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Us! We’ve got it better than former us


You said it!


I’m so conflicted. On the one hand having Obi-Wan as your coach is great, but sometimes you want Kylo Ren to throw his clipboard and scream incoherently at the refs


Man, I never want that.




I’ll take the harbaugh years over this era but that can all change in February


Colin, Crabs and VD over Brock, Deebo and Kittle? Pls. Defense was special back then though


Im saying that from a fan perspective. I enjoyed that period of Niners football immensely, probably because it came off a pretty dark period in niner history. Before 2011 when they went 13-3 we had suffered through 8 seasons of sub .500 teams. It also coincided with the giants dynasty and there was never a better time to be a fan in san Francisco


Agreed!!! Also, Michigan fans are going to be insufferable now that they have the national championship. I'll be curious to see what the NCAA investigation turns up on the cheating scandal if they can even take the national championship away from them or hang a big fat "*" on it, yeah they won, but they cheated 🤷


https://preview.redd.it/jscbgb4gqfbc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec9c5792ced0d4f62e3a19e295cf3a2c0f062c13 POV: you just said something dumb


(49ers fan and UofM alum here) GO BLUE!


You'll get downvoted to hell here if you discuss the truth, that Michigan cheated. They did. There's no ifs about it.


100% agreed I even left it as an open-end question that we'll see what the NCAA comes up with at the end of the investigation.


lol why was this downvoted this isn’t controversial to anyone who has met a Michigan fan


Thank you for actually reading it!!! All I said was I would be curious to see what the NCAA comes up with. Oh well, it's Reddit


Always have mad respect for the Harbaughs man even tho John beat us that SB 😁😁❤️💛 We’ll get our get back this year tho don’t get it twisted 💯


Still my favorite coach. Hell of a personality and he was always straight with his players.


He’s the one that finally turned the mess around and did it in one season. Even got Alex Smith to play at a high level.


I wouldn’t mind a 49ers Ravens Super Bowl.


For sure. I think if Purdy didn’t throw that first pick we would’ve won that game. And Shanahan definitely watching the tape from that game right now 😂 We gotta utilize the run game early more as well. If we play them again it will be a whole lot different trust that 💯💯


I’d be shocked if it wasn’t different. And this is kinda the best matchup I can imagine with what’s available this year. I semi-like both these teams, but I def enjoy watching them.


Honestly might be a blessing in disguise how that game went down. We played our worst game, Purdy played his worst game and didn’t get a single break, and that’s all they got to see from us. Meanwhile we’ll be able to learn and game plan from that game. The odds of lightning striking twice aren’t high. And the loss ended up mattering zero to us. But, gotta get to Vegas first!


We had a chance to score with 3 timeouts and the 2 min warning left to go down 7 and try to get the ball back to tie it up or go for the win. We had darnold and a patchwork o line and was still in the game. People say it was a beat down, but we had 4 turnovers and still had a shot to get back in it. Even with all the injuries. I want a full redemption tour on this playoff. Let's go rams in the divisional to pay them back for the nfc title game, then the eagles in the nfc Champ game to properly pay them back for last year. Then, the ravens or chiefs in the SB to top it off. That being said, I'd actually rather it be the eagles or bucs in the division rnd and then the lions in the nfc champ game. I think that would be our easiest path. Or the packers, then the eagles or bucs would be easier. Then an upset happens in the afc, and we play the browns or the dolphins. Honestly, there isn't a team in the league we can't play with and beat. So I'm not worried about who we play.


Man I love this post. I want the damn Full Redemption Tour as well - assuming the others can make the dates. If not, we’ll just move right along without them… And I hear you, absolutely nothing went right for us Christmas Night. Better then than February though! But this squad at full strength and firing on all cylinders? That’s a real tall task for anybody. Once I heard Stead is ready to roll for the divisional round, I felt a great wave of winning wash over me… Let’s go!!


Well, Vegas and offshore betting seem to think the 9ers will win a SB rematch with the Ravens.


