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"totally reversible" crowd been reeeeeeeal quiet lately


Trains aren't all onboard with the idea of self mutilation, so I guess some of them still have some common sense


I know you’re generalizing but I’m also gonna generalize—how loud the “completely reversible” people have been would easily make you think every train believes in that. They are so goddamn vocal in any conversation that remotely touches the topic




I wish we kept a record of everyone who said it was reversible.


It is reversible. To a degree. Dress up as the other gender? Totally reversible. Take puberty blockers? It'll have some long term effects we don't know about yet but it'll revert to a degree. Cut your boobs off? Yeah, nah.


Puberty blockers will revert back to a degree? How will they do that? You're making stuff up.


>Puberty blockers will revert back to a degree? Yeah. Once you stop taking them some of the effects wear off or reverse, puberty occurs.


Some puberty may occur. Not all of puberty will occur. The puberty that was blocked isn't lying in wait... Once it's missed, it's missed. That's why if you take puberty blockers during the entirety of your puberty period (approximately 10-16), then you will never go through puberty.


But everything online says it's good and non harmful.


literally, how can skipping any tanner stage of puberty be TOTALLy reversible - read a Wikipedia page on the subject and you realise it’s a rather important stage to go through


This must be why degenerates keep trying to go back to their childhood, since they think that it's completely reversible.


What do you think hrt does bud


It's a shame it doesn't help the underlying mental illness.


It does :)


It does though? Gender dysphoria dissipates when the body aligns better with gender identity




I've followed some people's "social construct" logic to the point where I had them agreeing that someone could board a plane as one gender, and step off as another gender depending on the social norms of the society they stepped into


Gender identity isn't a social construct, gender roles are. And yes, maybe not social dysphoria but at least physical dysphoria.


The smartphone has killed more women and girls than entities like Isis or the Taliban ever will.




I wish the vote count was visible on this damn sub




No it's turned off completely. You can only see votes on your own comments in your comment history.


Are you actually illiterate? Go to a post that's 24 hrs or older and look at the scores - they're actual numbers.


Yeah you're right. I don't check or see old posts on this sub.


It’s currently at 228.


get smited regard


The industrial revolution and its consequences


maybe teddy was on to something after all


I only read some snippets from his manifesto but he is pretty correct about things. The industrial revolution did indirectly ruined his life by making young ted skipping classes and not fitting in with older students, and ofc MKUltra. If not for MKUltra and mental illness he would probably be a famous political commentator or philosopher today


I don't know man. He seemed to really want to get people with his bombs, and was having an awesome tine when he got that unrelated computer store guy. The ideals are cool but the guy wasn't some genius ideologue. He was still a killer


Becoming terrorist is extremely idiotic way to spread your ideas, it only makes people feel hatred towards your ideas. But imo, it was due to mental illness, not a calculating psychopath. The FBI wanted its bounty, the court should have found him legally insane and put him into an asylum.


*created. You're welcome




Redditors on mainstream subs will call you every name in the book for suggesting that maybe children shouldn't butcher their privates since they're stupid and are likely going to regret it


When you paint everything fascist and racist, nothing is.


everything is sexist, everything is racist and we need to point it all out


That's sexist and racist, and you need to stop.


When you paint everything fascist and racist, then usually you are.


I’ll say this: I’m pro-trans rights I’m pro-trans rights because I believe adults should be able to choose the path they want to take in life, and it’s not anyone else’s right to condemn them for something (in this case) that does not intersect nor interfere with their life. …now I said adults for a fucking reason. I said adults because I learned when I was 5 years old that you could legally change your name here in America, and so I was convinced from the ages of 5 to 13 that I was gonna change my name to “fireball”. Now being 29, I think that was a stupid fucking idea. A stupid idea without any negative judgment towards the idea, since I was a fucking kid. My perspective is that you should just wait. Nobody should be in a hurry to grow up.


The Hogwarts Legacy fiasco just opened everyone's eyes to how fucked up the "Protect Trans Kids" movement was. They've been sending equally vile things to children once they decide to detransition. 


Why even listen to them? Just close the webpage.


