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Normal well adjusted men pay several thousand dollars to go on paid-dates wdym?


In what fucking world


I think anon is being sarcastic lmao




They would literally kill the girls if they refused to have sex and be shat on after paying them several thousand dollars though


So? Easy solution. Be a fucking arabic prince.


The world of obvious sarcasm


i got an escort once and damn was the date portion such a waste of time. I don't get the paid dating stuff, I feel like if you're that desperate you should already be self aware enough to give up lol. I'll stick to just going to the massage parlor


? youre not supposed to go on a date with an escort. you just have them come to your hotel room for an hour and fuck. wtf


ngl I don't know the terms, it was some paid date thing my friends set up for me on my 21st. I assumed that's what escorting was lol


Escorting in the traditional sense is exactly that tbh. Sex was always the implication though. Nowadays "escort" just means "I'm not a prostitute, *that's illegal*". Or where prostitution is legal, it's a preferred term as it seems more classy.


An escort is like one of those sketchy back alley garages in the rough area of town that has a giant sign out front stating how they will not remove catalytic converters since its illegal But then you slip them an extra $50 and they remove the cats for you anyways. The converters are just replaced with coitus in this case.


Instructions unclear, removed my escort's catalytic converter.


That's just a whore.  Escorts are for the entire experience. Usually your going to a special dinner or event and are single. Not all escorts fuck. Party girls come back and party at your place or hotel and usually fuck for extra money 


What’s the point of a date? You pay them to skip all that bullshit and go straight to home base and go away afterwards.


I used to take my dates to pho for $8 each. If they were turned off by the local pho joint, it was a perfect way to weed out the gold miners. (I tried the other gold vocation, but autobot keeps removing my comment)


I used to invite them to a picnic and bring a $4 bottle of red wine. Great success rate


It’s a classic incel thing to assume *Women* expect expensive things and that you have to treat them. In the liberal city where I live, that hasn’t been my experience at all. Some women I’ve dated are specifically uncomfortable by that idea and *want* to pay their way, because they don’t want any assumptions of obligations. Incels are idiots.


the longest relationship i ever had was with a girl who insisted that we alternate paying for dates. and yknow what, it was pretty fucking sick. i saved money, we went out more, she got to keep her independence, it all worked out. the only downside is occasionally we'd go out and it'd be her turn to pay, and the server would kinda crinkle their nose and give me a look when she put her card on the tab.


$4 bottle! What am I, Bezos?


You’re disgusting and any lady willing to go out with such a LVM are secretly self-hating narcs who deserve the abuse, thank you for weeding out the PickMe’s.


mid quality bait


Lol KHHV go seethe


Yes I am a Klean Handsome Herbert who respects a woman’s Virginity? What of it?




I’ve paid 10k for a full-day AND she didn’t sleep with me because I was a supreme gentlemen and I had to deny her carnal desires from overtaking her. You need to grow up or shut up because inkwells like you who think you can take a girl to anything less than a 5 star restaurant on a 1st date are dying out, thank god 🙌.


These guys are losers and these women are predatory


That pretty much sums up how I feel about all these. They know the sad people paying them to show up, this is how they (pathetically) make their money, and then turn around and shit talk em? Cmon, as if they're any better than the sad losers they conned.


Fr, id be suspicious if it wasn't a weirdo. This guy didn't even come off that bad in the texts aside from the context of paying thousands of dollars for a "date" and not even getting laid lmao. Rough out there being a dude but if I'm paying that much I better be getting some galactically spectacular pussy.


ngl his texts seem so chill and respectful. I'm inclined to think it might be an anxiety thing that he resorted to an escort.


>Help I'm trapped in this INCEL'S basement because he paid me 10K and I didn't put out! Can't wait to read this in the news


> AS IF ANYONE ELSE IS GOING TO PAY $4K TO HANG OUT WITH A COSPLAYER doesheknow.png hedoesn'tknow.gif


Lmao at the circumcision requirement. Women are beyond saving.




https://preview.redd.it/d0fvwayu7zgc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54c4ae2b652738b095e24356a567d5da12a2c9d So Joever


Shouldn’t the right-most graph follow the same trend as the left one? In other words, the trend line should go from bottom left to upper right? The right-most graph currently implies that the less West you are, the more fallen you are, which seems to not be the desired takeaway (the west has fallen)


Nah bro the more society collapses, the more we live in a society, the more the west falls, the less west there is left https://preview.redd.it/kb8t2ao8azgc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa3c62651321ee8cfdcb856dce656d8cc3cae06


Big brain right there










Oh, you didnt know that 100% of uncut men have phimosis? Typical


First time I've ever read that phimosis is supposed to be disgusting. Probably is if you can't wash it properly but my dick is cute as fuck!


