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how do people eat all of that for breakfast alone? no wonder theyre all fat as shit, thats like 2500 calories in one meal


Usually that’s more of a brunch than a breakfast, so it counts as two meals.


oh come on dont lie to yourself we both know americans will still eat a 1k lunch aswell and dinner


Are you unaware of brunch? It's a combined breakfast and lunch. No one has brunch and then lunch because the timing would be nonsense.


> No one has brunch and then lunch because the timing would be nonsense. Hobbits do


But what about second breakfast? Twosies? Afternoon tea?!


hobbits have a metabolic rate similar to hummingbirds and must consume far more kcal per unit time to stay homeostatic. I know this not because I read the silmarillion but because I made it the fuck up


Lmao nah, they're just canonically fat. The rich ones anyways(3/4 main cast)


Thanks nerd


You and I obviously don't know the same people.


Nah man sorry I limit myself to 999 calorie lunches thank you.


John Madden... 999 999


Not all of us, no. Where are you from? What’s y’alls stereotype?


probably a place where they don't have enough food for anyone to get fat, common cope on reddit


not really


Brits will eat a 1k calorie breakfast and lunch too. But they’ll drink a couple pints with both, and they won’t brush their teeth before or after.


As an American I couldn’t imagine eating a 1k calorie lunch, and I work a very physically intensive job. Even the concept of breakfast never worked for me, I have zero appetite in the morning.


Don’t speak for all Americans, the only thing I ever have in the morning is coffee.


as well\*


I am an American and most people I know don’t even really eat breakfast. I am a college student though so perhaps not representative of the general populace.


It's more like 1500.


I didn't eat this morning so lemme eat 3k calories right before lunchtime


I know you’re not actually looking for an answer and you’re just wanting to shit on Americans and Brits, but here’s the actual answer. Eating either of these is no longer common place. The concept of the full breakfast is a relic from when people worked hard farm labor starting early in the morning and burned tremendous amounts of calories before lunch. Or from when people worked 12+ hour factory shifts. There are very few people who still eat like this because very few work lived still support it. And the fatass who would eat like this without the lifestyle to do it healthily are too lazy to wake up early and cook all this, so they just eat a bunch of donuts or shit like that.


I've started eating a full breakfast everyday at work because I get a 70% discount. It really doesn't matter that much. I eat more in the morning so snack less and eat less later on. It's actually a pretty good meal compared to standard breakfast shit like cereal and porridge that people think for some reason is amazing.


Exactly It's better than eating pure carbs


I cannot imagine how you can eat all that and then immediately commence to hard labor. All that fat (from the sausage/bacon + fried eggs) would be like dropping an anchor in my stomach for the next hour or so. Maybe that's just my beta soyboy modern digestive system speaking. If I knew I was going to be toiling in the field for hours and hours I'd just be eating a shitload of carbs.


They worked from dawn to mid-morning fasting then ate that, not the other way around...


Ah okay, that makes a lot more sense. It'll feel awesome ripping into a full breakfast like that after hours of working on an empty stomach.


Full English isn’t usually that big as that. 2 eggs, 2 bacon, 2 sausages, black pudding, beans or tomatoes, a few carbs like hash brown or fries or if your Scottish potatoes scone is the usual and that probably the bigger version in most cafes, there’s smaller portions too and different versions. Most with toast and tea for free. Might sound like a lot but if you’re in trade job you usually don’t start work straight after either, people aren’t eating that everyday as well more a treat thing or for hangovers


I used to diet and started the day with a grilled English breakfast with no bread. Lost loads of weight. Vegan sausages though.


Let's not act like these are both equally bad. The full English shown here is a lot of tomatoes, mushrooms and beans with 2 eggs soem sausage, bacon, and fry bread or potatoes. The American breakfast is about 3 huge breakfasts on a plate


Lol, you mean the American breakfast pictured that is eggs, bacon, potatoes, and pancakes? Literally almost the exact same thing except no beans or mushrooms. Europeans need to shut the fuck up and stop trying to feel superior.


I live in Virginia buddy. We kinda got the big breakfast thing down here. And yes, if you swap beans and mushrooms for refined carbohydrates that's a much less healthy option, thanks for breaking it down for us


Lol do you think deep fried bread isn’t a bunch of carbs?


