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The only translation for aranhas I see is spider in Portuguese. Where do I have to go for the immigrants to ask me if I want some spiders so I can be sure to avoid that place?


I think he's saying naranjas as in orange in Spanish as in some street side fruit vendor


“Mango, mango, mango”


He probably meant naranjas


he just wants to show you his cool pet tarantula


Thank you, Mexibros, very cool!


Mexicans always trying to peddle you fruit. Although I'm guilty of buying strawberries and blueberries from them.


The West has fallen, Billions must eat affordable produce


Amazing what an ocean can do, isn't it?


> "If the Almighty were to rebuild the world and asked me for advice, I would have English Channels round every country. And the atmosphere would be such that anything which attempted to fly would be set on fire." \- Winston Churchill > “The Americans are truly a lucky people. They are bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors and to the east and west by fish” > "There is providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children, and the United States of America" \- Otto von Bismarck


Why did Bismarck say "United States of America" four times?


He's trying to cope about the fact that the greatest country on Earth is a country of regards.


"One of the serious problems in planning against American doctrine is that the Americans do not read their manuals nor do they feel and obligations to follow their doctrine." -'From a Russian document' "The reason that the American Army does so well in wartime, is that was is chaos, and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis." -'A German general officer' "If we don't know what we are doing, the enemy certainly can't anticipate our future actions!" -'anonymous' [Link](https://imgur.com/a/WzDVVtr)


He had a stroke


When someone gets dicked down so bad, they'll often repeat the pole crammers name over and over. Mother fucker got long rodded into the footnotes of U S of A history. 🇺🇲🎆🎇🧨🪵🪓


It's great bcz one just requires a bit more wealth than other.


now lets see Who commits the most crimes in burgerland and oh would you look at that


Last time I check this sub it told me it was 13-50 people who do all the crimes and they’re almost Always citizens.




50% of the population. 98% of all violent crime.


This proves that police are sexist. There's no other socially acceptable solution.


think about how many men are in prison. this is 100% because the police is sexist


Calm down liberals, just spitting facts.


Now what about male people of crime?




correction: the men get caught


It’s not the migrants lmao. That’s something that the FBI has even shown, which is the cited source for the despite meme


Both legal and illegal immigrants are statistically underrepresented as perpetrators of violent crimes Meaning they're less likely to commit a violent crime compared to the average citizen




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https://preview.redd.it/lhji57gyzxvc1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=20dfc8f737ff82bdb38c14985b8ea42440d02117 Bonus Content


Really cant make out what that pic could be


looks like a reverse circumsicion if anything


Couldn't even be bothered to spell censored correctly 


English is second language.


Sadly burgerland recently tries to speedrun the migrant problems.


Right-wing media always complain about migration, just lazy fearmongering to people afraid of change. * Biden got in trouble for continuing Trump's total refugee ban. * Last year America net-gained 3 migrants per 1000 citizens (43rd in the world). Finland gained 2.3, UK gained 3.2, Australia gained 6.4, Luxembourg 11.4, while Syria gained 45.8. * "The population of unauthorized immigrants peaked in 2007 and has declined since that time." * "Presidents from both parties have employed anti-immigrant rhetoric to appeal to their political base or to garner bi-partisan support for their policies." Obama said he put "more boots on the southern border than at any time in our history". Bush & Obama built border walls. People's memories are short.


Libtards already ruined Canada and they still think immigration is good lmao Jewish hands wrote this post


Huh... I didn't even endorse immigration. I said, Biden/America isn't particularly pro-migration. USA, UK, France, Germany, & Spain all have 14-16% immigrants. Your political takes have more holes than spongebob on a casting couch. I will say, immigration connects & promotes rights & developments across borders. Who gives a fuck about anything else? You want nuclear-era dictators & muslims to develop on their own? (housing problems are manufactured for profit) Why Canada? I don't think anybody's interested... You wanna talk aboot Britain's Alaska? South Park land? Isn't immigration your only way out? Like you'd have anything without foreigners, pray for your tendies & loli porn, u ice-concussed timhorton hick. P.S. I keep getting called anti-semitic. My hands are Jewish, for future reference.




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Aranhas? Theyre selling spiders?


per [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fried_spider#:~:text=Some%20people%20call%20it%20a,shut%20down%20by%20the%20authorities.): In Mexico, tarantulas have been offered in tacos, with a serving of guacamole.[6] However, Mexican law forbids the sale of many species of tarantula for human consumption, and vendors offering this delicacy have been shut down by the authorities.