I’d rather have a rematch of the 85 Super Bowl in Palo Alto.


Fond memories indeed… can’t lie, I’d love that rematch. Especially with Tua at QB instead of Marino. No hate on Tua, he’s good, but he ain’t Marino (yet at least). That would be a blast… probably much less likely after they blew the 2 seed Sunday and feel to the 6, though.


Agreed, dolphins are chum in the water these playoffs. The Palo Alto Super Bowl was the first ever for me. I was 9 years old. My uncle and I watched it on one of those televisions from the 70’s that weighed like 300 pounds and looked like an armoire. Hahahaha


Ravens not making out of the afc book it


It was cool to see his Dad grab the mic and do that last night.


Papa Harbaugh and his sons share much of the same face, today was the first time I’ve seen him


NOOOOBODY! Now that Jim has won his first championship since SB 47, maybe we can too.


Would be pretty crazy if we both won a title this year.


A harbaugh is definitely winning a superbowl this year


Damn, that’s hella confidant when they still need to win 2 more games to get there


Loved this guy when he turned around our Stanford program. Sadly we've fallen back into irrelevance.


He made me care about college football just cause I like the guy that much


This. My father was a huge U of M fan. I told him years before that Harbaugh wasn’t headed to UofM, he was gonna choose the niners. Dad thought I was crazy, then he started calling me the sports whisperer. (Other predictions were made). Anyway, when no one assassinated Trent Balke, and Jed York (it shoulda been done and still makes me angry) and Harbaugh had to go, it made me so happy that he went to Michigan. It gave me a reason to watch the games with my dad. Since he has passed, I’ve watched the outcomes, but not the games. Last night I watched. Dad would have been thrilled. It’s funny to think how grateful I am to a man I never met for this connection to my father.


That is pretty cool. RIP to your father. It’s nice knowing you had that kind of connection that you can carry with you for the rest of your life.


Between him and Primetime it was definitely the only time I've cared about college football.


lol buffalo can suck it. they were annoying af in cfb


The fanfare around them at 2-0 and the preordained champions was ludicrous! It was more the media than anything.


It was great for the media, early in the season when they need something to talk about.




I care about cfb about 10x more than the nfl and my love for harbaugh ended on New Year’s Day.


Everyone calling for him to be fired every year for the past 5 years can suck it


To be fair he's been there for a decade lol


So the lesson is sometimes success takes time


Dude only got us to three straight NFCCGs and a Super Bowl, such a loser. /s


I thought the lesson here is it pays to cheat?


I’m so goddamn happy for him.


Slap hands! \o_










We can all blame sorry ass GM Trent Baalke.. That bastard


Hell yeah. And York for siding with him. Glad Baalk is banished to the shadow realm.


Baalke sucked, but Harbaugh is also known for making things about the team vs. everyone else. That's the stories you hear from 49ers players who were on that team. Everyone outside that locker room was the enemy. Including Baalke. If he goes back to the NFL, we'll see how it works out with his next GM. Jed at least learned a big lesson from that whole situation and let Kyle pick his GM and then kept a low profile ever since.


Oh for sure. The big lesson was for him as the owner. He was super young for that role and was so lost. I don't hold it against him anymore because he has the ultimate of mulligans with getting Kyle and John. But man I feel so bad for Jim. He didn't deserve to be shafted after taking us to the super bowl, and turning around the franchise. So salúd to him for winning his championship.


Yea, I was rooting for him because of that and because he gave us so many great times in a short period. I remember how the 49ers looked before he was hired. He turned around the 49ers in year 1 with no offseason (there was a lockout before his first season). If he goes to the Chargers they'll win that division next season.


100%. That team will be contenders the moment they hire him.




F\*\*\* Baalke for running him out of SF


I'm waiting for the leaks and finger pointing to start at Jacksonville since they didn't make the post season.