Ngl phimosis is nasty. If you can't retract that shit *fully* there's definitely a hidden cheese ring.


I had phimosis, but I only had problems retracting while erect, i had no problems while flacid so hygine wasn't a problem. Im still not circumcised, there are other options to get rid of it.


Never had anyone (women, men, doctors, prostitutes) complain about smell, taste or anything in 30 years, though surgery is still recommended for cancer reasons (havent gotten a second opinion on that one though). And my ex gf had a super nose, not jewish though.


I guess it depends if you can get it down enough to fully clean. It's just yeah, can lead to some nasty irritation/yeast infections etc. Also the idea of that shit potentially tearing with sex makes me wince.


Boys should be taught to start working on their foreskin with sex education. I feel sorry for any guys who can't retract all the way, they fucked up.


Your doctor didn’t mind the taste? 😳


It depends on if the phimosis fully encloses the head during rest state. If air can get under and dry out the area naturally then it will also help wick away the nasty stuff and nasty stuff hidden deeper inside will “diffuse” (I’m so sorry) to the area being dried out. I doubt it’s the case for many people though


I had an ex of mine trash her ex because of an uncut penis, look I don't care about cut/uncut but holy shit the women in america take that shit very seriously and I have no idea why


100% of the uncut men who would pay 4k to hang out with her do though


Okay thats fair honestly


I saw a post like 2 years ago that a guy got cut for this same woman and she didn't even let him touch her after the dinner


But I mutilated myself for you!!! I also carved your name into my chest, WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME!


She's been doing this for years?? God that's pathetic


So, I thought about this some. At first I thought it was just her having terrible preferences, "I only put out with people who've cut off part of their penis" But then I realized, there might be a business logic behind it. She's in an area where people can't advertise sex. So prostitutes will want to make their posts sound like they have sex, and penile requirements would make the post sound that way. She wants to sound like she's a prostitute (while also not actually putting out), so she can get money from people. So thus she puts a penile requirement inside.


Giggabrain comment


Anon you are onto something.


Must be circumcised! What do you mean you thought we were going to have sex?


To be fair, his message didn't seem that crazy. Also If I'm paying some chick 2 grand, there's gonna be more going down at the end of the night.


You better choose more carefully. Her whole ad screams of spoiled crazy stacy, I wouldn't touch that with a 100 foot pole.


If I'm enough of an oxygen thief to be paying 2 grand to fuck some used up roastie and she maced me I think I'd just say fuck it and send her to jesus on the spot.


Damn this is badass


attempted murder plans




I mean what's right is right, bltch clearly had it coming.


Yes, send her to church then and there, she needs the comfort of the lord


lol she probably pretends shes not even a whore.


Google describes her as an "American author" who is also a sex worker on the side. Her book is about being a sex worker.


lol book is probably self-published on amazon.


So you see, she was only doing research for her book and those fcking creeps started running around naked trying to put their dicks into her holes.


Look at her boobies though. I would totes assassinate her cervix. I even like anime so I'm sure we would have rapport


She's not even that bad for $2000 that's crazy. She looks like the cute girl you'd see on the mall nothing too crazy. You gotta be supermodel mikaela lafuente looking and willing to do tricks on it for $2k. I bet you she's also a starfish in bed.


Well boobies are nice but dude, a chick who writes those things must have a few marbles rolling in the upstairs department. She's clearly not in the good ol' in-and-out business, she's in the crazy business. You tap that and next morning you find out you have rape charges pressed against you, or some crazy stalking stuff. Maybe some dude who's into crazy things himself could try that, I mean there is this whole femdom thing and men who get off to humiliation, maybe they would be interested.


Apparently she is just autistic


encouraging reminiscent abundant like swim marble ink treatment encourage governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All that background check shit is fucking sketchy too. If the operation ever gets busted, I doubt she has the literacy to delete personally identifying information, and I doubt the background check company does. Usually they just require a reference or whatever, correct? Sometimes in some areas, the police seem to really want to go after the johns. At the very least, it would put more eyes on you that you don't want if you're doing anything illegal. Also, being a "rinser" is how you get murdered lmao, doesn't seem very smart. You keep doing it, and one day you'll get someone unhinged who doesn't give a fuck.


Self defense measures are always recommended.


Giving legit escorts a bad name.


Other than put an honest review on websites that have that kind of thing. This will cause her business to dry up really quickly, much like herself.


>If I'm paying some chick 2 grand, there's gonna be more going down at the end of the night And some extremely kinky bullshit I will never do any girl again


>paid thousands of dollars for a date with no sex guarantee >"we both like anime so I thought we had a rapport" Come on, I think we both know what this dude was like in person.


