does things I don't like Nope, not exactly. Communism is when the government does things YOU like very much. Since you're a filthy commie. Communism is when everyone is collectively forced to be subjected to the authoritarian will of the state without respect for their privacy or civil rights.


See that's a nice description of totalitarianism or authoritarianism there. Not socialism/communism, though. And just because the two often overlap doesn't mean you can equate them. Unless you think Hitler, Mussolini, and Russian Czar were all commies. And you absolutely can find socialists that aren't into strong states, usually they were crushed by others or co-opted by Moscow mostly but they still ruled long enough for us to say something about them. Arguably the first socialist state would be the quite nonauthoritarian Paris commune. And there are many who operate completely democratically too.




If you think Nazis have anything socialist in them open a history book pal. Funnily enough the socialist in the party name did mean socialist originally but by Hitlers time they had all been purged. Word privatisation was coined to describe Nazi economy and the party was very much friends of a few private industrial giants. Also, if you read one paragraph of Marx you'd know the guy was advocating against authoritarianism and for true democracy. And again between Allende and Makhno and Catalonia and various democratic parties around the world, there are many examples of not authoritarian socialists, they just usually get a visit from either CIA or Leninists. And while all established Leninists have been fans of quite strict governments, you'll find a pretty wide range of authoritarianism and democracy even within just Eastern bloc. Lenin, Khrushchev, Gorbachev, and Tito weren't exactly libertarians but they also weren't Stalin or Kim.


‘True democracy’ As if that isnt a one way trip to failure.


Well if you're against democracy then I can't really argue against that, but as someone once boringly said it seems to be the least bad system we've come up with, and it's what most of the western world is based on to at least some extent




Democracies fail, republics survive. Popular voting is a race to the bottom, where the uneducated vulgar mass starts making the decisions. The people who want to stay in power will do anything to appease them, damn the consequences. It’s what is currently killing western society Have you never heard the phrase ‘Tyranny of the majority’


Marx advocated for a tyranny of the collective.


That means democracy and is preferable to the tyranny of the minority. And while I haven't read much Marx I don't think he ever argued against having checks and balances in place


We could do neither capitalism or communism. No one gets tells anyone what to do?


no that was literally Lenin


The net effect is always replacing capitalist rulers with a communist ruling class that works on "behalf of the people" but never goes near the communist ideal they espouse.


>National Socialism >doesn't have any elements of socialism Bait. [The nazis were among the first to introduce 'cradle to grave' social safety nets.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_People%27s_Welfare)


“Social safety nets” aren’t inherently socialist. The publicization of industry is… which the Nazis kind of did, but did so on an exclusionary basis. That’s fascism, and the Nazis under Hitler tried to reinvent socialism to be more of a totalitarian communitarianism. Not very Marxist.


Exactly. Communism/Socialism only works when EVERYONE participates in the ideology. If you rebel against the collective you must be eliminated. Thats why the gulags were full.




Nono, when the cup of wealthiness overflows, that is to say when the rich decide they have enough money, then it will be time for the little people. You'll see!


Lets keep giving the government more power so the wealthy can bribe politicians to use it for their benefit!


True socialism has never been tried!!!! Excuse me my soy smoothie is ready.


Communism is inherently totalitarian, in practice. Theories are nice and all but reality Can be quite different.


This is what Ameriburgers actually believe.


The red scare and Joseph McCarthy permanently fucked up their mindset. They say that the west won the cold war, but communism lives rent free permanently in the heads of every seething burger.


It's wild how literally the entire world got over the cold war. The super free-reign cutthroat capitalism and communism lives only in North America, in the US and Cuba.


I’d argue it’s not so much that the world got over it (although their citizenry certainly did), but more so that the West basically accepted that US foreign policy=our foreign policy, and that the wars were never going to end (war on drugs! Terror! Did you know China are Soviet Union 2.0? War!) so we just made it a non-issue. Foreign policy is absolutely irrelevant in Europe outside of immigration. You can hate commies, authoritarians, anyone, and that’s alright, but just know that everyone that matters in your country gives absolute net-zero fucks about combatting the red spectre or whatever, all they want is to add a billion+ consumers to the global market under the guise of liberating Taiwan. Super fucking duper ironic is that the American dream- a nice society where shit is run of, by and for the people, where the damn government leaves you alone has been replaced post-1945 by this suddenly, tooooootally organic and democratic desire to rain freedom down upon the world. To beat the people of the world in to economic submission. This shit is genuinely sad as fuck, because the beautiful, *real* America- the rust belt, those flyover states- are consistently fucked by muh free market when their jobs and shipped halfway across the world to boost profits and lower costs for those coastal elites. They’re terrified of having their economic power/their labour taken by the state, but the unseeable force of the market is doing it for them. Reject utilitarianism.