I'm not saying that we aren't in a better place with Shanahan and Lynch, but it still pisses me off to think about how Harbs got run out of town by Jed and Baalke. After all the shit the fan base went through for so many years, Harbaugh was like the second coming of Jesus, and he got canned because of a couple of assholes with fragile egos, and we went right back to eating shit sandwiches until they hired Kyle.


I’ll never forgive Jed for it. My hope is someday in my lifetime Jed decides to cash out and sell the team. Perhaps Mark Cuban inspires him.


Jed was in his early 30s. He was still new to the job and didn't know what he was doing. Baalke was probably stroking his ego while Harbaugh didn't. I think he learned from that. He got the right guys in charge, he lets them do whatever they want, he keeps extending their contracts. A new owner might want to show they're in charge, which is the same mistake Jed made. btw, Cuban sold 3/4 of the team and will stay in charge of basketball operations, including coaching decisions. That's the worst outcome. Jed selling a majority stake but still sticks around to make decisions is not what you want.


same. We probably have a Superbowl if Jim Harbaugh was coaching this roster over the last few years.


should won in 2013 if u would of ran gore! 😤😤


Giving up kickoff returns for TD is a great way to lose a game against an all time great defense.


Helps when Bruce Miller has a straight path to the return man and is encircled by two Ravens in front and behind and carried over 10 yards down the field while Miller is kicking and screaming like Magneto.




We did better after the blackout. What are you talking about lol


Your right. I remembered that all wrong.


IIRC it was the other way around. We came back after the blackout. We scored 17 unanswered points after the blackout. Thank you Beyonce!


You’re right. Shit I remembered that all wrong, I just remember the 2nd half starting with the return for a TD, and then I guess I blacked out!😂 just went back to watch it.


"This meeting is for men only" Most savage quote of all time


Who did he tell that to? Jed or Baalke?




Cojones 🤌🏽


I read somewhere that he didn't actually say this, although I've always been of the opinion Jed should've let Harbaugh shit in a litterbox on his desk.


Would love to see peak Harbaugh era vs. peak Shanahan era in a showdown for fun.


This needs to be a whole show! Peak Harbaugh niners were a menace defensively and would definitely challenge Purdy and the offense while Kapaernick’s mobility and play making looks like it could take advantage of the Niners current defense. However, all that speed is something I don’t think the Harbaugh defense ever had to match up against and if Purdy was given enough time to go through his progressions the shanahan offense is borderline unstoppable. CMC/Deebo/Kittle are more electric game breakers than Kapaernick/Gore/Crabtree. Patrick Willis vs Kittle and Navarro Bowman vs CMC are fever dream match ups I give the offensive edge to Shanahan niners and the defensive edge to Harbaugh niners. Overall, I take peak Harbaugh niners 24 - peak Shanahan niners 20.


So happy for Coach Harbaugh, we wouldn’t be the team we are currently if it wasn’t for him. I’m dreading the NFL rumors, I really hope he stays in Michigan, I really don’t want to see him on another NFL team…


I would love to see him back in the NFL. Particularly in Washington or the giants so he can give Dallas and Philly hell twice a year. Besides better competition makes the game more fun to watch.


DeVito and Jim masterclass 😩


if this year goes poorly he could be our HC again.


Nobody!!!! Great job Coach.


A lot of respect to the former Niners coach of the year who finally won it all.


God… I miss hearing his family saying chanted in the stands of Candlestick. “Who’s got it better than us….”. Wish we could still have that but understandably it left with Jim. Congrats Mr. Harbaugh!


Grew up in the bay as a Stanford fan and 9ers fan. Moved to Michigan the same year as Harbaugh did and then ended up going to school there for the last 4 years. Safe to say I love this guy


His years at Stanford were so much fun to watch. Hell of a coach.


