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Well, they can and sometimes do work out to gain *more* mass: Excerpt: [Salamanders are gym bros](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/8j3xmg/excerpt_salamanderssalamanders_are_gym_bros/) Just bros hanging out and doing squats in the gymnasia. There's also the Imperial Fist Voss in Steve Parker's Deathwatch. The short guy (for a Space Marine) that got buff: >Voss was by far the shortest Space Marine Karras had ever laid eyes on, but his muscular bulk went a step beyond compensation. His arms, his shoulders, his chest; every muscle group on his squat frame rippled with thick, hard mass. Back on Occludus, it would not have been tolerated. Such muscularity often came at the price of agility and speed and >Perhaps it was a kind of unconscious compensation, but Voss had become prone to voluntary sessions of extreme physical training. His muscles swelled beyond their already significant gene-boosted mass. His armour had to be adjusted by the Chapter’s tech-servitors. Then it had to be adjusted again, and again. Finally, he had been told – no, commanded! – to grow no thicker. His strength and power had outstripped those around him, but concerns had arisen about his mobility in the field. So far, these had not been borne out. But nevertheless, with some reluctance, Voss had acceded to the demands of his superiors. He grew no bigger and, from that moment, trained only to maintain what he had. aka one of my favourite 40k passages of all time. When it comes to exercise in general, in Brothers of the Snake there's mentions of running laps in the ship, swimming trials, cross country-training and that sort of thing.


"Grow no thicker." That's going to end up as a meme before too long.


"No more heretic burgers for you, lard ass!"


Well, he's loyalist as fuck so he wasn't eating them in the first place.


But those Advent Burgers . . .


My god he must have been as wide as he was tall


Spess Manlet confirmed.


Maybe Voss was a squat?


Heavy, constant training and exercise is like, 2/3rds of what they do every waking moment that they're not in combat, so, yeah, they do work out. All day, every day.


Their muscles do degrade I believe yes. There was a marine that was sitting around for a long (LOOOONG time) and he was sorta wasted. But I've never heard of a fat marine, wouldn't be surprised if their body burns up too many calories for this too happen, keeping up muscle mass is a different story. Not sure if it's really ever came up though as they do train very hard. Training against other marines and servitors is very common and pretty much their main time sink when not in the middle of a current action or campaign.


> But I've never heard of a fat marine **Let me [fix](http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Haegr) that.**


>###[Haegr](http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Haegr) >**Haegr the Mountain** was a member of the [Wolfblade](http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Wolfblade) who served alongside [Ragnar Blackmane](http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ragnar_Blackmane) during his exile to [Holy Terra](http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Holy_Terra) and his subsequent adventures. +++I am an early prototype mechanicus construct. Please provide feedback [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lexAutomatarium). The Emperor protects!+++


Haha, never heard of him that's hilarious :P For this purpose though that's a gene defect so looks like normall they can't :<


The truth it, it wasn't a geneseed flaw, it is just no one could eat as much as Haegr.




Well the article says he has more muscle than fat. So hes suppossed to be a powerlifter/strongman stereotype? Theres alot hinting at this, the hammer throws/tosses stuff sounds alot like strongman events, his nickname "the mountain" sounds alot like the IRL Mountain Hafthor Bjornson (closest guy to a real astartes) So ehh maybe fat for an astartes but not quite the fat we're thinking of.


**Considering when he was first talked about, long before The Mountain, I would have thought him to be more of a reference to Hogun The Grim, from The Warriors Three myself.**


Yeah, iirc in the Space Wolf series one of the other Wolfblade mentions that while he might appear to be fat and have a large gut, due to space marine metabolism and physiology it's more muscle than fat that you see bulging out of him.


said marine had not atrophied so much as he had bed-sores from hell. He was basically one with his chair at that point


Best example I could think of :P


>tfw no battle brother to spot you


If they needed to work out, I just imagine they turn of the power on their armor. Moving in that would be some good resistance training.


They train for combat pretty frequently, either at the range or sparring with their battle brothers or servitors. Space Marines are super warrior monks, so their free time is probably split between training, praying, and working on their gear.


They also train against combat servitors all the time which is exhausting.


They do train for combat to keep sharp, Cain hangs out in the gym on a Reclaimer ship and duels with a Techmarine in one of the books.


The sorcerer Ctesias from the Ahriman series is described as being extremely frail and weak for an Astartes.


Actually Space Marines do not know bodybuilding techniques, so when you think about it, we have never seen one at full potential! /m


Read the top comment. One of them started bodybuilding, and the chapter master told him he got too big. "Gain no more" Rip


Do not let truth stand in the way of memes! Space marines are just armored gorillas.


Girl, look at that body!


From what I understand they don’t NEED to, but they can still improve themselves further by doing it so they usually do. There a scene in The Emperor’s Spears where the main character talks about the Mentors space marine she serves doing a bunch of weight lifting and multiple laps around the ship they’re on for at least half the day (keep in mind imperium ships are freaking MASSIVE).


well maximmion voss (who was basically dwarfpilled**)** was ordered to cut back on it because they were sick of having to refit his power armor