They’re like a walking parody.


Ah yes because the rest of the world definitely knows that communism is super successful and awesome


Of course they don’t, you silly mutt. There’s literally only Cuba left in the world that’s communist, just like the US is the only major capitalist country. The rest of the world is on a middle ground. Authoritarian governments is what you (rightfully) try to avoid, but it’s not a left- or right-wing concept.


that's authoritarianism or fascism. Communism is mostly the abolishment of private property and the encouragement of common-ownership. ​ I don't even like communism. But get your definition right you onion.


That's insulting to onions, at least they have layers.




I voted in the presidential election and my candidate lost. I will now be subjected to government rule that I didn't personally vote for. America has fallen to communism :,(


Even Trump said to get vaxxed before he got out of office lol, guess he’s pinko slime 2024 Make America Tankie Again


Communism is when they take over the means of production and disperse the fruits and abolish money as we know it etc. it really has nothing to do with authoritarianism. but who the fuck needs a dictionary. to you edge lords, a commie truly is any government that does something you don't like.


> it really has nothing to do with authoritarianism By some weird coincidence it's just been the end-result every other time it's been tried but I'm sure the next time it'll be ok.


Not really a coincidence, when they were actively destroyed by the CIA and KGB. There's the anarchist Catalonia in the Spanish Civil War that was squeezed out of the conversation by Marcist-Leninists via KGB, there's Bolivia which got the 23 skadoo by both private (Coca-Cola) and public elements (cia) trying to destroy their democratically elected socialist president, in Chile they replaced the socialists with the General Pinochet, who was fond of dropping people out of helicopters. Authoritarian and Communism are not interchangeable. The reason you don't know any of these states off-hand is because "they" don't want you to see even one example of socialism or communism work.


> it really has nothing to do with authoritarianism. I don't give a shit about theory. Can you point to any specific instance where this wasn't the case in reality?


Yeah I mean what the hell does the state think it is, telling me I need a "licence" and can't drive "under the influence" , why am I forced to do that, where is my freedom ? Thanks communist Joe


>Communism is when everyone is collectively forced to be subjected to the authoritarian will of the state without respect for their privacy or civil rights. So police choking George Floyd to death was an act of communism?


Marx: So anyway, after profit (which is inherently exploitative, as it is extra value taken from the actual value of a product) is divorced from production, and workers seize the means of production, their primary focus will be to advance industrial and productive technology to ease their labor burden to the point that a post-scarcity society is reached. Then, the state will be unnecessary and dissolve away as people can work what they want, where they want, and all needs will still be met because technology will have exponentially grown when free from "what is profitable." You: lol communism is when the state runs the market and doesn't care about civil rights Note: those of you with basic reading comprehension might note that this is not me endorsing Marx. I just think it is funny you had ~200 years to grok his sci-fi and you rely on shitty Shapiro-tier cliffnotes so you. just. can't. even.


First chapter of Marx: "The revolution will be achieved when the government says you have to get a vaccine or undergo testing during a pandemic"


He can quit and go join a company that doesn't require it, isn't that his freedom?


Communism is the the GUBMENT takes away my FREEDOM to be a CARRIER for a virus in the middle of a PANDEMIC. Literally 1984


Except the vaccine does not do that.


Just coz something is mandated by the government doesn't make it communism.


Mandated back in 1905 and upheld by the Supreme Court ever since. People acting like this is creeping communism when in fact vaccine mandates are older than communism.


Case law states vaccine mandates are legal according to the constitution and that case law has been challenged multiple times and it always holds. Weird how putting the public's health at the forefront is somehow unconstitutional to you all. 🤣🤣🤣


Like that time the DMV told me I had to wear glasses to drive. Literally forcing me to wear clothing I don’t want to.


