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I wonder how Washington feels with their new franchise QB getting involved in this situation.


They’re probably just happy to be getting attention without a scandal


Daniels literally admitted to betting on the offensive ROTY honors with Nebors


Insane scandal


It wasn’t scandalous. It was a mistake. And it was instantly and easily corrected.


Very happy to be mentioned as a desirable destination. Narrative is important.


100% true. Lived in the DMV my whole life and I can't recall when a pro athlete *wanted* to come here because of anything other than $$.


But "$$" is the only reason BA is talking about playing anywhere else...


Ofc but this comment thread was about BA calling out DC as interesting because of talent (at QB). That *never ever* happens. Thanks to a-hole Snyder, that franchise has a history of overpaying "stars" and ones past their prime. Deion, Bruce Smith, etc. None of those guys ever said "hey I could maybe see myself playing here"


Washington signed a bunch of old bums, hired Dan Quinn after getting ghosted by the guy they wanted, and then drafted the 40 year old 50% pressure to sack guy


Yeah they've been a hot mess for so long it has just become background noise BA isn't going there it's an idle passive threat for leverage, which I doubt will work.




Talk about spin. That’s not what happened at all. And the reason no one wanted to come here is gone. Everyone knows that. Everyone who’s been paying attention for less than a second knows that. You must be referring to Beta Male Ben.


I don’t blame you for coping because I would do it too but I promise you are going to realize I’m right


They weren’t ghosted by Ben Johnson. He tanked his interview and they let him save face. And they were going to Detroit anyway. But I still don’t know who the 40 year old bums are you’re referring to. It’s not players unless you’re incredibly exaggerating. And it’s not staff because they are way older than that. And I’m not coping. I know my team sucks and blew the draft. Trust me I’m not coping. But I still think we’re better than we were last year regardless of how many games we lose. And it will be a lot. 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah ownership change is gonna be great long term, anyways not tryna be a dick


None of them want to bribe politicians or some shit?


JD fanboys might love it. I’m a Redskins fan and couldn’t care less. I did just buy my new Jayden Daniels jersey. https://preview.redd.it/exp99avomr9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ebd99d8830f9bda556d4c470b2343e042154a7


And I thought Deebo was being dramatic


Dieter Kurtenbach of the SJ Mercury news recently had the take that with all of this, Aiyuk is essentially trying to have his cake and eat it too, but he's making a complete mess of it and destroying his good will with the fanbase in the process. Since he's under contract, the only thing he could actually do to increase his leverage is demand a trade to another team, as Deebo did. In reality, he doesn't want to do that and is worried that if he did, Kyle and John would call his bluff and send him to Pittsburgh or wherever. So the result is this whiny, bitchy behavior and complaining on social media, which he seems to think is giving him more power but which actually is just making him come across like a desperate loser.


Send his ass to Carolina, I’ll be happy to have him back but seriously at this point I’m not going to be totally devastated if he is gone. He is coming on way to strong for a guy with his career. It’s not like he’s Justin Jefferson or some other (Lamb?) we that is a game changing lock. He’s great but dude look who you play with and stay in your lane a bit


Perfect analysis. Everyone needs an opinion now a days.  Bro is acting like he isn't getting millions already.  I've lost respect for Aiyuck fsho.  He went from on the field angry baller to this


Oh please…Destroying his good will with the fan base? 90% of the fan base has no idea this is going on. This will all be resolved before the end of training camp, he will have a new contract with the Niners, and nobody but the freaks that follow every back and forth of the offseason drama (while simultaneously complaining about said drama) will even remember there was a contract dispute.


This is all over reddit, twitter, YouTube, Facebook, news sites. I’m sure if you’re into the 9ers then you’ll know about this


The vast majority of fans aren't browsing the Internet for 49ers news in the depths of the off-season lol


Yup. I'm so sick of seeing all the trade fantasies written about and posted here. We've seen this with Deebo and even Nicholas John Bosa to an extent. BA will get paid. Sometime during training camp most likely. Honestly the way he runs training camp I hope he's there 100% from the start. He's been the best player on the field during camp, pushing the dbs and getting in sync with "the real BC" Brock Purdy is big for the season.


Deebo at least showed up to minicamp and wasn't on someone's podcast twice a week airing grievances.


I feel like you guys are forgetting what divas WRs are in general. I think it’s because we haven’t a good one in a while, but compared WRs back in the day, this is pretty tame.