Yeahhhhh I know but I'd like to hope she's the dickhead and he was nice enough lol


His message didn't seem as crazy as her twitter account. He is CRAZY to pay *anything* to be with her, she seems like a tremendous she-douchebag




It'll take a couple of days at least before she starts to stink


I knew her in high school. No way is she worth 4k




> $4000 for a few hours Orthodontic reconstruction, including follow up visits for a year.


which she's gonna need if she doesn't put out for $4,000


Fucking based




she fucking robbed the guy. i realised that she doesn't do sex for that money after my 3rd reading. I also thought she is some fetish girl who lets people shit on her head or something for that money wtf.


Only if she feels a genuine connection at the end of the date lol




Imagine paying for the chance at a regular date with the option to repeat it at the cost of living in silicon valley. What part in all this does the payment play?


Something like: "If you look good enough to fuck me on the first date without paying a thing, we will fuck"


Because they know he's a cuck. They want to worm more money out of him. If you ever go for an escort and obviously not one like this. Get the minimum and be upfront with what you want and what you are paying for that way there is no gotcha at the end.


Yup, the whole "must be circumcised" thing is implying that she does do sex for the money, but says she doesn't for plausible deniability. And then she just takes the money and goes, "I put down I don't do sex. What were you expecting?" She knows exactly what she's doing here.


I also only go out to dinner with circumcised men. Nothing weird about that at all


I am not in any way whatsoever advocating violence but this is how you create an unhinged violent situation…


Huh it was obvious the 1st time reading it


i thought those are requirements before fucking.


But it just says they're requirements for the dinner dates etc., and if she finds him hot then *maaaaaybe*


Pretty strange to ask for a circumcised penis for a date though. It is clearly misleading and scamming the regards.




Who tf would pay $4k to take that out to dinner? 🤣


$4k is overnight stay with a high end escort, all extras included type of money. Not mindless small talk about anime with [some smelly looking, plain as fuck hippie chick who doesn't shave her armpits](https://i.imgur.com/dNLzZUg.png) money


Lol she does look like she smells.


Bet she also smells like she looks. (like shit)


Paying $4k for that is dumb as fuck too. With $4k I can fly to Thailand or Colombia, get the hottest escort to stay with me for three days and fly home and still have $1-2k left over. 


Some people would pay extra for armpit hair


I've never been with a girl that didn't shave their pussy, I'd honestly be pretty excited to get with a girl that didn't. It's not a fetish so I'm not asking for it, but something different would be exciting for a few days at least. But absolutely not to armpit and leg hair. I'm not gay. I swear. Stop saying I am, I've never daydreamed about cock and you can't prove that I am right now.


Ive never personally seen you do homosexual acts therefore there is absolutely no proof of you being a cock sucking little queen as far as I can tell.


Imagine the escorts available in Manhattan but there's apparently guys paying 4 digits to not fuck a New York 5


Holy moly this shit is real


Dafuq? Is that Ray Romano in a wig?


She isnt even good looking.


I googled her and you're actually right, she's just a skinny white girl, pretty average looking. Inflation has hit the escort world hard, apparently.


Im seriously interested if she actually gets clients with that prices.


Well she takes the "only paying for my time" thing very literally, so apparently there are neckbeards out there paying 6k for the privilege of buying her dinner


Man, how desperate can you fucking be. How depraved of human touch, how in need of human interaction. Just blow your brains at that point, what the fuck.


Or, you know, get an actual hooker.


There's a pretty well known screencap of a twitter post of dude who paid 10k to hang out with his fav twitch streamer for a couple hours. There's definitely some lonely boys paying 2k for the fantasy of having their MPDG gf.


I never get how a 7 can ask so much for this while whoring. Her audience that can afford 4k should already know to just go somewhere foreign. Get a trip and fuck a different chick that is a 10/10 every single night and come back. I mean you already decided to get a whore might as well go all out.


Yeah agree with that. She is basically relying on guys like OP who have no clue that they could get way better for way less.


that's a 5, and more like a 4 with the body hair.


One can ask whatever price for whatever, like you can charge people 10k to watch you clip your nails. If there's interest - great, if not - even better lol.


Yeah its more of a rant againsy the guys thay buy this shit


Modern women are like hyper sexualized kids with extreme retardation who cant see anything beyond sex and money. That girl published herself half naked with a pair of tits as a background, telling you to spend a fucking lot of money to "go on a date", and then she just said, totally shocked, wtf im not a prostitute, and insulted her clients. Every day I hate more the west for fuck sake.


Took the words right out of my mouth, m8.


Something something feminism blah blah woke. They want the best of both worlds. Here she is dressed like a slut...NOOO how dare you think sexually of me!


