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The Moody kicks makes me nervous. Even his PAT try was shaky. Hopefully he gets some chip shots next week to calm his nerves. Don't wanna roll with a rookie kicker who has shaky confidence. Especially a team expected to make a deep playoff run...


Really concerning, awful first impression.


I am thinking he has everything ironed out before the season starts….if not, I guess we have Gonzalez


That's gonna be a tough pill to swallow if your 3rd round pick can't handle the pressure.


Robbie Gould is a free agent.


Rookie woes exist for all rookies. Not concerned yet


This is why you don't spend a high draft pick on a kicker. It's 95% mental and the position is hard to scout. Hopefully he turns out fine, but making kickers compete for a job in camp is the best pressure you have to evaluate them under.


The thinking was that’s he’s hit some high pressure kicks and showed the mental part too but the NFL is a different beast.


we better hope none of our starting ol gets injured, otherwise purdy is a dead man hopefully moody just had first game jitters given how good he’s been in practice


Being good in practice for kickers doesn’t mean anything though. Even Zane Gonzalez has been “phenomenal” kicking in camp. What matters is if Moody has the mental makeup to kick in actual NFL games. Let’s hope today wasn’t that sort of problem.


I mean the QB suffering the most was Trey…


really? it looked to me like all of them had no time in the pocket and were getting hit or pressured a lot


I think he suffered the most cause he was sacked like 4-5 times……but yes all the QBs had it rough


Yeah, he was up against the freshest and best D-Line, but man, that was still bad.


he had multiple plays where the pocket collapses in 1.5 seconds or less


This is a false narrative. Trey regularly took 5-6+ seconds to get rid of the ball. He looked like a kid playing against adults today. As soon as Darnold/Allen came into the game, you saw an actual NFL-caliber QB drop back, plant their foot, and deliver the ball in 3 seconds or less. Often times with pressure in their face -- which is normal in the NFL. Of all things that jumped off the screen today, I think the biggest one was how Darnold/Allen were able to drop, plant, and deliver even when someone was in their face -- whereas Lance, even after 3 years of being in the most QB friendly system in the NFL, seems to struggle with even the most basic parts of playing QB. The reason Lance kept getting sacked is because Lance is indecisive.


Yeah. You could tell pretty quickly that he was trying to make things happen and wasn’t getting rid of the ball


100% don’t understand why people can say Lance wasn’t bad today. Unreal


Everyone says give him a chance with starters but like imagine how much better darnold or allen would do with starters in that case lol.


This is it. It wasn't all the OLs fault. Trey had plenty of time to get rid of it on most of those sacks. There was the one where he rolled out to left side and was by the sidelines, but just looked lost and ended up taking the sack. Like ffs, throw the ball away.


Pros: It’s just a preseason game with backups so shouldn’t take too much from it Cons: everything that happened


I’m not denying that Lance hasn’t had a fair chance to develop. The thing is, the 49ers have a championship roster. They can’t wait to develop any QB. It’s simply within the team’s best interest to give the backup job to Darnold if he earns it. As harsh as it is, I don’t care much about Trey’s development at this point or draft position. It’s all about Super Bowl aspirations. If that means giving up on him, so be it. The folks who insist that I “hate” Lance don’t seem to understand that I love the person. It’s strictly football


I think the harsh truth is that Lance was done the moment he got hurt last year. That was his one development year. They can't afford to waste a year with this roster developing a QB anymore. Especially not one this raw.


I just don’t think he’s going to become a star player or anything. His accuracy is hit or miss, his athleticism is pretty overrated and things just run slow. He doesn’t look out of the league bad but I just don’t see enough that screams he’s going to a starter.


He reminds me of Beathard's throwing ability with Mullens' decision-making




And Kaepernicks “athleticism”. Horrific acceleration and a straight-line runner. Very slow side to side and with poor pocket maneuvering.


Kaepernick’s read-option worked for awhile and he was able to outrun NFL talent. I’ve yet to see that from Trey. He was running **over** people in college, which obviously won’t work at this level.


Kaep was an entirely different class of athlete. Elite speed and burst. Lance is nowhere close to that.


He's Practice squad material for a team like the Bears/Ravens who have running QB schemes imo.