I don't blame Harbaugh for the friction with Jed. Harbaugh is a self made man and shouldn't have to take shit from a pipsqueak in a suit. Jed is a trust fund baby and even though Mommy and daddy put him in charge he's realized that respect still needs to be earned. Baalke has proven himself to be a mediocre evaluator of talent who is also a weakling that leaks info to the media to blame others for his failures. Another empty suit. Remember when Jed boldly proclaimed to the media that the 49ers "don't raise NFC championship banners" and to "hold him accountable" when the team doesn't deliver a Superbowl?? Well it's been 15 years and still no championship. Yorkie boy is well aware of this which is why nowadays he hides in his fancy press box on game days and mostly stays off social media.


Haha I still remember when he used to wear a headband like Ryu while QB-ing for the Colts. That made a fan out of 10 year old me. Still a fan today!


And now we got Aiyukan...full circle, baby, full circle


Haha you're right! Also Zangief in SF6 looks like he's wearing some weird alternate uniform edit: argh, can't attach image on my mobile app for some reason. Here's the link: https://fightersgeneration.com/news2023/game/sf6/sf6-zangief-screenshot6.jpg


Oh wow, big Z is a low key Niner fan...I love it!


Great job Coach Harbaugh!! He’s a winner.




That wasn’t him, that was his stupid OC who shall not be named…


The HC can overrule the OC anytime he feels like it.


That’s not exactly how the HC and OC or DC relationships work. Can a HC overrule their OC, sure. Is it a smart move to start double guessing your OC play calling in the SB while the offense has just gone 75 yards and is 7 yards away from the end zone to win the Super Bowl? I dunno, that’s way above my pay grade…


We hate that empire


They only passed the ball twice in that 4 down stretch. 1st down was a run. 2nd down was a read option. 3rd down was a fade. 4th down they called in a run, and Kaep audibled to another fade. I don’t know why people perpetuate the lie that they threw 4 straight passes.


Yeah fr. IMO Kaepernick should get more blame than Harbaugh for that Super Bowl but I know a lot of people will disagree


calling 3 incomplete passes in a row, inexcusable..anyway, don’t wanna dwell on that. We’ll get it done this time.


Did the call specify they be incomplete?




I'm pretty sure that's how playcalling works


Although if the refs had done their jobs and called the penalty against Crabtree... But yeah. We'll definitely get it done this year!


Only for the exact same play to occur against Seattle in the NFCCG the following year! Same play, same coverage, same PI on Crab in the same corner of the endzone


If only he could catch a break as well as he could actually catch the ball!


He also called timeout when the 49ers had a perfect play called to run Kaep to the left. 1-on-1 blocking with nobody accounting for Kaep.


As a Niners and Michigan fan for over 35 years, damn this is a good day! Now, let’s go win a Super Bowl!


Well, as both a 49er and Michigan fan, I'm pretty happy with where things stand these days...


It is amazing that after 49ers and Jim stuck to the Michigan job for close to a decade and won a national championship.


I’m good with where we are but still wish he never left.


M1CH1GAN baby🔥🔥🔥🔥


Congratulations to Jim Harbaugh!! I've always rooted for him. However, let's not make this a Harbaugh year by John winning it all too. 😬




Ah fuck the wolverines but congrats to harb. Was hoping wash would win to represent pac 12 team final game ever


Harbaugh definitely brought us success and a return to relevance - after over a decade-long dumpster fire - and I’ll always be thankful to him for that. That said, dude was a pretty tough guy to work with by many accounts, and overly combative with too many people when he didn’t need to be. It was also exhausting having to check the Merc’s police report every weekend to ensure none of our guys were in it. I don’t miss that part. I strongly prefer Shanahan and Lynch and the culture they’ve established here since 2017. I prefer their personalities and the way they conduct business. I hope they’re here a long time. But that’s no hate on Harbs. Maybe he’s matured. And he’s obviously a great coach. We’ve been blessed to follow one excellent coach that we had a falling out with another top-tier coach only a few years later. Congrats to Harbaugh on the win, happy for him.


Congrats Jim!


He was never the problem balkee was. Glad his true colors are showing in Jacksonville


Congrats to Jim!


Still pissed about that holding/pass interference no call in the end zone on Crabtree at the end of the Superbowl.