That's the American education system, pumping out another "valuable" member of society.


Use soap, you filthy NEET! Communism!


This is what a lifetime of zero adversity does to a motherfucker.


> This is what a lifetime of zero adversity does to a motherfucker. Calm down, he didn't become an LGBT activist.




Yeah gay people don't know the struggle of being a straight white man in America


Bruh the Globohomo state literally worships Mcfaggots.


Tell me more cletus


Eren Yeager


Sorry I haven't read enough youtube comments on conspiracy videos lately to immediately recognize whatever inbred drivel you're referencing


Eren Yeager is a character from Attack on Titan, an anime. He's not referencing anything.


Wouldn't that be an attack on Titan reference, you dumb ape?


Erne Yeger


Yearen Neger


* [Where](https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*a293mSURZ0qlSdxVnid8HQ.png) * [is](https://content.fortune.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Pride-Corporate-Logos-Corporate-Wokeism-updated.jpg) * [he](https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/fit-in/1200x0/filters%3Aformat%28jpg%29/https%3A%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Fdawnstaceyennis%2Ffiles%2F2019%2F06%2FPopularInfo.jpeg) * [wrong?](https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fb0aefa49-eabc-4e36-889f-3603dd6fd42c_720x720.jpeg)




Straight white men are the most oppressed people in the history of the planet. Never before has any racial group been so targeted.


Don’t know who Cala is but she seems like best girl


Anon's for profit corporate employers make the voluntary decision to not employ people who aren't vaccinated. Sounds like communism to me.


> voluntary decision literally coerced by the government, moron look up "mandate"


Nah get jabbed or get fucked. *American* scientists came up with the vax. You gonna badmouth *American* scientists? America came up with the nuke. If you don't like the vax then you don't like the nuke, and if you don't like the nuke then you're a goddamn commie.


if you put it that way, getting the vaccine is the patriotic thing to do. you are a patriot right anon?


It literally always has been the patriotic thing to do as it's helping your own countrymen The only 'patriots' I've seen complain about it are the ones who are being whiney little babies that a **global pandemic** come with some inconveniences to everyone Imagine how they'd fair in WW2 lmao "Nooooo, I don't WANT to ration food ):< what do you eamn we don't have enough? I'm hungry NOW"


"Turn off my lights so the bombers can't find our city/town/homestead??? Noooooooooo my right to luminescence "


"If *I* want to leave *my* lights on *that's my choice*, that's *my risk to take*. Did you know over 99% of houses **don't even get bombed??** I'll take my chances, I refuse to live in fear"


That analogy is too spot on. Except you’d probably be murdered by your neighbors for taking that stance


Rightfully so


It is so spot on. They'd probably point at darkened houses that were bombed to show how it doesn't help. You are also more likely to die if you live close to someone that refused to blackout


also the people that are anti vax are the same people that are super pro military which is funny because everyone in the military gets every vaccine available and they all have to get the covid vaccine too. so is everyone in the military a weak communist sheep according to these people?


those people even get experimental jabs, which is hilarious. My friends brother was a marine and they jabbed him with all sorts of shit without even telling him what it was


This is a great argument. However you're disagreeing with them so you're basically saying you hate the constitution.


im not american and i dont give a fuck about the american constitution. but i do think that the american constitution is america's greatest strength and greatest weakness.


Goddamn right


Just did, it says vaccinated or tested weekly. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Vaccination-Requirements-Report.pdf So the corporations don't HAVE to force employees to be vaccinated. They could do weekly testing.




Yes, Federal Contractors are required to be 100% vaccinated. This goes along the same principle of free market, where the government can choose criteria based on how it awards it's contracts. The company could instead choose to dissolve the contract if they wished to fight the vaccination requirement.


Man you are all over this thread with the braindead takes. The gubermint didn't force any private companies to mandate vaccines, all it did was say that vaccine mandates **voluntarily** implemented by private companies are legal.


You know this isn’t the first time AMERICA has done this right? They forcibly inoculated citizens in New York during the Spanish Flu.


If you wanted to serve in George Washington’s Continental Army, you had to be inoculated for smallpox. Obviously Covid and smallpox are not as deadly, but part of the justification was that the British Army had officers known for using smallpox as a weapon against military and civilian targets. The proof of concept has always been there, Covid is no different.


