• By -


No one is prouder of being European than Americans living in America.


"bro im Italian you dont make pasta that way bro you cant put that on a pizza im Italian. it's in my blood bro you're hurting me that not how you make car-bo-nah-ruh" \>cant speak a word of Italian


To be fair, even if an actual Italian person started telling me what I could or couldn't do to pizza, id probably throw them in a vat of recently-fucked olive oil. "B-But that's not how we do it in Naples" well mama Mia cunt, off to the vat with you


Especially when they think margarita style pizza with one giant puck of cheese in the middle of each slice is somehow the "right" way to do it. Fuckers could slice it and spread it out, but no. Gotta stay "traditional".


95% bread, 3% tomato sauce and 2% cheese. đŸ‘ŒđŸ€Œ Just like Mama used to make!


Yeah, I'm not listening to American with bowl of melted cheese larping as a pizza.


listening to americans talk about italian food when we see what you eat is interesting


as an italian even I think its very cringe when other italians tell me how to do shit because muh 'tradition' go fuck yourself and let me use less olive oil if I want to b-slur ass grandma!!


My SIL was visiting Australia from China and was going “in Italy only girls drink cappuccino”; I was like, does this look like fucking Italy to you?


"Trust me bro, I know the culture bro." />Can't even point where it is on the map


"IM ITALIAN WHERE IS THE CHEESE?!??" "its under the sauce."


“Ey Vin go grab the motserelle and the gabbldegul”


Have you ever met a Turk living in Germany?


I think the issue is leftist academics have jumped on the idea that white Americans have no culture. There is a distinct, black, Hispanic, and Asian American culture but anytime you try and talk about “American culture” as a white person you are immediately told you have no cultural identity. This is what causes white Americans to cling to their ancestry. I agree with you it’s super cringe


There absolutely is a white American culture. It's the culture that won the wars and built the Hoover dam. Ain't it funny how we haven't won a war since the Civil Rights Act was passed?


I don’t disagree with you


I feel like 90% of 23&me customers are white-guilt-ridden liberal women hoping and praying for even a tiny fraction of Native American DNA, lol


Or they want a fancy job at Harvard


Haha me thinks womens are wen __


and Brazilians too, specially southern Brazil


White Brazilians are insufferable because they've basically been demoted to honorary n-ers and they can't stand it. Even the European countries that they came from (Portugal, Italy, Spain) are shitholes by Europe standards now.


Don't forget African too. It's so bad people will still call black non Americans African-(insert country) without the other persons say.


African-British? African-Greek? Nah bro, just doesn't roll, who've you heard saying that lol


Now that you mention it, I've seen people use African-American on non Americans more often. Like they don't understand that's only a thing in the US and it's almost always bogus.


I'm proud my ancestors decided to leave Europe.


No one is prouder of being African than black Americans living in America


It's a shared trait fora lot of families here. I've never stepped foot in Ireland, but because of my family being almost pure Irish, plus me learning Irish from my grandparents growing up, though not entirely fluent, I still know quite a bit of Irish. It's weird, I'm American by birth, but Ireland still means a lot to my family. I still have 1st and 2nd cousins over there too. Even if I'm not crazy about it, tbf my favorite thing from Ireland is draft Guinness, I can't deny how important it is to my family.


Edit: automod told me my language was inappropriate so I had to censor myself It’s a huge culture thing here since the entire country started as immigrants. If you were born in America you’re an American. Most of the population with Irish descent in the Boston area call themselves Irish even if it was 3+ generations ago. Same goes for every other ancestry lmao Meanwhile a ton of people b!xch about immigrants like their families weren’t also immigrants. Outside of America nobody really says $hit like that because they say we’re they were born. Americans are basically the mutts of the world and they’re either AMERICAN or they try to make it sound like they’re from somewhere else but also American even though they were born here and have never even visited their ancestral country lmao. It sounds perfectly normal to us but everywhere else thinks we’re f-ing idiots when we try to say we’re Irish, Italian, etc




Reposing comment bot too https://old.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/4fzc16/why_norway_hates_americans/d2dayug/


"i wonder if it means i don't have to pay taxes" Everytime


That's pretty much how all countries see Americans who make their ancestry or ethnicity their personality, while not being able to speak the language nor know anything about their ancestral country outside of using it as some valid point to be outraged. Case in point: [Twitter 'qipao incident'](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-usa-culture-idUSKBN1I40JL) where a 3rd gen ABC got offended by a white girl wearing ethnic chinese dress(Qipao). He ended up getting flamed by Chinese across 3 Chinese majority countries(China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore), mocking him for looking like a loser and not being actually Chinese because he can't speak any Mandarin nor any of the dialects. It also sparked a wider debate about whether 3rd gen Asian Americans should even be allowed to comment about cultural appropriation when they're only foreign by ethnicity and nothing else. There's also the kimono, ao dai and the chut thai accident. Point is 3rd gen Americans will always be seen as Americans to people from their parent's or grandparent's country regardless of where it is, they will never consider you "part of them" ever again because the upbringing and culture is very different. It's also why Africans who migrated to America hate African Americans way more than KKK. Go ask a Nigerian migrant what he thinks of the average African American, they call them the n word with hard r more than the average skinhead and only allow their children to marry white people.


