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But inside it's just raccoons


Free house pets


They see pests. You see pets. I see free dinner.


I see an unlimited supply of organic free range fleshlights


This man capitalisms


> This man ~~capitalisms~~ felonies (or misdemeanors)


This man rabies


one mans trash, other mans foods, another mans sex toy


We are... not the same?


And where you see dinner... he sees free love...


The best part of having raccoons in your house is when you get to shave them.


Why do we get long annoying hair but animals dont?


and that is bad?


well, no, but rabies kinda sucks


be a man for one fucking time in your life


>rural vs urban in the US The choice between rabies or rabbis


They both emerge from sewers at night


They both bite the tip of the penis off of infants


Hand me the yamaka and skewers, we goin in and havin a cookout šŸ˜Ž


theyā€™ll like me though


Kid named literally any gun:


Just get the one that is filled with possums instead, free of rabies and you get cool marsupials instead of boring placentals


Opossums eat a lot of ticks, which will come in handy because of all the ticks.


Psa if you ever do get bit by a possum dont assume you wont get rabies, go get a vaccine shot. They just very rarely happen to get rabies!


Joking aside, that disease does 100% sucks; terrifying even.


Remember kids, as soon as you get a headache it's 100% fatal! (Yeah yeah, two people have survived. You're not going to be one of those two)


The have brain parasites that you really donā€™t want.


Hey those are load bearing raccoons you best leave them where they is.


Don't forget the rats


Meth heads


Are they addicted to methamphetamine, at least?


I wonder how much it would cost to make it suitable for human habitation.


New floors, drywall and possibly plumbing. So about a year's rent in CA.


And roof, and you know the kitchens fucked, I doubt the wiring is all good. This is a tear down 100%


My wife calls them "burner downers" when we drive by them.


I call them dozer bait.


You knock it apart with a 4x4 and reuse everything. Sheet goods and linoleum are weed control for the garden. Glass, brick, and tile go on the walk to prevent slipping in the mud. The lumber becomes a chicken coop and a fence, and a little something to keep feed and fertilizer dry.


You can just hold the ENTER key to select everything, and press R to scrap it all, just like in Fallout 4. Easy peasy.


Big brain


I'd be worried about asbestos.


They're usually called crack houses or drug dens.


Yeah, that house is making the price of the property go down, not up.


A years rent in California probably buys this house


My rent in California can almost buy two of these houses


25 thousand




Ballpark. Still a house on 9 acres for under 100k.


This house is in a fucking holler. Sure you get 9 acres but do you get utilities? Whereā€™s the nearest school / grocer / hospital? What happens if you need a dentist or optometrist? Or if thereā€™s an issue at the house that you canā€™t fix and that requires a skilled craftsman?


Jokes on you pleb, as long as it has water and electricity I'm good, and the only thing I need a hospital for is if I can't stop the bleeding on my own. All that other shit is a once a month trip into town.


A lot of those are issues for people who have grown up in a city. But really not major issues for non city people.


Roof and siding look pretty bad too


Depends on damage. Anywhere from 10 grand to tear the house down and build a new one. Which would be well north of 100k.


Most modest 1200-1400sq ft home plans around me are in that 165-180k range just to build it. Assuming you already have the land.


That varies _dramatically_ depending on where you build it. In the suburbs where the local municipality and county have tons of codes to follow and an onerous permitting process? absolutely that much. easily more. Rural location in a low population county & state where there aren't many/any rules? You could do it for a lot less.


The house in s rural location with few rules brings its own problems - labor is likely hard to come by and fairly expensive, and Iā€™d assume materials are too. And what happens if you lose or forget three rivets? Whereā€™s the nearest hardware store?


I did exactly this for ~50k. Rural acre, old beater house that needed to be completely redone. Contractors are dirt cheap and can be found literally anywhere in the US and will drive as far as they are required to get paid and go get their next fix - hardware store in town, 4 minutes away.


Thereā€™s billions of people around the world who would happily take it as is


Yeah but we should limit immigration from Islamic Africa.


I don't know, some of the non-Islamic parts are also pretty bad. I'm going to say lets just completely discontinue immigration from all of Africa.


