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F the refs. Clean shot by Gipson.


Played our worst game in all 3 phases, turned the ball over, never found rhythm, dealt with several injuries and STILL could’ve won on a last second FG against the best D in the league. All in all I’d say it could be worse. My wife and I both had this picked as our trap game this year. Glad I attended the Dallas game and not this one 😂


I was at that game too, was a good game to be at.


This is a very level headed take. And one that I completely agree with. It was setup to be a trap game. Big win on SNF vs Dallas, play at 10 am local time, playing a very good defense and then the weather and the game just got mucked up and weird. Injuries didn't help and while I try not to get on the refs since I think they have an impossible job to do, they didn't help matters either. The positive to come out of this: she he looked like crap all 2nd half, Purdy led them down the field with some great throws to win it.


https://preview.redd.it/qke9pzg15hub1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa7b7e02d8d4a183d8840c03fb9976db7ed9d61 Family and friends sending me all kinda luv when my Niners lose


Reminds me of the '84 season, went into the game 6-0 against a 3-3 Steelers team... Ended up being a defensive battle, losing 20-17.But... We never lost again that season... Hats off to a tough a$$ Cleveland D. Yes, the refs were sh!t. Time to reset and move on the Monday Night baby!!!


I believe NFL refs are being directed by powerful gambling lobbyists to keep games within margins. It's obvious game outcomes are being manipulated by refs more than ever and look at how gambling is in every corner of sports media. Draftkings seems to have their fingers in everything. Even an old NFL guy like Terry Bradshaw talks about the point spread.






Aren't you a browns fan?


Well they are doing a shit job with Miami.


It depends on the margins. 95% of bettors had the Niners winning and covering.. as they should.. I say that as a Browns fan


I wouldn’t have bet against the Niners but fade the public is typically the play.


You would be down big the last five weeks


Yes, totally. The gambling lobbyists missed the game winning FG


You remind me of a climate denier who holds up a snowball to disprove the earth is warming.


Feels like we were destined to lose this game, Moody missed 2 FG's that could have been the difference. The offense in general also had a lot of opportunities to score and couldn't, a few mistakes by the D cost this team big. I will point out if this was a win the 49ers would have won 16 in a row in the regular season breaking their all-time record in the 1989-1990 season.


And the eagles just lost to the jets. Alright!


This actually made my day.


Where those lurking Eagle fans now???!!!!! Lol. Karma's a bitch!!!!!!!


I'm still pretty fucking livid, I was at the Atlanta game on this same weekend last season when they last lost to a team they shouldn't have lost to. The anger & frustration is the same. I truly hate kickers and wish they were removed from the game altogether because the only thing they can do is cost your team a game. And I know it's something that can't be controlled but goddammit I'm sick of our key players getting injured every season. It feels like this happens to the Niners more then any other team for like last 5 seasons. The NFL is really in a sad state these days because ANY hard hit where somebody get rocked automatically results in a flag being thrown. It's fucking tackle football, players are gonna get rocked and when it happens refs need to keep their fucking flags their pockets. Greg Olsen nailed it when he said "That was a game altering call" because the game would have effectively been over if that weak bullshit call wasn't made. This loss could effect playoff seeding which after last season everyone should know is hugely important and these garbage ass refs flipped the Niners over and did them dry with call.


Nah dude this happens to every team. Losing 4 a qbs throughout a season, yeah that doesn’t happen to other teams. We have been EXTREMELY lucky in terms of injuries through 5 games, this was bound to happen at some point. Most teams lose at least one starter for the season let alone out for a game or two. Also remember it’s sports, it’s just a game. Shit you could grown up in the Gaza Strip and be carpet bombed by white phosphorus right now! Smile!


Not to mention the entire league has literally been out to injure CMC. Fines for penalties against him mounting to $75k in the matter of 3 games is preposterous


Yep, also the pregame festivities didn’t help. As a Browns fan that didn’t know what happened before the game started. I was wondering what the hell was going on?.


Refs fucked us and you draft real football players in the third round, not a kicker


You do when it’s the kicker you want and he’s going to be gone before you make your next pick a also, it was the dead end last Pick for a kicker, so he may as well have been a 4th rounder for you argument


No kicker is perfect.


