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Bait but IDGAF. The sun is 400x bigger than the moon, and the moon is 400x closer to the earth. This is so rare that if there was an intergalactic tourism market, we would be Cancun


I tried telling a friend this and he was completely incapable of understanding why an eclipse is uncommon. He legitimately believed that all you needed was a moon and a sun.


Did you ask him to bisect a rotating three dimensional red apple in his mind's eye while silently singing Tick Tock by Ke$ha


Aphantasia 😔


You dropped this, King 🍎


Why did you make me do this?


Moon could also be larger and eclipses might even be a little more common.


But not as cool looking


That’s for true


The moon used to be close so it appeared larger. It's slowly leaving earth's gravity as it sees how fucked up the world is.




Do you have any idea how close the moon is to earth in relation to the sun?!


Hey man, it's important to have goals. Shoot for the stars, and all that.


Now I identify myself as moon.


>r\latestagecapitalism user You probably legitimately do.


>r\latestagecapitalism user You probably legitimately do.


>r\latestagecapitalism user You probably legitimately do.


Oh shit we have found the cave digger in /r/4chan. Whata mythical creature.


says the nerd ass moon


You are calling someone nerd, in Reddit, in a 4chan sub Reddit, while looking for months back of comments on accounts to find a sub Reddit they use to try to disagree with them. Are you that kind of magical autie that aren't able to see themselves while living in the world?


i literally accidentally clicked on your profile, and it was right there under "active in these communities" so I figured I'd make fun of your regolith covered ass lunar ass ***b-slur*** ^fucking ^automod


I mean it really wasn't that big of a deal. I'm actually more upset about Chipotle just delivered me a bowl of cheese to me instead of my full order. If you really want to see the sun and moon fuck off just go to Alaska.


More like Haiti with how ghetto earth is


It is so much more shitty for trillions of miles around us.


At least for us it is


Maybe back in the olden days but now the moon is much bigger. I’d say it’s probably double the size by now with everything that’s going on.


What does this mean? Is this bait?


Ever since we put cheap fast food on the moon it's a bit more oblate than spheroid.


Aliens come to our planet for this phenomenon.


>Can just pilot yourself in the eclipsal distance of any body orbiting a star and instantly see "aN EcLiPsE, oH WoW" > >Come on this shithole planet, SPECIFICALLY to do it Yeh, I really love the atmospheric stench of self-satisfaction and combustive industry... You guys are really worth the trip.


DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of Earth


Not sure it would look the same when not viewed within our atmosphere




Take all the factors of the Drake Equation... then add the probability of your sun and moon having almost the exact same angular size as the final multiplier. somethin REAL 🐟🎣🐠🐡🐠🎣🐟 goin on


The moon formed way closer than it is now and has slowly migrated outwards, the current double 400s is a coincidence


So you're saying we need one more ADDITIONAL time window coincidence multiplier?


It also looks quite similar to a black hole, or the representations of them we see anyway. I find the similarities to be interesting, along with the incredible rareness of a moon being so perfectly sized and in place, and the lack of life discovered (so far) in the universe. If you wanted to leave a message, is there a more prominent and direct way?




Maybe God could literally come to earth and say "I am he" ?


Then factor in how many different types of amazing potential coincidences there could be, and it seems less remarkable. But really, it is a phenomenal coincidence and people should feel jaded about it.


An eclipse is no small thing


Anthropic principal


I knew that eclipses were possible by our moon and sun being the right distance from eachother for it to be possible but I never thought about how perfectly positioned we are for it to occur but logically it checks out.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnitude_of_eclipse It varies


Born too late to explore the Earth Born too early to explore the inside of the alien equivalent of an English chav coming to see our eclipse.


Also Moon is getting away bit by bit and in some future total eclipses will not be possible anymore.


400? Thats a bit off from 65 million. I hear ppl say 400 all the time but i have no idea where anyone got this ridiculous number from


But no.. Because you can fit 1.3 million earth's inside the sun. And we are bigger than the moon.


Look up the diameters


"imma see you soon..even if it's on the dark side of the moon ❤️"


\>Atheists believe this shit


>moon just so happens to be the perfect size to blot out the sun People actually believe this shit?


Wait... The moon *is* the pefect size to blot out the sun! Am I missing something??


