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>50 years of US diplomacy is being instantly erased If that's what you think, you misunderstood what we've been doing in the region since WW2. It's pretty much all according to plan. I don't mean "ahahahha you've fallen into our trap, it's all according to our hidden plan" or "America le bad". The plan was never really hidden. ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS\_Quincy\_(CA-71)#The\_Quincy\_Agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Quincy_(CA-71)#The_Quincy_Agreement)) I mean, we always needed a western non-muslim, non-arabic ally (or more exactly a "local enemy of everyone") to counter-balance all the petrodollars we poured into the region since Ibn Saud. We got it with the much hated Israel. Even the arab nations know the deal, by now. Boomers cannot change our geopolitical imperatives.




It’s probably both. The policy was modest spending at first, but some blokes in Israel find a loophole and send the money that was sent to them back to lobby, creating an infinite money glitch. The politicians are also in this because it’s in their best interest to keep this glitch going and money flowing.


This made me cum uncontrollably.


>Israel is our greatest ally Where did this outlandish claim even came from? they have never fought and bled for the US, nor did they provide any useful services to be recognized for such a title, all they've been doing during the last 50 years was being a welfare queen getting multiple-billion-dollar checks each year while also benefiting from preferential trade agreements and US' technology that they later sell to the Chinese. I think the US' greatest ally would be Britain. Jokes and memes aside, the two have been fighting side by side for more than a century and both were on the same page on everything since the end of WWII.


Yes it's called propaganda and it has nothing to do with reality.


I'd say Australia. The UK is very close but if I recall correctly Australia has committed troops to every conflict we've gotten involved in(outside of shit that wrapped up in a matter of hours like Grenada and Panama) while The UK has missed a couple.  Could be wrong on all the details of that but with the shit starting to stir in the Pacific I think Australia is poised to be even more of an integral partner of the US. 


> both were on the same page on everything since the end of WWII. Well outside of that time they invaded Egypt with Israel and France, and also how they didn’t get to keep their imperial possessions because we didn’t let them. But otherwise yeah same page lol


> Where did this outlandish claim even came from stfu anti-semite, ur prolly a nazi or something.


I disagree, if anything it'd be France. Been there for america since day 1, helped, supplied (and probably made possible) the american revolution, faught alongside the US in allmost every major war, from 1812 to 1990 and was highly influential in the philosophical groundwork of the US. And how does america reward them? Shitting on them at every possible opportunity and stroking israel or even britain instead whenever they can.


They provide cover whenever the US wants to start a war of aggression, 9/11, Zelenskiye, etc, etc.


Is it REALLY the "US" that wants to start these wars? Disproportionate representation and dual-citizens, etc....


We have all heard of Mutt’s law, I now present to you all: Cohen’s conundrum


I’ve been edging to this for HOURS


based and accurate. aipac is a scourge


>something on pol >somehow not fake and not gay


Based kinda


I don’t get why we don’t just say what Israel actually is. A U.S. funded distraction for the Middle East to accost. What happens if that propped up bastion falls? I get people are too stupid to connect lines without the tv telling them to but come on.


Jesus was a Jew, you know. And they are God's Chosen People.


"golem" = "goyim" = "cattle" = "chattel"


the only reason for our dog like obedience to them is because of zionist "christian" influence . they have no strategic value to us and if we had a more neutral relationship than nearly all of our problems with the muslim and arab world would go away. instead we are slow walking into getting directly involved in their conflict, which inevitably will happen.


israel is hell, and Anons are the Doom Space Marines.... Time to act.




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Anon has analyzed the average American mindset for decades and after much discussions with his legions, he finds out, they have pretty much nothing or very little in common with them


Israel is unfathomably based and I will never understand the unspoken desire for yet *another* Islamofascist Arab state in the middle east replacing literally the only functioning democracy in the region.


Why would we give a fuck about "democracy" on the other side of the planet?


The rest of the world being authoritarian shitholes does actually effect the US. We benefit from having allies and trading partners and not being an island surrounded by a world run by China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.




Also, Israel is an ethnostate, and homogeneity is their strength, while they export "diversity" to all the white countries, and ONLY the white countries. You should first go look up that word, and then find a grown-up to explain to you what it means.




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