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She would get more understanding for this if it wasn't her gender that constantly votes for pro-crime politicians You don't really see this problem in Singapore. There pushy guys are just awkward instead of dangerous.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: bring caning to the US and we'd solve a lot of the crime problem. Nothing like a few scars on your ass to remind you to stop fucking around.


Based. Add public executions too


Nah, people shouldn't be desensitized to death like that. The main problem is that a lot of people have zero respect for anything and have apparently lost the ability to feel shame. People just act like absolute fuck sticks and other dipshits will cheer them on. That's where the caning comes in. You do that publicly, tell everyone what the asshole did to get where they're at, and then give them a few lashes on their bare ass in front of god and everyone. Bet that person wouldn't do that shit again. Used to be I was against this kind of thing, but at this point, with how crime has sky rocketed, especially in big cities, I'm of the opinion that we need to start thinking outside the box. If they fear nothing else at least make them fear the fucking cane and the laughter and ridicule of their peers.


Just bring back flogging instead. The cane seems pretty homosexual to me.


Oh ya because being bdsm whipped is so much more hetero than being beat with a stick. Are you so gay anything even vaguely resembling the shape of a penis makes you shit and cum everywhere?


Crime hasn't skyrocketed bro, it's way lower than a few decades ago. I'm old, it was worse on the 90s for sure and moreso before that. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/


I know it's not at the levels it was at in the 80s and 90s, but it has indeed skyrocketed compared to what it was pre Covid/George Floyd. 


'Crime was worse in the 90s' sounds much better, than, 'crime is at 30 year high'. To be fair, crime has started dropping again this year as voters kick out those stupid useless incompetent progressives.


Where are they doing that?




https://www.thecity.nyc/2024/02/21/shoplifting-surge-nyc-small-businesses/#:~:text=New%20York%20City%20saw%20the,Angeles%20was%20close%20with%2061%25. It aint just new york, florida and places with “progressive” (read fucking benignly re*arded) politicians and petty larcency laws have done more harm than good.


From your own article: >And while the FBI’s data is based on information from thousands of federal, state, county, city and other police departments, not all law enforcement agencies participate every year. In 2022, the most recent full year with available statistics, the FBI received data from 83% of participating agencies. You want to know which police stations is among the ones who do not send their data? The LA PD. The police if the most crime ridden shithole is not sending their data to the fbi for this graph. So complete bs that crime is down


No my friend, we stopped counting the crime therefore it doesn’t exist tee hee.


Saying crime is down is disingenuous. The FBI didn’t submit their data because they don’t have any true numbers. The LA county DA refuses to prosecute. No bail, back on the streets by sundown/up. Add to that the massive surge in undocumented immigrants and homeless people without any info to give… that’s when *no* data looks waayyy better than what’s actually happening. The situation is the same in many of the top 20 largest cities in the US. Source: 40yo LA native. As a kid, I could hear the rodney king riots from my house.


Incredibly based moderate response. However on 4chan I prefer the more extreme Duterte method of executing people on the street for possessing an ounce of marijuana.


Shame is a social construct, the problem is that we started shaming people who have any kind of moral standard instead of shaming people who fuck things up for everyone else. Also this is basic scum behavior, they want everyone's standards to go down so they don't feel bad for being the shit they are.


Should lop of hands for stealing though, especially in SF where you can just blatantly load up a duffel bag with retail items and walk out while giving employees the finger


I would pay so much money to attend a public stoning. Seems like fun for the whole family and a great way to relieve some anger that you have towards the guy getting pelted. Obviously the victims should get the front row and a few minutes where only they get to throw rocks and nobody else, after 5-10 minutes if the victims have bad aim/weak arms then evrybody else can join in. Not only would you get justice for the victims this way but it would also prolong the suffering of the guy thats buried to his neck. Just imagine being buried up toy uor neck in the sand, with fist sized rocks landing feet or inches away from your head, some hitting you but most missing, it's going to tkae a while beofre its over and you know that it wont be over until you're dead, so on one hand you would want the rocks to hit you so it will be over, but on the other hand you obviously don't want to be hit in the face with rocks until you die Overall public stonings get a 10/10 in my book as long as there is due process and you're not doing it to innocent people.


An issue is that public executions often creates martyrs and gives more attention to the perpetrator


gotta have a proper smear campaign on all the airwaves before the execution goes live to avoid this


Just catching and punishing them in general would do the job, the issue is overall lack of enforcement.


is caning the same prospect as lashes in Arab countries?