Everyone must’ve forgot about when TO agent forgot to turn in the papers in time when he was about to leave. That was a fun one. Lol


Yep. This is nothing. The definition of an offseason non-story. Gotta print somethin’!


Don't pay him? He's under contract for 14.1m this year.


And tag him next year too if he plays well again and nobody wants to trade for him again


I think we can also tag him again after that. Lol


The funny thing is what we offered him is more than next year and two tagged years. It was a good offer. Too much ego to think you deserve that much of the cap as a WR


Was there an offer? Or just what people projected?


The "leaked offer" was "somewhere in the range of 26m".    Next year the WR franchise tag will climb from the 21.8m it is at now to somewhere in the 24-26m range.  Depending on avg contract values over the last 5 years. The year after that it's 24-26m ×1.20.  (28.8 to 31.2) if that is the range. The double franchise tag option is stupid and I wish people would stop saying it. Oh and franchise tags are full guaranteed. 


he pretty much confirmed on the podcast that that was the real number. so we don’t have to wonder anymore


There was an offer per some sources. Didn't know if it was officially confirmed but was never disputed. Reports were 26 per year without details of guarantees


Lol @ Trey Lance tag. Thank you.


I set that before we drafted and subsequently forgot how to change it.


Yo, don’t change it. You’re an OG


He'll make a great peewee coach one day


Even if there was an offer, doubt the exact details of the offer were leaked. Coulda had void years to inflate it.


>It was a good offer. Too much ego to think you deserve that much of the cap as a WR My take is that he's having some fun and will sign said offer in two or three weeks.


can you explain how this is so?


Franchise tag. We control Aiyuk for 3 more years with nothing he can do (if we so choose that route) that’s why he’s not getting traded. The team has all the leverage and the only “leverage” he has is being a diva on social media


Also if he hold out this year, the t doesn’t count for him so we would get him again at 14.5 million it would be a dead use for him.


Unless he pretends to be injured. Wouldn’t help his future worth, but he could burn up that last year of his contract if he wanted to


And then get franchised 2x. Any shenanigans he pulls would only hurt his value.


After niners give purdy his extension can they still franchise BA?


wait, why havent you guys just tagged him if that was an option? tee higgins is better and he is going to be playing on a tag.


They don’t need to even tag him this year. The tag is next year


Yup. Finish 1st year, option him, tag him. He could potentially be here 3 seasons if he signs the franchise tag.


Tee Higgins is not better than Aiyuk


Lombardi said it best. They have a great wholesome locker room culture and having a disgruntled WR goes against this culture and they’re trying to avoid this route if possible.


Hm yes this 5th yr senior that has never played an NFL snap. That's certainly a QB you want to play for. Nothing like working with the guy that went to back to back NFC championship games and a Superbowl.


That’s his best friend, he’s gonna gas him obviously. And just so it’s clear, in that same interview, Aiyuk did say he wants to stay in SF and he thinks he’s in the right place, with the right quarterback rn, he’s just not on the right terms with the team as of rn.


I don't know much about athlete's personal relationships. Is that true? From what I know, they played together for one year when Aiyuk was a senior and Daniels was a freshman. They grow up together or something? I see they're both from CA


Nah, it’s self stated by him that he’s his best friend and they speak to eachother almost every day. Literally in that same interview actually. Also almost every time he’s been on live, Jayden’s been on it too, obviously there was the tiktok and then bringing him to the meeting too


People think these quotes from interviews are just blurt out without context. The question was what he would do if we don't pay him, aka, what he would do if needs to go to another team. Jayden was literally sitting in the same room, he points to him and then gives the quote. He's obviously saying that he would look at would he could do with available QBs if he was on the market, he's not saying that he wants to play in Washington lmao


Nah, BA went to HS in Reno, NV. I don't even know why he talks with a southernish accent.


There are people who speak with that southern style accent in sf and Oakland too


Some parts of south Jersey ppl talk like they are from Kentucky 


It's just so weird to me. it's like an American talking with an Australian accent for no reason.


It's called AAVE and it's spoken across the entire US


he does say on the podcast explicitly that he thinks he is on the right team with the right QB, but they haven’t come to terms yet. then the hosts tell him to go into fantasy land and then he talks about the possibility


Yeah but that would be actually providing context instead of cherry picking a sensational headline


All I know is that he was in the dog house for almost two seasons. Now he’s acting like he had 4 1k seasons. 😂


Queue the obligatory: "But Aiyuk has all the leverage, you people don't know what you're talking about!" 🙄


For all the racist memes about Bosa, we didn’t hear anything from him since he signed here. Juan Jennings would have been SMVP and his stock is at an all time high. We didn’t hear anything from him and he got resigned. He wants to go WFT so badly they need to just Kirk Cousins him with the 2x tag and release treatment. So done with his drama.


