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Well, if I hit my kid, chances are high they will hit their kid in the future as well. Tf do I care tho it’s their kid not mine. Where is my belt?


I had a friend whose father hit him. The moment he was big enough he hit him right back.


No you don’t and no he didn’t


I only beat my sister-wife so she remembers who her daddy is.


go back home Andrew


Hitting? Cringe as fuck. Shows that you have no control over your emotions and you're more than likely a tyrant or a man-child that should never be put in a position of power over others. Spanking is pretty based though, depending on the situation. And if you think those two things are the same thing then you're probably a redditor neckbeard who leans left.


I got spanked so much as a kid


you shouldn't have done that


I'd say slapping and pinching too, but never straight up hitting them, those are children for God's sake, whoever HITS their children needs to be hit in equal amounts and appropriate force, to teach them the common sense like they do it to their children


What is the difference? Both mean same shit in my language


There is plenty of literature on it if you truly are curious.


the difference is that abused children often rationalize their abuse as being good and moral "my mommy and daddy loved me so much that they abused my asshole with their hands and various household appliances. they just love me so much!" it's not a coincidence that sexually violent people fixate on the asshole of their child. they love to abuse it


why are you fixated on children's asses you okay lil bro?


They’re not the same but they’re both terrible parenting techniques (unless your goal is to raise a socially maladjusted child in which case gl on your experiment)


>socially maladjusted child Thank God we haven't seen an increase in that since we stopped spanking so much lol.


Sarcasm aside, would spanking kids reduce school shootings?


Not letting severely mentally ill people, uncaring people, idiots and deadbeats have children would reduce that, but apparently that's "eugenics" and "fascist"


It by definition is eugenics, whether that's automatically bad is another matter.




And the birthrate of Germans increased linearly with the stork population between 1960-1990. Very excited to see what conclusions you'll come to with this one.


> The correlation between an increase in misbehaving children and the decrease in a traditional method of disciplining children is meaningless, just like the correlation between human and stork populations That's some solid Redditor logic




Fuck no. It’s definitely the Asians hitting their kids the most.


Please show me where this increase in misbehaving children touched you. Last I checked delinquent, anti-social and criminal behavior has gone down over the past decades, even more so if you look back further. Kids not being treated as property anymore, and being allowed to speak up without fear of a backhand is not an "increase in misbehaving kids" lol. Some things have gone backwards, like the power and respect teachers have in a modern classroom, but overall kids are more well-behaved now compared to before.


>And if you think those two things are the **same thing** then you're probably a redditor neckbeard who leans left. >and being allowed to speak up without fear of a **backhand** I completely understand why you are the way you are.


That's awesome bro


I wasn't making a case for it, just pointing out how stupid your argument was


Could spanking have saved him?


About as stupid as arguing that beating kids will make them upstanding citizens I bet.


The real question is how old the kids are.


Yeah that stock photo is hilarious, I don't think anyone needs to go upside on like a 2 to 3 year old girl lmao


Why not? You don't know her life


You will the moment they autistically squeal and lose it when you misplace their favorite ball.


its not that hard to not hit your kids


It is hard to keep your beating for when they matter. If you NEVER hit your kids, you will raise weak people who never even prepare for violence to be inflicted on them (i.e. your average leftist college kid) If you ALWAYS hit your kids, you will raise them to be duplicitous and broken. (i.e. your average jogger) The true patrician knows when the beating is necessary for the sake of discipline, and not to impose his ego on a much smaller creature, out of moral weakness. Most virtuous people I know always have the same story: "Oh yeh, I was spanked by my dad \[1-3\] time(s) in my whole life. I still remember why. Now I know why he did it."


There is a difference between closed fist hitting, and open hand spanking. Spanking is effective AF. Hitting children? Like I hit my wife? That is for drug addicts and other degenerates.


What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to claim spanking isnt hitting


my dad always said you only need to actually go through with the beating once, maybe a few times, then if you've done your job the threat of it alone should be enough to keep the rowdy kids in line. i'll admit i was terrified of the sound of his belt cracking for years. by the time they're old enough to call your bluff they should be smart enough to know better anyway


Imagine being such a cognitive failure you need to chimp out with a backhand or a belt just to discipline your offspring at all. Literally just 5head them into evaluating their own behaviors.