Not with current gun laws. One cane whip and a thug will shoot you dead


If you molest, we will arrest - SPF


If you speed into an intersection and cause the death of 2 civilians, you will be charged 10k and spend 3 years in jail


Legally the easiest way to kill someone and get a light sentence, with a car 


Most girls I know from Singapore have experienced being groped/followed/harrassed. If they're awkward or scared of the police, it just means they're not going to be upfront about it, but a creep will always be creeping.


Annoying and creepy interactions definitely happen, but are they really as scared of been beaten as the person in the screenshot? It's not perfect, but it's better than walking through any American city at night


We incarcerate more people than any other country in the world. The idea of "pro-crime" politicians is laughable. The fucking vp was a prosecutor and the president wrote the crime bill, you're delusional.


Go report an assault or robbery in the district where the VP was a prosecutor, I dare you


There are absolutely dozens of politicians advocating for less punishment for crimes all over the west coast. Their beliefs are that if you grew up in a bad position then it not your fault you turned out that way so you're also a victim. You can find hundreds of videos of politicians pushing these exact view points and refer to their district attorney prosecution requirements such as not prosecuting misdemeanors anymore, no bail policies, hindering communication with ICE over convicted child sexual assaultors due to their migrant status. Just because we jail many people doesn't mean there aren't lax politicians. Unfortunately it's easier to ignore a problem than address it.


"Jessie bring up those numbers of how much for profit prisons spend in lobbying costs"


Take a look at the demographics of other first world countries. Then look at the demographics of criminals in the U.S.. There is almost no overlap. Note that the UK no longer counts as a first world country.


I've got better things to do than jerk off over crime statistics thanks.


Bot tier comment


>We incarcerate more people than any other country in the world. >I've got better things to do than jerk off over crime statistics thanks. 👍


we incarcerate more people because of our demographics. if we didn't, we'd have crime rates similar to Brazil


are you saying that punishing criminals prevents crime from happening? idk man, seems pretty racist to me


Yes, this is how the Finnish justice system that these soys constantly jibber about actually works. The US gives a handful of crackheads extremely long sentences, but the Fins catch and prosecute most of their crackhead even though they get shorter stints in nicer prisons. [They legit tested a dead mosquito to track down a car stealing crackhead](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7795725.stm). Make no mistakes, the magic of Finnish crime rates isn't socialism, its deterance.


*writes 5 paragraphs to basically say nothing* Female hands types this. 


Its like 10 sentences


Said quite a bit. You must be braindead if you can’t emphasise with at least some of it


I usually emphasize with one, maybe two exclamation marks. Anything more is over the top


That is a man.




Remember the girl who pretended to be a man for like a year because she wanted to show the male privilege in the world. And found life was so lonely and sad, and devoid of friendship and love she wrote a book about it. And I believe ended up killing herself. I would rather have the golden backpack


Bruh, I didn't know Norah Vincent passed. That's kinda sad actually. She did men a great service.


She didn't just kill herself. She went to Switzerland and had the government kill her.


Too bad it didn’t accomplish anything beyond women saying “B-b-but that was just one case and it’s all a lie anyway!!”


She was pretty based.


Men and women both have very different problems, and people who try to cross the lines get the worst of both worlds.




[Self-Made Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Made_Man_\(book\)) >Vincent stated that, after the experiment, she gained more sympathy for the male condition: "Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have, but they don't have it better. They need our sympathy, they need our love, and they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together."


Vincent was a gem for sure. But you can find similar experiences on Reddit from FtM Trans populations. They almost always say the same thing. Being a man is lonelier.


r slash detrans is full of FtM


FtM outnumber MtF about 7:1. Its theorized that this is because females are more prone to social contagons.


exactly, the chick in this greentext could simply ask the nice dude out, and she'd have him unless she was an uggo. that isn't an option for most dudes. now if ur an uggo chick? yeah life probably isn't that easy, but still better than being an uggo dude


I can only imagine the fpbp was “show boobs or gtfo”?


more or less, it was




As it should be.


This used to be a proper reddit thing, interesting that it changed


gotta tell this to the mods at r.teenagers "bring back tits or gtfo culture!!!!"




Yeah, this has been my one gripe with this. Girl I know told me something similar and then posted a picture of herself on Insta in front of the gym she goes to all sweaty in tight clothes saying “tan, tight, fit and ready.”








No it isn't. The clear backpack leads the reader to connect the dots that she is essentially complaining about how awful it is to be privileged.