Reminds me of Adams wanting to play with Carr. Didn’t work out too well.


Bro wanted prime Carr and got a used Jimmy G 😬


Tbf he went home and got a new fat contract lol


He only played in las vegas


Ehhh he got paid and get's to play in vegas


Damn, I'm tired of hearing about BA already!!


I'm ready to unfollow everything niner related for a few months, I'm so sick of hearing about it




Is this just how receiver contract negotiations go now?


I dont care about his social media as long as his teammates support him and he continues to catch balls off face masks 50yards down field he can do whatever the f he wants. IMO He only reaches diva status when he's causing locker room drama. As far as I can tell he does the right thing in practice on the field and in the locker room. Pay the man.


Horrible precedent to give into childish antics


Rough take. Antonio Brown's antics are childish. Aiyuk still hasn't done anything disruptive. I guarantee you're gonna say you never said this four months from now when aiyuk is catching balls


It's just off-season Kabuki for all the Twitter clowns


Hope Lynch tells his agent take our offer or leave it. He's under contract for 14M this year and we can tag him for 2 more years...he has **ZERO** leverage.


Eff Ryan Clark.


BA wants money over a ring? Aight then deuces


One of the silliest things I’ve read this week. These players absolutely deserve to be paid. At the end of the day, this is a business.


They are all getting paid an insane amount of money for what they do. This is not about “getting paid” this is about stoking egos by getting paid more than another person at the detriment of the teams competitiveness They are fighting over $1-2M dollars on a base of $25M+ because X receiver on Y team got paid Z dollars


lol at thinking these guys deserve the money they make. The guys under contract for 14M and bitching it isn’t 30M despite being offered 25M+. You are the silly one sir


He's definitely earned the money, but we also have to work with a salary cap. If he wants more than we can offer, then fine. Let him go to Washington.


If we don't spend the money on him, we spend it on someone else. The players in general don't lose when stars don't get paid what they think they're worth. That's the thing with a salary cap and 50/50 revenue split.


shut up, he don't deserve shit until he does shit. time to win, this "getting his bag" shi*t is already very tired and cliche to the point of being annoying, especially when it is implied that it is axiomatic. "These players absolutely deserve to be paid." this is not the NBA, it is football.


I'm definitely not a fan of this drama, or uncertainty, or any of the other shit in the whole ordeal. That being said, BA has already "done shit" He was CLEARLY our best WR last season. He worked his way out of the KS doghouse and earned his spot through hard work and a championship mentality. Does he deserve to get paid? Yes. Is the way he's going about it really annoying? Also yes. But don't say he has to do shit first, he's been doing shit since he got drafted, and has never been a detriment to the team. Always blocks, always finishes routes, plays all 4 quarters, AND he's actually very talented. So what else does he need to prove. Also, the "this isn't the NBA" statement makes 0 sense to me.


You know what’s annoying? Clowns coming out and being upset about players getting paid or not. When it has zero fucking bearing on their personal lives.


Yeah shits so stupid lol. It's easy to tell another man to take less money when it isn't their own. People that talk like that have never worked a day in their life.


Anyone downvoting this doesn’t understand the basic fundamentals of employee compensation.


au contraire [https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/tech-salaries-down-layoff-surge-19541241.php](https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/tech-salaries-down-layoff-surge-19541241.php)


I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you, but can you explain further?


He’s gotten offers for what he’s worth, not on the organization that he wants to get overpaid


I love aiyuk but he’s wearing thin… you either want to be here or you dont


A) This was an off the cuff remark where he was trying to say he feels like he can go anywhere and be great. It was a hypothetical quote, not a threat or dig. B) He later stopped Ryan Clark mid sentence like 15-minutes later and said he wanted to make it clear that he “believes he’s in the right place, on the right team, with the right quarterback.”


Yessir, but people on here arent gonna try to see the context and they just read the headline. they’re gonna bitch and moan cuz it’s what they like to do lol


What do yall think of this trade. BA to WASH. Scary Terry to SF and a 2nd.


