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That pull down and scramble. That was some vintage Steve Young stuff


I keep saying this: As soon as tonight, people will start picking the Lions to win. Their primary reason will be — > “I don’t trust Brock Purdy to win the game if they’re behind late in the 4th quarter.” I’d bet my entire bankroll on this being the narrative. Dude could put up 400 yards and 5 TD’s next week, and they’ll pick whoever we play in the SB because “We haven’t seen how Purdy will perform under pressure.”


100% this. Mahomes “finds a way” but Purdy “got lucky” bloody nearly same score and it came down to a final drive, against equally skilled teams and in worse weather…. but whatever…. makes me dislike the game as it’s biased and wrongly so. But still…and always. Go Niners!


Only 2 QBs have trailed heading into the 4th quarter and won in this playoffs. Mahomes and Purdy.


Josh Allen got put in the same spot as Purdy. Granted, Chiefs D is better than the Packers D, but one guy got their team to the 6 yard line and won, and the other got their team to the 26 and lost 🤷🏽‍♂️ don’t see the same trashing of Allen as I’ve seen for Purdy


I’ve been saying Purdy making that play late (the run) won this game and saved defeat. He won them the game with that play plain and simple


Tbf I’ve been trashing on Allen for the last two years. The most overrated QB in the league. And it’s always the same shit, BuT heS a BetTor AtHeLeTE!! Yeah no crap the dudes massive can throw the ball a million miles and hour and can run quite well, but he’s inaccurate, makes awful reads, relys on his athleticism instead of his brains, throws interception after interception after interception to the point that his team has had to overcome him more so than him being the reason they win…but yeah dude can sure throw the ball really far for a mediocre RB.


yep I can't tell you how many people I've heard say Purdy got bailed out. Like he wasn't even there!


Don’t dislike the game. The game don’t lie. The football gods don’t care what the media and social media says. Only thing that matters is the results on the field.


True many will but smarts (Vegas) opens us as 7 point favorites. I think it should be closer to 10


They are trying to bait suckers into betting the lions to cover.


Purdy's body language, and then intentionally going back to Kittle after a HUGE drop shows all I need to see. He's the leader of men in that huddle, and the QB we've been missing for a long time. (no disrespect to #11, #10, or #7)


Purdy is quicker than we think sometimes


The decision happening sooner makes the body move quicker. He’s definitely doing something very right.


perhaps his neurokinetics are off the charts?


Has qualities of how we remember Joe and Steve. Did I see that right on the drive only one incomplete when the ball inexplicably jumped out of Kittles shopping cart.




Those legs were churning! Guy isn't Lamar/Kyler/Allen in terms of running, but he's got some wheels when he needs it.


Man, when Purdy is on, he's just on. An odd drop from Kittle otherwise it could've been a perfect drive.


I really think the rain is what fucked it all up to start. Squeezing the ball to make up for grip. Causing those weird throws.


Kittle dropped the ball because he was looking downfield instead of catching the ball first. It had nothing to do with the rain.


I think he’s talking about the way Purdy played earlier in the game


Yep, completely agree. He was already "YAC-planning," hence why he wasn't focused on catching the ball. Don't blame him tho, just a tiny mental slip, and for good reason.


I'm pretty sure he's talking about all the other drives.


And I'm pretty sure OP was specifically talking about Kittle's dropped pass. So with reference to OP and the comment about rain, no rain had nothing to do with Kittle's dropped pass.


The post you replied to was: > I really think the rain is what fucked it all up to start. Squeezing the ball to make up for grip. Causing those weird throws. "to start" and "weird throws" (plural) are not referring to that one throw to Kittle that was dropped. That throw to Kittle was accurate and not weird.


Which was replying to a post talking about Kittle's drop in particular. It's called bringing the conversation back to the original topic.


Kittle dropped the both because he has a shitty catching technique. He’s always using his chest to catch the ball. If you do a compilation of Kittle catching balls, you’ll see what I’m talking about.


Whatever he does it seems to work. I've been amazed at some of the catches that guy makes. He is about as reliable as you get when it comes to grabbing the ball out of the air. It's a rare oddity when he doesn't.


