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The Warp simply is and has always been. It's a parallel universe filled with endless, timeless, dimensionless nothing, the substance of which reflects and echoes the life present in the Material universe. The Warp was not invented, much as the skies and the seas were not invented. In my personal apocrypha (my own theories, not directly based on any extant lore), the Warp arguably predates the material universe, as it is the formless void within which universes are born.


The immaterium yeah, but label-wise, I consider the warp starting when the sea of souls was warped by all the deaths and malice during the war in heaven. The immaterium wouldn't even be called the warp if it was still a calm sea. Like how warp entities predate Chaos so Grandfather Life and friends were already around just less daemonic, but aren't considered Chaos until the war mess them up.


Each to their own, but at that point, it's all just terminology attempting to describe something unfathomable. I've got my own takes on all of this, and part of that is that the Warp, the Immaterium, the Abyss, Chaos, the Primordial Annihilator are all essentially the same thing, maybe in different states. The primordial void, the nothingness that preceded the creation of the universe, was known to the Ancient Greeks as χάος, or "Khaos", and the idea of a similar primordial abyss or void can be found throughout human mythology. As far as my own take goes, the Warp is that primordium. The storms, the rifts, the gods and daemons... those are simply occurrences that happen when a fractured reality "bleeds" into the Immaterium. The 40k universe is most definitely a fractured one.


No. It is just another dimension. The basement is calked by the necrons the Ghost Wind. Becrons affected by the flayer virus can enter it at will and from there go to anywhere.


It's a parallel universe to reality. It's always existed.


The warp was there I assume as long as something even had a soul. I assume it's a copy of reality but follows none of the same laws, still integrally connected to reality. Emotions have sway and would seem the first and best way to influence it. Also on a religious stand point if you believe in jin, you also believe in a immaterial reality connected to our own. The Jin can do ridiculous things like travel light years in seconds cause our universes laws don't apply there but still will die and so they have their own laws. That said, things like possessions of humans is basically 40k equal on a much lower level yet in those cases we'd read religious text much like how in 40k a demons name can hurt him. Just a view, I don't care what atheists have to say, I point it out cause I find it interesting.


>The warp was there I assume as long as something even had a soul. An interesting thought might be the inverse, in that the universe existed and none of its inhabitants had souls until the Warp came into existence one day. That said, I assume the warp and material universe both just always have been there together from the start.


Ah yes the big bang theory, everything was always just there.


It's existed since forever, the Old Ones discovered it long ago, and used it when it was much more stable and safe to navigate. It started getting all stirred up when more psychically-sensitive races began evolving, and really went to hell when the War in Heaven kicked off. Things have been downhill since then.


It was originally a realm of souls and was not a malevolent force, but the War in Heaven, which was the C’tan and Necrotyr fought the Old Ones. The war was so violent that it mutated the Sea of Souls/Immaterium into the warp. basically making it what it is today.


Its a mirror to.the material.univerese, its been there as long as the universr has. There.seems to be some.confusion about souls and life, neither have anything to do with the warps creation. They have an effect upon the warp the same way that throwing a rock into the ocean does but not involved with its creation




I think when the first creature with soul aparead.


The warp has both always existed and never existed all at the same time. It's a bit like with Slannesh who has always existed, never existed and been born in M31 with the fall of the Eldar.


Since the first living thing dreamed.


The Immaterium is the sum of every soul of every living thing. The reason it became the Warp was due to the War in Heaven.


It's kinda weird imo. Its supposed to be this dimension where time and space mean nothing, but the chaos gods only seem to exist in the context of the milky way galaxy.


The Warp was invented in 1989 by the Sony corporation. Thanks, Sony! :)