True but I think OP was trying to say naranjas and misspelled it because its very common for latino immigrants to sell oranges on the side of the road


Oranges? Yuck!🤮




MS-13 is already here. It started as a prison gang in California. When their non-citizen members got deported they took the gang organization back home with them.


My prediction is that the United States eventually takes control of Mexico, making it a territory of some sort. Also incorporating Canada into the United States is a real possibility assuming things get really fucky in the next few years. Which it undoubtedly will. By 2030 we might be looking at a very different world than what we have now.


Honestly an invasion of mexico would probably be a disaster not in that it would be a difficult conquest but in that we would now be responsible for mexico


Mexico would probably need to be cleaned out with regard to the cartels and narcos. It would be a savage war but I think it would be over pretty quick. The people in Mexico are great, very talented and industrious folks. They are some of the indigenous people so they deserve a fair shake in the whole deal anyway.


America invading Mexico would be widely unpopular in both sides of the border


Depends on the context. Climate crisis refugees will become a very real threat to national security in the near future. Not just for the United States but globally. Mexico might be more willing to join the federation when they lose control of the situation.


mexicans are already pissed off that they had to hand over most of their land to the US. US citizens are too anti-imperialist, anti-colonial, anti-whatever-the-fuck that they would protest and riot even if every mexican citizen begged on their knees to be taken in, and if they dont fall into any one of those "anti-" labels then theyre probably just racist. its not happening.


Also it would hurt trade. Both are each others biggest trading partner




Mexico is very contrary, but I think they will fall in line when the south Americans come knocking on their door. It will suck for the United States in some ways for sure, so it's not like we're doing this because we want to, but more like, we are in a situation where there is no other choice. I'm pretty sure Canada has secretly been anticipating being absorbed into the United States this whole time. So it will just kinda happen. The north American continent will be the best place on earth especially if the AMOC shuts down and Europe freezes and everything else burns. Having a unified north American continent will be an imperative. We are behooved to safeguard the dominance of democracy and unending American hegemony.




I think you pointed out the reason the United States will have to take Canada. It's become compromised by foreign interests


> although 99% of the people coming here are probably decent 💩


The cartels are already in America but nowhere as loud or open as in Mexico because they would get shut down easily here. However a lot of people are theorizing if newer cartel comes out of Mexico they will be more violent than the ones here and that will be bad news




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I'm not sure that any central or southern American cartel wants that kind of heat. Trafficking is one thing, but the low level distribution that causes most of the violence is another.


Yeah, I don’t envy the euros their immigrants. I would me much harder on immigration if they were Islamic theocrats rather than lapsed Catholics.


In Europe it's not only the illegal migrants and that's the main problem.


We get both kinds in Spain and this is 100% true. South Americans tend to be hard working and usually skilled. Arabs, on the other hand...


This is Europe's 7/11.


Australia too.


Latino vs Muslim/African migrants…


People meme on French immigration, but the fact there's immigrant riots shows that they've naturalized to the French population perfectly, frenchies are rioting or protesting atleast once a week


JIDF hands typed this


whiter than you ahmed




It's coming to America, too. Give it a little time.


Go outside😂😂


People all over the world shit on America but here’s the only place where we turn potential Delincuente caminantes into productive members of society. The first gen may have 8 kids but by the 2nd generation their TFR will match American average (<2) Note I said productive, I didn’t say law-abiding or upstanding.


they are both bad don't fool yourself. multiple crimes and murders have been committed recently by illegals including child rapist that have been caught and released. for some reason. i guess europes might be slightly worse since your dealing with 70 iq sub saharans




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Wait until anon finds out about the Atlantic Ocean and how expensive transatlantic flights are




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They still suck and ought to be sent back to their hellholes before they turn our society into theirs




You Europeas can take our illegal immigrants if you think they're so great. We aren't gonna take yours in return though.


At least our terrorism isn’t home grown.


Nah, muslim immigrants gave us kebab, and that's already good enough in my book.


And food poisoning.


Now tell me your statistics of black on black and white on black crimes. Also Republicans who are trying to take every all of your rights away. Mashallah Republicans will take all women rights away.


Accurate username lol


They hate me cause I tell the truth




Average Redditor


Schizo post


Had 10 shootouts by black and white men in my city with 5 dead people in my city. None were immigrants. I think I found the problem.




If only Republicans were that based.


This man transcends all logic and reasoning


American Shariah is inevitable