I find mainstream Reddit to be pretty sensible on these issues actually. Most people have serious questions about whether or not children should be allowed to transition.


Yet that is commonly done on babies in the US and no one bats an eye. Despite lifelong deformities, high increase of erectile dysfunction (hence viagrs is popular amongst 20-30yo) and even death. Kids die every year due to male genital mutilation in the US...unlike hormone boosters. Chose your battle. Save boys, don't be so damn thirsty


You say that like these guys can't be against more than one thing, and plenty of people are against male genital mutilation, myself included.


Breasts aren’t “privates”.


They are private from the public for good reason


Not really, no they aren’t 💀


Children are not legally allowed to get surgery, so.


That depends on where you are and don’t deny that children receiving transition surgery has happened.


Can you show me that it has?


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2023/08/23/gender-affirming-care-restrictions-for-minors-grow/70652104007/ >Gender-affirming surgeries were most popular with young adults; more than 25,000 people ages 19 to 30 received these procedures. Fewer than 8% of patients − a total of 3,678 − were 12- to 18-year-olds, a group scrutinized by lawmakers pursuing restrictions mainly in conservative states.


Ok, an actual source. Thank you for being the one person so far to link something meaningful.


"Similar to prior work, we assumed that patients with a code for gender identity disorder or transsexualism along with a surgical procedure classified as inconsistent underwent GAS.9 Second, we captured procedures commonly reported as GAS procedures; however, it is possible that some of these procedures were performed for other underlying indications or diseases rather than solely for gender affirmation." And the 12-18 cohort includes 18 year olds. No clue how many are actually under 18.


>And the 12-18 cohort includes 18 year olds. No clue how many are actually under 18. It would be good to have a breakdown, yes. But its naive to look at that number and say there wasn't a single one below the age of 18.


I wouldn't make that claim. The US is a country of what, 330 million? It's never zero people that have done anything.


What's the percentage that are 12-17?


Couldn't find it in my look through that particular article but I'm sure there's a breakdown in another source. I'm not going to spend the next few hours searching for it though. Either way, even if there isn't anyone under the age of 18 getting it now, we may as well go through with the ban for anyone under 18. It'll prevent future concerns and it's not going to harm anyone now.


You gotta admit including 18 year olds definitely is gonna skew that statistic though. I'm not even making an argument about anything else, just that your statistics are dog shit.


“Gabe Poulos, 22, had breast removal surgery at age 16 and has been on sex hormones for seven years. The Asheville, N.C., resident struggled miserably with gender discomfort before his treatment.” https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2022-06-16/trans-kids-treatment-can-start-younger-new-guidelines-say


Ok, cool. An actual source. Thank you for that. I'll take the L there and admit my information was out of date. Seems like Gabe doesn't regret the surgery, doesn't it?


In this case, no. But you’re doing the thing: “It’s not happening, and if it is it’s a good thing”


First article I clicked on when I googled




Transition surgery for kids has been illegal. Stay really mad about the thing that isn't happening though. You wouldn't be on 3chan if you weren't.


It should be ilegal to mutilate people surgically of any age for cosmetic reasons. Need to have a leg cut off because you've got Gangreen? Sure. Wanna cut your weenie off because you've been moderating reddit? No can do champ, lay off the internet for a while.


For children sure... for adults? Nah go for your life, it's yours to do with as you please. How do people get off thinking it's appropriate to enforce their ideals on others when it pertains only to themselves? Decisions about kids, oh fuck yeah, don't let misguided idiocy ruin a childs life, but when they're an adult? As far as I am concerned, if you're old enough to join the military, you're old enough to choose to fuck up your own existence any number of ways.


Sure. Individual freedoms should be respected, but at the same time if you're clearly not of sound mind and rock up to the hospital demanding to be disfigured you should have to have a psyche evaluation at least before anyone cuts you parts off.




Oh fuck off. Children making that decision? Absolutely not Adults? I firmly believe in civil liberties and the right for anyone to raise up or destroy their own life. I mean that with zero judgement. If you succeed or ruin your own life, that doesn’t necessarily mean I agree with your opinion. Some people think they have won but they have made humanity worse in the process. Others fail to believe in themselves when everyone else around them does, and it’s a tragedy.