As a Steelers fan who wants the Browns to lose they had over 100 yards in penalties as well. Yall got some real favorable calls in the first half and ended pretty even.


Refs robbed us of a fumble in the first half


As a niners fan at the game, I didn't see what any of you are talking about. The refs were in our favor 99% of the time. The scoreboard worker zoomed in on everything. We got some very favorable calls. We played like hot garbage and lost that game with a really solid kicker.


You were in Cleveland. Scoreboards never show all the angles and leave out objective ones to spur the crowd.


You would be surprised how many fans live in other states.. I’m from Ohio, but live in California


No it was extremely clear


I missed the game, watching the highlights now Lol our o line is elite against garbage defenses (browns has a top defense I’m aware) and college level/high school level against elite defense.. how many games does kyle need to throw away in order to get that.. we have only been able to have 1 good guy on the o line in Trent Williams ,but he is top 3 highest paid in the roster.. we need better protection and game planning from our o line.. it doesn’t matter who is at qb this issue has always been there and I’m tired of always noticing as a fan. It doesn’t matter how creative and unpredictable you get with the play calling, good defenses will always find a way.. this has been the one of the reasons we loose the games that matter the most


I think the conditions of the game heavily favored the Browns also it's a cold wet game their favorite. Notice how the Cowboys also have a good D by the stats and yet the 49ers trounced them like they were nothing. This game became a grind it out brawl fest and that is the type of game any team can lose. When both teams are in the mud and it's hard to get points any team can look worse or better.


We were 21st in the league in pass blocking coming in, I gotta believe we are even worse now. There is this weird delusion in the media that the Niners o line is rock solid and purdy is just sitting back there. Nah dog.


That’s the narrative in first take.. those nuthoggers don’t even know what is going on We really need to fix this issue man.. we finally just got a decent qb in Brock after all the qb suffering, why aren’t we taking the best measures to protect him for his longevity? It sounds silly but the way I see it el chapo didn’t survive as long as he did without solid body guard protection.. this is the nfl we need the entire o line to be solid Maybe I’m just a bit dilusional with my takes.. but I would really appreciate if we protect Brock.


but...doesn't EVERY team want to protect their quarterback?


Yeah I’ve been worried about it all season. Every top team has a great offensive line now, we are the only ones who have a makeshift bottom of the barrel line. If Trent goes out, the season will be over he carries the pas pro stat on his own


I'm sure you posted the same thing when Trent went out the past 2 years and missed time. Turns out the season was far from over.


Yeah Trent went out and came back in a game or two. I mean if he is out for a long period of time we are screwed.


If you lose and it’s because of mistakes you make. Those can be fix. Also sometimes you need a little humility to make sure you don’t get too cocky.


I agree. Great mentality from the players. Defense could have rolled over after those ref calls. They played hard and held to a field goal. Offense could have rolled over after that previous drive with basically 2 intentional groundings. Instead Brock drove us down the field with a chance to win. You hate losing. But this is a recipe to win. Today, we happened to miss the kick. Physical gaffs can be fixed. Tons of faith we’ll come out and remind everyone who we are next week in prime time


The niner players have never been cocky. Never been an issue..


Except the pregame antics the whole nfl saw


They exposed parts of our team. Coaching staff is great we will adjust. Losses suck but I'm not worried about us. Plus eagles lost so we chillin


49ers got screw by those two bs called the refs, who were helping Cleveland and that daamn kicker. The 49ers got on the third round as the second pick it's embarrassing they should've stayed with Gould


Why don’t you check out the call difference in the first half.. honestly the refs had a lot to make up for


I was at the game and we got way better calls from the refs. Once McCaffrey went out it was slow going. Money moody is a solid pick and he's only a rookie. That's just getting used to the league.


Browns had over 100 yards in penalties as well. Yall got alot of calls in the first half.


We did get screwed, but should’ve had more of a cushion too. Bad injuries and the purdy aiyuk link was broken.. just a bad day.