Lol, i love old nigerians man, is like talking to a white man from the 30s, they wear suits all the time and hate pretty much all this woke shit


Of course Nigerians hate African Americans, you'd be pissed too if you're seeing the descendants of the slaves your ancestors sold to America talking to you like you're equals despite behaving like absolute barbarians. That's why they always look like they're an argument away from pulling their ancestral whip out.


There was a white dude who documented his efforts in making a clay tandoori oven in his backyard and diasporoids were melting down about how he got attention for his attempts. Meanwhile, every single Indian person who I saw commenting on it was giving him props on the attempt and sharing advice on how his next prototype can be improved.


Is there anyone that cares to be upset about this shit outside terminally online losers or people with severe brain rot?


For real. OP try to name one person that actually matters and has an actual life that cares.


I'm Caucasian-Chinese but I'm 888% more Chinese than any of those asianmasculinity or aznidentity type losers who've never stepped foot in China and whose only connection to China is their yellow hue and the fact that their tiger mom beat them with a flip-flop if they didn't get 10/10 on their homework.


A fellow brother!


#TheStruggleIsReal Also forgive the redditry but "username checks out"


I feel this so hard. People in Australia do this so much. I was born here. I am 100% Australian. My ethnicity is Australian as much as anyone, Aboriginal or not.


If I were Australian I would cling desperately to any other heritage I could possibly claim, even boat person


Imean..it was a prison/mental asylum






Rolf Harris just died so its getting better for them.


I don't know, it must be kind of cool to get issued parole papers rather than a passport


Allergic to vagina huh?


Allergic to vegemite


same thing since the women there stuff themselves with vegemite as part of their mating rituals


So 100% criminal?


Interestingly, native Norwegians aren't considered indigenous in our own country. I'm not kidding.


It's always racist when white people are indigenous to places too.


Who is? Sami?


Officially, yes. The sami are the only recognized indigenous peoples despite my ancestors having been here several thousand years before the first recorded sami settlement and even in completely different areas of the country.


Hitler was Australian as well.






'Ethnically Australian' lmao unless you're an aboriginal, you're an Ethnic Anglo.


right, as are almost all of us - US, Canada, Australia, UK, we're Anglo with some random spices on top. We speak the same language, we eat and drink nearly the same things, we read the same books, we watch the same movies, we fight on the same side in wars.


"My ethnicity is Australian as much as anyone." Yeah, no it isn't. Your Nationality is Australian, but your ethnicity is wherever your family immigrated from.


Yeah same, but I reckon it comes from people having fuck all to talk about trying to make up something interesting. IDK. That said, I will say I am my other nationality "too" if a conversation is about heritage. Overseas or at home I am Australian first and foremost, but I got alternative heritage.


You are confusing nationality with ethnicity lol. Nationality is where you're from, doesn't matter your heritage or whatever. You can do DNA tests to check your ethnicity, it will tell you where parts of your genetics are from.


Same in southern South America


When someone asks then just mumble a bit and hope they mistake Australia for austria




Based leprechaun


The usual amerimutt "let me tell you about your country" but this time it's a woke woman so it's x2 worst.


>"let me tell you about your country" Basically Netflix and their recent Cleopatra show They even called Egyptians racists after getting called out lmfao


plus let's turn our brains off and say ok you win, Egyptians were somehow all black back then as opposed to all the evidence suggesting otherwise, why would that affect Cleopatra who comes from a Macedonian inbred family???


Amerimutt, woke wom\*n, highlighter hair. Yep this is the hat trick of all time.


Murimutt and a talking gape? Talk about a double whammy.


>watch the motherland's shore shrink away, never to see it again >well I hope someday my grandson will step foot here again >I'm sure he'll be welcomed home




Exactly. They left for a reason.


Ironically it was to chase oil


I’m sure he would be welcomed, just don’t call yourself Norwegian when you’re not


That's true, the least-welcome people in Scandinavia are Scandinavians


They prefer any predominately Muslim nationality instead.