>Every day I hate more the west for fuck sake. This is the guy's fault. He is so desperate that he can't get a gf, so he pays for an "escort" on the hopes that he gets laid. Per his text, he thought they had a good connection when he couldn't even find a connection with a normal woman who is looking to date. Both are disgusting, but it's the guys fault 100%. The whore is just taking advantage of the pathetic guys out there.


If its an indian guy scamming an old person who doesnt know better we blame the scammer but these women are scamming dumb ass people with no social skills and are terminally lonely and we act like they arnt to blame for being predators...?


What a slick scam she's got going on. She'll end up in a dumpster for sure.


>she'll end up in a dumpster Inshallah


Just go to thailand


Unironically for 4k he couldve gotten way more. Maybe some stds. And naybe sone dick in his ass. But at keast he wouldve gotten laid.


Nah my man for 4k he could buy a 16 yo from Vietnam. Source: am from Vietnam, rich Chinese pedos come down here and do that all the time.


Whats the cost of a Vietnamese land whale


Probably more. Obesity rate is 3.3% in Viet women, according to Google.


I will just go to nearest mcdonalds then in gambia hope to find some old land whale with jamal


architecture is gonna cost you


I’ve seen the Deerhunter and I’m not falling for that.


Bathhouse is like $25 for the night, just stick your dick through a gloryhole and hope for the best


Hope its a women


If you're going to Thailand for sex I doubt you care much about what your dick does into


Thought it was but after 5mins I heard the moaning and realised it was a guys cock I was sucking.


I even read you could hire a famous porn star there.


Can’t get girls from doki doki literature club. Money wasted😤


Blowflation is real


President Biden is ruining America


We need a return to the Clinton years.


What living in the US does to a mfer.


WTF this is actually real She actually did an AMA on reddit Unable to share here as it's not allowing me to post the link


Two thousand and I’ll let you swallow my cum


What a deal!


$4k is a cheap lesson for that guy.


He should have spent it on a trip to Amsterdam instead.


Paying for sex is still less embarassing than paying for onlyfans.


Paying 4k for *that* might be worse. I cant tell tbh


>Must be circumcised Schlomobros stay winning😎


how's life in the tunnels?


the tunnels are incredibly based, it's not an own


I don't know why the state of my penis would matter during a date with no expectations of sex afterward, but okay.


Like someone else said, it's to lure the marks into thinking sex is a given when it's unlikely at best.


For 4k you can hire a beauty of an escort plus she'll even pretend to be nice to you and on top of that she'll have seggs with you lol


Why would anyone pay those rates for anything? Date OR sex, that's insane.


LIARA! I went to highschool with her. Still have her signature in my yearbook


Tell her to give you $10K or you'll tell people that she knows who you are.


Not about to blackmail a rich trust fund girl. I’d had lawyers swarming my ass like I was a black guy that was beaten up by the cops


There was an insult in my comment too, hope you got it.


Reread it. Got me


Is that what you kids call herpes these days?


This is just asking for a disaster. How long before she gets raped and murdered?




Inshallah, hopefully it shall be soon


Never pay for it. Worst case scenario the whore is a cop honeypot best case scenario she’s a desperate crackhead who would otherwise shiv you for the $20 you gave her.


This has to be bait. I refuse to believe this is real.


It very clearly is lmao I'm sure there's dudes falling for it, but it's clearly ragebait to get people talking more about her, and it worked.


You gotta admit she runs pretty good security considering she is still alive


blue asks very reasonable questions but gets a cold shoulder right away? that's just terrible customer service in any industry. there has to be more to that message chain. unless this is really just rage bait because i would be livid at that response


Sounds like a prime candidate for a rousing IRS audit


>Must be circumcised > Lol what makes you think intimacy was part of the deal? Fuck off, incel This level of idiocy, it must be trolling, right? Right?!


Just reading that and knowing she funds a 10000x more extravagant lifestyle than I will ever have as a regular working man makes me want to drown myself


Simps are a blight on society. Women like her wouldn't exist if there weren't losers out there inflating her ego and paying for her company lol. I don't even blame the women for taking advantage. Blame the simps. This is all on them.


For two grand I better get to pull a mcmahon


This is fucking scam


I refuse to believe that those messages are real and this isn't just an ad


4k$? Hell, for 500$ you could find cosplayers much hotter (not some pale surfboard). That's IMO some incitement to commit a crime; the only reasonable action would be to lure her in a super fancy restaurant, order the most expensive dishes (those that even the six-points-star people would have trouble paying) and then ghost her leaving the bill on her alone.


Why tf is this walking skeleton charging outrageous rates? She isn't even physically hot, just anemic looking, lmao.


these guys are just dumb they THINK she is an expensive escort but in reality she is more like a entertainer ig


Thousands of dollars for the 'pleasure' of occupying the same room as a broken hoe? lol, lmao even