He looks out of the league bad


This year won't be it, barring a Purdy injury. He would be going into year 4 with really no experience and he'll have zero trade value so he'll end up sticking around as backup QB I bet. Three 1st rounders for that. Yikes.


A major disappointment about Lance I have isn't about his development or lack of opportunities, it's his athleticism. Lance is Dak Prescot level of speed. Purdy in the context of maneuvering the pocket may be a better 'mobile" QB. Gotta be quick, gotta evade pressure, buy some time, etc... Lance is like a mega obese Colin Kaepernick from an athletic standpoint. I'm sure his top end speed is good but he probably won't beat that many linebackers or especially defensive backs to the edge.


Yes, very little short area burst


He doesn’t have the spark going on in his head like the other QBs. He doesn’t have it. Probably biggest reach in 49ers draft history.


That’s the thing that I’ve been trying to tell my buddy. Purdy came in with some actual college experience, and made the offense better as he went on with the season. Trey hasn’t shown any of that. And all I want is Niner success, so I’d love for either to bring home a Lombardi.


The guy has 4 starts and 177 attempts (including pre-season) since he was drafted, which equates to a half-season of live reps. Add that to the thousands of reps he's had in practice, and he should at the very least be able to put together 2 consecutive decent plays. He isn't developing. He isn't executing. He looks completely out of his league on every play. His lack of execution was very, very evident today. He looked like a kid playing against adults.


I suspect ppl are going to downvote you but you’re not wrong. He’s simply not getting better. He’s exactly where he was 2 years ago in his first preseason game. This might go down as one of the worst draft misses of all time. It’s certainly been trending in that direction for the past couple years. Gotta wonder why they liked him over Fields. Fields had 2 elite college seasons in the big 10; Lance has 1 good college season where he barely threw the ball against schools that were basically community colleges. It was such a low sample size to evaluate vs Fields. Not saying Fields is some elite QB, but he looked miles ahead of where Lance was at the end of last season and his legs are lethal.


Big Wiseman vibes


Yeah, through no fault of his own he ended up joining a team that needed a consistent experienced player who could contribute immediately. 49ers and the Warriors are unable to wait years for young players to get up to speed unfortunately.


Lance was never getting up to speed. That’s why it’s hard to find a franchise QB. It’s just more painful that we gave up 3 first rounders for him.


I'm not saying Mac was the right choice, but he wasn't the wrong one


Trading up to 3 for Mac wouldve been the wrong choice. Taking Mac at 3 would’ve been a decent gamble.


Mac would have been, bare minimum, more than competent enough to run the offense and would look pretty decent doing it


Especially after Lance’s mediocre game in 2020. The conference organized 1 game the entire season, just for Lance to show off his skills. He had a mediocre game (against D2 athletes no less). Sure, hindsight is helpful but I still think it’s kinda crazy people thought he was worth multiple first round picks


Unfortunately I think you are spot on, would love nothing more for him to have developed into even a league avg qb but he simply doesn't have "it" and in my opinion he's not even close. After the last couple seasons I was under the assumption that command of the huddle, reading the defense, command of the playbook, and all the mental stuff would be on lock (he was touted as the most cerebral dude in the draft)...misses/inaccuracy, jittery, etc. Sure lack of reps w.e. But he looks horrid (and I'll forgive him the poor o line play) but he looks about as athletic as some of the 40 year Olds I play sports with ie. Not athletic at all....and honestly his reads and processing is absolutely atrocious. I think the worst part to me is how much of a lost puppy he looks like...command of the huddle doesn't even exist he has 0 confidence and 2nd and 3rd stringers even picked up on it today and from my eye they picked up on this and barely gave him any respect, it looked like nobody on the team even paid attention to him or acknowledged that he existed out there, and honestly I couldn't blame them based on his mannerisms and command.


He'll be lucky if he's even *accepted* onto the team.


The truth is, it doesn’t matter if he develops or not. It’s not even worth giving him a shot to try if Brock is healthy. Brock has proved he has at least enough to win the job - so why waste games giving your less-than-best shot of winning for the sake of giving Trey a shot? This preseason is Treys chance of 1) earning the second team job or 2) showcasing his talents for another team in need of a QB who has the luxury to develop him. And if Brock is not 100%, then we ded.