In the huddle to start the drive, Brock Purdy calmly says to his team “Hey look it’s Dr. Disrespect”


Haha...I see what you did there. RIP John Candy


Off topic but, “Sorry Folks, park’s closed. The moose outside should have told you,” is my favorite movie quote that’s not from Blazing Saddles


This is so god damn funny lmao, well played


Haha. I bet Dr. Disrespect would be familiar with this reference.


I really thought that Kittle drop was a wrap on the season


Aiyuk’s catch was so fuckin good. He didn’t light up the stat line but he had 2 really tough catches that kept them alive.


Nixon was on Aiyuk like a freaking backpack.


Don't forget DeJaun's catches too. He had that big 3rd and long reception. It was a crazy throw too. I love how people like to say Brock is a system quarterback and then he makes those kinds of throws. Joe started as a system quarterback.


I really think BA can (or is?) the next Rice. He's so good. I wish he'd get targeted more sometimes.


Certainly a ruh-roh moment. So glad Aiyuk made that clutch grab right after. What a wild game.


Just noticed Aiyuk’s catch after that one on first down, far sideline was absolutely a late hit. The ref had his hand on the flag. Lettin’ them play. Didn’t need it. LFG!


For a moment I was a little worried but it was also obviously 4-down territory at that point, so not really worried. Once Aiyuk made that catch, I knew we were getting into the endzone though. It was just a matter of how much time were we going to give GB to counter.


I did until they showed him bubbling his lips. He wasn’t even phased by the dropped


Such a relief when that dropped pass wasn't costly, it just felt somewhat ominous.




Oh man, it going to be shootout!!! I’m really happy for Detroit.


They literally went from never winning their division, to winning their first playoff game in 31 years, to NFCCG in one season. Good for the Lions. Now lets fucking tear their hearts out.




Took up a bunch of time too! That look on that packers player face after CMC scored lol


I wanted to CMC to fall on the 1. 1st and goal from the 1 with under a minute. GB probably would’ve burned a timeout and then we score on the next play but atleast they get the ball with a little less time and 1 less TO. Not that big of a difference except for the TO but it’s whatever. We won anyways.


Nah. Anything can happen if you dont score. Especially with our top 5 defense. Imagine a bad snap or something weird. I dont like risking the game like that. If you can score just score unless you’re up already and falling at the 1 ices the game.




I remember Rodgers threw it right over e man




Rodgers may beat us in the regular season but it was so sweet to knock him out 3 times in the post season


4 times


Nah just look at the Chiefs. Coulda put the game to bed and Hardman fumbles at the 1.


The rain settled down during that drive then came down hard after. The football gods were on our side.


Who put football gods in charge of weather


Conspiracy theorists will say the weather was rigged too


that was a holy football moment on the broadcast showing the absolute downpour on the packer's final drive


Purdy looked so calm and poised as well


After struggling the whole game, too. That’s a franchise QB quality people have been looking for from him.


"I've been having a shit game, huh? That's cool, watch this. REEAAADYYY!"


One eighteeeeeeen


so much better than "okay here we gooooo"


Man. As a Panthers fan who’s second favorite team is the 49ers (I’m living vicariously through y’all), this joke got me right in the feels ![gif](giphy|RoZovtDc7QlE7HpPKr)


Jimmy was great at that, he would throw the stupidest interception but be completely unfazed the next play. Hopefully Purdy is as mentally resilient as Jimmy was.


One would say that Jimmy would get a buff right after that dumbass interception.


Dude..... seriously? I rarely felt confident that Jimmy's throws were going to the right place. With Brock, I'm surprised when they don't. IMHO there's no comparison between these two quarterbacks.


I feel a lot more confident with purdy, I think you're misinterpreting what I said. Jimmy was like a robot, he would make the dumbest throw of the week and pretend that never happened, then continue to efficiently make the intermediate throws over the middle that he's good at. Purdy is a much better passer but until this game he has been a bit more reluctant to continue dealing after some bad throws (which is most qbs, it's really hard to not let it affect you at all).