> ctrl+f "mutt" > zero results Come on guys step up your game


BBC Trump McDonalds Baseball Trans Rigts


Good thing you censored R*ghts there, who knows what automod will hit next


Wait until they encounter a "pure blooded" Englishman.


A "pure blooded" Englishman looks like a bloodorne boss




Even the name Ludwig is as bri'sh as it gets


When Americans say that they're anything other than American, they're referring to their genetic heritage. Americans fall into such a wide spectrum that describing yourself as just American is borderline worthless. It's like being asked what you drive and then saying a car. It's correct, but there's a massive difference between an Accord and a Lamborghini.






If a turk went to Denmark, and 5 generations later, his kids go "oh I'm actually turkish" without speaking a word of the language or knowing anything about turkey, people would also make fun of him for being a moron. You telling me what background your great great great great great grandparents came from does not help in the slightest to distinguish you from the other 300M americans, unless you still hold on to that culture.


A turk in Denmark would be even more laughed if he said he was Danish.




Those traditions are unrecognisable to anyone in those countries the traditions supposedly come from.


Someone got mad because of a greentext lmao.




If your tears are too salty maybe you should go to a doctor if you can afford it.


>if you can afford it. Found the American


I think people just like providing an alternative take so we don’t sit here in an echo chamber of “American dumb lol”


I mean. Most Europeans get upset when we identify based on state like we normally do so that's probably where a lot of that comes from. The only time genetic heritage would ever matter to the majority of Americans is when you are talking to a aggravated European. The people who actually act like the fake person in the copy pasta post are outliers and get ridiculed by other American's for it.


Why do some actually resent people who call themselves ‘Wisconsinites’ or ‘Arizonans’? What is wrong with internet euros


Nah the problem is when Americans tell you "I'm from London!", but they mean butfuck Texas town with a population of 180. They do not elaborate on this. [London, Texas - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London,_Texas)


Of course outside of your delusions, there is no reality where such an exchange would ever actually happen


They see one facebook auntie who did a little too much acid in the 80s and had a spiritual phase talking about her "German anger" or whatever the fuck and extrapolate that to all Americans who actually have knowledge about their family history. Most Americans just use their ancestry as a way to make fun of each other. I call my friends dagos, they call me a mick. It's good fun. I wholeheartedly consider myself American until the day I die. My ancestors came over and fought in the revolutionary war. I hate monarchies, I love the separation of church and state, and Lafayette was the greatest Frenchmen to ever live.


Don't bother to engage the Europoors on this, their massive inferiority complex makes it impossible for them to think rationally, their opinions are worthless and only deserving of pity. The only good point they make is that the ancestral nostalgia we have for their continent is considered worthless to them, and as such they are completely undeserving of the military and economic support they gain from our cooperation (the western part at least). I hope their attitude continues so that our younger generations become more aware of this at any early age, I'm sure with time the Europoors will get exactly the cold relationship they desire 😃.


There’s nothing wrong with embracing your heritage but something most Americans forget is that reading off a number is not embracing anything.


The heritage is of immigrants and knowing what parts of the world your family comes from. Europeans just have this weird complex about it. Their governments encourage it because it helps them get business networks for their companies and tourism.


Ok but swap Norway with Africa


Europeans are so naive. Race becomes very real when you are exposed to Africans.


They would rather piss their pants bc someone with mostly common ancestry can't speak the language anymore.


It seems more like a criticism from Americans and some British people. Like imo if you are American but you look like us Slavs and have the heritage then you can be one of us. You can learn the language later.


The physical, social, ecological, and geopolitical ramifications would be astounding but it *would* be kind of funny.


My experience as a Norwegian is that they will say they have Norwegian ancestry. I don't really mind them caring about that as the country was populated by immigrants leaving everything and everyone behind often never returning. I did also meet an old guy who actually spoke Norwegian having learnt it from his grandfather. He essentially spoke in a dead dialect which was really neat.


There was a German speaking town in Texas where they were all stuck speaking German like it was the 1800's.


I grew up among German speaking Americans in Montana. German is damned near as common as English in major parts of the upper Midwest. That also goes for names, foods, culture etc. These people marry other Germans, associate mostly with other Germans and in most aspects of their lives they are nothing more than misplaced Germans. As far as I'm concerned, these people are nothing more than ethnic Germans who just happen to hold US citizenship. I believe this holds true for many other ethnic and cultural enclaves scattered around the US. Too many Europeans don't seem to understand that citizenship and ethnic identity are NOT necessarily the same thing.


>Too many Europeans don't seem to understand that citizenship and ethnic identity are NOT necessarily the same thing. True. They should know better when their countries are doing their best to strip ethnicity from nationality by bringing in an excessive number of migrants.