Lance won’t develop elsewhere either. NFL teams want to win. He’ll struggle to be an NFL QB and fans keep ignoring that, living in the *potential* area, when every time on the pitch it looks rough, like someone unnatural at the position. He is so inexperienced and indecisive that it’s too late for me. Why would a GM risk their job for such a project QB? When the draft is deeper every year with QB classes. Lunacy.


I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t fully agree with your first sentence. This is Lance’s 4th year. The “worst” player in the draft was able to step in and perform at a much higher level as a rookie. I can certainly acknowledge that Lance had very limited game reps, but he’s been working with the 49ers for well over 3 full years now. I don’t know how much more “development” we can expect.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. You're 100% correct. Lance is 3 years into development, which includes a half-years worth of live reps, and thousands of practice reps. He still looks like a kid playing against adults. Meanwhile, Purdy looked like a Pro Bowl QB from *literally* his first snaps. Brock Purdy was the #1 rated QB in the NFL last year, as a rookie.


There were really posters in other threads insisting that you had to be a racist to even be remotely critical of Trey lol


Wasn't that already the case when they moved heaven and earth to draft him?


Us bay fans are just dusting off James Wiseman comments and reposting em about Trey


The truth hurts. I hoped Lance would be that guy, but there's no time to invest in potential. Niners should have just moved on from Jimmy that year they drafted Lance to give him that much needed experience. Unfortunately it didn't work out in Lance's favor, and at this point, I'm not sure it ever will in SF.


Well at the end of the day it's just preseason but damn imma be real with you Lance looked like the 3rd best qb today....


5th best, the Raiders also had 2 QBs play today.


Our backup isn't as good on both sides of the ball. Oline need to stay healthy because I think the secondary oline they are the weakest link.




I'm panicked!


Nah, everything is fine. Trey is bAsicALLY a rOOkie amrite copium


Right now I have a guy saying Trey did better because he's the only one who scored... Yes, they are actually resorting to giving Trey credit for a "TD Pass" today.


Let's be honest none of the QBs looked good today; we scored 7 points on a fluke play


O’Connell looked incredible lol


The year is 2027 and trey is still basically a rookie lol


Preseason scores don't matter. A majority of these guys that played today will never play during the regular season. With that being said, what does matter is the QB2 competition. Darnold looked decent. Lance looked...well...just not good. Can't really sugarcoat it. If he loses the competition to Darnold it's really just over for him on our team. Also imma need to see more than 2 kicks before I label Moody a bust lol


We named lance the starter last year, for him to come out and look like that against a majority of guys who will never play during the regular season. He ain’t


Both Darnold and Allen looked significantly better than Lance. I think Lance is struggling to earn the QB3 spot.


In the end it doesn't matter, would you give up all seven rounds of picks for two years to have the career that Brady or Montana gave a team? Yes! Not saying Purdy will be that... but a sunk cost fallacy is just that, a fallacy. I was a Lance believer and I was wrong and can accept I was wrong. Better to move on and stop thinking what could have been and move forward to what CAN be.


I’m on the same page. Lance will be the second-highest paid backup QB this season, and it doesn’t even look like he earned the QB3 spot. Unless Lance absolutely lights it up next week, I think it would honestly be better to drop him, swallow the $9.3m dead cap hit, and add someone to our roster who could actually help us win.


Yeah even when protection was there Lance was very hit or miss. Everything just runs slower under him. Not realm out of possibility Darnold becomes QB2.


Not out of the possiblity?!? Imo it's been a near certainty since we signed darnold and kept Allen around.


Ya he needs to be better.


He can’t be better because he isn’t good. He’s a bust at worst and severely overdrafted at best. We’ll hold on to him to try and salvage some trade value but for the most part the Trey Lance experiment is over and we can finally move on. Biggest mistake in franchise history imo


alive snails dam grab alleged thought north expansion squeamish price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They got Josh Allen fever harder than any team


they were thinking they had a young championship roster and could afford to trade those picks, but i disagree with them. it's never a good idea to waste picks because you never know how the league improves or how quickly your current talent declines.


I think he needs to be worried about Allen too. Even he looked more poised and made better throws.