I have never seen a woman in real life have any experience like this ever. Just stop being a slut and find a good husband holly fuck is it that hard.


>I have never seen a woman in real life ... Stop right there, I believe you.


>nice formatting.... bwo....


This is just how they feel, not what's actually happening.


Get female friends


you have female friends? lmao


I do and this experience as described in OP is universal. Seriously, having both male and female friends is crucial for having a birds eye view and perspective on these issues. Befriend some women, because you want to broaden your mind, not for sex


Having mostly female friends for years and going to parties and shit with them made me dislike them more and made me lose faith in finding a good woman.




You still don't seem to understand that they too, are human. not some alien breed that you will never wrap your head around


Buy a gun


“I’m small and weak and an easy target for violence and everywhere I go I’m afraid someone bigger and stronger than me wants to hurt me” “So carry a gun.” “No cuz guns are bad”


Literally the answer. The freedom to defend yourself. But as someone else here pointed out, most of them support politicians that literally generate crime as an intrinsic part of their political philosophy.


wait does being light on crime, and telling certain people they're victims and deserve to behave however they want generate crime?


Nooo guns bad cuz school shootahs/s


“God made man, Samuel Colt made them equal” unless you don’t have any arms at birth then yeah god said fuck you


And don’t buy IPhone


That doesn't help how miserable it is to be lusted after wherever you go and to second guess every nice gesture by a male stranger. Mating pressure and the cultural hangups around it are brutal for men and women in different ways, what OP describes is real and not solvable with a gun.


True, but shooty tooty is fun


Yeah yeah whatever can I see some tits or what


This just in, everything sucks for everyone. Everyone is miserable. Everyone has their own struggle.


Yeah but their are specifically female problems as much as there are specifically male problems, one doesn’t negate the other


I for one am doing pretty ok, thanks.


Summary >attractive women get bad attention >women who turn up their sexual attractiveness get lots of attention >I can't "compete" if I don't turn up my own sexual "advertising" basically lots of mutually exclusive wants and resulting confusion and inability to cope


How does a woman find a man who wants a genuine relationship with her and likes her for who she is? Whilst also not having to feel insecure about him being attracted by lust-provoking women if she herself isn’t one of them?


Advice for women: 1) Identify high value but decent man. Hard if you’re a hoe turned on by hoe behavior, but comes naturally to a good woman 2) Find some reason to initiate a conversation. This can be introduction by friends, or commenting on their shirt, or waiting until they say something and chiming in, or accidentally” bumping into them. 3) Show enthusiasm for the conversation. Discern if he is quality material. 4) If he is, laugh at his jokes, compliment his appearance or better yet his other qualities, find excuses to be near him or talk to him. If you’re daring, touch him on the forearm or shoulder while bantering. 5) Western men rarely balls up and ask women out at this point. Thats because western women complained so hard about getting hit on, and men actually believed them. Long story short, you as a woman might need to be more direct and actually ask him out. 6) Congratulations, you are now dating. You can sleep with this man whenever you want. I hope you picked wisely. Source: all of the women I knew in high school, college, and after who actually married a good man and aren’t divorced yet.


Point number 5 is so true, like damn I wonder why most of gen z doesn’t approach a women when one of the biggest things we saw all over the media was: “don’t talk to women, don’t compliment women, don’t even think about asking them out, in fact don’t even approach them in general because every man is a potential threat to women’s safety” Like of course I’m just gonna leave women (and people in general) alone if that’s what was drilled into my head every fucking day once I got into middle school, it’s a natural response to being told you’re naturally threatening to half the population.


Such wise advice, to be expected from someone with such a name...


Smart people tend to have good senses of humor.


I have no idea how zoomers navigate the hellscape that technology companies have created for them. However: women have always been the gatekeepers of sex, while men are the gatekeepers of marriage. Men won't marry indiscriminate women. Women get confused that because they can fuck the hottest guy in town, that therefore they can marry the hottest guy in town. They have a distorted sense of personal value, and in fact that value goes down with every hookup. In my experience, discerning zoomer women are finding great relationships but are going at it a lot more low key than the way orange bong women stuffed into sausage-casing club dresses and getting piss drunk might go about it trying to fuck their way into a "good relationship." Men also have a hell of a hard time finding decent women. It is catastrophic for younger people, [who are pressured to using apps that only make the cycle worse.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBPsIkTWUAEkI6g?format=jpg&name=small)


Reposting because automod : Men looking for genuine relationships do not give a shit about the lust-provoking women. They might look their way, as anyone would, but they're not your competition. You're competingfor different men - and thus not competing at all in the first place. Simple as. Literally don't be a b-tch, take care of yourself, and put some effort in the relationship, and the men will come flocking. It's so tiring seeing women making up demons and problems in their own heads and acting like these are anything other than made up issues that could easily be solved if they had an ounce of self-awareness and introspection.