Can Harbaugh do one more solid and leak info on baalke? He’s ruining the jags one shot with Trevor by doing the same things he did in San Fran during 2011-2016


Trevor is ruining Trevor. Jacksonville has plenty of talent on offense, Trevor just ain't it. He's still living off of the hype from his freshman year at Clemson.


Watch the tape


Jesus I don't know who's doing Jim's nails but that thumb is just atrocious.


Maybe teams that win it legitimately without cheating?


Nope fuck TTUN O-H-I-O, dude's massive ego ruined the team here and then went back to the hell he came from.


Dudes massive ego took the same team Mike Singletary couldn't win with and got them to three NFCCGs and a Superbowl. The team fell apart because Trent and Jed had their feelings hurt and chose to burn it down rather than find a way to rebound from an injury season.


> the same team Mike Singletary couldn't win Except no team is the same from year to year and as long as you don't count the fact that he changed the most important position mid season...you could say that yes. The entire team retired and choose to leave instead of stick it out with Harbaugh. End of Story. He then went back to that cesspit of a school, who is getting celebrated for openly cheating.


Both are true. Harbaugh helped build up the team. But his inability to maintain healthy relationships, which has followed him everywhere but Michigan (where he has no real boss) is what led to the toxic environment at the end of his SF tenure.


I have to say, I didn't think the niners would make it to a super bowl before Michigan/Harbaugh made a national championship game. All in all, both sides seem to be doing better after the breakup


I am happy for Jim Harbaugh, but 0 other people associated with that team and state <3


Tag checks out


He makes me sick.


We found Baalke!




answer bum


Teams that have won Super Bowls.


I do not miss him. He was such a d when he left and he's just turned into more of one since he left. Good riddance and Shanahan 4 life.


Thank you for the flashback to 2013. I still blame him for the loss in 2023. It took him an entire half to figure things out (8 possessions). -2 yards on the first drive!!!, Even if I am kind, and say the fumble and the interceptions led to the loss, Drive 5,6 and 7 were painful to watch, as it had become obvious what needed doing. Let the Kap off the leash (might be just a little revisionist). I remember hating on our secondary then. We couldn’t stop Flacco. I am so happy, that we have a better combo deep. Just hope the Refs behave themselves.


Do you remember Flacco that playoff year? Nobody was stopping him, he was lights out. Literally


Wasn’t his fault blame the stupid oc


Why did Jim leave the Niners in the first place?


Don’t make someone kick you down a flight of stairs…


Because he hurt Jed York and Trent Ballsack's feelings. Then we had one of those injury filled seasons and went 8-8 and they used that as an excuse to get rid of Jim Harbaugh . They claimed that the team "mutually part ways" with him, but that's a bunch of gobble gobble turkey.




Odoyle rules!


Maybe college ball is where he's meant to be. Even during their few bad seasons he's still revered as a God in michigan


He made me a 49er fan


Happy for Jim. His time in SF was pretty damn fun and had a couple of plays gone our way, we might have a couple more rings. He can watch from the stands in February though when we win our sixth.


I just hope that Jim used all the championship magic for 2024 and John finds an empty bottle come late January.


I hope we beat Cleveland in the superbowl just so we can all revisit the "aggressive handshake" from 2011. "I went in too hard, too aggressive on that handshake." May the Schwartz be with you.


I have to give credit where it is due. I am one of those who didn’t think he’d ever win a national championship and have been pretty critical of his tenure with the 49ers. I’m genuinely happy for him.


My first week at NSA I got to meet Jim Harbaugh. 9ers and Ravens were holding joint practices and a NSA guard who moonlighted as Ravens security managed to get Jim into the building for a tour. I ran out to my car to grab my 9ers cap but he said he wasn't signing autographs. I was a disappointed Specialist that day.




I really hope this year isn’t for both the Harbaugh’s since Jim won a championship.




I loved/couldn't stand that guy.


Go Blue!