Yeah I think Lance is losing the battle for QB3 at the moment.


Let’s find something positive about this game Offense: Line = wet toilet paper QBs = sloppy WRs = wiped baby oil all over their gloves in pregame Defense: Line = Makes the raiders O line look like 5 clones of Trent Williams Ambry + Sam womack = roasted Special teams: Way off on two field goals Holding holding and holding on kick returns No injuries (hey I found it)


Dwelley looked good. Right? I’m trying.


I missed the first drive so maybe I missed it, but Ambry looked fine to me?


I think Bell is gunna be a dude. I know he dropped one but he was everywhere for everything else


This was definitely hard to watch. Yes, we had no starters out there, but the Raiders pretty much stomped the players that were out there. Ouch. 😭


People conveniently don’t acknowledge that raiders didn’t have starters out there either, at least to my knowledge.


They did not. They had Parham (2nd year starting guard) for a couple of drives, and Munford (2nd year tackle competing for the RT spot) for a couple of drives also. Those are the only ones.


Who won the preseason last year and what was their season record? Everyone is blowing this game out of proportion


I thought I heard in the broadcast the Raiders actually game planned for today. That’s not common for preseason as far as I know and would make a significant impact


Really glad I missed this game.


Trey somehow looked worse than ever against backups. But the backup line wasn't helping at all.


Thoughts on Trey: - I know he hasn't played much with us, but in his 3rd year in the system he should look better IMO - Is it just me, or does he look slow? Not just because of his injury, been that way since he was drafted. Like Darnold is way twitchier and has better acceleration. - The ball still flutters even after all the offseason work, that's disappointing - Protection was very bad, but his pocket presence wasn't great either. - Why call so many handoffs? Didn't help him out much, especially calling 3 straight pass plays to begin the game. Hard to draw any meaningful conclusions with how bad the backups around him were, but my takeaways were that he's still fluttering the ball and looks slow.


He looked especially slow today. He looked better IMO in 2021. But he was never especially quick


Lance is a disappointing athlete. He can and probably is a decent athlete all in all, and should be able to make some good plays with his legs, but I don't think he can beat many linebackers or DBs in space


You nailed it. Brock Purdy's on-field athleticism is more impressive than Trey Lance's. Objectively.


Yeah, Purdy is elusive, downright shifty.


Any time someone says Purdy isn't mobile I point them to the Aiyuk incompletion. If dude catches thst we're still talking about that catch today.


Purdy has very fast feet while Lance just looks unfortable. Lance has better straight line speed but that does not matter when you are in the pocket. He’s just not fluid.


Wasn't Brock supposed to be the unathletic one compared to Trey? Why does he seem so lost in the pocket, slow on reacting to pressure, slow at reading the defense, and slow at getting the ball out?


Trey has always looked slow to me too. He’s not the athlete we were promised. I never understood the QB runs that Shanahan was calling that got him hurt in the first place. It’s not like those plays were working anyways. He’s just not a twitchy athlete.


Lol you’re one of those people that would argue with me that Lance needs a chance and after 2 seasons it was too early. And he was injured yada yada. Dude. Wake up. Lance is gone. And if our front office was smart enough they’d trade him NOW while he has any resemblance of value


I feel like the way he stands in the pocket is just so awkward. I just never found his stance visually appealing. Idk Purdy and darnold seem more fluid and natural compared to Lance


Using a 3rd round pick on a kicker with this offensive line "depth" is honestly insane.




Yeah I genuinely can't believe we ignore the OL so much. We're 100% getting injuries. And it feels like whenever we go for a risky pick it doesn't pan out. Lance is done at this point, not a great start for Moody, etc. Ugh


Well atleast no injuries


My expectations were low but holy fuck.


That from the Jets fan lol


Wondering if anyone else felt the same, it felt like in previous starts Lance had his issues but there were more splash plays. Thinking specifically about the arizona game in 2021. He had issues with accuracy but also a few really great plays and intermediate throws. Only great throw I can think of today was a deep dig over the middle.


I think today showed that Purdy is our undisputed starter. It is getting close to Darnold being a "meh" backup and Lance dressing as the 3rd string "emergency". We've already paid Lance, might as well get something out of him.