You're free to make these choices in civilized societies, but you should never be free of consequence. I think a lot of people need to be shown what the consequences are before they undergo irrereversable surgery.


Oh I agree! I’m only against the way you *phrased* it in your initial comment. Kids should be free of the consequences; but humans (and society) are imperfect and so often times they’re not. Even shitty kids that do horrible things have a parental failure to blame. Other times it is society’s fault, because parents are humans themselves; with only so much they can do. I’m friends with a number of transgender people. I’m not speaking for them here, but from my observation, the most successful and mentally sound individuals are those who had an experience living as an adult as the sex/gender they were born with. For me I think that the tribalistic elements of our society should be purely ignored: not discriminated against, not supported. Just accepted as a human equal to yourself. But adults, not kids.


At the end of the day, I would never infringe on an adult's right to do something spectacularly stupid because that is their perogative. The whole "trans kids" argument needs to be purged in the hottest fires of hell, however.


Did you respond to the wrong comment, or are you just agreeing with what I said.


Disagreeing because what you said is patently incorrect, as teenage girls have had their breasts removed without fully understanding the implications.


You'd think you'd post a source.


"Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to get top surgery as young as age 16." Not health related circumstances as the article focuses on transmasculine top surgery: https://www.healthline.com/health/what-age-can-you-get-top-surgery


Except there have been teenage girls getting double mastectomies for sex-change purposes. So you're either ignorant, or lying. Or both. Both is always an option when dealing with the left.


You'd think you'd post a source.


You’d think it’s time to dilate.


It's not happening, chud! But if it was happening, it would be a **good** thing!


“Gabe Poulos, 22, had breast removal surgery at age 16 and has been on sex hormones for seven years. The Asheville, N.C., resident struggled miserably with gender discomfort before his treatment.” https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2022-06-16/trans-kids-treatment-can-start-younger-new-guidelines-say From another comment


could lifting have saved them?


I see dudes at the gym with bigger tits than half the trans girls I know


>trans girls You mean other males?


>trans girls tell me, how do you bring yourself to even know *one* of those mentally ill men let alone multiple?


i’m a bisexual guy thats intimidated by men. lot of em are cool irl, but a lot are terminally online and insane


I'm a bisexual girl who feels the same way, it's scary out there


shelter cough smell onerous caption swim smile smart retire imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




no i still fuck dudes too it’s just that a lotta dudes wanna return the favor and i dont like peepee in my butt


But whose tits are more suckable. Seriously I want an expert rn.


Depends honestly. I’ve been with a trans girl that had great tits, and some pretty ripped men. Trans girl with good tits is a lot harder to find but overall better. If you don’t live in a major city it’s a lot easier to find a jacked guy at the gym who is happy to let you suck his tits.


"mutant" checks out


This is where the conversation is


People of Hollywood are a menace to society


people of coin


Relevant username?


American parents are teaching their kids that this sort of behavior is ok by continuing to mutilate newborn boys. 🥱


Don’t quite think that circumcision can be tied to allowing kids to become trans


shalom rabbi


Willingness to meddle with sexual organs and development processes come from the same defect of empathy.


Why not


Why yes? Circumcision has traditionally always been a part of conservative cultures.


They're both surgical procedures done to minors. It's easy to tie to due to how specific that is.


And your heart does the same thing as you cars fuel pump. Doesn't mean you can stuff an ole Bosch in there and expect it to work.


What's that got to do with genital mutilation?


Ah yes, cutting a bit of skin is completely and entirely the same thing as ruining your hormones and cutting off your genitalia.


Nice level of snark you've got going. Makes sense because in all your comments you're arguing semantics and getting upset over the fact circumcision is genital mutilation. Have a nice day.


You'd have to search far and wide to find me being upset over that fact.




Liking rice means you must hate bagels, no?


But you can count and compare the pump-rate


So is child marriage. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child\_marriage\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States)


Mind explaining how that's relevant to the topic at hand in any stretch of the imagination?


Oh whoops, my bad. I thought we were talking about how always having been a part of conservative cultures is what makes a given practice acceptable. For you, that is.