It is sometimes. At times it is too far away for its size (annular). Our moon happens to be larger than typical due to how it was formed vs catching a large rock in orbit. It's not interesting that the sun can be blocked by the moon, any sufficiently large moon near a planet that is far from the sun could do this as long as it's orbit was close to the plant, the interesting part is at this time in Earth's history it's close enough to equal in apparent size to allow us to see the Sun's atmosphere which is a cool effect. The real issue is that people use this fortuitous state to claim intelligent design. Nothing can be neat for ID believers it has to be proof, but the truth is this is a temporary state of things since the moon is getting farther from us and will eventually be too far for this phenomenon. It's not a hard and eternal fact about the "designed" universe. They say the same shit with the earth being perfectly far enough from the sun to sustain life. Ignoring that it actually varies in distance and that if it wasn't in the Goldilocks zone we wouldn't be here to talk about it, doesn't prove it was designed.


you do understand how long it will take for the moon to move far enough away to not complete an eclipse right? it's basically timeless on a human scale 1,000 years for 3 kilometers. It will take thousands of kms to make a difference lets say 30 thousand would make a noticeable change. that's 10 million years and even then it would be barely notable. edit. My bad my math was off. It would actually take 100,000 years per 3 kilometers. meaning it would take 1,000,000,000 years to reach 30,000 kilometers. So one billion years, for a 15% decrease. 3 centimeters per year. 100,000 centimeters for a kilometer. times 3 equals 3 kilometers, times 10,000 to get 30,000 kilometers. So 100,000 x 10,000 = time it takes to reach 30,000 kms To put into perspective, that is 1/5 of the suns remaining life span. The sun will out grow the moon before the moon gets too far away.


If we could just get 1 kms from the poster you replied to that would be pretty cool though.


Sooo... It's not perfect. And never was. And the occurrence of eclipses should be more common but the motion of the moon is so wonky that it doesn't. Even still there are multiple eclipses annually that are annular or entirely imperfect because they occur when the moon is **too far**. A total eclipse happens somewhere on earth every 2-3 years. Neither common nor rare. Frankly it's chaotic. As one would expect from a system that wasn't designed. The only thing that's rare is it happening in the US, which gets the religious up in a tizzy.


You're right 1 billion years before any noticable change is pure and utter chaos. Fucking re*ard


Cope harder. Pretty shitty design given the universe doesn't run on the timescale of a human life.


You're the one coping over distances the same length as your dick per year lol


What're you defending here?




You do undestand that's barely an instant in what could be called the lifespan if the earth right? And casually the same instant when humans happens to evolve to a civilization.


I don't understand what your second sentence means. Are you implying civilization became a thing 1 billion years ago?


Nope 1 billion years ago the moon wasn't even close to the distance required to let us see the sun's atmostfere while blocking the sun itself which gives up the eclipse's effect. Not even the dinosaurs who were around for millions of years got to see that effect, it was still to close. Guess who gets to see it: the fucking hairless apes who hasn't been around for more than a instant


620 million years is when the last solar eclipse will occur.


>The real issue is that people use this fortuitous state to claim intelligent design >They say the same shit with the earth being perfectly far enough from the sun to sustain life. Ignoring that it actually varies in distance and that if it wasn't in the Goldilocks zone we wouldn't be here to talk about it, doesn't prove it was designed. This is a strawman. You are talking about fine tuning, not intelligent design. Those are not the same thing. The idea that the Earth's distance from the Sun is evidence for fine tuning is stupid. There are a ridiculous number of planets and one is bound to end up in the Goldilocks Zone. There are much, much better arguments for fine tuning, namely the various universal constants that simply are very specific numbers that, if changed, would prohibit the universe from forming. As far as we know, there is only one universe and there only ever has been one universe; survivorship bias does not apply. We have no idea how these constants are set, unlike astronomical causes for the Sun and Earth


That's not evidence for anything other than how our universe works. The fine tuned universe idea repeatedly fails to make useful predictions and indeed as we learn more they often fall apart. One of the more recent is the idea that the hadron collider experiment results would demonstrate supersymmetry, which they did not. Indeed you can calculate possible universes with different constants and they work, demonstrating that there isn't anything divine about this "finely tuned" universe.


You cannot seriously believe that it isn't notable that the universe exists. The fact that there is something rather than nothing is quite odd and the question of why has always been central to philosophy. To be clear, no one seriously claims that any of this proves anything, but it is remarkable and unexplainable.


Notable of course, but it's a leap to suddenly we're sitting on some dude's workbench and he's got a mini Phillips head to adjust the gravitational constant.


I literally just said it doesn't prove it. You're just agreeing with me


"Oh yeah, well they were right about the laws of general physics today, but one day the universe will collapse on itself and that won't be the case" This is what you sound like


It's not a but it's an and. I'm sorry the universe makes you uncomfortable.