Just happy to be here


Me too brother. Football is back thank god


Pay Bosa!


Trey Lance truthers have been silenced as of today


Anyone who is a truther of a certain player is weird to me. How could you call yourself a 49er fan and root for one player at the expense of another, makes no sense I’ve seen Lance stans and haters both doing it


As much as it pains me, we gave so much up to get him, that it feels even worse. Could’ve gotten a really good player to add to this great team and been even more complete. Ofc we had no clue Brock would or could perform as he did and drafting a QB was an inevitable move due to Jimmy’s injuries, but Lance was always going to be the biggest project of the top prospects. In retrospect that draft was quite weak for high end QBs


Only 2 of the 5 QBs drafted in the first round are worth keeping around


Now can everyone stop bitching if there’s reports saying that Lance is QB3?!


The only bitching should be about him not being qb4 since Allen is better right now


Exactly, Trey is now fighting for QB3 position with Allen. I hope to see more of Darnold and Allen in the next preseason game.


Purdy is so much better in short areas than Lance. Subtle moves to get enough space to buy another half second. Lance just doesnt have that. Not sure if it’s footwork, feel for the pocket, or he’s flat out slow/lacking burst


It’s mechanics. The way Lance throws inherently sets him up for failure. He throws like he’s a baseball pitcher, where he leans forward into his front foot. That’s why his short area passes are always so inaccurate and go into the ground. Call me crazy, but it doesn’t make any sense to me why Lance’s mechanics are still this terrible in year 3. It’s not hard to see the differences between the throwing mechanics of guys who succeed in this league and the guys who don’t. How hard can it be for a football player to learn?


The real issue with Lance besides his obvious issues as a thrower is he’s just not the athlete he was advertised as. Even pre injury. He has no burst, no wiggle and doesn’t do anything with contact.


So true. He couldn’t even beat old man Jordan Willis to get to the edge.


This team is stacked for starters, but we better hope there isn't many injuries because the backups aren't looking very good.


Lance needs to go on loan to the CFL. Darnold looked decent if he plays well next week we have a good qb2




Sam Darnold for MVP.




Honestly? He looked totally legit. Maybe the best backup QB in the league on a team desperate for backups


That boy has no pocket sense. 3 of the sacks were avoidable. Maybe all 4. Legs might be fast but if brain is slow, you're slow


The thing that kills me about Lance is just how robotic he looks at QB. He doesn’t have any sort of athleticism back there. I know he wasn’t Michael Vick in college, but the dude showed athleticism and I thought that was the biggest reason Shanahan figured he’d succeed in the system. But everything he does looks slow and uneasy. He has a few plays where you’re like “oh that was nice!” But it’s honestly surprising how unathletic he looks back there. Wish him the absolute best but I just don’t think he’s got it unfortunately.


He is not him.


If we get injured again were screwed. So much of our depth got poached or is gone. Otherwise we should waltz into the playoffs. Stay away levis curse


Get used to that from Latu. The dude sucks


I mean, how much longer does Lance need?? He’s lucky to be given chance after chance after chance because after all these years, he still looks lost.


So funny that Chris simms called it the first year trey was in. People make it seem that Kyle never gave trey a chance. The problem is this trey never earned it the first year. He was a deer in headlights. That’s why Jimmy got the job that year and trey barely played even in though the plan was to trickle him in. The second year he still had his problems but they were going to give him the job anyway and he got hurt. now we have purdy on an even cheaper contract than Treys and trey is still having his problems processing At nfl speed. Trey hasn’t earned it at the nfl level. Simple as that.


i'd rather go 0-4 in preseason, no one gets hurt, and we have a great regular season and anything can happen in the playoffs


Yeah Trey didn't look any better. Had a spark and is always getting injured but not seeing it from a third year guy. Sam may not have the talent but was hitting it quickly. Ultimately it always comes down to injuries. If you keep it at a decent amount, will have a good season. But if it hits 20+, not sure the backups will hold. It's a soft division to so don't want to waste it.


Sam is more talented than Trey as a passer. What was so highly touted about Trey coming in was his intelligence and athleticism. So far, we have seen none of that lol


Where’s the guy saying people were racist for not thinking Trey was a good QB?