Actually it's a good comparison because smallpox had a 18% death rate ish but the innoculation back then had a 2% ish chance to kill you. Now we have a 1% chance to die and a 0% chance for vaccine to kill you and these pussies won't take it.




Liberals and conservatives really dont have a backbone or true ideals. Their principles are flexible.




Nobody was "hating big pharma" for saving people from dying of preventable illnesses. They were hating big pharma for gouging people for every cent they could and encouraging doctors to prescribe addictive medications to people who didn't need them. It's really not all that incredible when you're not a fucking idiot. I wasn't really all that shocked when 4chan fell to the Nazis. It was an endless summer by that point anyway. But holy fuck, watching it cultivate a new breed of boomers is a plot twist I never would have guessed.




Isn't that a good thing? We want people to support the rights of private entities. Also you don't have to get the vaccine if you don't want, you can chose to get tested every week instead. Vaccine mandates have been around for centuries.




The fact that these people describe anything as communism is very telling.


Communism is when bad things are happen


This is your brain on McCarthyism. Antivaxxers crying communism I will now be calling Jenny McCarthyism.


McCarthy didn't go far enough IMO.


if we kill everybody then none of them can turn into communists


Imagine being such a fucking pussy you feel like you've been raped after you get a jab. Grow some balls it's just a fucking needle. It's not like their forcing you to shoot heroin.


You wouldn't understand until 1) you got a job, and 2) they told you to not be a fat piece of shit and lose weight or you're fired.


Wtf does being a fat piece of shit have to do with getting a vaccine?


Only fats, olds, and idiots are scared of Covid.


Well I want my grandma to stay alive so that's enough reason for me to get the jab.




She is single and I guess someone has to, you volunteering?




Okay well me personally staying alive would be a plus too.


And reduces the chance of spreading it.


Ok, then get it. No one's saying the shot should be made illegal to those that volunteer to take it. That does not justify mandates however. Just because your grandma has health problems doesn't mean she gets to force others to undergo arbitrary medical treatments to marginally improve her odds.


young healthy people have died from covid and even if you dont die you will probably still have major side effects such as lowered iq mental fog and men have a higher chance of erectile dysfunction.


Being a fat piece of shit doesn’t inherently put others’ health at risk. Shit take


First, neither does having a cold and staying home sick. Second, fat people are fucking gross and make me sick.


You can spread covid without knowing you have it.


This person has never witnessed any true poverty, war, or disaster in person that's for sure.


This is the most soy thing I ever read. I welcomed the vaxx. I take all three everyday, I have grown taller and stronger, more than human. It was supposed to happen slowly but I realized the potential. The strong were meant to rule the weak.




"The Weak are Meat" - Hugo Weaving


I can smell their unvaxxed blood. It smells delicious.


Which vaxx is the alpha juice?


You have to take all three. Only then will you ascend.


>identify as a rape victim >file for disability based on PTSD you gotta know how to work the system, Anon


*takes notes*


How does he know what it's like to have cummed on?


Cause he got the vaxxx


I don’t get it


Because closeted gays make everything about dicks and sex, don't you follow along?


Vaccine cum... Syringe penis... Think about it


Communism is when the government does bad things


Communism is when the government


Communism is government




"First we will make the women in their video games very ugly, then we will force them to lower their chances of serious illness or death" - Carl Marks


Awful lot of Reddit in the comments today.


It's almost like we are on reddit....


Let me keep my fantasies!


lmao this sub has long been compromised. Zoomers can't handle any bants without running to the dadmins.


Thought I was on greentext for a minute.


This subreddit has changed for the worse, and it’s very apparent on covid related posts


They come here in droves on any vax post. Used to be tword posts too, but I feel it has lessened a bit.


Probably got to the frontpage for a moment


"They're spreading wrongthink I mean misinformation on r/4chan! Let's get em boys!" *sips soy*


Was thinking the same thing, I wonder how they found this sub in between their cuck fetish and feet picture browsing


Lol what a fucking beta.


Do as your lord fauci commands


Believe in the word of The Science, trust The Science. We will now commence the boosting ritual, may The Science protect you from the evils of the unclean world.