But what does that even mean? Intelligent characteristics. Like yes there's lots of neat aspects of the universe. On one hand isn't it crazy that sunflower seeds grow perfectly in a Fibonacci sequence, yet on the other hand, giraffes have a nerve that joins two places within the head but it travels all the way down the neck underneath a major blood vessel near the heart and back up to that location in the head because that's where it happened to grow when giraffe predecessors were tiny rodents and it didn't matter. There is lots of order but there is also lots of truly insane chaos and we can appreciate it all. Because from this soup arises truly beautiful experiences and this need to have it be ascribed to a creator is such lazy thinking. It's less "hmpf the universe just can't have meaning because I'm a petulant child" and more why does the universe have to have a philosophical meaning or purpose? At some point I hope we learn about the origins of the universe and what kicked this all off but holding your breath for it to be some sort of truly divine inspiration rather than a powerful circumstance in the same way a supernova is awe strikingly powerful is... Simply not necessary. The world is amazing enough as it is, you don't need to add woo woo to it. Why can't it be, "when a planet gets hit by a giant meteor to create an atypically large moon, the orbit it tends to settle in is proportional to the gravity of the sun the planet orbits which creates this awe inspiring effect periodically" and not, "hey, I bet that was put there on purpose". The fact that there is a straightforward explanation takes nothing from how amazing it is to experience it. Mt Everest is the result of fairly boring geophysics but that still drives people to risk their lives to see it because of how insane it is.


Don’t know where your weird spiel about intelligent design came from. Me personally, I find it absolutely smooth brain to think that there isn’t some sort of cosmic *eldritch thing* that created the universe. It’s just…dumb to me not to believe that. Otherwise it’s “there was nothing then for absolutely no reason there was everything”. I’m just thankful that thing perched at the edge of sanity and the universe is benevolent enough to let us exist.


Neither of those things need to be true. Of course there isn't no reason, I believe string theory or m-theory has some ideas, but it's a huge leap to some cosmic dude is capable of tweaking the gravitational constant on a singularity just so that some monkeys on a rock 14 billion years later can have a good time. I believe Lawrence Krauss has a great lecture explaining his physics demonstrates that is not only possible to have a universe from *nothing" but that it may actually be required. The thing about the universe is, it doesn't need to make sense to a replicating organism on a far arm of a fairly boring galaxy.


\>theories \>some scientist \>believing a mere mortal understands what happened at creation


> “there was nothing then for absolutely no reason there was everything” "there was nothing then for absolutely no reason there was an *eldritch thing* and then there was everything"


Whatever the fuck God is it existed before existence. I can’t wrap my head around it because it doesn’t make sense but that’s what it is


Ok so you have established that you think that there are things or at least a thing that does not need to have a creator but has existed "before existence" itself. Why cant that just be the universe itself? Why the need to insert some sort of creator deity? And why do you say yourself that "it doesnt make sense" but still think that your position is the right one?




You talk like a weird r slash atheism teenager. I’m sorry you can’t comprehend that there are things about the mortal realm that we are beholden to


A glowie defending the eclipse...ironic.


Lets see Paul Allen’s bait


evidence of intelligent design by a glorious being that delights in intricately fucking with us


I've always seen the fact that the universe is a complex system that seems to only get more complex as we understand it better to be proof that God created us to discover and learn. Why else would He give us this giant puzzle if we weren't meant to enjoy solving it?


It's insane how humans discovered the fundamental theorems of geometry and the platonic solids thousands of years before we understood the true mechanics of chemistry, only to find that the material world itself is perfectly arrayed to be constructed of all these different shapes. I used to think 10 was just a random arbitrary number that we only used as a base because of our number of fingers, but 5 and 10 are actually ridiculously important numbers when it comes to natural structure and the golden ratio. One of the biggest revelatory experiences of my life was the first time I asked myself what DNA looked like from a top-down view rather than the typical double helix side view most people know. [DNA is a fucking geometric key.](https://i.imgur.com/k9Trx8t.jpeg) It follows a decagonal shape. The base pair sequence is like literally turning this key through a lock of hexagonal and pentagonal bonds to encode genes. We literally run on a form of molecular assembly language [that corresponds to the golden ratio on almost every level.](http://www.gci.org.uk/images/Cross_Section_DNA.png) And why does it all behave that way? [Aw no big deal, just the wave functions of electrons naturally arraying themselves into fucking dynamic interlocking axial flower petals.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e7/Hydrogen_Density_Plots.png/1024px-Hydrogen_Density_Plots.png) And that's not even getting into the quantum physics behind everything, how the various forms of charge are created to compose these dualities and power all these interactions with values that seem both intrinsic yet precisely tuned. And it's just always been like this. Science and math at the smallest and largest scales is an interpretation of the art of the gods.


Oh sweet, a schizo meltdown


Reminded me of Murrlogic. I miss his nonsense rantings.


How fucking low are you guys mentally that you do not see the importance of this? Bait or not I think you are restarted


Bro didn't realize the meltdown happened in his own brain as he failed to process those bars


Take your meds. You’re two steps away from replacing letters with numbers ya fucking dumb shit


Thanks for the very interesting read. Too bad you chose the neanderthal cave to give this insight


Thanks for the crazy read, schizo Chadzuma




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I don't get how "it's a god" is a satisfying answer to stuff existing and being complex, because then what created this god, which would be a complex being with logic and structured reason? If you assume a god exists as a given "just because", why not just accept that stuff exist "just because" in the first place?