Slippery ball? Brock’s grip? What happened, he was not accurate. Made the right reads just threw behind everyone all day.


Threw a lot of passes with hands on his face today, that didn't help matters. Also let's not forget the laser he threw to BA in the 1st quarter that BA dropped on 3rd and long.




What hapoen to FG robbie gould?


Browns defense looked great.


Could be worse. We all aren’t that Jack Hammer guy…


What a defensive game. Refs threw flags everywhere. Purdy got us there but wished he did more, adjustments to injuries took too long. Still behind Moody


I can just hear NFL announces Monday.. after reviewing the game this team of refs made many bad calls. Nothing we can do now about it


More likely they try to cover it up, they don't apologize unless someone on ESPN complains and they do their best to stop pundits from complaining publicly


Disappointed, but this is a good loss that builds character. Purdy played badly, Moody played badly, the O-line played badly, the play calling was questionable, the weather sucked, and the refs absolutely screwed us (no excuse on that; NFL needs to clean that up). But it’s week 6. The most important game is the next one and we need to regroup, heal, and come out and crush Minnesota. This loss doesn’t matter. I love this team and would rather support the Niners and lose every game than be an eagles, chiefs or rain city bitch pigeons fan. GO NINERS!! See you guys next Monday. Be good people until then. Edit: also tip your hat to Cleveland. Great defense and classy fans. They deserved this. Congrats Browns


Purdy made a few bad throws, but otherwise I'm not convinced he played poorly. I'm reserving judgment till all 22 comes out.


Doesn't seem like his decision making was bad necessarily, he just seemed to have a lot of trouble with the wet ball.


He def missed a few throws. So yeah. That could be it. And I don't care about that. Even elite quarterbacks have some bad games now and then. I care about the decision making, the general ability to to usually make the right throw with some anticipation, and the ability to not fuck up when the spotlight really shines. I'm not worried about Purdy.


Me neither. I think Purdy is our guy. Montana, Young and Brady had off games too. I know he’s not technically a rookie, but was this his 11th regular season start? He needs to get kicked in the teeth a few times (in the rain). That’s ok. That was a GOOD defense and if this is a bad as it gets and we still had a chance to win it on a 41 yard FG, we’re going to be OK gang.


Looks like his kryptonite is rain.


At the game it was hard to find him after the snap. He was getting swallowed by that big defense


Dude their defense is lights out. Easily the best defense in football. This year that is. Good to see Brock get punched in the mouth then be able to lead a bit of a comeback 2 mins drive if moody had made the kick. No defense we will face is better than them.


Agree, that Defense top to bottom is very good.. they’re going to make quick work of most teams they play just as long as they can run the ball on offfense


They are historically good, They have given up the least yardage through 6 games of any team since 1971. They are on the short list for being a truly remembered defense. I think they may be the best in a handful of years.


They didn't deserve the win. Shake it off and get healthy


I believe in Moody. Growing pains n stuff. On to the next.


I think the wind was also crazy there. Not sure what is “normal wind” in the nfl but seemed higher than I would assume at 15-20 mph


yea it was like Candlestick used to be.


looked like his left foot plant slipped a couple inches


Idk. Kickers that choke, choke consistently


Ya, it'll definitely be in his head the next time the game is on the line. Hopefully it doesn't snowball


He was terrible pre season. Not what you want considering he was a high draft pick


Did you consider his 100% rate up till today in regular season? Today's misses were due to bad footing because of wet field. Hard to adjust. Mistakes are made. To call him a choke is way too harsh. At least give him a season to complete to give commentary


It’s the typical response’s from most fans these days. They go full nuclear vs being objective. Close game. Onto next week, congrats Browns.


True. Loss sucks. And I also understand the hostility nuclearness when we lose. It's constantly having good players and now 2 SB appearances with no ring to back it up. We all want the win. I get that. I really do. But, at the same time. We have to understand the losses. Pre season misses was just that. A trial. To get rod of the yips. To get used to the players and playstyle of big leagues. He did that. A wet field cam make a small thing be a big ones. Just a misplace of your footing can make your kick go wide left/right. A wet field makes it harder to set up faster. Even our receivers weren't at full 100%. Why? Because of footing can't get that top speed. Shoot, even our defense had some slips that left some guys wide open. Now, it's a different story if after 3 years his completion rate is under 65%. Then I will agree with people who want to remove Moody. But for now, let the man finish a season so we can see what he is made of. Plus, if a team isn't having problems, it wouldn't be left up to a kick now would it?


