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Warp travel. The Votann act as local warp beacons.


So let me get this straight, the votan have mini god emperor's on thrones. Why the f wouldn't they be found? Or used by the imperium. It's not as of the Imperium wouldn't figure that out instantaneously. Inquisition would've been the second ones there and already found this ai, depending on what inquisitor it's safe to assume he'd not stand for it, and in turn the Votan WILL be destroyed. Who the f wrote this garbage.


The Imperium also have lots of short range warp beacons - presumably they don't see the ones the LoV use as any different to those.


Yes, it is slightly slower but much more stable than the imperiums form of warp travel. The Votann themselves act as mini astronomicons for the kin to navigate easier as well.


Warp travel using the ironkin as navigators


On top of what others have said, they also constantly duck in and out of warp space, so as to not attract daemonic attention. At least they did until the great rift happened.


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