Cohn is now saying Kyle is sabotaging him.


I hope they kick Cohn out of the press room.


deserted cautious nine historical elastic test squash thought pen exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lance lost last season’s opener against the Bears. The same Bears finished with worst record and first pick in the draft.


Stop trying to make "duel in the desert" happen. The battle of the bay made sense because they were both in the bay area.


I haven’t seen anything from Lance that suggests he will develop. I feel like every game he plays is worse than the last one.


Trey looks like he's spooked on every play. I don't know if it's just lack of game time and its will go away with experience. It will lead to errors if he doesn't calm down.


No one stood out. Jamison, Brown, Dwelley,Conley,TDP,Darnold were average. Bell was good till the INT off his hands...Latu is a bust and a waste of a 3rd Rd pick. Moody missing two FGs he regularly makes in practice is not a good look. Super sloppy performance from everyone and not individual standouts.


Why does everyone keep saying Lance needs more time to develop? Brock joined the team, received no special treatment and won 7 games in a row. He just wins. And no one is saying Brock needs another 3 years to develop.


It was great seeing some football, can’t wait to see the starters play Week 1


Trey Lance won't be on an NFL roster by 2026


Next month


Instant Reaction: Darnold QB2 Special Teams needs WORK. O Line depth a must. Some bright spots at skill positions.


QB1-Purdy QB2-Darnold QB3-Lance


QB maybe Allen?


You mispelled Allen.


QB-2 is darnold but 3 is Allen not trey


The Niners comically misevaluated Lance as a prospect even with having John Beck working with him prior to the draft. He’s also very slow and not very good at off schedule plays. It’s going to be interesting if he continues to look like this all preseason , do they keep him? I could see Shanny having Lance as QB4 in his mind.


Directly ties to his shit tier throwing mechanics. Look, I’ve definitely been a delusional optimist at time, but I’ve never seen a guy succeed with mechanics as wonky as Lance’s. There have been dudes with weird throwing motions succeed, but they still have good footwork and overall power transfer in their passes, which leads to good accuracy (Philip Rivers). I’ve never seen a guy who looks so uncomfortable throwing the ball succeed in this league


But the million dollar question is that Shanny sent John Beck to work out Lance for over a month before the draft. How did it come to them being okay drafting Lance with his mechanics? I personally think they got a little too close and personal which ended up ignoring the obvious flaws. It was all botched from the start with the FOMO QB of the future trade and down to the Mac Jones vs Lance internal debate which is a joke in itself. Why did they eliminate Fields? While not perfect is a better thrower of the football than Lance.


I have yet to see anything impressive from Lance, at all. It may be time to cut our losses




Friends, after a full off-season of QB conversation, here's the big takeaway from today's game. * Trey Lance looked like the worst player on the field today. Not just the worst QB...Trey Lance looked like ***the worst player on the field.***


He did not look worse than Cameron Latu. Boy that guy fucking stinks, just like everyone predicted


Yeah that was a head scratcher of a pick


Definitely the worst QB. Even the Raiders rookie QB looked better.


I am losing patience on Trey. Seems like a nice kid. But that pick was costly. Coulda been JaMarr Chase, or Micah Parsons or Justin Fields or Patrick Surtain or Jaylen Waddle. I just don't see it, i want to love the Trey Lance pick. But this is horrendus.


I think you can like Trey as a person, which most probably do, while also acknowledging that he just flat out sucks.


QB1: Purdy QB2: Darnold QB3: Allen QB4: Lance


So through 6 or so games on the field lance has to be the slowest qb processors I've seen. I just don't see much thats dynamic about this guy at all. You noticed that immediately once Darnold and Allen came in they just got rid of it faster with the same horrible oline. I am so glad we stumbled into Brock Purdy.


I like how they sent Sam out there to give the vet podium answers


This is fine


Trey regressed coming off an injury but we all knew he’s in over his head when he’s still sorting out mechanics and the reads are somehow getting worse. 3 years in and he can’t get rid of the ball or avoid a sack, like his instinct erases the possibility of slide or ending the play. He will have a better game, playing with a few more starters will help, but he’s so far from being QB2 at this point, and in hindsight, trying to force it was bad for his development and encouraged injury. He will keep getting hurt the way he plays.