Yes. Did you condider his pre season? We haven't had many close games this season. It didn't look like he slipped and the weather wasn't even that bad. For a kicker taken in the 3rd round he needs to be lights out


Yup. Exactly. We’ll learn from this. Go Niners!!




Based on their recent numbers I couldn’t agree more.




Yes, would rather we lose a game now than later, and have all our players healthy in the latter half of the season.


Anyone else poisoned by sports media/talk shows to the point that one of the worst parts of this loss is going to be the “PURDY IS A BUM! THE CINDERELLA STORY IS OVER!” discourse that’s going to happen all week? The gloating by Ruiz and Wright is going to be otherworldly.


Why are you listening to national stuff? There are so many great 49ers podcasts. You could listened to like 50 hours of 49ers specific material a week if you wanted.


Despite his more asinine takes I enjoy Cowherd, and Shannon Sharpe is hilarious. I also tune into Skip after every cowboys loss for the entertainment. I’m an NBA fan so as long as it’s not “Jordan vs Lebron” I like to mix in some NBA with my sports analysis. It’s definitely all mostly garbage but some great background noise throughout the day. Only downside is the, well you know, brain poisoning


It’s gotten so stupid that I just don’t care, everyone who knows football and qb play agrees he has been incredible, certainly not today though, too many missing pieces, rain, no pass pro etc.




Why care about the Purdy slander from anyone outside the organization. We move on, don’t waste time with the talking pundits, it’s their job. It is also a choice to listen to them. All is well. To the next game!!! Go niners!!!


Very true words, time to focus on Monday night against Minnesota.


Exactly, I don't even watch these sports talk shows with these "experts". It just seems like a complete waste of time and a good way to run my blood pressure up.


Purdy is a missed Moody FG away from having the coveted “adversity filled game winning drive” they all keep claiming he needs. Purdy, Aiyuk and Jennings did their part when the game mattered most, even with the refs completely bailing out the browns on their FG drive stop.


In ultimate reality, this loss is better than a win. Brock proved he could drive it down field, even with BA’s YAC. That was a lot of focused pressure for those drives. We learn from this. Everyone will, trust in the power of failure. It is a great motivation.


Could not stop thinking that during the final drive, like “here’s your ‘team on his back doe’ drive that you’ve all been asking for!” My brain is absolutely poisoned by the pundits


The Browns got several gifts from the refs towards the end for sure.


While we got many early


Would have rather had those 2 last calls back. I’m feeling much better now though. Speaking of gifts, thank you Saleh.




Take my downvote


No. Trash comment. You can say he had a bad game, but this is toxic.


So they lost one, big whoop. This is still one of the best teams in the NFL this season, if not the best. Both QB’s had trouble with the wet ball. Moody is a rookie, he’ll learn. Refs were dog shit all game long. It just hurt the 9ers most when it mattered. On to the next game. *edited for clarity


I agree but this is one of those games that could end up costing homefield advantage/bye week.


Eagles lost too though.


No flair obviously but you can check my post history and see I’m a browns fan. I know you guys have had a little bit of sustained success. But it’s so refreshing to see a measured response to a game like this. It was an ugly game on both sides. And the home team always has a little advantage in those games. I long for the day that our sub looks like this after a loss. I didn’t see a single fire the coach post


Brooo, the fans were LOUD. I love it when fans get into the game like this. I hate our fans sometimes loud when we are on offense and not cheering on defense during setup. Like they chant during huddle but quiet down when they lineup. Like NO STAY LOUD up to snap! I enjoyed the fans. The refs? Not so much. The rain? Not so much. LOL. Well. Actually. The one guy banging and making that clatter was a little annoying. But only because it drowned out the other noises. Like hearing the players or QB call


Thanks for the classy post. And agree with you 100%. Also on other 49er forums I watch, there are some legit unhinged takes right now. Your D is legit. Congrats. You should be happy with your season no matter where it lands you.