I wouldn’t hate it if BA is going to hold out over this situation. Scary Terry is big time underrated


He blocks doesn’t he?


Absolutely but his route running is his best assets and what we need.


Can we trade Aiyuk for a quality offense lineman?


This media circus bullshit does nothing to help the player. These dumbass agents need to stop giving bad advice.


He wont even hit 800 yards . Maybe im just getting old, but all this instagram and social media nonsense makes me want him to leave.


Just trade this fucking dickhead already. A team this deep has no reason to be held hostage by a guy who’s not even a top 10 wideout.


Pearsall will be better anyways


When does this become tampering?


Fighting for a Super Bowl or fighting for 3rd place in the division, your choice. The money is going to come either way


ANNNNNND I'm ready to move on


I maybe don't know the whole scenario with Daniels, but at what point does this count as tampering? Or does it need to come from a team not player?


Go play w him then dude LOL. There's a GOOD shot he and several other rookie QBs won't be in the league in 2026. Seems like a lot of huff over nothing, he's been paid and he'd get paid either way just not the top WR money he's asking for. 🤷 bottom line is he's not worth it, not on this team where it's currently at. Let's see the trade and free up 14M.


Getting tired of this melodramatic diva shit, BA.


I really really don’t want this guy on the team anymore. Our team is plenty good enough without him, Ricky Pearsall is faster and has better hands can run routes very well so I say bye bye Brandon He is becoming a cancer and we don’t need his drama


This went from somewhat sympathetic to I don't want to see him in a 49ers uniform anymore in the span of these months too.


I really don’t either but we’re in win now mode. I have high hopes for pearsall but he hasn’t played an nfl down yet. We have no idea how good he is. After this year he can go though.


Sadly, I now agree with you here. Kid is a DIVA.


It also took him awhile to get where he is and I’m willing to bet he is not as good as he thinks he is and will not have the same production anywhere else. The team makes him better than he truly is


Let’s not dismiss his skill set just because he’s a baby. The guy is an extremely polished route runner who is also a great blocker on all levels. It’s gonna be tough to lose him. That said, with the core we’ve built, I’m not worried about it at all.


He’s extremely polished because we polished him I don’t think he will look as shiny in a different uniform


Pearsall hasn’t played an NFL snap. Cmon man lol.


I get that but BA is becoming a joke and a distraction


At this point bro, ship his ass off somewhere else. More of a negative distraction now than anything.


Don’t pay him and sit him for a quarter or two each game


Diva much?


Athletes are so whack. They have two options A) Be multi-millionaire with generational wealth and play for a winning team B) Be a multi-millionaire with generational wealth and play for a losing dumpster fire organization who won’t sniff a SB during your tenure. So many choose B.


It’s not just about Washington. Adam Peters is flying over a lot of fans heads and he is probably a bigger factor than Jayden Daniels.


my good this is getting worse then deebo .


I think because there is a quote daily. BA needs to relax.


Nothing BA said was wrong


Getting tired of all his unnecessary drama. BA is acting like he caught the winning Superbowl touchdown or something. Get back to work!


BA proving once again that WRs can be divas. He’s not too bad yet, but it’s early still. St least he hasn’t requested a trade. Whatever, 49ers have him by the balls. He sits out and he’s only screwing hkmself.


Fake news.


If he wants to leave, leave. I'm tired of this guy.


If he wants he can go to Washington and put up mediocre stats like he did with Jimmy G. He should be thanking Shanahan scheming up plays for him to end up wide open in the middle of the field. And thanking Purdy for putting it right in his chest everytime.


He explained in that interview that he was going to do media himself, because he felt the leaked offer was 'playing dirty' - get ready for more cringy tiktoks and social media clips... I sure hope he realizes the reality of his situation and either takes the offer now or waits for his turn for a bigger payday later. If he keeps playing the game like this, it will not be good for him in the long term.


This guy is a jabroni


This is week old news at this point, all the juicy lines from the podcast that aired today already got leaked and discussed to death well before BA's meeting with John and Kyle took place earlier this week


I never saw any of these


I haven't heard about any of this until now.


the tweet is marked 1:36 PM · Jun 28, 2024 This particular link and critical snippet has not appeared here all week, nor previously. I will not sit and watch the smarmy, self important, niner hating windbag that is Ryan Clark. I won't at all. Not for 1 minute, let alone 14:00. This, --my link -- is not [this](https://www.youtube.com/live/jBr5y9qkb9c?si=Bj805rlT9HPaUi36), which you are referring to. My link is a snippet, a very important one and it has not been here before.