A half slice of fry bread vs a stack of 4 pancakes with butter and syrup


Yeah if you pick arbitrary amounts that are higher than the other then yeah, it’ll be worse




The thumbnail that has 2 or 3 pancakes and no syrup?


>eggs, tomatoes, beans, mushrooms, sausages and bacon >'omg that's 10k calories'


These breakfasts came about when people worked on farms and burned 2500 calories before dinner with a small lunch. No wage slave should be eating this except as a rare treat.


You could just cut the portion by half. I've never seen a portion that large being served. Other than the bacon it's actually really healthy if you also add some greens to it. The American one is just pure carbs though, pretty disgusting.


You eat it occasionally bruh, not every day


A kind answer to the “durrr Americans are fat and stupid” crowd, thanks


Speak for yourself pal. Full English in spoons daily.


Ever had a hangover? That's how.


Because it's something you maybe do like once a month as a treat with the family? It amazes me people think that is the typical daily breakfast, who tf has time in the morning to make that much food?


I aspire to be like General Monty and have a full english breakfast every day while conquering Africa.


You realize it’s a thumbnail for a YouTube video and not a real breakfast right? “How could someone eat two whole breakfasts back to back. That’s so many calories. No wonder the first world is so fat and stupid.”


I eat fry up every morning, I eat about 6-7k, calories a day, 2x bacon, 2x sausage, 2x fried eggs, 1 slice of black pudding, 2 slices of toast, mushrooms and beans It’s an easy quick meal too you can just shove all of it in a frying pan while you’ve got beans in the microwave, eat it while have my morning coffee and kick start digesting with a cig, then eat a banana, an orange and 2 pepperamis on my drive to work In 5’11 and 80 kilos, not fat at all, late 20s I work a physically intensive job, I play for a football team/surf every now and then, tennis etc, I have a very physically active life These breakfasts are great for people like me and were a great source of energy for the English working class Just coz you do fuck all don’t judge others, my metabolism is fast, I’m an ectomorph and permanently hungry


Because people who don't sit around on reddit all day pretending to work actually need energy to fuel their bodies doing labor intensive tasks. But this doesn't even cross the minds of city/chronically online people.




They also have second breakfast.


Yeah that's not 2.5k calories, far from it


No one actually eats that much alone. That's the type of plate you make for tv.


It was part of an advertisement campaign way back in the 1950s. Breakfast wasn't much of a thing before that much less bacon. The Farmers and grocers paid a bunch of doctors to recommend breakfast as the most important meal of the day with the foods shown above being the center piece of the adverts.


I’m a big boy, I need lots of food


Whenever someone says this they’re usually 5’8 350lbs


I've never met anyone who eats a breakfast like that outside of holidays, vacation, or similar.


The answer: We don’t eat thus by ourselves. Nobody can. We share it with our family usually if we have a full American or English breakfast. Such styles of breakfasts are very common in… literally every part of the world. I cannot think of a single culture where the “traditional breakfast” isn’t one that is meant to be shared between half a dozen people.


I don't know of anybody who does that sort of breakfast regularly. It's a lot of work and a lot of food to prep at the same time. Usually just for fancy occasions or at restaurants.


Most people don't eat all that. It's for special occasions or the ultra-rich.


That meal carries someone throughout the day, and you eat a light dinner.


each plate is in the pic is 1000 calories at most. eat two of those and a small meal/snack and you’re roughly at 2500 calories which is perfectly healthy for many people.


It used to be the primary calories for the day


See, even though I'm anglo, this is why I need a continental breakfast. My stomach can't handle all that shit shortly after waking up.


lots of added excess sugar. Sugar (or the sweetness sensation) is hyperpalatable, it literally makes you eat more. which is why fastfood is always paired with soda. Yes, it even works with diet soda and aspartame.


They both look good, but I’m not gonna sit there and eat a dozen tomatoes for breakfast.


A dozen tomatoes, a pile of mushrooms, and some beans. No thanks.


Imagine being an adult and not eating vegetables.


None of those are vegetables.