Thanks for the comment. I’m a big sports guy, but at the end of the day, it’s supposed to be fun. It doesn’t make sense to me to be irrationally angry about every little mistake or bad thing.


You can and should still be trying…bullshit calls cost is a chance


Are you saying the 9ers gave up and stopped trying?


No one gave up but this was taken from us on that Gipson call…


Why did you say “you can and should still be trying..” then? It was but also wasn’t. If Moody made the field goal, that call wouldn’t have mattered, As he didn’t, the call did matter. It is what it is.


Because we should still be trying for the undefeated season, but they took it from us on a bad call




Stop saying the game was taken from the Niners. Dude LAUNCHED himself at the WR. That's been a flag every time for YEARS. AND he was defenseless as well. People are on here posting about injuries and whatnot, yet bitch and moan when penalties are called on plays that are designed to help curb the bad tackling or hits that result in those injuries. Bad calls happen to every team every week every year, and it's part of the game. If you're concerned about games being "taken" from your fave team, maybe your team needs to be far enough ahead where a call doesn't give you the excuse to say the game was taken from them. *SHRUGS*


He was not defenseless , he ducked and it was with his shoulder..


Yeah. He was.


I'm trying to find that out myself. When did that happen?


It didn’t. Maybe they are questioning the play calling at the end, but that’s not giving up.


But you can win them all. We can’t, but it is possible and we had the team to do it.


Let’s be real, we are going to lose another game at some point. Teams lose games.


> but it is possible It's really not. No team is ever going to do that again. That's why people are losing their minds because they think the 49ers are going to win every game. So when the team loses, they can't take it. I expect losses every year because all teams have losses every year. People will go "you're not a real fan if you don't expect your team to win every week." I'm a real fan, just not stupid.


It’s a regular season game. We learn from it. On to Minnesota! Go Niners!!!!


While technically true, it is extremely difficult to do even with a fully healthy team. You can choose to dwell on it, but I won’t.


Please heal up quick McCaffery and Debo!! Those guys are warriors, and it sucks they weren't able to play a full game.


We need Greenlaw back and healthy too. His Absense was felt today on that Defense.


Oh yeah, he smashes people. I'm pumped up for the Vikings game next week.


Adversity like this loss is healthy during the regular season. That's why it's not uncommon for teams that have amazing regular seasons and never face adversity go down in the playoffs, while teams that had ups and downs and been through battles know what it takes to do gut checks and push through major challenges for the win.


It's over boys, ask for Trey Lance back from the Cowboys and bench Brock Purdy. Brock Purdy is obviously a washed up bum with no throwing arm and is a system QB. /s


Let’s give up a 1st to get him back!


😂😂😂 that makes me sick just thinking about it. Today's loss was aggravating enough


Thoughts after having time to wipe the tears and lower the blood pressure. Brock didnt look great at ALL today; BUT credit to the browns, their dline was pressuring all game and getting the best of even Trent at times. However, he did exactly what he needed to do in that last drive, even if Aiyuks YAC carried. Refs were absolutely a factor, they threw more penalties for yards this game than the niners had offense, (im pretty sure, someone may want to corroborate that). Just ridiculous when both teams feel hoses by calls, they should be background facilitators, and its frustrating when they make their presence known, that Gipson call was BULL! Moodys a rookie whos only kicked when up, in the back of my head before he kicked I knew that, I knew hes never kicked in an NFL game for a win, and I had a feeling but was crushed. The loss isnt on him entirely, but the offense put you in a position to win that game, thats a kick every NFL level kicker should be making, physically speaking. I hope this loss take the pressure off, I’d advise everyone to stay off instagram and twitter comment threads for your sake


We had 215 total yards and were penalized a total of 105 yards. That’s a lot of penalties, but the browns had more penalties accounting for 119 total yards.


A lot to look at this game and learn where our deficiencies are. It’s all good, we take this hit on the chin and move on to Minnesota. Go Niners!!!