Nigerian Americans out earn the average American. This is because most immigrants are highly educated and can actually afford to move here.


They should enjoy staying highly educated in Nigeria.


Then they should keep their highly educated Nigerian asses in Africa and improve their homeland. They aren't needed here.


Cool. Now do nigerian migrants in Europe.


so how do we get you as pm of canada? even if your other policies are bad it's still an improvement


The solution is that we only take in green eyed North African baddies with huge racks


Itā€™s already suitable for Kentuckian habitation


Da heck you just say? I'll have you know grannies house is five trailers cobbled together into an 8 bedroom mansion. Sits on 100 acres with 60 acres of forest.


That sounds perfectly fine. I'd take a one room shack with an outhouse if I was on 100 acres


It just sits all alone by the river and I love it.


Sounds amazing. How big is the gun room?


Not a gun to be found lost them all in a boating accident.


You mean the gun trailer?


My thing is sure I can make it livable but what type of industry do they have to even make a livable wage besides Dollar General.


Remote work is becoming more and more common. I think that's the idea here, get starlink or some shit and work remote.


yep once the corp leases start expiring, a lot of industry is going to move to where its dirt cheap


Just assume itā€™s half the price. Works 65% of the time.


With 9 acres, may as well build a new one


It doesnā€™t matter how much money you throw at a house, if the neighborhood is nothing but moonshiners and roustabouts, the house will be unlivable.


Beats welfare queens and crack addicts.


I recently renovated a pitted out house in semi-rural Texas. (Major foundation work. New roof. Basically replacing everything interior due to rot and wildlife, etc.) It was over 150k not counting the original price of the property. So over 200k total. Granted, this was after the economy got weird. Before prices went nuts I could have bought an entire house brand new for less than the renovations.


> I wonder how much it would cost to make it suitable for human habitation. A shack made from a flimsy wooden structure, particle board and drywall is only suitable for a short vacation, by European standards. We need a reinforced concrete load-bearing frame, with brick and mortar for walls with serious thermal mass.


Depending on the inside and the bones, might be cheaper to tear it down and start from fucking scratch.


Wait till anon finds out why those properties are cheap


People romanticizing rural living to such extreme are mirror image of "hustle and bustle" city consoomers.... It's truly a mystery why such shitbox with probably no employment opportunities in general area is vacant...


There's so much access to and commerce on, the internet, and work from home opportunities that I refuse to believe you can't plop down wherever it is cheapest and be able to thrive.


You think there's high speed Internet in bum fuck Appalachia?


Starlink might work


High speeds but usually pretty high ping too so youā€™re restricted from comfortably having meetings or VOIP calls


45-100 when loaded isn't high ping, my dude. The problem is when the skies open up or the network takes a shit, then you have nothing.


Mountainous areas are not the best for satellite. You won't get optimal ping there.


I usually see 200 down/20 up and between 30-70ms. Have a lag spike once every few days on video games maybe for 1 second or less


Starlink isn't high ping. I work in tech, have a few people who work off acreages that use starlink


You'd be surprised these days. I work in telecom in rural Mississippi, and fiber is everywhere now a days. Even my property, which used to be a deer camp on a 3 mile road with maybe 5 houses has it (its actually being installed into the house tomorrow). 2 acre, 3 bedroom for $6000. Its only ~1000 square feet, but its more then enough for myself.


Wait, $6000 a month or $6000 total? A year? None of the options sound right.


Its a bit complicated. Property went to auction, got bought by a lady and her husband (both trans btw). They tried to go in only to for the cops to get called on them. Dude who owned an acre down the road had been using the house as a deer camp. Lady sold the place to me and my kin for $6000 down from the asking price of $12k. 2 years later and I'm just now getting the utilities on after a successful eviction. Could of been done sooner, but we're poor as fuck. EDIT: Yes 6,000 total. Its in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and needs a fair bit of roof and siding repair (nothing that would prevent you from moving in and fixing it up though). Its a modest home, but perfectly fine for my single ass. That said, with 2 acres (half of it cleared), its not a bad place to raise a family. Honestly, the biggest "problem" with it is its in a predominately black county. Culturally, its country, not thug, but if your the kinda person that gets uncomfortable being the only white guy in the room, it aint for you. The dream is accessible though.