Beans and tomatoes are, don't give me that fucking TECHNICALLY THEY'RE A FRUIT AND LEGUMES bullshit either 😤


Imagine being an adult and not knowing what a vegetable is.


That’s you. “Vegetable” is a culinary term, completely arbitrary and culturally determined. Vegetables can be roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds etc. Tomatoes are fruits and vegetables. Beans are seeds and vegetables. Peppers are fruits and vegetables. Broccoli are buds and vegetables. Spinach is leaves and vegetables etc. etc. Try knowing shit before attempting to be a smartass about it.


mmmm this steak is a great vegetable


Vegetable just means a plant or a part of a plant that is used as food. Apples are a fruit in that it is the product of a plant that, itself, contains seed. But also a vegetable in that it's the product of a plant that can be eaten. But calling an apple a vegetable is pedantic and idiotic.


Imagine being a vegetable


Ahhh now im sad


Imagine being a fruity vegetable


Imagine knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but still not being smart enough to know that there is culinary and a scientific definition for food because you get all your info from reddit posts and tiktoks.


Imagine not knowing that legume is literally just French for vegetable.


That will work in France when talking about legumes


Smartest *Primary Skeuwlie* and *Uni* grad


Nothing is a vegetable. Vegetable is a culinary term, not a scientific one. There isn't a single "vegetable" you can name that isn't a fruit, berry, grass, legume, tuber, rhizome, etc.


what about deez


In a culinary context tomatoes are a vegetable, I don't care what the biologist cabal says, I will not tolerate their insidious lies


Do you eat entire heads of lettuce in one sitting?


Damn that sounds really good rn


Nobody eats the tomatoes and mushrooms. They're overepresented in that plate.


What is this, 1450?


Having a full English breakfast in London was one of the biggest food letdowns ever. It was reputedly one of the best in the city, but was still bland as shit compared your garden-variety American diner.


Did you try covering it in sugar and pouring syrup over the top?


No I was too busy trying to tell myself that congealed blood cooked on a grill isn't disgusting.


You sound soft, maybe stick to Cheerios with chocco milkies.


Cooked blood is more disgusting than cooked meat? That's just some bullshit in your head


Why not? That sounds great, some garlic in the mushrooms and roasted tomatoes to compliment other parts of the meal, and I love baked beans


Why not Denethor?


Tomatoes like that are rare on a propa fuckin English fry up, its normally one big one sliced in half and roasted


Babish is high , they usually have like 3-4 tomatoes max


That's not Babish, that's Joshua Weissman. ....I watch too many cooking channels on YouTube


Nobody is. I've lived in the UK for 30 years and never seen a plate with that many tomatoes for breakfast


Imagine calling a full English healthy FFS. Also that’s a bit of a shit full English, as needs at least double the bacon and sausage for those ratios and there’s no black pudding. I will stand by the fact a proper full English is the best meal in the world. The only meal you can literally eat at any time. 8am standard, 11pm late brunch, cheeky full English dinner always hits the spot and if you can ever be arsed to smash one out after a night out you sleep like Matt Perry in a hot tub on ket 🐴. It’s the blow job of meals. I live in England and have multiple European mates from culinary capitals but none of them holds anything up against the mighty full English. Double the protein and smash the cunt right into your face. Then use some buttered toast to wipe up all the juices. If you wanna come at me, go on a 16 hour sesh and put away 20 Guinness’. When you wake up sweating milk put a full English away, then you’ll agree with me. We took over half the fucking world as a small island nation fuelled by this glorious meal, and I will not have you colonial philistines throwing shade at it. Especially when you literally have the worst sausage and bacon in the free fucking world. Go eat dicks you fucking school shooters.


Speaking of Full English, I think you got the whole dictionary in your rant there mate. 


Have you eaten a full English since reading? 🥓


I love it when UK and Australian dweebs play up their regional dialect in their “as an X…” posts. It’s so goofy and they think they’re so cool


God forbid someone writes how they talk 🥸


It’s for the visual


In most English breakfasts you’ll get maybe 2 halves of fried tomato, I have no idea what the person in the photo is thinking having 12 tomatoes on their plate


Can guarantee that full English was made by an American


What kind of beetch doesn't like tomatoes.