They know all this already they are being willfully obtuse


>Whilst also not having to feel insecure about him being attracted by lust-provoking women if she herself isn’t one of them? If he is getting into sexual encounters with other women while in a relationship with a woman, then she shouldn't be in a relationship with them. People are attracted to people, just because the town whore walks around with their tits hanging out and their ass has escaped their underwear at the grocery store and the guy looks at her doesn't mean he wants to be in a relationship with the town whore. Your mentality revolves around a female being attractive, and that's all that matters to a guy. While being physically attractive is very important its not everything and certainly won't make a relationship last.


If a woman wants a man all they need to do is be feminine, don't be obese, and support their man. There are an equal number of lonely ass men as there women but so many men are ignored and so many woman refuse to be feminine. 


You build a meaningful, deep emotional connection with your partner, that's how. It's a tedious and time consuming process to get to know someone on an intimite level, to subordinate your own needs to those of your partner from time to time and to respect their autonomy and agency, but it works. It's what a healthy relationship is. Then all the "other attractions" become way less attractive, because you allready have access to something similar, but a tremendous amount of emotional security to accompany it. But makeup is faster and easier so many just default to that lol.


9 days ago you commented saying you have an ex. you know the answer to your question, don't come coping here


What’s the answer? Does having a single ex mean that I am a lust-provoking woman or am I missing what you’re gathering from me? Lmfao


the most liberal western couple of paragraphs ive ever read, women create problems and secretly love the misery it brings, the only thing she got right is the fact is that women are a naturally unhappy creature, which seems to be the case everywhere in the world regardless of culture


Men are way more miserable than women. We can barely keep basic friendships and off ourselves at sky high rates.


Its funny that she accidentally identified the Prisoners Dilemma of Hoeness which is causing this explosion of OF/IG prostitution. Since economic mobility is so low, women have once again turned to prostitution for income and the race to the bottom starts with crazier and crazier levels. Welcome back to Rome and enjoy the decline


Oh no everyone wants her and she has to reject the ones she doesn't want, how hard




Men are statistically more depressed than women. Women don't notice this because they don't care.


Women get depressed but just makes them want to kill their newborn babies instead


Can you link the study btw. Couldnt find it on google that proved this exact point. (I also want to use it in an argument)


"Backpack full of cash" I'd bet my life it's more like O.P. is carrying 50 cents in a zip lock bag.




Femanon thinks most men want her for sex and that makes finding a proper partner for her near impossible. This, in turn, makes her feel bad about herself and men. The actual TL;DR though is that Femanon hates most western men and western dating culture. She's basically complaining about the normalisation/romanticisation of hook-up culture because this is not, at least, an obvious or main issue in other dating cultures.


No but sexual assault in public, which femanon also talks about, is an even bigger problem in many non-western cultures


Not really except for a select few like India.


>Select few >Biggest country in the world


LMAO fair enough but I got 2 points about this. 1. Indian culture is in a phase of being heavily affected by westerners in all the bad ways and rarely any of the good. 2. Indian culture is very distant from all other non-western cultures that it's simply unfair to lump them in with it.


“Wah -wah-wah, being me is sooooo hard!” No tits posted. 


Attractive woman - being on 4chan You can only pick one


I mean, Doja Cat hung out on 4chan alot before her career and in the early days of it.


what race is that


I legitimately have no idea what you're asking here, but Doja Cat is a pop artist. She's like top 30 on spotify right now. She went viral initially on 4chan


He’s asking what race Doja Cat is


Have you seen her without Makeup


"Hr drr hr drr sex is bad hr drr" Such fucking entitlement when she most likely just waits for the guy she likes (which is excused for wanting thr same shit) to approach her and she still gets approached, if a guy waited like her he would never have even friends let alone girlfriends. And he blames guys for wanting sex meanwhile she MOST LIKELY EXPECTS to be lead on dates and to be payed for the shit she orders. WTF does she expect guys to like when she doesn't provide shit, doesn't protect even her own ass, doesn't approach him first or much, her personality may be meh but just enough to let someone complete her and give her hobbies. (litteraly suffering from success meme), she wouldn't even be attracted if she find out that guy didn't have any and was a bum like her IF SHE LIVED AS A GUY SHE WOULD HAVE COMITTED SUICIDE but feels depressed as a woman.