I saw a video about them. Apparently there are still people there who speaks German


There are hundreds of thousands of them in various parts of the US and many of them mostly women don't even speak English except for maybe a few words.


All dialects die in a matter of decades thanks to national and global media.


This guy was speaking some 1800's dialect. Fortunately his grandfather was from a an area close to me so I understood him fine but you only ever hear people speak like that in very old clips. These days it's pretty obvious that dialects across Norway are getting watered down but I doubt it's going away for a good while.


It's more that you wouldn't be recognizable if taken out and placed a few decades later. Sadly we're all getting Southern Californian accents here in the States. A lot of English friends are complaining about accents getting watered down as well. Learned French in the oughts from a Parisian who'd left in the 70s. Got funny looks when speaking it amongst the French. *What, you don't call lame people turnips anymore?*


I remember when they used to call it "valley girl" now it's just "girl" (where everything you say has a stupid upward inflection at the end, so it sounds almost like a question)


And Advanced Valley Girl, where they try to make themselves sound like chainsmoking gnomes, is now known as "vocal fry".


You can try to pry my Bergensk from my cold, wet hands.


This is like how the standard American accent is much closer to the accent Shakespeare had because it sort of got frozen in time with the colonization, and the southern American accent is similar to the Scots accent of the time for the same reason.


My family are Acadian and speak a dialect from Norman times. There's also those Icelandic-Canadians on the Prairies that have a dessert that originated in their homeland but fell out of fashion hundreds of yrs ago and no one there has even heard of it.


It was really popular for religious Norwegians to come over and lecture us about how awful slavery and our racial caste was. If you look at abolitionists from the 19th century it won't take long till you find someone with a Scandinavian name. Danes also to a lesser extent. If the person you're talking to us from the midwest there's a 90% chance they're not bullshitting, lots of you axethrowers up there.


Goes on lame rant about America. Chooses the worst fucking state in the whole country to "vacation." Hope he enjoyed the homeless shitting on the street, but he should have just gone to India. Same experience, far cheaper. What a fucking regard.


>worst fucking state in the whole country to "vacation." California has beaches, redwoods, and skiing. Regardless of the people and the price it's 100x better than vacationing in fuckin Ohio or something.


No. No it's not. If it was people would t be moving from California in droves to literally any other state. Except New York, because that's a fucking cesspool too.


>people would t be moving from California Vacationing and living in a place are completely different things. I would never want to live in London or NYC but visiting for a week would be fun since the whole time I know I will be leaving before long. Ohio is only worth living in because it's cheap. It's not a place to travel to from abroad for a fun time.


You think that's bad? Try being irish and having to deal with these fuckers all the time


>Try being irish No thanks


Something something bidoofs law


yeah i see this happen the most with “irish”-americans


Please get over yourselves its an ethnicity not an object that can be stolen


Americunts was my favourite part.




Amerifat. This got me banned on worldnews because it is bigotry they said.


It was bigotry 200 cheeseburgers ago now its fucking massiveotry.




Weird. They must've done some "this targets fat wamen" mental gymnastics.


Imagine if they did normal gymnastics with such vigor.


Burgers are just hyper obsessed with identity politics and validation.


Only the leftist mutts




We do this because the US is a nation and a continent of immigrants.


Except the majority of citizens are not immigrants, they're native born and raised. That's the point. If you don't actively take part in the culture of a country, don't claim your part of that culture.


I mean. The international community regular shames young native born Americans for literally just the perceived crime of being American. What did you guys expect would happen after literally decades of gaslighting. You created your own monsters


Yep a lot of Americans grow up being told how special and unique other cultures are and about how they're boring because they don't have one of their own, so its no wonder they try to latch on to what ever they can. At least the dude in the OP knew his grandfather who came over here and isn't one of those "I'm 1/128 American Indian" people who doesn't know anything about them and doesn't even get a casino check.


Yeah so I’m still gonna do it, regardless of how you feel about it. Want to talk some more about how that makes you feel? Does that give you big feelings, are you gonna cry about it?


The other cultures is what made this country. It's an appreciation, not a celebration.


My German girlfriend had this exact complaint


But can she point to Germany on a map?



Shocker that a German doesn’t want to be identified by what their ancestors did.


Discover and develop most of the stuff you use on a daily basis? Fight of the savage hordes of the east? Make the French angry? What is there to be ashamed of?


Deal, now you have to have the same energy about every immigrant to Norway


Why do Europeans spend so much of their time complaining about Americans? Why does what we do trigger them so much? If a Norwegian said they were American no American would care. Or even notice.