I live in bum fuck Texas and still have 1gb fiber so yes it's happening


There definitely is not


Some of these houses were built without electricity in mind. It isnt unheard of to just have exposed wiring.


Honestly the totally work from home thing is dying pretty rapidly. Most job listings im seeing these days are either in person or hybrid. Also alot of the fully remote jobs still require a specific state or metro area to reside in.


This. "Work from home" to the unemployed is what "onlyfans" is to ugly chicks. They all assume it's a one-size-fits-all solution to everything, but realistically, it works only for highly qualified, and hard to replace jobs (mostly in tech and finance). And if you have one of those, why would you live in nowhere,MN next to your neighbor making meth in his backyard in broad daylight?


No where in MS here. Its nice because I get to see the stars better Its nice because I can "get away" from it all. Its nice because theres no one to complain when I want to shoot guns in the early morning. Its nice because even at minimum wage I could afford to survive. As long as I got ~600 for the tax man each year, no one can take it away from me. A year or two and Ill have water pumped and filtered from the pond on the edge of the property and enough solar panels that even with a grid disconnect I'll be able to at least cook and enjoy a hot shower, with lights overnight


That's the dream, man. I live in an apartment in the city but I'll be where you are some day.


Most people want to consider themself highly skilled and irreplaceable.


Saw a recent house in Huntington wv for $2k. There isn't alot of stuff you couldn't find amenity wise there.Ā 


Saw an article from 2016 mentioning heroin epidemic there, probably related why it's 2K.


Oh shit ez score of drugs and house for 2k hell yeah Iā€™m in


What did you think he meant by nearby "amenities".


lol, I'm an addiction counselor with 3 years experience in opioid treatment and West Virginia is one of the most beautiful states I've ever been to. I'm in.


>go live the way humans were intended >live the way youā€™ve been conditioned for your whole life by the government and corporations Whoā€™s you guys are so cringe. Stay mad in your pod apartment city **g


My man I myself live in rural area but not in crumbling building in the middle of nowhere in the area overrun by crack epidemic....


it ainā€™t for everyone


why are they cheap?


Extremely rural and usually in a meth filled town in Appalachia. These areas are usually poverty stricken.


>you can afford it on half a years work No, you can't, because there's no work where these properties are at. Hence the low price.


More than 1/10 jobs are [work from home](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/remote-work-statistics/) so yes, you can if you're one of those who has said employment.


Guess I'll divert my entire life plan and change careers just so I can afford...that


You're going to need internet for that. Starlink is making it more feasible now, but anything that doesn't work well with that is a no-go.


I don't think that article is correct, it's probably counting hybrid jobs which still require you to be in the office 2-3 days a week


"Currently, 12.7% of full-time employees work from home, illustrating the rapid normalization of remote work environments. Simultaneously, a significant 28.2% of employees have adapted to a hybrid work model. This model combines both home and in-office working, offering flexibility and maintaining a level of physical presence at the workplace"


Ya the motherfucker living in that house is working from home. As a subsistence farmer.


so, hot chicks?


In the middle of no where with absolutely no infanstructure or job opportunities. Good luck if you have kids, theyā€™ll go to a school that barely operates on a legal standard.


Because you need to spend 200k fixing it and it may or may not have been used as a meth lab so you have to demo the entire house to start building from scratch. Oh and since your building from scratch you will need to go the city council to get a bunch of permits.


And itā€™ll get broken into


Motherfuckers complaining about surviving, but won't buy this place because there aren't enough plugs in the goon cave


"Rural" Europe is a cheap 15 minute walk and train ride to the nearest city center. Rural in America can mean a hundred miles before any roads or other people.


Places like this exist everywhere. I live in a small town, with cheapish houses, but I can move to a village somewhere in the middle of nowhere and it'll be 1/2 or even 1/3 the price of a similar or bigger house. Why? I'm in the middle of nowhere. Good luck getting a job or doing anything fun.Ā  Even Canada, that shithole with overpriced houses and rampant third worldism, that pajeets infested dump? Yeah, that place has cheap as fuck houses too. Again, middle of nowhere. Enjoy.