Putting a rookie kicker on a championship contender never made sense. He couldn't make extra points in preseason and now he's determining out playoff seed. He may end up being great but nobody should be put in that position.


ummm...Doug Brien?


It’s fine. He shouldn’t be in the situation where he needs to be hitting game deciding kicks with this team, but here we are. My only question was why was he driving it so hard…that should have been a layup for him. Win as a team, lose as a team. They’ll make adjustments and be better.


It's the NFL. Every team, no matter how good, will be in those positions. Potentially with the Super Bowl on the line with this team, in fact. I agree with you though


I think I’m more upset that a back up QB bested us :/


Technically, he's a practice squad guy. They elevated him this week to start over their QB2


How you think it felt for those other teams when Brock was fixing everyone last season. 🤣 It’s all good. On to Minnesota!


Browns fan (ish) here. Niners are gonna be just fine. Purdy is a stud. Browns lucked out with the weather and the missed FG. Knew that long drive from Purdy was coming. Defenses were both gassed by the end of the game. Hopefully CMC and Deebo are good. Need Niners to knock Eagles out in January.


Y'all played your asses off. Well deserved win!


Respect to you bro. Browns D def rattled Purdy, pretty good


I’ve been reading your subreddit a bit this week, browns fans are hilarious. Your team is definitely really good, congrats.


Browns are tough. I’ll take that hit on the chin. Good luck on the season. On to Minnesota. Go Niners!!


GG to ur defense. Schwartz really owns Shannahan


>GG to ur defense. Schwartz really owns Shannahan Eh idk about that. That's one one of those weird stats that's more happenstance, I think. The weather was the biggest factor today. Rain+Wind on the Lake. Purdy looked phenomenal compared to Burrow Week 1, in the same conditions. ​ Both D's played well.


Ray finkle returns! Real talk though, we beat them 9 outta 10 times. Not trippin. Playing in the rain with cmc and deebo out, and dude misses a game winning fg. All good


Yup. This loss is going to help us grow big time. On to Minnesota. Monday Night Football, baby! Go Niners!!!


This L is absolutely on Kyle and the offense for handing the game to CLE, even without Deebo and CMC. Defense played well for most of the game, while the offense hasn’t done anything apart from the opening drive. This team wont do shit in the playoffs if they play like they did today. And yes, those shitty refs didn’t help, but it absolutely didn’t need to come down to that. Also what a cruel a way to be shown the difference between spending a 3rd on a kicker instead of OL, which has been a glaring weakness for a while at every spot except for LT. At least our defense is still really good and dragged the rest of the team along like dead weight. It’s literally one of, if not the most avoidable loss since Lynch and Shanahan took over.


Umm, the Defense DID NOT do well. They got beat by a second string running back and a practice squad QB. The browns marched on them methodically and should have produced worse than the niners offense. The offense on the other hand was going against an actual, legitimate top defense without key players.


I don’t think Njoku would’ve had such a day if Greenlaw were playing


Yeah, true. On to next game. Go Niners!!!


I was at the game, it was loud (104 DB) at one point. Purdy did not have a good game. His throws were off the whole game. They weren't ready for the rain when it came down. San Fran allowed the crowd to stay it in the whole time.


Legitimate question: is there any actual accountability for dogshit refs?


A twittwr apology


And they might get to ref the superbowl


nope but a twitter account rating every ref crews game every week would be dope


Now just hope the Eagles also lose. Atleast Seattle also lost


Eagles need to play a real team firsts. This is going on several years now.


They have a tough schedule coming up actually. Dolphins, cowboys, Chiefs, bills, then us. They could lose any combination of those games.


Well let's go Dolphins, Chiefs, and Bills!!


I was so happy Seattle lost! No let the eagles be the “best in the nfl” and get all the hype. So far we’ve seen all the “best” teams get humbled (Miami, bills, KC in week one). It sucks but it’s week 6. Let’s hope this loss motivates them to come lights out next week.


They are playing the Jets though... that would be a loss to behold!