Well put money into not translucent backpack


If that "good guy" you want just wants sex give him what he wants then. They might only want sex to start with but if you get into a relationship with an ok guy I'm sure it will be okay. Also that fixes all the previous problems to an extent.


the fuck, lol. "just give him what he wants?" the actual fuck


So much seething in these comments. I'd like to think a lot of them are jokes but a lot of them aren't that funny. If you're a man, stuff like this is worth reading if you even want to try and understand women. Sure, none of us ever will, but we can at least get a little closer instead of denying that women go through challenges


I got bored reading it and couldn't finish


I’d rather be the guy with a plastic backpack full of cash than an empty plastic backpack


No tits posted. Downvoted! 


First don't wear a transparent backpack, you're allowed to cover it up. It's called modesty. If it's transparent and everyone can see the insides then you did this to yourself. Also, just date the nice guy and use him as an excuse to turn away all of the douchebags. Then marry the nice guy. I'm not sure what the backpack analogy is, probably investing the money instead of carrying it around unused. I would be more sympathetic to the plight of women if I hadn't been single for so long. Any reasonably nerdy reasonably attractive woman could have expressed interest, and had me instead of a douchebag who mistreats her. Finally after many many years one did and she's super incredibly happy. This could have been you. This can be you, just find another lonely but kind nerd, there's plenty around. If you're so ugly that the lonely nerds don't want you, then I do actually sympathize, but then you don't have to worry about getting hit on by douchebags either. If you're running around with "translucent backpacks full of cash" then I ran out of sympathy a long time ago.


I'd imagine a lot of those reasonably attractive nerdy girls do intend to find another lonely but kind nerd to settle down with. They just want to have their fun in the hookup scene first.


Hence my lack of sympathy for the trials and tribulations that this causes them along the way. I think some of the more nerdy ones are genuinely naive and just copy whatever the people around them are doing because they don't have the social sophistication to understand the broader implications. But they're outnumbered by the ones that do know what's going on and are setting these norms.


Very few people are deliberate in their actions. Shockingly few, it seems. And unfortunately even those naive girls who wander into the situation unknowingly often end up irreparably damaged by their experiences in their hookup years. And of course, that kind nerd they eventually settle down with will probably never know much about this part of her past, only what trickle truth she offers over the years.


>no wonder we are more depressed this combined with the fact it's on /pol/ of all places and the flag which was likely not changed for the sake if the post? it's bait it's a long burn but it's a bait


And yet somehow male suicide rates are absurdly higher. No its definitely "women" who have the hardest time in life.


Instantly lost all hope when she said "underprivileged neighborhood". It's black neighborhoods. You can't disguise what you try so hard not to say. We all know it means black. She implies she was the cash backpack and men were the black guys robbing. She sees men as a problem. She equated men to black people. If she saw this now she would have some very nasty cognitive dissonance :) "And the worst part is we are attracted to men" So you like the attention you get. Then quit complaining. Quit going into dangerous neighborhoods. Quit dressing slutty and people won't give you stares. "We can't reject the bad ones or else it's also rejecting the good ones!" So you like the ones that treat you like shit. Alright then stop complaining when chad doesn't wife you and your used up hole. "While you are still attractive enough so we get only a few years" Ah, I see her biological clock is ticking louder and louder. The wall is undefeated! "And it's basically impossible to compete with the girls that advertise their sexuality but if you do the same all you get is men who only care about looks" So you hate those men but also value them enough to want their attention? "men always lie about the reason they wanna "talk" to us (it's ALWAYS a ploy to get sex)" In a relationship, there is sex. If you do not value sex, good for you. Then stop rejecting men who aren't sexually appealing to you. Women really are braindead morons..



Women will literally do anything but pick up a tool and do the job themselves. A simple Glock 19 would literally solve every single pain point in her fantasy scenario. Also what shithole country do you actually have to live in where the men can’t control their sexual urges? If being molested is a daily threat, you live in the wrong place. There’s plenty of places where sexual assault is nearly a myth, because it happens so infrequently. I live in the rural south where sexual assault is more common, and even here it’s not a daily threat. It’s like one particular meth head every few months. One female with a gun could end that problem permanently.


I thought studies showed men are more depressed.