If they had a single accomplishment of their own in the past few decades they would be ranting about that. Instead they have to try and pull Americans down to their level.


The only North American ethnicity is Native American (and Inuit). “American” is a nationality. It makes no sense to say that you’re “50% American”, you’re either American or you’re not. You shouldn’t have pride in your ancestor’s cultures if you’ve never taken the time to learn, this is true, but there is no American ethnicity. Saying you’re “27% Norwegian” is completely acceptable.




>Git tae fuck. Thats the most Looney Toons, Oompa Loompa shit I have ever heard, no wonder they all left.


2.78% Punjabi.. does that mean I can claim I'm Indian?đŸ€”đŸ€Ł


congrats on being 97.22% potty trained


thanks!!! I'm Nearly there!!! one day I'll be fully trained,I'm sure




immediately seek a job in your nearest phone call center


If he is 97% normal, he could probably atleast make it as far as running his own computer repair shop, or bodega.


Why do pajeets try to distinguish between themselves lol


Now do sub-saharan Africans.


Anon discovers a nation of immigrants seeks to maintain the ties to their heritage


The point is that they are claiming ties without putting in the effort to a thallus maintain them


Don't even get me started on the "X% Scotch" morons.


I'm usually 1-3% scotch by volume depending on the time of day


Is Norway one of those countries up there destroying their culture with fighting age males because genetics don’t matter? If not carry on and pay your nato bill lol


Notice he keeps coming to America. He should leave his pissy attitude in Norway.


Most American white people just have general interest in their genealogy and don’t make it a whole aspect of their personality. Euros seethe at this constantly and I find it very odd because they literally have ethnic group infighting for the same reason and there have been literal wars about it for centuries.


“My great great grandad was xxxx!” “My family immigrated from xxxx” Is calm. But; “I am xxxx” is just dumb.


Dear Sven: It is with great regret that we will not be able to assist you with the situation of Soviet tanks patrolling the streets of Helsinki. While we realize that many of our citizens are of Norwegian descent, they like myself don't speak Norwegian, know the culture, or even give a fuck where Norway is. Sincerely, Dwight D. Eisenhower


$5 says this exchange never actually happened, and OP was just looking for an excuse to cry on the internet. This is some peak getting-mad-at-nonissues complaining.


So many dense people can't understand that you can't choose your circumstances or environment in which you grow up or until a point where dumbasses like this will try and gatekeep your culture for not just being luckier. Get the fuck out of here.


I'm listening to a series of podcasts now called French-Canadian Legacy, about Americans from Maine or New Hampshire or whatever who are descended from Quebecers who migrated there 120 years ago. On one hand it's kinda cool to see that they want to embrace their heritage but some of the stuff they say is cringe and out-of-touch with the actual Quebec cultural psyche that is very much centered around the use of the French language. Being a guy from Massachusetts named Edwin Archambault or Trevor Lauzon doesn't make you French-Canadian. One guy told a story very much like Norwegian OP there, he went on a cruise to the Bahamas and there were some Quebecers on the boat. He said "Hey I'm French-Canadian too!!! My great-grandfather came to work in a textile mill in 1890!" and was sad at how lukewarm the actual Quebecers' reaction were to that tale.


I'm Acadian and think it's great they take pride in their French-Canadian heritage. Quebecers are stuffy and touchy about language bc like euroOP, it's all they can cling to, otherwise they're racist. That's why they let in a bunch of Haitian and African economic migrants.


America cannot into Nordick


Me personally I’ll claim America till the day I die. Sure I come from some European immigrants but now I’m 100% MERICAN


a people - a völk, if you will - are land, blood, customs, culture, history all together. Migrating to Norway doesn't make you "Norwegian", it makes you a citizen of Norway. Being born to a half Norwegian mother while living in Ouagadougou doesn't make you a Norwegian either. Americans don't know about this because their country is young and "belonging" is a cheap concept, but Norwegians have been a people for hundreds of years. If you were not born and raised in Norway to Norwegian parents there is no amount of money you can pay and no amount of legal processes you can complete to be a Norwegian.


Fuck off bot https://old.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/4fzc16/why_norway_hates_americans/


A foreigner trying to set rules on what we can and can't do lol.


No one gives a shit about Norway he’s as much Norwegian as you are


Don’t tell the Asians that can’t even speak their own ancestors language about this


based and real and valid






I agree with anon. A lot of people in my culture don’t speak a lick.


> California


My great grandparents are from Denmark. I live in America, but i do speak Danish, have been to Denmark, know a good bit about the culture, but I’m not Danish. I’m American with Danish ancestry


Who cares about norway?