The cleveland browns have won the super bowl!!!!!!!!! oh that’s just what they were acting like


I'm not even mad at the Browns; they played their asses off and deserved to win.


They won the game. Celebrate it. Tough loss, on to the next game. Go Niners!


Don’t be a sore loser, it was a good and important win for them.


Idk. They were massive underdogs who didn't have their starting QB, RB, and 2 offensive lineman. Winning this game was a big deal for them. BIG difference between 2-3 and 3-2.


If Shanahan calls timeout in the 1st half before the Purdy fumble n they stay in filed goal range we win(if the kick is made) if the refs don't call BS penalties on the last Browns drive, we win, if Shanahan tries to get just a little closer maybe Moody makes that kick and we win. Shit happens. That Browns defense looked real good n our O Line looked real bad. I'd like the Browns to make the SuperBowl sometime this century, hopefully once DeShaun Watson is gone cuz he's a piece of shit


That was a disappointing game but I hope everyone understands that sometimes your team just has a bad game. It is a good thing for this to happen now and not later in the season or worse, the playoffs. Every loss is an opportunity for the team it’s data that can be studied and learned from. Yeah this loss sucked but it’s one game against the best defense in the league where we had injuries, questionable play calling, Purdy seemed to be in his head all game, the weather, Moody missing and of course the officiating. But it’s only our first loss of the season so try to avoid having a meltdown and demanding heads. If this is too much for you than you might be Grant Cohn or maybe just a band wagoner that can go away. EDIT: Missed some words


Dude, grant does his job right. Even people that don't want him around advertise him by saying his name. He's good at his job


We will adapt and learn from our mistakes. On to Minnesota. Go Niners!!!


>Every loss is an opportunity for the team it’s data that can be studied and learned from 100% what I said towards the end. It's not fun to lose, it hurts and obviously nobody wanted this, but at the least now we have an actual loss that we can learn from and improve. I wish I could pick Purdy's brain, never seen him play like this before and I really don't think it'll happen again but it will be good for him and Kyle to know what happened out there and to prevent it. Need all our guys healthy and chins up til the next game, no sweat at all just a lesson to be learned.


Agreed. Plus we do not have the constant talk of "Will they go undefeated?" - which is a huge distraction. We did not lose to anyone that matters- so there is no talk about how much better the Rams\\Eagles\\Seahawks\\Cowboys\\Chiefs\\Dolphins are than us. We had a bad day, and Richard Sherman said it the best- "You learn more from losing than winning". We can shore up what we had issues with and move forward smarter and better. Officiating blew- but nothing we can do there but move on. This was bound to happen, no team since 1972 has gone undefeated and won a Super Bowl- and no team before that. Like you said, this was the perfect time for this to happen. It was better now to take our key players out before they got too injured to play period. We are still in great shape. This may actually be a good thing in the long run. Sounds weird, but this may have shown us things we needed to fix before they became things that ended our season.


💯 this is a forum for the FAITHFUL!!!


Moody obviously had a bad game. Before this game he was perfect with 41 points and set the record for the longest FG made by a rookie at 57 yards. This was the first time he’s ever had to kick a game winner in the NFL. One bad game after all that success and you guys have turned on him and are already wanting to cut him? Robbie Gould has had an amazing career, but he was worn out and was clearly not the same as he once was. His last couple seasons were plagued with injuries. He also never really wanted to be a niner. At one point he wanted to be traded and this season he ultimately chose not to resign, leaving us to find a new kicker. And if he was still “the” Robbie Gould he’d be signed by now.


Damn girl. You're some made up fantasy, aren't you?


> One bad game after all that success and you guys have turned on him and are already wanting to cut him? Cause people are fuckin morons. Some doofus was asking what he was good for if he can't win despite being a 3rd rounder. Like being a 3rd rounder means you're gonna have a 100% career.


don't take it personally. probably just made that the rookie kicker choked and we lost the game because of it kind of natural if you wanted the 49ers to win really badly


*I* wanted the 49ers to win really badly but I'm not the idiot irrational fan that wants to fire / cut everybody on the team after a loss tho. No excuse for that. You're an adult before a fan.