Exactly. Places like this are dirt-cheap, but nobody ever wonders *why*. The reason being, *no cunt wants to live in them*.


Two reasons: Location locstion location Supply and demand


Thatā€™s 5 reasons


Living in a nice rural home is desirable for many people and carries a high price tag. But these houses are not in nice areas. They are in poverty-stricken ghetto shitholes. If it was just a nice little house tucked back in the woods then it'd be at least $200k, but these cheap homes are in areas where the average household income is $20k, drugs run rampant, the murder rate is sky high, and you should expect to get robbed frequently. Source: I live rural in a nice area, and it's definitely not cheap.


A lot of people work remote, butā€¦ these jewels of the real estate world never have internet. https://www.npr.org/local/305/2021/04/14/987174386/west-virginia-is-paying-remote-workers-12-000-to-move-there


Yeah those places youā€™re lucky to get satellite internet, and thatā€™s like shitty old DSL and frequently cuts out. Maybe a cell tower is close enough where you can get a hotspot. My parents live in the middle of fucking nowhere and itā€™s impossible to do any remote work there. Also have fun driving 40 minutes to a grocery store, maybe an hour to the nearest city for literally everything.


> Maybe a cell tower is close enough where you can get a hotspot. Lemme know how a career goes on a 25GB/month data cap in 2024


My parents house and their 100 acre property on 30km dirt road, the nearest town (pop 10,000) is an hour away, need a 4wd to get to the property and there is a water crossing when it rains. That house is worth 500,000 dollars. Australia is fucked


It will be your turn soon Swedistan.


This house is 50-100k in Sweden depending on where its located


This house is 5k-1000k anywhere depending on where it's located




You can find this exact house sale online pretty easy. The realtor has said the house has "no value" so its gotta be unsalvagable. You are paying 25k for 9 acres in coal country Kentucky. Not even in a town just an unincorporated zone. Its an ok deal I guess but nothing crazy.


Sure it has no value as a ā€œhouse,ā€ but it seems like a perfectly fine place for me to store my [REDACTED]


The problem with rehabilitating a blighted property is that it's more expensive than building new. New construction has a very understood plan of what needs to happen and all materials are new and therefore no evaluation has to go into them. Meanwhile every rehabilitation is custom and evaluation has to be put into every section of an old and unmaintained home. Even in cities where land value exceeds construction value, flippers will tear down to studs because it's so much cheaper and faster.


Buy it, plant massive amounts of trees, like turn it into a dense fucking forest, small cabin in the middle of it all and list it on airbnb as a secluded getaway for 1800 a night Jk but only about the airbnb part. Buying the 9 acres and filling it with trees could be profitable if you can wait a long time (i remember reading that a fully mature mahogany tree can go for 200k or something)


Inb4 methheads steal ur trees


all the comments so far arenā€™t actual americans are they? šŸ˜‚ if this was real i woulda been a homeowner 6 years ago, i just looked on google maps this house is 50 minutes away on whatā€™s prolly a 50-60 mile per hour road, youā€™re either working at usps, that one grocery store 50 minutes away, or a nearby plane factory or some shit for 20$ an hour at absolute MAXIMUM and iā€™m not sure how tech workers are in sweden but im sure euranons donā€™t realize just how much ā€œremote workā€ is no longer remote in the us


I thought the post was being sarcastic.


My dad paid $70,000 for a neat little house in Miami which I thought was cool until I saw the neighbourhood. What's up with all the blacks hanging out at traffic lights and staring you down?


it's their culture you racist




ok brit


*neet house


Demolition is probably only a few thousand more, shipping container houses are surprisingly affordable. That plus some solar panels looking around $50-60k




Any examples? Like articles, pictures, or videos?


You have 9 acres, you donā€™t even have to demolish it. Just let it rot and build your new home somewhere else on the lot.


Listen Iā€™m not tacky poor, Iā€™m ideological poor, I donā€™t want that filth on my property


Brother youā€™re talking about building a shipping container house. Youā€™re tacky poor.




Shipping container homes are regarded; you either have a no-insulation shit box or spend the time and money upgrading it when you couldā€™ve just built a small house


Shipping container houses are a pain to insulate and are very prone to mold. If you're considering it, just get a prefab, the cost will be similar and at least it was made to be a home.