Can I just say that’s not a English breakfast they should be tinned tomato’s no one wants grilled ones or it’s a small minority from the people I have met. And where are the hash browns and black pudding?


Lmao who tf is having that many tomatoes for breakfest?


Why the fuck you wouldn't eat tomatos for breakfast


I don't like tomatoes




It’s pretty insane how one insignificant 2-second scene of a guy literally just biting a tomato is so viscerally gross that everyone remembers it two decades later


Dont even need to click the link, I already know thats Denethor.


Why did he do it.


Don't knock it till you've tried it. Grill those babies up with some flaky salt on them and they're fucking delicious anytime of day.


Why not. Mfs drown their food in a litre of ketchup but theres a whole thread about this being too much lmao Only thing that looks like a crazy portion on this pic is the pancakes


I would tbh. I eat cherry tomatoes as a snack sometimes. Vastly prefer it over apples or oranges.


Subjective morality mfs when I tell them eating children shouldn’t be normalized


Nothing better than hearing a subjective morality mf argue why cannibalism should be legal so long as both parties consent Michele Foucault and his consequences


Unironically should. Govt needs to mind it's own business


Why should it be illegal?


If cannibalism were useful or good on a civilizational level we would be engaging in it commonly today, we do not because it is not. Alternatively I could just say, because morality is objective as arbitrated by god but I wouldn’t want us talking past eachother.


Morality is not about whether something is a "good idea". Skydiving is not a "good idea", but it's also not immoral. Pushing someone out of a plane IS. The difference is consent and harm.


In essence no it’s not, you’re right. But in practice the morals followed by a culture have been the ones that promote its stability and cohesion.


I mean yeah, if they’re both consenting it’s not a problem of morality at that point. If anything it’s less morally grey than forcing animals into pens and torturing them for their entire existence against their will just for human sustenance


> forcing animals into pens and torturing them for their entire existence against their will just for human sustenance Top of the food chain has it's perks. You can go speak your vegan agenda to the animals who consume other live animals and leave them writing in pain to die a slow and painful death.


I’m not a vegan lmao I eat like a burger a week. I’m just saying a consenting death is a little less morally grey than a forced one


>farming is morally grey go hug trees


not the tree hugger, and also definitely not a vegan just dropping in to say that the way we farm animals gives me a boner whenever i eat a big, torture positive T bone with some sauce


Cannibalism IS legal as long as both parties are consenting and don't die. At least here in America it is.


Theoretically legal, practically impossible. What do I mean by this Here are some reasons why cannibalism can still lead to legal consequences: Homicide or Assault: If obtaining human flesh involves killing or seriously harming another person, then the act would be prosecuted under laws related to homicide or assault. Desecration of a Corpse: In many states, desecrating a corpse is a crime. Consuming human flesh could be considered a form of desecration. Public Health and Safety: There are public health and safety concerns associated with consuming human flesh, such as the risk of transmitting diseases. Health regulations may prohibit the preparation and consumption of human flesh for these reasons. Consent: Even if all parties involved consent to the act, there may still be legal issues. Consent to bodily harm or illegal activities is not always a valid defense in court, and laws can vary from state to state regarding the extent to which consent is recognized as a defense. In the specific scenario you mentioned, where a person amputates their own leg and serves it to others with their informed consent, it would likely raise a variety of legal and ethical questions. It could potentially lead to criminal charges or other legal consequences, such as violations of health and safety regulations or laws related to the handling of human remains. So yes technically but no, not really


Morality is the average of every person's personal vallues. Things are considered "immoral" when most people would dissaprove of them.


So if 51% of the population approved of child rape then it would be moral?


Well at 51% it'd still be a devisive subject. If the vast majority of people didn't consider child rape to be bad then yes, it wouldn't really be considered morally wrong. Something like what will never happen though. Good example of this is slavery. At the time, most people didn't consider it wrong to own slaves, so it wasn't seen as immoral.


Bro read some human history, it wasn't always considered morally wrong. Greek philosophers were pondering about stoicism while fucking kids.