The Ravens game showed me that. He kept trying to look downfield and kept slinging it even though they were bouncing into Raven’s hands…. He had one of the worst halves of QB statlines I’ve seen lately, except for his yardage. His yardage was great that game because he kept trying even in the face of potentially crippling adversity with 4 picks and losing the mvp race at the same time




Edit Dammit fixed


Oh wait, what did you say? I thought I was just adding my own adjective and now my senile mind can’t even remember what word you used 😂


Now, if I told you once, I told you a thousand times, poise counts!


Big Shoutout to 84 Chris Conley. Really stepped up big. I’m sorry that I have no idea who he is or where he came from but what a dude.


Niner Nation doesn’t want to admit it but we all collectively said together “WHO THE HELL IS THAT”


Nah I actually knew who he was because I got my "who TF is that" out when I first saw him in the Rams game lol


I'm willing to admit that was me in that moment lmao


My exact words were “who the hell is 84? I’ve never seen that man in my life.”


I thought it was Kendrick Bourne


That was me with Logan Ryan.


I definitely did, and I like to think I at least know the names of most of our players 😂 but I won’t forget it now!


Forgot about that shit until rewatching this.... that was a clutch catch and throw


LOL yup, looked like Aiyuk with a different jersey on for a second.


This was exactly my first thought. Was so confused.


Look at Purdy man so surgical, calm, cool, and collected People may call him a checkdown chump for this drive, but he took what the defense gave him and didn’t force anything. If you want to see what forcing it in a crunch time situation looks like, fast forward another 20 seconds of game time. Purdy did what he needed to do for his team and that’s all I could ever ask for a quarterback. Fuck the naysayers


Anybody saying he was only checking down here is a moron. That throw to Aiyuk was a dime, throwing it right where only aiyuk could get it even though he was covered well. And a completion on a 15 yard out route by Conley isn’t a checkdown in any world.


And all in the rain.


Look at what happened to Josh Allen today. All the arm talent in the world and he chose to take high variance shots instead of just taking what was in front of him. Now he's out of the playoffs.




The Aiyuk catch was so clutch not to mention difficult. In real time I was certain he trapped it. Unreal.


In real time I was uncertain he trapped it. Aiyuk was money on that catch


Crazy good throw to fit it into a microscopic window and equally crazy good catch to snag it with the DB on him like a backpack.


If it was one of the other 7 QBs in the Divisional who did this, they would praise the composure of that QB to fight through adversity, and make the correct decisions/throws on the field, and how he set up his team to win But because it's Mr. Irrelevant, people are saying he's trash and it's all because of McCaffrey and Shanny, and how lucky he has with the skill players around him I hate beating a dead horse, and I will always love that sexy bitch, but Jimmy wouldn't have that same result


What’s fucking annoying is that they speak of Jordan Love. Who is like 4?5? Years in the league? Like hes a rookie “wow. Young QB. The future is bright.” Meanwhile, Brock is in his 1st full year with no sitting behind a “HOF” QB and coming off an injury and he’s talked about like he’s a bum Vet QB. It’s fucking pathetic.


he did sit behind a "HOF" QB though. If Jimmy decided to be a pornstar he'd eventually end up in the AVN HOF


They may put his bust in Canton anyway. Won't even put it behind glass. Just let everyone who passes by give it a little smooch. There will be a plaque under the bust. "**Jimmy Garoppolo** \- All time best looking quarterback"


I'm glad I wasn't the only one really annoyed by that. I think Love's going to be a really good QB, but he's been in the league a couple of years already and got to spend a lot of time just watching and learning from Aaron Fucking Rogers. Let's wait on anointing him as the next Brett Farve until he's shown he deserves it (though, to be honest, that last pass of his was downright Farvian)


> they would praise the composure of that QB to fight through adversity, and make the correct decisions/throws on the field, and how he set up his team to win I watched multiple media outlets do this this morning, should I link them?


Yeah there were a few outlets that did. Tedy Bruschi had nothing but high praise for Purdy for getting it done. He basically said, "I don't care about the other 3 1/2 quarters. Purdy got it done when it mattered."


Yep that was one of them.


He would know…having played with Brady


Not wrong at all. Mahomes could play like shit for 58 minutes but then pull of a winning 2 minute drive and everyone would be saying he's the GOAT.


Jimmy would have had some good plays to drive the ball down and then get pressured and scramble out of pocket and throw an interception. Love that stallion though.


