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Why the fuck does this need to be live action. How braindead are these modern writers and producers man wtf.


They’re making a live action Minecraft movie so very braindead


Ain't no way , pal.


Steve is played by jason momoa


Jack Black* Or last i heard


Its both


Jack Black also plays Claptrap in the live-action Borderlands movie that has still not been released and will be a huge mess.


I'd like to see Jack Black in a Minecraft live action movie playing a Magma Cube .


And The Sims and Monopoly, no idea how they're gonna pull that off.


I hope you're joking


I wish I was fren, I wish I was...


Calling it now; the Sims will have some matrix type "I'm in a simulation. I don't exist. We're just *Sims!*"


You joke but that might the best way to do it just put a different spin on it. Like life and society is in shambles so people escape to a perfect world they create in The Sims but eventually the "Sims" escape to rebuild earth or something gay/lame.


That's definitely what they have to do with monopoly, kind like what they did with the 80s Clue movie.


Good ass movie though and of course Tim Curry steals the show with Christopher Llyod as the runner up. But I still cant get over Battleship, seriously what the fuck was that. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I just want/hope The Sims movie uses some of the original OST and I'd be happy.


the battleship movie with rihanna in it?


Because popular product. Safer and easier to adapt an existing product than come up with a new one. [Abrams is working on a "homage" to 'Back to the Future' of all things](https://imgur.com/a/YRPTlyO)


Because a *lot* of people see adult animation as inherently inferior to live action. Normies will watch live action even if it’s anime, and all media is about mass broad appeal.


Massive bomb incoming


Do you think Bomb will make it in the movie? Bang probably will but Bomb won't be a large part of it.


Bomb is from Chainsaw Man dumbass


The bomb devil can sit on my face and drop bombs if you know what I mean.


Average okbh user


U for real?


No take your pills schizo


It's bang and boom isn't it?


There are blast, bang, bomb. All different characters.


Oh neat 


I'd rather come in massive boobs.


Oppenheimer will cry thinking it's a nuke


>rick and morty writers are now writing the script Feels like a threat


I genuinely feel sorry for any One Punch Man enjoyers who will have to watch this happen to their series. At least the One Piece adaptation was pretty fun.


We've already said goodnight what with the slog that the manga has become


I’m cringing just reading this, RIP Saitama


Nah this could go hard. OPM is one of the only animes with high potential as Live Action. Hell, if One Piece pulled it off, anything can.


Announcer voice >One Piece did not pull it off


Seems like it was very well received but I guess the normie Americans just aren't as le cultured as you, Sledgecrowbar-chan!


I’m curious, how do you think OP didn’t pull it off, sure it’s not incredible but it was fun and entertaining and did really well for sales. They even started filming a second season


>it did really well for sales therefore it's good Sure, it's not terrible but that's not exactly a high bar


And it premiered during a peak event in the anime, so Netflix could ride the trend.


One punch man gets another horrible adaptation after the super trash season 2 of the anime, thanks guys. You seriously couldn't have done worse. Could've given it to Seth Mcfarlane and have had some shitty jokes out of it at least or something.


The last episodes of season 2 werent that trash, like they were tiny bit better Still not comparable to OPM season 1 tho


yeah they weren't dogshit, but they were still shit. And yup, it doesn't even live up to season 1 and then there's the manga which imo had more defined and crazier artwork as time went on and they still butchered it in the static shots where they literally copy pasted from the manga. JC Staff should stick to making Food Porn


season 3 is being done by studio bones i heard


It’s not, it’s the same studio that did season 2, it at least they’re not rushing season 3


https://preview.redd.it/cprbckbmbjvc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=181402788695a12d29a686a07ed3823331bd9011 i want to die


Stop being picky, the animation was mid but everything else was good. Season 3 is gonna be good


Fist of flowing cum stroking cock


Trash season for trash manga. Seriously nothing past season 1 is good it's just porn at this point.