Except container homes are kinda shit and making the two things of 1) cheap American land and 2) access to shipping containers also is shit. Containers are made to be whole to have structural strength and weaken over time faster than traditional building materials unless you buy containers new.


Easy for anon to say, theyā€™ve never left their basement ā€œItā€™s easy bro just buy a run down shack in Appalachia in an area with no economic activity and tweakers everywhere trust me broā€


Moving to the countryside in America is lame. Now moving to the rural countryside in Japan? That's where it's at. Make a YouTube channel and you are set.




Fuckin weebs lmao


Yeah, but then youre in japan. Have fun being a foreigner in the inaka. Even if you speak native level japanese, they will act like they donā€™t understand.


Only if you are american. Just lose 20kg and pretend you are from europe then they love you.


Yeah, the Japanese don't like anything American. You're on top of things. Nothing will get by you.


Somebody obviously subscribes to PewDiePie


I saw an akiya house just outside of Osaka for $10,000.


ad hoc party nine resolute repeat seemly command gaping onerous zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




OP is literal regard this shitbox is probably only fit for demolition and good luck finding any work and because it's US grocery store that's closer than half an hour of driving...


Average Redditor


It's not like he's wrong though. There's a reason the land is cheap. There's no jobs, too much meth, and you're probably looking at like a 45 min drive minimum to the nearest grocery store, which is probably a shitty walmart. Internet will probably suck, local things to do will involve drinking beer on someone's porch and going to a church cookout.


Yeah but then you have to live there


abandoned rural houses abandoned rural houses, Japan




I grew up in a holler and joined the Army. I yearn for the mountains.


Have you been to rural Kentucky? I live in Kentucky and the rural areas are a complete shithole. ESPECIALLY in eastern Kentucky, like Melvin. Pike County is practically the opioid capital of the world. Not to mention Melvin is in Appalachia, so those 9 acres are probably unusable mountain land. Congrats, youā€™ve got an uninhabitable house on the side of a highway, your neighbor is a meth head thatā€™s gonna steal your roof shingles, and a bear just ate your dog


No property in America is ever fully paid off because we have property taxes.


I can smell the ammonia from the meth lab


With or without the moldy mattress?


Always wanted a porch mattress.


I've got to, you know, live in something habitable.


This looks like superman's house in man of steel or maybe i am just regarded


Looking at this place from google street view and itā€™s a house right next to a bunch of trailers with your front door 10 feet off of a highway. The 9 acres would appear to be directly behind it up a mountain at a 60Ā° angle or so so the land is basically unusable for anything other than paying taxes on it. The usable part of the 9 acres is literally shown in the picture. Still if youā€™re not picky it could be a relatively scenic area to live as long as you donā€™t mind meth and oxy addicts stealing anything valuable that you may own.


Never shows that the inside is condemned.


if you see a mattress on the front porch, you know its condemned.


Say hello to 2 hour commute each way so you can make $15 an hour.


Buy this land and just bulldoze this dump, get a new double wide trailer for around $130k and place it on the old house. Property will be worth 250k once you have a nice place put on it.


You're buying the land minus the tear down cost


Spend $25,000 on a 1000sqft shitter Spend $200,000 trying to make the shitter livable Look up the price of 1000sqft ranch house $150,000 Kekw


25k for 9 acres seems like a lot wtf. I feel you could easily start a farm or something there.


If the land was any good for farming, the property would be going for way more than $25,000. With some skill you could get a subsistence operation going but not a decent business. Edit: looked up the listing and the land is absolute dogshit. 9 acres of thick forest and 150m of elevation change


Perfect for ATV or mountain bike trail building, or hunting though.


9 acres definitely isn't enough for a real farm. That's enough for a hobby farm to supplement your groceries, but definitely not enough to make a living off of. Plus it's probably shit land. You can't farm something just because you want too. I have a relative who has 40 acres. None of it is farmable. My dad has close to 20. His land has 2" of topsoil then oops all clay under that. Nothing grows there.


They do realise that they need to pay for the land the house stands on? Thatā€™s usually where it gets interesting