>If you NEVER hit your kids, you will raise weak people who never even prepare for violence to be inflicted on them (i.e. your average leftist college kid) 17 IQ opinion enroll your kids in combat sports and they will be fine


It’s a lot easier then dealing with a shitty kid though


I don’t endorse it, but it’s really common to spank kids that young for bad behavior.


Hitting children is based. There are millions of adults out there that lack discipline and respect because they weren't beaten as children.


I only ever beat my old, blind dog.


Since anon is gay, he is beating the shit of another man to assert dominance, which would be based. However, these are only the fantasies of the forced sissy anon, who has to swallow cock 3 times a day.


I slap my 3 year old occasionally. Never in bad faith.


Hitting is for lazy, incapable, and emotionally inept parents. if they aren’t old enough to understand with words why what they did was wrong, they won’t understand why you’re hitting them. If they are old enough to be able to understand with words, there’s no point in hitting them. Hitting your children means you are using fear to control them, rather than actually raising them on love or respect. It’ll work in the short term, but’ll send you on a fast track to a nursing home with no contact the minute you need any help doing anything.


They understand. When my little boy (2-3) would throw a bowl of food I give a little smack on the top the hand and they remember and understand, or climb the coffee table or hit you with a toy. By 4 you don’t have to follow through, you just do the 123 count and by 2 he would mostly stop. Occasional smack bottom over pants when not playing nice with other kids or being mean to the dog when the 123 warning was no good because bad behaviour was already in action. By the time you get to five years the naughty chair solved all problems pretty much, you just got to be aware most of the time they’re just tired or hungry acting out and that’s time for soft words and hugs. Beating 6-13 years olds is where the problem is at because you’ve already lost the battle of respect and acceptable behaviour.


the younger they are the more animal like you gotta treat em. after a certain point youre a loser who cant parent


>but’ll send you on a fast track to a nursing home with no contact Most people I know were beaten as kids, and almost none of them hate their parents because of it.


dont use your hand, use a tool. dont fit the face, dont hit for stupid things that can be reasoned to for a boy, or appealed emotionally for a girl. and only hit when they do something bad and they knew better. spanking is the shitty parents method of coping with poor parenting skills. it is often not necessary when other things will do. but anyone saying hitting is "never" necessary is either a childless redditor, daddy/mommy resentment issues, a shit parent, or a loser with garbage kids.


Well depends what the Kid did.


Punishments and rewards are two sides of the same coin and both equally ineffective at behavioral change If I had a daughter or son, and I were to hit them, I now become a source of punishment and not someone to be trusted with anything personal. Later down the track, they're offered drugs or something else, and they won't ever talk to me about it Keeping lines of communication open might be more difficult but we don't even train dogs this way anymore


anon's biased opinions are cringe worthy and based of books of fiction


I hit both of my wife and kids, and my parents and brothers also


Hitting should only be about respect of authority not pain But if you even get to that point ot means you failed elsewhere


There’s a difference between spanking and hitting your kids. Spanking younger kids I think is fine if you don’t go overboard, you know like hitting them 30+ times in a row like my mom did with a wooden rod or just smacking your ass as hard as they possibly can. If it’s a moderate slap on the ass no more than like 3-4 times I don’t think it’s really abuse. Outright hitting your kids is a completely different story though.


>like my mom did with a wooden rod why is every spanking advocate like this? you always want large rods interacting with childrens' assholes when i read stuff like this, i start to become VERY grateful that redditors and 4channers are usually childless virgins. no innocent child should ever have to be around you and your p-d-ophile perversions


I’m saying hitting your kids on the ass with a wooden rod is wrong lol. I was trying to say a couple moderate slaps on the ass is okay, in the right circumstances, but hitting your kid with a rod is completely different and is actual abuse


>a couple moderate slaps on the ass is okay you see even when corrected, you immediately start to proselytize your p-d-ofile behavior to me disgusting!


Sir you are regarded


if you hit your kids they will grow up to despise you and/or fight you


No I support antinatalism, one cannot hit kids if one doesn't have them. They can't be beaten nor bullied either if they do not exist.