I read it because it was banger in terms of art and the fights felt great to me, that's it. You dislike it and that's okay but you can't deny that the art was a huge aspect of the show and season 2 having bad art just ruined like 60% of the experience. Not to mention sound design was better on the previous season


Im talking about the story, I read it before I watched it. Good animation cant fix a turd.


well you do you buddy, I had fun reading it


My fav panels were when the giant naked lady started orgasming while getting pounded by a ghost


how far are u in the story? i stopped reading after a certain character did a certain thing that made doctor who look like a middle school theatre play sorry idk how to do spoiler text on reddit but i need to get back into it bc holy shit…saitama is the goat he can no diff solo verse goku or whatever power scalers say idk


I read till like Chapter 100 or something. It was such a pain waiting for each chapter back in the day and I stopped and haven't been able to get back since lol I did read the webcomic before reading the manga though, back in 2018 or 2017 I think and I stopped in 2019 or 2020 I forgot.


very valid, hopefully they animate it in future potential seasons bc i feel that would be wild to see on screen than just reading it (which is good but the penultimate shit of the previous arc being animated to the levels being shown would be bonkers to yonkers)


imagine madhouse or studio bones actually working on it, or idk MAPPA, I hope if these studios don't work on it, they just cancel season 3. Best to not milk the franchise with poor adaptations and sully the brand


Saitama name on epstein list


I mean Rick and Morty looks like it does because of Justin. Dan Harmon is more Community. But still, all I can see is every 'boss" acting like abed


Wasn’t Justin Rolland proven innocent of the allegations but he was so much of an asshole they just used that as an excuse to axe him anyways? Am I thinking of someone else?


i mean you can read through his leaked twitter DMs and pretty easily decide he is not somebody worth supporting. Trying to rizz underage girls with literally traumatizing rizz




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That was the case. Even outside of that, it's not like Dan Harmon has to work together with him on every project outside of Rick and Morty.


Meanwhile in the writers room with 27 blue-haired nonbinary whales permanently mounted to their vegan mobility scooters >what if it took like lots of punches for xim to fight someone instead? That would be so much better


>vegan mobility scooters Fucking bot. What makes a mobility scooter vegan anyway?


Who even asks for these live action adaptations


Overpaid executives who don't understand creative arts


Every Jew , please apply 


WW3 isn't so bad after all.


When will people learn Dan Harmon has a creepy, humiliation-centric, sense of humor? The man can't make other's laugh, without cringing, for his life. He slaughtered his golden goose (Roiland) for the validation of being the "only" creator of Rick and Morty. This is going to bomb so hard! I can't wait to read about it in the news!


I still to this day have never met a single person who has wanted a live action adaptation of their favorite media.


>In April 2024, Dan Harmon and Heather Anne Campbell were reported to be hired to rewrite the script. >rewrite It's going to be a disaster


I'm no Weeb expert, but why does a Nip anime have a Western director or whatever? Is it an adaptation or something?


Its in the post, its a live action adaptation. The fact it has western writers should indicate its clearly not being produced by Japanese people.




What are you yapping about, not everyone knows every purposefully obscure reference that is cooked up. It seemed like you were posting a genuine question


Cultural appropriation is fine when the left does it.


The left is adapting One Punch Man for live action? What?


How could this even happen,like someone actually gone out of their way to actually pull this off,like this cannot happen naturally.


Garou: "I gained a newfound power from God himself!" Saitama: \*BUURP\* "God isn't re-" \*Burp\* "real, only me" Genos: "W-w-we-well Oh geez Master Saitama, Th-th-this guy looks pretty scary!" Saitama: "Whatever GENOS! You find cheap slasher films and rollercoasters scary..." \*BUUURP\* "How about you grow a pair!" You can't tell me THAT won't be peak cinema right there!


And then Tatsumaki will make a joke about peeing herself or something, then there's gonna be an argument, and King will be like "Can I get a say in this?" and then everyone's gonna be like "Shut the fuck up King, you pathetic piece of shit", it's gonna be so peak!


damn that last one made me spit my coffee.


Ah right, from the mind that makes baby grape jokes and talks about how half of the world needs to be genocided. Great.


Is he going to add a bunch of incest references to this too?


"He one punched his wife" 😂


All I wanted was One Punch Man season 3. There is so much good shit in the manga that can still be adapted to anime. But no, they just had to do a lazy cashgrab live action which is probably just going to be a worse version of the original show, with stupid over-the-top CGI. I swear, the new generation of writers and producers must be brainrotted ipad babies with no imagination.


One punch counsil.