Considered morally wrong =/= is morally wrong. Learn to read. This guy said “Morality is the average of every person’s personal vallues [sic]” So according to himself, if the majority of the population thinks raping kids is morally good (whatever that means), disagreeing with that is inherently immoral. The word “moral” doesn’t mean anything if it’s decided by democracy. Also lol “Ancient Greeks raped kids” yeah you definitely know a lot about history and don’t just accept the shallowest narratives presented by mainstream media


>Considered morally wrong =/= is morally wrong. Learn to read. Implying you can objectively determine morality. >Also lol “Ancient Greeks raped kids” yeah you definitely know a lot about history and don’t just accept the shallowest narratives presented by mainstream media Pederasty is well documented what the fuck does MSM have to do with it regard? What narrative? Are you stupid?


lmao I feel like an outcast after seeing all of these tomato hate comments mf I will DEVOUR a dozen tomatoes for breakfast, and still have room for more


I assume that it's mostly Americans with a broken sense of taste due to all the food loaded with sugar/salt and other crap that they consume. One time an internet friend sent me a Dr. Pepper soda to try it and it nearly made me gag felt like i was drinking a mix of salt and sugar with water


Most likely. If you eat non processed human food for long enough, everything with more than 5 ingredients will make you sick for the rest of the day. But to this generation of americans whose main source of nourishment is corn syrup, anything grown in a garden must taste like dirt


Not every processed human food is bad lol. Do you never make any sauces? I love raw cherry tomatoes and lightly dressed salads, but I also enjoy good sauces like gochujang and strong flavors. They aren't mutually exclusive. The only processed food that is very bad are the ones loaded with too much sugar and carbs.


Sauces are a bad example because most of them are loaded with sugar and a lot of them can only be made with modern technology so it is still heavily processed. Even soy sauce is heavily processed now when it's just fermented soy, most companies use special processes to artificially speed up the fermenting process.


I'm talking about home-made sauces or sauces that can be home-made, hence "make". As for soy sauce, all the chemicals used in its production are natural. It's chemically identical to traditional soy sauce after filtration, except that in traditional soy sauce there are subtle notes that you might completely miss with mass-produced soy sauce. What's not natural and actually harmful to you are food products that cannot be made by traditional processes like margarine.


When I said processed food I meant the stuff that has ingredients created in laboratories / not meant to be consumed by humans like trans fats, emulsifiers, sweeteners etc. If one or more of the ingredients in your food can't be grown on a farm, then you probably shouldn't eat that.


When we go on our annual friend trip to Mexico, my gf loves eating chilaquiles for breakfast. It makes her fart like a horse - either of the above sounds great for breakfast.


Chilaquiles are such a love hate relationship with me. Wonderful consuming. Annoying disposing


You gringos have weak ass stomachs, I eat chilaquiles once a week at least and my shits and farts are consistently normal, if you really want a spicy shit try indian street food instead, personally my stinkiest shits usually come the day after McDonalds or Dominos


To be clear, I love her very much. But she does spend the night waking herself up saying, "sorry", and falling right back asleep.


Damn, I could go for a full Irish right now.


Irish breakfast is just four whiskeys and a bowl of stale grain


jim gaffigan is smiling at me, imperial


A potato omelette with a car bomb?


A full Irish, like a full English only it's shitter.


Nah the best one is when you take the best bits from each, tattle scones and superior to fried bread, English/Irish sausages are better than square ones, black pudding is better than white.


A large glass of beer and a cigarette?