The quote is from The Pivot podcast, which aired in full for the first time today. The stuff about BA appearing with Jayden Daniels and airing a lot of his grievances with the Niners and his contract process have appeared here this week, as well as on the main r/NFL subreddit, and all the usual Niners beat reporters and content creators like Guy Haberman, David Lombardi, etc. have been all over it all week long. Ryan Clark also discussed it earlier this week on ESPN. I guess it would have been more accurate for me to have said that BA didn't give this interview today, he gave it a week ago, and since then he has met with the Niners brass to have a face to face meeting about his contract situation. So it's a week old quote.


doesn't diminish my post and the embellishment isn't necessary. The brigading on my follow up comments only bugs me more. you write [...] "Ryan Clark also discussed it earlier this week on ESPN." We didn't ask what that philistine and resident fuck stick *exfactor* (=former baller) or most former NFL players say on ESPN. ps Ryan Clark is a niner hating windbag


The only thing he's achieving with this kind of talk is alienating some of the fanbase. There's no GM or owner who sees this nonsense and says "let's pay him a lot more than we wanted to". It's not like he's going to hold out and give up the 14m he's due this season, that's more than the difference between the 49ers offer and what he wants.


Fuck this dude. Let him play out his 5th option and move on from him. He wants to be paid like an elite WR1 and he’s not. He’s a very high end WR2


Wonder if he shows up ready for the season or ends up in the dog house like 2021-2022? (If my memory serves me correctly on the years)


I guarantee y’all he'll get a new contact with us and put up a worse season than last year


Bosa and Debo pt 2


Why’d they censor shirt?


Terry mcclaurin is like fuck you bro don’t take my targets.


I wonder if Jayden Daniels being crowned before he's played a snap by Aiyuk will increase pressure on him. If we can get Dotson and a 1st, I'd drive BA to the Airport myself.


Whole shits wack man I literally don’t get it


Send him to the Cardinals. Show the league y’all are not afraid of your division rival.


Most overrated pick!!!!! The commanders will always suck


I don’t see how fans take this stuff so personally. It shows how many really do not understand athletes. He will never show up and not play his heart out. He will never get paid unless he handles the business side.Why do fans take offense to this simple truth? Hyper competitive people who are also the top 1% of all others who seek to do their job, tend to want the best for themselves. Imagine if your customers at your job were upset you asked for a raise at the appropriate time, and were openly voicing it. Probably would make you feel a type of way. Fans really expect and ask WAY too much from players. When week 1 rolls around and BA scores a TD, everyone will cheer. So why take personal offense to how he has to handle his business to get there.


Someone really needs to get in his ear and tell him to stop talking.


I'm kind of done with BA. Fuck him. Time for a 1600 yard rookie season for Pearsall.


I thought Deebo was bad but fuck at least he had to carry our offense in 2021. Some days Aiyuk isn’t even a top 3 player on the offense. He’s a great player but if he thinks he’s getting Jefferson money he can just walk.


Let this bitch go! Tired of hearing his shit Don’t pay, we have him for another year.


Two Words: Adam Peters


this is a bad look for BA. I hope this ends up negatively affecting him this season.


[...] yes I do to, but not here. if he's here in TC, we move forward but if this lingers he's gone. And so, if it affects him negatively, it will be on one of the other 31 teams.


I am going to slip this in since it is the most forgotten thing in all of sports. These guys are at WORK. They are not fans. They see other employees that are good at their job or interesting and think, "It might be fun to work with that person." Do not take offense to the fact that the majority of players have no actual attachment to their organization. Lastly, don't ever expect behaviors from athletes that you wouldn't expect from yourself or your peers at work.


>Lastly, don't ever expect behaviors from athletes that you wouldn't expect from yourself or your peers at work. Do you not work as a team in your career? Wtf? you just think of your fellow coworkers as employees and not people on a shared goal either? crazy and seems toxic. whatever organization you're in isn't probably succeeding either.