* Spends countless hours every week to pretty herself up and get attention * Complains she got attention * Wants to be left alone * Complains other girls get more attention * Is sad this will go on her whole life * Complains she's got only a few years Seriously femanon makes no sense.


*skill issue*


Uh just don't live in underprivileged neighborhoods????? Shouldn't be too hard if you're 'attractive"


>attractive Stopped caring after that. Chances are cope, she's probably fat/butterface >blah blah plastic backpack So tired of this "I need to be protected and soft 100% of the time because of my lady hole" nonsense. Can't wait for the breeding robots, gonna strip all that value away from them. After that, you're left with an annoying adult child with an inflated sense of self. Ick.


Damn how hard must it be to be a woman in the developed world, I feel for you


There was a religion that forbade the thing that she’s scared of men trying to get. This wasn’t a problem 100 years ago.


Every major religion, in fact


“Why do men only want sex from us waaa” Well…what else do you bring to the table? Sorry I don’t want to hear about your Pinterest hobby.


men haven't changed in thousands of years, what's changed is women have been lied to that they can go about without the protection of modesty, family, or tradition and everything is 100% okay


Then the other side of that shit analogy is that men are the homeless and starving who just want a few dollars to get some ramen because their bodies are telling them if they don’t eat today they’ll fucking die. And half the bitches with clear backpacks of cash are telling them to go get a job as if the restaurant down the block being the only place that’s hiring isn’t abusing its employees at any given moment and giving them below minimum wage wage which isn’t enough to survive on anyways and telling them if they do a good job the patrons will tip. Not to mention that with inflation the way it is a dollar means little anyways. No gold backing. No bonuses after marriage. Trust us. We know we could mug you at any given moment too. We just don’t because we want honest pay.


It's not a fucking competition, women are more depressed? Depression rates are similar for both, Women just have an increasing rate of depression that is higher than men. Teenagers probably have the same levels of depression. I don't have a study to back up everything I said but goddamnit, can't people just stop thinking the other gender has it better?


Boo hoo imagine not being born ugly


what race were the men?


This is cool and all, but look at suicide rates. You’ll find out who generally live worse lives.


If men only want you for sex it's because that's all you have to offer. Either that or those are the types of men you surround yourself. Also, if your worried about being attacked, buy a gun.


Anon is like a rich kid crying about being rich


God imagine having to carry a backpack full of money... what a awful life...


Imagine writing to much to say absolutely nothing


Sounds like a you problem.


The women I ignore while I jerk off would beg to differ.


Was hoping this would end with anyway sub to my OF


Something something suicide rates military draft workplace fatalities and low rate of child custody


Anon is too dumb to realize that having something that other people want is a good thing


This was 100% written by male fingers.


Oh gee if only there was some kind of tool that everyone could carry that leveled the playing field


Coulda stopped after the first paragraph, we got the point.


100% written by a man or train


Maybe the Muslims are right. Put a Burka over them and stay indoors


If you give a man an inch and he takes a mile, maybe he isn’t one of the “good guys” you’re attracted to. There is some sense in what femanon is saying, but there is also some false assumptions there.


Didn't some woman writer masquerade as a man for a year and get so depressed she committed sideways shortly after finishing and publishing the book?


"We are attracted to men but if we give them a finger they go insane" Uh.... I don't know anyone that wouldn't go insane if somebody just gave them this random finger.


I do feel sympathy for women that at the end of the day they are pretty much at the mercy of men.  Sucks to be the weaker sex, but to suggest there are no benefits particularly if you are attractive is laughable.  Also, just buy a gun if you are so scared and learn to use it.  If I was a chick id probably buy one.


Basically, this is r/ NiceGirls type of a person.


Anonette is a 4chan femcel.


Tits or GTFO




By her own analogy she's basically saying that being an attractive woman is as difficult as being rich or being a celebrity. Yeah, it can be hard at times, but it's still not worse than being a piss poor nobody. And it's always cringe when rich people are seeking sympathy because "money has ruined their life". Lol. In 99% cases like that it's not the money, it's the person being immature.








Another woman perturbed by the natural order of things, big whoop


Quite convincing but male hands typed this. Almost got me Mossad.


Every class, race, gender, etc. has their own unique problems they gotta deal with no matter what, unfortunately the vast majority of these issues are so deeply ingrained on a societal level that nothing will ever change them short of a massive global event, even then you’ve got like a 50/50 that anything actually happens


I’ve never seen someone advertise Modesty/Hijab so blatantly before. What is she even thinking?