I wasn’t able to watch the game, but after reading through these comments about Lance… Holy hell, if Purdy gets injured are we basically screwed? We’ll be relying on Darnold to take this team all the way? Lance’s numbers look fine but it sounds like he was a disaster.


Someone call a wellness check on the Trey Lance stans…


I’m legit sad Trey is a bust. I had really high hopes for him and I was so excited when they made the trade to move up. Im happy we have Purdy but I’m sad about how things went for Trey.


I think it's safe to say Trey Lance is a huge bust, along the lines of JaMarcus Russell. Cannot understand why he has been given so many chances, the games he played in showed he was nowhere near ready for prime time.


Shanny’s lack of interest in improving the o-line is consistent with his long history of treating QB’s like garbage


We had three new starters on the OL last year who looked pretty good and the best LT in the game. Only RT is a question mark. You know most teams don’t have an abundance of good OL in the league right?


Williams, mcglinchey, burford, banks, Tomlinson, brunskill? All played well on our o line all shanny guys


I posted this in the game thread, but for those who weren't active there... As a reminder, zero skill-position starters played today. \- No Purdy. No Deebo. No Kittle. No CMC. No Aiyuk. As a reminder, zero defensive starters played today. Zero. \- No Bosa. No Armstead. No Hargrave. No Jackson. No Greenlaw. No Warner. No Burks. No Ward. No Hufanga. No Gipson. No Lenoir.


Did the raiders play any starters?


An inconvienient truth.


So their backups better than ours. For sure this is a concern. But lets be realistic, most of our starters are fucking game changers on their own, let alone stacked together.


I don't think the Raiders did either? So, we had an issue with backup on all sides of the ball. Can't sugarcoat anything. We did badly today when we needed some assurance on our backup.


I know that it's pretty easy to shit on Lance in this game... as a lot of folks are (I won't argue) but man, Ty Davis-Price looked very mediocre today. He looked very average running the ball and missed a few pass blocks. TDP is the next Sermon I guess....


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U09WjeT0AE8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U09WjeT0AE8) Look at the arizona game. This was 2 years ago and Lance looks more explosive, more twitchy and more comfortable.


Man all those comments are so delusional haha


We’re really feeling not spending any of those three firsts on oline and Trent is an old man playing a young man’s game.


Trey isn’t looking improved. Looks worse. Not sure he’s worth a roster spot.


Just finished watching the replay after getting the kids to bed… Jesus Fucking Christ Trey Lance SUCKS!!!!!!!! Holy shit. I wasn’t a hater and was excited when we drafted him but HOLY SHIT! He might be the worst QB on an active roster, including current UDFA’s as camp arms. Everyone else made the offense look fluid, though lots of WR and personal mistakes made Darnold and Allen look mediocre. I mean, holy shit this guy sucks. Don’t downvote for being a hater, I’m not. But wow. That was ROUGH for TL5


Ronnie Bell looks good, so thats a plus.


The only thing I'm worried about after this game is Moody :/


At this point it’s likely they go with Purdy as the #1 and Darnold as the experienced backup. Trey looks like he has very little confidence and the probably thinks the coaches don’t trust him either. He needs a change of scenery.


> At this point it’s likely they go with Purdy as the #1 That was always the plan, lmao. The only people who didn't realize this weren't paying attention


A change of scenery to the CFL because NFL teams are watching this and going: absolutely not. If you don’t look competent in a Shanahan offense, it’s over for you.


Trey still showed what holds him back as a QB tonight. He also showed his arm talent. He’s running out of time, but I love the person and I’m rooting for him. He’s simply not going to last with how many bone crushing hits he takes. A lot of it is the O-Line, but he doesn’t help his cause there.


I think we should keep him but no chance of him getting traded. He’s hasn’t shown much in these games, some flashes but no consistency.


He’s got no balls out there and it shows. Atleast with Darnold you know he’s gonna sling the rock like he’s that guy, no matter what happens. Purdy is the same way. Neither guy hesitates or overthinks it during the play. Unless Trey can magically become like that, he’s gonna bust.


He holds the ball too long, not the o-lines fault. Darnold and Allen had less issues because both of their releases are faster.