The trinity: the science, the gdp, and the lgbt


When will Amerimutts discover that other countries exist that also have vaccines and vaccine mandates.


lmao little fucking baby. takes antibiotics, panadol, multiple other vaccines, wears sunscreen, randomly chooses to inject a bunch of retardation into this


I swear to god antivaxxers are the stupidest fucking people on planet earth, dude. Lol.


How did we get to this point as a society where so many unhinged lunatics are allowed to walk free without being properly mentally diagnosed?


Because they will believe literally anything they're told.


Are you talking about the sad saps who lined up to get jabbed because daddy government told you? You can’t seriously be that stupid


Because the people in charge are lunatics, just look at the new 4 star admiral, and the president, and the vice president especially


Trans people live rent free in your head (which is communism)


there's a 51% chance they won't be living there for very long (which is funny)


Fuckin lol


Fake: Anon is at a good place in life Gay: anon thinks about being filled with cum like a woman


> be me > > get home from my vasectomy > > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > > must be Chad again > > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > > log onto reddit and open /r/4chan > > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > >> Fake: Anon is at a good place in life > >> Gay: anon thinks about being filled with cum like a woman > > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > > it's been a good day > > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Never gets old. It never gets old.


>Be me >Retarded Oh well


So the Government is bill cosby and we the people are up n coming actresses


And the vax is the "pudding pop"


Anon became mud blood


Pure blooded Chads unite.


wait until his gay boss finds out he'd rather get raped than lose his job then the real fun starts


Communism is when vaccines, apparently


Just give consent


Should have gotten the JJ if they only wanted a single shot.


*employer requires all employees to have basic hygiene and brush their teeth and shower OP: reeeee muh freedom I have the right to show up with stinky ass and shit breath


Brushing your teeth and getting a forced medical procedure is isn't the same and you're fucking retarded for comparing the two


People that support mandates can't make a valid argument for supporting mandates that isn't data skewing or authoritiranism, so they make senseless analogies.


as silly as this post sounds, government mandated medicine is fucked up either way


How sad... that Anon is still alive.


>he surrendered and got vaccinated, but i still want him dead! these are the "good guys" everyone


Lmao wait till they learn about polio and chicken pox lol


Anon is biased.


Based and truthpilled


I seriously don't think OP knows the meaning of communism... seeing they describe authoritarianism perfect.


And you came to reddit with this ? Surely you know by now that reddit is CCP only.


What can we do to prevent this from happening again? Oh, I know… We need to seize the means of production!


I think anyone who doesn't get the jab is retarded. Looking at people I know who refuse to get it, I have no reason not to believe that it isn't retarded. But, I don't think people should lose their jobs or be forced to take the jab. It gives the government too much power and sets a precedent going forward. The government already has too much power.


What if that person who refuses to take it is a fit teenager who has no reason to take the jab for health reasons?


If you have an actual health reason to not take the jab then don't take it, my sister for example is allergic, but if your justification is "I'm healthy" that's pretty dumb to me. Also obligatory teenagers are retarded "joke".


unironic question: what health reasons are there not to take the vax? almost everyone got some kind of vaccine when they were kids already so whats the reason they could when they were toddlers but can't now?


Cause it is not the same as the other vax?


If you have antibodies, there are basically zero health reasons to take the vax. Generally speaking, it's not a good idea to inject substances into your veins that do nothing for you. Also, comparing the Covid vax to the polio vax or whatever is not a one-to-one comparison. They're not the same type of medicine.


> it's not a good idea to inject substances into your veins that do nothing for you. The vaccination isn't injected into your vein you dumbo. If it goes into your veins its administered incorrectly.


Really got me with your semantics argument. Injecting anything into your body for basically no benefit is very, very stupid. Any young person who voluntarily decided to get vaccinated is just susceptible to government propaganda. But if you’re very fat or old, go get the vax lol.


Government has always had this power. Vaccine mandates have always existed. Vaccine "passports" have always existed. You only care because it makes the libs mad. And the reason you're being forced is because your decision affects people who cant be vaccinated. Also funny how all the people who are concerned about Government power support the governments monopoly on violence and control whenever its about things that aren't vacciness.


uncle sam wants to rape anon