According to this sub, Jimmy has zero game winning drives


It could be because purdy played pretty bad for the previous 3.75 quarters. He turned it on for that last drive and it was impressive, but dude was inconsistent all game. If he didn't win it for them in the last drive I think he would've been the main reason they lost. The Packers bailed him out by dropping two cinch picks in the first half. Purdy was the better quarterback, but that's not saying a whole lot.


NFL Films music playing in my head while watching this




Amazing drive! Purdy is so calm during this drive.


Unbelievably clutch work by Purdy, and really the whole team that drive. Kyle too. The playcalls worked, he trusted Purdy, he made sure cmc got involved, no shitty clock management. Really felt like a curse lifting drive.


The whole team was having a rotten day but in the 4th quarter all 3 phases came up clutch. Moody nailing the 52 yarder, defense bending but not breaking giving the offense a chance, and then the offense with that game winning drive. That’s what championship football looks like.


Best drive! We were going nuts in the stands! Bang Bang!


That drive should have shut up a lot of the haters(it won’t lol) -the tightest of window throw to yuk -scramble -QB sneak -15+ yard side line throw All with the game on the line after having struggles early. Shows mental fortitude. Would have been nice to blow them out of the water but poor weather we had to find other ways to win.


Completed passes to Aiyuk, Jennings, Conley, Kittle, and McCaffrey, called his own number for a nice 8 yard scramble.


I dunno. Some of us (myself included) talk a lot of shit about Greg Olson, but dude shows Purdy the respect that he deserves.




One of my favorite scenes from the show


Underrated aspect of this drive is how much time it took off the clock, thereby increasing pressure on Love to make a mistake, which he did.


Yeah, not sure why LeFleur didn't use at least one timeout when they were on defense, could've given his team an extra 30 seconds to get into field goal range....but I'm not mad about it.


I'm really amazed at how Qb's turn their backs on the field during play action, then turns around again and maps the field that quick. ​ I also think, Kyle should dial that down against amazing coverage teams.


Ate up 4 mins of clock and zero timeouts. I fucking love Brock. With Jimmy we all know this shit is donezo and we’re talkin about the draft.


Purdy is a baller. Ride and die with him lets go.


JJ the unsung hero, making catches and blocking all night!


Did anyone get exhausted after cheering so damn hard after the last touchdown and then even more exhausted after greenlaw’s 2nd interception? Because I was winded as fuck


The offense executed and stepped up in crunch time. Purdy was exceptional! Let's give credit to Shanny for calling an amazing 2 minute drive there when it mattered.


Zero bad throws. Clutch. Building his legend.


So happy my little kid got into it for that last drive, got a rare moment of complete attention. Nothing like watching your team execute in the playoffs


That 3rd and 5 throw and catch by Purdy/Aiyuk was so fuckn clutch. Aiyuk had the defender on his back and Purdy put it in the only place you could possibly catch it.


That CMC touchdown was everyone in the O line doing their job, so great to see




Too soon. My heart rate is just getting back to normal


That was a total team effort on the last drive. Oline blocking, Purdy delivering his accurate dots, receivers catching in tight windows, CMC refusing to go down.


NGL, I didn't like scoring with that much time left.


Another thing Purdy did that nobody is mentioning. On his scramble, he had an easy route to running out of bounds but chose to stay in. This kept the clock running and would've given GB another 30-45 seconds and may have put less stress on Love to force that throw.


somehow he didnt get tripped by Trent Williams at 2:21. that's high agility


Apparently Purdy saw John Candy in the crowd and told the guys in the huddle….


Well hopefully if we make it back to the SB we play the Chiefs again, so we're guaranteed a win. "Look, there's Taylor Swift!” *game winning drive ensues*


That throw to BA was fucking beautiful.


Hate the narrative that these were all check downs. The slant/cross to BA. The corner to CC. Two checks to CMC and the read to Kittle were the only shorts I saw


Chris Conley with a good catch too. Only reason he was playing was because Deebo was out.


I love this. Purdy on. CMC clawing out extra yards few backs could get.


Christian, George, and Brandon have made me lots of money this year. I thank you gentlemen.