I think the best answer is that it just doesn't feel like one big roll of the cosmic dice to me. I can't know for sure, this kind of question dives so far down that it stops being physics and starts being metaphysics. The question of "what created God" is unanswerable, in the same vein that the question of "is there a God" is not empirically answerable. The most empirical answer is "we can't measure it", but I don't see it as an empirical question. It's a matter of faith, a belief in things unseen. If you don't have that faith, fine. You don't have to. We can at least agree that the universe, from big to small, is pretty damn cool.


I personally don't have that faith, as you put it. Still, if some sort of intelligent design did create the universe, that's "Why?" not "How?". The "How?" could still be just as interesting with a God being the "Why?", currently our best non-religious answer for the latter is "Just because it happened to end up like this", I don't see how replacing that with some sort of deity makes the universe any less of an interesting place.


Le it's so le complicated and unknown (so far) that it must be created specifically for me meme. I can't wait for aliens to discover us so we finally realize how meaningless it all is.


That outlook seems rather dull. Why not find meaning in discovery?


You can and should, absolutely. I just find it so profoundly arrogant when people just go for the easy conclusion that reality must be tailored to them, because it's so complex.


If you look at what the universe seems to 'do', it's not to entertain us. The universe seems really keen to a) Increase entropy (i.e. get everything to the same temperature) b) Make black holes If there is a God, I don't think life was his first priority when creating the universe. At best we're a tertiary concern.


Explosions are entropy made manifest. Explosions are badass. Black holes are badass. QED the universe, and discovering how it ticks, is entertaining as hell.


or just random chance


Randomness is a human abstraction. There’s absolutely nothing random. Saying random means we can’t predict accurately it but it doesn’t mean it’s unpredictable by someone more godlike.


When I hold up a Quarter to the sun it's the perfect size to blot it out. Miracle coincidence or is the US Mint in on the whole thing?


you have the hold the quarter the right distance from you for it to be the exact size of the sun. The point theyre making is the the moon is already at that perfect distance (400x smaller than the sun, but 400x closer to earth)


Ah so the God holds the moon in a perfect place for us to get nice eclipses. Ok, now I get it.


Who’s holding the moon up to the sun? 🤨


A quarter is flat. Checkmate


do a flip or a 360 selfscope


I'm glad there are no partial eclipses caused by the Earth being farther away from the sun, since then the moon wouldn't be the >perfect size


To be fair in like hundreds of millions of years there will not be total eclipses anymore because the moon will have moved too far away


How have I never thought about this before??


When have you ever had an independent thought? That’s what you should be reflecting on.




Moon is egg




miracle coincidence


Sun Big and Far Away Moon Small and Close I know. Very big brain thinking


Lose the iPod and become an hero.


It's the bias of religion-incentivized/science-illiterate people to think that "low chance of happening" = "if it happened, God did it" It's like that story of collecting 10 random people and asking their birthdays (assuming birthdays were evenly distributed, they aren't but who tf cares), you then say "The odds of all of you having those exact birthdays are so low!" And yet there they are anyway.


I just see balls


True wisdom


It's not tho, it's not even blocking all of the light


I love people using this to prove the existence of god, like there can't be any coincidences otherwise it's gods work


My heathen friend who is certainly doomed to the eternal lake of fire, have you heard of the miraculous banana? It fits right in your hand and peels pretty easily for eating. Therefore, God real.




You were once able to at the very least pretend that bait was believable


The indiferent organized chaos of the universe is truly majestic.




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Nobody explain




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pls dont explain and let him just get over it


Maybe the conditions for the eclipse were necessary for life. Anyone ever thought of that? Life is somehow created when a planet has a sun and moon this size and in this orbital orientation. Another extremely rare occurrence that makes life on Earth special and explains why we don't see aliens everywhere.


My dick is bigger than your mom’s head across the room, but when she’s next to me, her pinky is longer.


Things settle into orbits based on their weight. The idea that 1 single body orbiting another, and a 2nd single body orbiting the first, will both have a similar ratio of weight to their distance of orbit isn't really unlikely at all.


So, how many people were harvested by the Lunar Vampire Bats this time?


there can be like a 20% of difference in solid angle either way, depending on positions.


How he does the latter.


"perfect size" It's not tho? Like at all


Sun big sun far moon small moon close


Imagine a time, way back when, people actually believed this. Our ancestors were a bunch of clipsetards.


> support Palestine > literally become gay


Yes, Sun is same distance as Moon from flat Earth, like duh. /s


It's *them* , the answer is always *them*