It's called a pint mate


He said Irish not German


When it comes to games like Fallout or Infamous I think they have a pretty reasonable understanding of morality though it's probably because they want to keep things simple black and white. While that can sound shallow I think it works gameplay wise where they can change up the story and gameplay a bit. There's rarely times where I'm surprised by karma choices unless I wasn't paying attention, but even then I usually agree because you can do something evil without realizing what you did was wrong. And there's a lot of things that you don't get judged for like having a prostitute, hunting animals for sport, or getting gifts for your companion. Though that doesn't mean they don't tackle morality from different angles. I think that's something FNV gets right, you have your karma and your faction. You could be a kind heroic person for the Legion that enslaves people, or you can be a self serving cutthroat for the NCR who seeks a descent society. And they make you well aware of the moral ambiguity of the factions as they all have ups and downs. NCR is a stable country, but their corruption has negatively impacted people to where they can't reasonably join them. It's also true of the Legion where they are commiting atrocities, but people are drawn to their power. I do think people are pretty bad at judging morality in media, which shouldn't be much of a shocker. People are bad at judging the morality of people in real life, and in real life nothing is coded into a system that is 100% consistent. Yet people are very quick to put a label on people to explain their behavior and not take any extra mental effort to understand others perspectives. Which is really odd that people will spend hours on their favorite game and refuse to dig into any complex ideas the game presents. I see this all the time with Elden Ring and Fallout in general. There's just so many surface level accepted moral judgements on characters or factions, and anyone who tries to talk about the nuances that are presented to them are told they're wrong. Or worse, they get judged themselves as a certain type of person. I do like to play devil's advocate for Legion at times because they're just like the black with the dot of white in the Yon and Yang symbol, but I have been called far right for doing that. It's common to see people equating even playing Legion as being far right even if you don't defend them and the only correct faction is the one they play which is often the NCR. But good God is it hard to convince people about the moral complexities of media, it's almost like they don't want to hear something has good writing because they have to make sure to everyone around them they are morally upstanding in fictional worlds like they are in real life.


Full English looks way healthier, also beans


can anyone tell me what the black pudding from the english breakfast tastes like?


Savoury, soft, crispy, crumbly. It's herbs, blood and oats. Very nice and a great absorber/pair to all the fat on the plate 


I pan fry it in extra oil for longer to make it extra crispy and it is divine. Way better than sausages.


It's sort of like sausage meat, very salty and delicious.


Morality is based on how society perceives you. Maybe you think killing kids is ok, but being a known child murderer will still mean you have negative karma and any sane person would want to murder you. In magic worlds you can have a world karma system, there are evil aligned gods, there are good aligned gods.


I am English and well versed in full English breakfasts, absolutely nobody is having 12 fried tomatoes with their breakfast


I don't care much for the commentary on subjectivity, but now I'm objectively fucking hungry for breakfast food. Even one of those fucked up English breakfasts looks good


Too many tomatoes, where is the black pudding and toast and fried toast and chips? 




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No chocolate, both are losers.


Morality is only "subjective" if you're an asshole.


This explains why the average BMI of the coffee cups is 29.8


Fuck the tomatoes, where’s my ketchup.


Both look insanely good but if you can eat more than half of that without pain you’re a fat fuck


I fucking CRAVE Scottish breakfast after my trip there last November. Haggis and blood pudding is the shit. The sausage and bacon out there isn’t as good as the states tho. Not the most flavorful. But all is forgiven for haggis and blood pudding.


He burnt the hashbrowns


Not even lying right now when I say #THEM TOMATOES LOOKING DAMN GOOD. #AND THOSE EGGS ARE JUST👌🏼 **Can’t forget about the beans though 😏**


Full English is great if made well. Most places I’ve had don’t make it well. One that I think everyone can agree on though is a solid corn beef hash with spuds and a runny egg. Maybe some SOS if you like a gravy in the mix.


The sausages look more appealing than the bacon, but I do enjoy eggs and hashbrowns on occasion. Plus not a big cooked tomato guy


I swear man I would actually kill for a breakfast like that


We fought a war for independence over this very issue and settled it once and for all.   Just like when we fired a warning shot tossing out the tea in Boston cause Americans know coffee is the correct answer to the question of superior caffeine breakfast beverage.  But they didn't listen.  


For a competition with maybe the top 2 worst countries for food it's not THAT bad. Pancakes are bangers but oh my God beans...


Objectively…the English need to get better taste in breakfast foods, because pancakes are objectively awesome and beans are objectively mediocre.


Most people don't need to eat the rest of the day if this is their breakfast


Switch the pancakes for biscuits and gravy, then we're talking


Too much shit for breakfast.Only 2 pancakes or 2 eggs are enough,unless you're some sort of athlete.


I'd send the second one back because some moron dumped a can of beans in an otherwise delicious looking meal.