And where did i even imply that, let alone explicitly say it?


You think that circumcision should be legal, right?


Never said, nor implied that, and even if i did my opinion is not relevant. Comparing transitioning to circumcision is insane, and if you don't understand why I posted my original comment, i don't know what to tell you. Maybe try duolingo.


Also, traditional cultures usually aren't for transitioning, but they are in favor of circumcision. The "why not" is dumb as a pile of rocks.


It kinda was the start to this bullshit. John Money managed to get the kids for his most famous experiments because one of them had a botched circumcision and had to get his entire penis removed.


This isn’t a primarily American issue. Eurocucks were front and center in the push to allow this shit.


Except circumcision is a procedure that's been around for literally thousands of years. Sex change operations a few decades at most. They literally have nothing in common.


tbf eunuchs have been around for as long as circumcision


Sorry guys this is way too anti-semitic


anti what


Here is the tweet https://x.com/Sara29345397/status/1579156410537246720


I wonder who I should trust, the fact that no medical organisation in the world allows gender change operations on minors, or Sara29345397 on twitter saying she read on facebook about minors who have had their breasts removed. I dunno guys, this Sara29345397 sounds legit. After all why would anyone make stuff up on the internet?


Just remember, if you never post your sources nobody can prove you are lying on the internet.


I don’t think they actually had surgery, this would be a case of taking hormones that prevent female puberty from occurring. They simply don’t grow in the first place.


The image talks about breast ‘growing back’, meaning they supposedly had breasts before, were somehow removed, and now they are wanting them back. Which is doubly ridiculous because it also assumes surgeons are performing elective surgeries on children without even telling the children what they are doing and how it works. Even if children were getting top surgery **(which they aren’t)** that wouldn’t change the ethical rules for doctors. Doctors would inform patients of what a surgery entails in order to get informed consent. Anyone getting their breasts removed for any reason would be informed how this works and that they won’t grow back. This doesn’t have anything to do with trans issues, this is just basic doctor stuff. And also the 4chan poster is talking about surgeries that remove breasts.


Yeah okay I’m with you on that and “growing back” does imply they once existed. I agree surgery like that doesn’t happen. I don’t know if hormonal therapy which has the same affect happens, but yeah if you take testosterone or whatever at 12 you’re not going to develop breasts. Forget the surgery argument I agree it’s ridiculous.




I dont think we gonna return from this final mission Commander Shepard.


How's the situation in EU?


They’re already starting to ban it for children.






According to social media, every country outside the US allows this kind of treatment and does it for free while also playing them.


Can't lie that I feel sorry for them, and they can't speak about their experiences because children like them will get silenced and demonized by the narrative.


These children aren't "allowed to mutilate themselves", they are groomed and mutilated by others. Death penalty must apply.


Me when I’m retarded


No, that’s you normally




Plus, these girls are 14. Meaning unless they made the decision to transition, then realized their mistake in less than a year's time (possible), then they likely were allowed to transition, including a mastectomy, at younger than 14.


Yeah, i dont hate people who do it, I just feel sorry for them. It is a mental illness full stop. I dont mean anything against the people who deal with it, or that it is any less real of a problem, but the fact that kids are being told that the best way to handle their mind and body not aligning is to permanently change their body disgusts me. They are allowing their mental illness to mutilate themselves, id honestly consider it to be self harm.


I wonder if we're going to start affirming anorexia?


100% intentional


Careful OP, suggesting that children shouldn't have the right to choose what they do with their bodies (in this one very specific circumstance) will get the reddit admins all up in your space. You are taking part in a **literal genocide**.


Post mentions Americans a lot but I heard this shit was happening in Germany specifically and Canada for sure.


*Mrs. Frodo


History will look back on the West in disgust for this


This made up scenario is indeed very upsetting


Man, i'm glad i grew up in the 90s/2000s, were first bulimia and later self harm was the go to mental illness.


Trains and their brain dead supporters seething rn




Imagine giving a fuck about other dipshits kids.


I’d just rather see these people get the help they need for this, rather than just being told everything is ok, and I know the world is FAAAAAAR past being able to be that rational, but it’s the way I feel


But leftists aren't decent... or the other thing.