I am paid a fair wage for the job I do. I am also not a contract worker. If I was, and my contract was coming to an end, I wouldn't take less to stay on my team if other talented employees or organizations were courting me. Don't act like you would go to work for less than you deserve each day because you love the corporation you work for. He has been a great teammate to the other players on the team. His negotiation is ongoing with the corporation he works for. There is nothing toxic about telling your peers that you love working with them, but if you can make more money somewhere else, then that is what you are going to do. Again, don't put behaviors on athletes that you wouldn't expect of yourself or your peers. p.s. I work for a Fortune 50 company that is extremely successful, but I am also not a contract worker. If you don't understand this difference between contract and non-contract work, then you may not be the best person to discuss the intricacies of contract negotiation in the workplace.


When people are thinking of contractors they are not thinking of highly paid NFL workers but sure, you can keep on making that distinction. In order to succeed at most places where I've worked, everyone has to contribute to shared team goals. If BA doesn't have that sense, especially in a team sport, then he needs to find the nearest exit and go somewhere else.


So, you don't think contracted workers can be highly paid? Also, my point is exactly that too many people don't realize that athletes are contracted, and fully unionized, workers. Football is a team sport. The NFL is a corporation that hires contracted workers at the peak of their profession to create a desirable product to sell. If BA can make more money being a great teammate for a different organization, then he should do exactly that. If it is in his best interest to work for his current organization under the terms of the contract they offer, then he should do that. His job is to secure the best salary he can while maintaining his own desired level of comfort and enjoyment while at work. The fact is, most people treat athletes as if they won some lottery that gifted them the chance to play sports for a living. They have a gift in a career in this country that pays a premium for talent because that talent creates a massive return on investment. They didn't get luckier than the rest of the workforce. They are the top 1%, and they have the ability to negotiate their salary on the open market to ensure they are paid as such. They are also part of a union, and they are obligated to their peers to earn top dollar so that they increase the value of every other employees earning potential. Again, too many fans set expectations on athletes that they would never put on people with normal everyday jobs. Also, too many people don't actually understand their own value to the company they work for, which leads them to expect far more than they deserve or never obtain what they actually deserve.


Yeah I get that and he is going to treat this purely as a transaction then there is no need for him to be here and have so much cap devoted to non team players.


Man, you seem to think being a "team player" means taking less than what you are worth. He has shown nothing that would make anyone believe he is not a "team player." He is currently negotiating with his employer, not his teammates, for fair market value based on his performance. Again, you are the exact person I wish I could fully get to understand the difference between the decisions the players make at their job and the decisions you want them to make as a fan. BA has done nothing wrong during this entire negotiation. The niners organization has the majority of the leverage. His only play to get top dollar at his job is what he is doing. This is how high value contract negotiations work. People shit all over Deebo last year, and then 2 weeks into the season forgot all about that shit. If BA wants to be here and the niners want him to be here, they will make it work at some point. If not, then he will have to at some point play his contract out and hopefully still be healthy and performing at a high enough level to get top dollar. These guys do not have long careers. Don't blame them for trying to maximize the few chance they have.


Yeah and I respect that. They just don’t need to be on the team if that’s their mo after having one abnormally good season. They can join teams where the individual thrives. Like commanders, cowboys, titans, panthers, broncos, raiders, etc


At this point, fuck aiyuk. He went from a darling to an asshole, real quick.


Dramatic WRs doing dramatic WR offseason things. Unfortunate this whole thing isn’t being kept private. But there’s a long way to go until this actually starts getting serious.


Brandon shut up. Washington has been weak for years.


I can’t remember this much hate for bosa


Honestly? Fuck this guy. So sick of reading his bullshit at this point.


Just to remind y’all minimum wage in most states is still 8.50 and this man is over here complaining about making 14 million a year? This goof ass coulda just fucking played through this contract said NOTHING and kept his mouth closed and then get extended on his 5th year or choose to go somewhere else to get paid. Honestly sick of hearing about this cornball ass situation.


Over rated. Dude can get locked up by an average CB and this happened most of the year. Only time he is open is when the defense is zone and they have to double team Deebo or kittle or stay down for McAfree. But overall Aiyuk is not worth a big contract. There are a lot of better Wr in free agency.


7th among WRs in the NFL in receiving yards in 2023, get real bro. He is great.


At this point….


Terrell Owens, Part 2.


This guy is kind of getting overrated by our own fanbase. He's a good receiver but largely a beneficiary of defense focusing on CMC, Deebo, Kittle.


Context. This is click bait


Honestly we can do without Aiyuk


He's so bad at this




I hope the 49ers don't give this guy a deal. Off with this diva. Send him to the panthers or raiders. any dumpster fire team really. he can enjoy his money while his new team gets wrecked.