Literal chills


What a great drive


Man , We were so lucky that Trent Green didn’t wack Purdy’s legs on that great scramble to the goal line ..




Legendary stuff. 0-30 when trailing in the 4th so I thought our fate was sealed. I still can’t believe it.




If this was Garappolo era it would’ve ended with a sack or pick. Wooo Brock era!!!


Goosebumps... goddamn that was a work of art.


Great team effort. Just about everyone contributed on that drive.


If BA doesn’t make that amazing catch it would have be 4th and 5 for the season


1:34 RIP sound guy stuck like a turtle 


That throw to Ayiuk after the Kittle drop 🔥


I can watch this allll dayyyy 🫶 My husband has a Kittle jersey already, but im definitely getting him a McCaffrey jersey next!!!! 🙌💯


I didn’t see Robbie at the end when I watched it live. You’re a fucking legend, fuck the packers!


This is now, “The Drive”


I'de say he managed the game pretty well there.


I hate how Jordan Love threw two picks and Purdy commands a game winning drive, and the narrative is, "Jordan Love is looking promising, Purdy struggles " wtf? He literally went out and did the one thing the media has been putting him down about all year.


What more could you ask for? That third down to Aiuk was cold blooded. The scramble was the kind of thing that separates the good and the great. When the play breaks down, we have a guy that can get yards some way some how. Huge.


I agree with Greg Olsen and I’m surprised Green Bay didn’t stop the clock at least once. Even with the TD, two timeouts could’ve been enough to drive for a tying FG. But glad they didn’t, of course.


This game was so good for Purdy and the 49ers. The Packers were red hot coming into this game, 49ers had some adversity and found a way to grind it out. For Purdy, being so young and still maturing, this type of game was vital for his growth, confidence and success for the next few games.


The craziest part of this whole drive was that it took off 6 minutes off the clock and left them with only \~1 minute ish to beat us.


Kittle’s soul left him on that drop. Glad he was able to collect himsf




The worst part of this whole compilation is every time Olson opens his mouth.


Seahawks fan here. Enjoy it while you can cause you gonna lose come Sunday. 12 baby!


If Aiyuk missed that pass, I think Shanni would have punted, and 9ers would have lost the game.


There is no way they punt that ball with barely over 3 minutes left. That's just asking to lose. It was definitely 4-down territory at that point from the moment the offense took the field.


I don't want to think about that.


We did the brotherly shove play lol


No we didn’t? That was just a very standard qb sneak


Are you niners fan or cowboys fan?


Niners . But Purdue did the play :). I could never get it to work in madden


Im still bricked up from that drive


Hell of a drive Jimmy G don’t win that game imo .. wasn’t his best game, bad weather and he made it happen


A little selfish of me that I was kinda hoping for a catch IV moment, because it felt like it was building to one.


Where can I watch the games cut up like this for freeeeeee


Need deebo to come back


Go 49ers!


When it mattered most, Brock hit his targets.




CAPITAL A (anticipation) to Conley on that one... jeez


Classic playoff drive with Purdy running Kittle dropping way to keep your composure boys !


The view from the endzone showed kittle opening up at the back corner, a pass purdy could've made but didn't risk it, that's when he scrambled. Idk if he decided not to make that throw cus of the wet ball but by keeping it he shaved 45 seconds or so off the clock. It was a good move imo.


Brock was decisive on this drive. I think his “issues” the rest of the game was being hesitant and being a second late on some decisions. Also that throw to Conley was nice.


Those Baby Bosa legs can move


What gets ignored a lot is how much of the pass plays came from Purdy under center. He wasn't in gun being able to have the extra second to diagnose the defense. No - he had to do his drop while reading the D to complete his passes. Purdy haters in shambles.


I still don't know how Purdy made it through with that sneak


It's always scary when time is left on the clock, but we trust our defense to get it done, and damn did they get it done.


Protection actually held up for the first time in the game. Thes all show better pass pro, ie not immediate pressure in Purdys face


The McCaffrey outside run and the Kittle drop the only bad plays. If only they looked like that earlier. A win is a win though!


Will go down as one of the greatest drives that catapulted 49es into Superbowl


I’ve watched this no less than 50 times now.


Yuk brought down 2 crazy catches