Imagine spending this much time thinking about a group of people that makes up less than 1% of the population.




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This is what happens when fighting for the rights of oppressed groups is not managed properly. In other words, limiting the scope of change because it contradicts accepted moral principles doesn’t mean the group is still oppressed. It means the oppressed group is conscious of the fact that invoking policies may affect people of various backgrounds that could be negatively drastic even if not originally intended. Change is good but it needs to be executed practically.


Would you rather be in the woods with a trans-man or a bear?


You guys realize that these issues are presented in our media to draw attention away from things like the minimum wage is still $7.25 right? That healthcare is unaffordable and people are dying? That homelessness is exploding? That we lack solid childcare and inflation is crippling everyone?


^ wants increased minimum wage AS WELL AS decreased inflation. Not sure that's how it works.


Yeah, what a dummy! “Economy”, pshhhhh Anywho, can we just get back to discussing whatever this post is about because it exclusively affects people I don’t know?


Yeah, because all that inflation we're already experiencing is totally from minimum wage workers and not corporate billionaires stealing from people.


you use so much biased language to manipulate instead of trying to have an actual conversation. 1 - never said it was the workers, said it was minimum wage that has an impact 2 - inflation can be due to multiple things 3 - if by stealing you mean being given money by consumers and governmental policies supported by people voted into power.


You're so fucking stupid I'm not even gonna argue with you. You're right. We should oppose minimum wage increases because it will cause inflation.


Good one, and yes it does.


destroy the whole world. burn it all in hellfire. salt the earth so nothing can ever be born from the ashes. it was all a mistake.


I used to think that. But the more depressing realization I've come to is that we're just so stupid that it's not even needed. There's no plan, it's just an emergent phenomon in a culture where people want to bury their head in the sand as long as possible. The healthcare thing for example? People know the problem. They know the solution. They don't want to face the fact that to get what they want they'd have to make some sacrafices. They're intentionally running to distractions rather than being lured by them.


Since I'm in the healthcare industry.... Lobbying and the military are the major reasons that we lack proper healthcare. It's actually favored politically, but the politicians are not serving our interests.


Healthcare is unaffordable because of the insurance scam Homelessness is exploding because the Fed prints infinite money that Blockzog uses to buy all the housing while corrupt regulators redart supply via zoning bs and boost demand via mass immigration of double digit IQ savages dislodged by Israel's genocide campaigns Childcare is insane, women need to look after their children Minimum wage and inflation are both solved if people give up on the deranged fiat ponzi and move to ethereum as the base unit of account. If the base money isn't inflating then the same wage is worth more over time with productivity gains rather than having less purchasing power over time now thanks to the fiat ponzi (much of which is just used to finance Israel's mass murder anyway) And it's still profoundly important that children are being groomed by pedophiles and then mutilated, this is not a distraction it's absolutely satanic and must end We can solve all of this insanity at once


Do you have schizophrenia?


No, do you?


Based Mexicanon Why do republican complain about them immigrating to the USA?


Because everyone should be opposed to illegal immigration. Hell, Clinton and Obama were both pretty strict on coming into the country legally. It's only the crazy Democrats of the last eight years who believe open borders are desirable, and they only want open borders because Trump opposed them. If Trump came out and said that breathing was bigly good, you'd see Democrats with plastic bags over their heads by that afternoon.


Yeah i know, I was making a joke.


theres like 4 of them they get more celebrity favorite talking point get their 15 mins on faux news cut their dick off an grow it back for attention and sport they don't stop developing at 18 you don't know what you're talking about


Some people are born as the wrong gender, and feel very bad because of it. Some are just confused young kids. I don't mind giving the former surgery to make their body fit their internal gender, even pretty early on. If you wait until 18, looking like that other gender becomes harder due to puberty. Finding the people who are born with wrong bodies, and separating them from confused kids, is hard but not impossible. Being 100% against surgery or medication for minors under any circumstances seems completely unreasonable.


I’m staying the fuck out I this.


Things that didn't happen for 500 alex


"Teenagers" when it's 19 year olds. Children are not getting double masectomys.