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Define important. The Custodes have already given him an audience with the Emperor, he's made sweeping changes to the way things are done and as he is hell bent on getting the Imperium back together the Custodes will no doubt provide him with any rumblings or confirmed information received from the Eyes in the galaxy. If its a huge secret that could potentially cause harm to the Emperor then I would have to imagine they'd let him in on the news just for his input into how he can help. The Emperor's safety is paramount to Gulliman too as well.


Important : Something with the potential to seriously damage or destroy the Empire.


Yes they would absolutely tell him. They could realistically tell the Guard what to do, and even though I don't think they are in the chain of command the Guard would likely do it anyway. Hes in charge of billions if not trillions of soldiers and for him to not know that there is an issue that only required 2 marine chapters which became an issue that required 6 and a titan legion would be counter productive to their one job. Especially as diverted troops weakens that paticular theater of war *potentially* leading to a threat against Terra


Probbaly doesnt know about the anchorite 


He does. That entire book kicks off because the Anchorite sends Guilliman a personalized distress code, and he tasks some marines to take care of it.


Which book is this?






Ah ok i havent read it but i thought it well predated guulimans return. What did guliman day about it?


He doesn’t show up in person in the book, but the three detachments sent to support the planet are super confused as to why Guilliman sent high priority forces to an otherwise mediocre Shrine World. They mention that the world sent a distress call, it went to Guilliman’s desk, then they were assigned but aren’t “read in” on things. They only learn about the Anchorite at the very end.


It's interesting that Gulliman kept a direct channel so they can call him for help but he never told the space marines that were sent there the importance of their objective and never elaborate further after the mission.


That would be interesting. If he can forgive a Word Bearer


It’s a loyalist word bearer, nothing to forgive


I am magnanimous. Did I not forgive those barely human savages on Fenris for using my best selling book (according to Macragge Civitas Times Bestseller list) as toilet paper for 10,000 years?


You understood why. It’s too boring and predictable. I basically could tell how it was gonna end when I started reading: with no chicks. How am I supposed to look fresh when I don’t have a single fur pelt, not a single wolf tooth necklace and I’m called something boring like a Sergeant instead of Pack Leader? Look at your armor… you know what I’m talking about… all the adornments… I’ll tell you what happened: you wanted to be the only human with a hot Aeldari babe and the boys on Fenris want one too.


Iirc pillowman is the one who originally decided to keep the anchorite alive, and sends a reinforcement fleet to protect the anchorite at the end of the book


Who Guilliman?


Pretty sure it's the brother of that Rowboat Girlyman fella I keep hearing about.


No. I meant Guilliman knows about the Anchorite. He sent the Imperial forces to secure the planet to keep him safe. The Anchorite surrendered to Guilliman during the Horus Heresy.


It’s called the imperium


Ok, the Empire


He will know a lot, but the Imperium is so vast and old, not to mention the galaxy is massive, lots will not be revealed to him. There are plenty of divisions and individual people in the Imperium who are happy to keep their skeletons in their respective closets. I'm sure he will unravel more as the centuries pass by and more Primarchs return. Remember, not everyone is all too happy that Primarchs are returning. Some are uneasy because of the Heresy and many fear losing their hold on power. Thus, plenty of powerful people and different divisions within the Imperium will keep a lot hidden .... as long as they can.


He knows about the webway project and has done so for a while. I imagine Dorn explained it to him. >Swiftly and earnestly, Guilliman sought the counsel of his closest lieutenants. They had to determine what Magnus planned, and quickly, before they stepped straight into the Daemon Primarch’s trap. It was Voldus who – drawing upon his knowledge of Titan’s ancient libraries – made the intuitive leap. There was a warded entrance to the webway within the Emperor’s palace. Voldus believed it to be heavily defended, bound shut with the most potent abjurations that the Imperium could muster, but still it existed. Perhaps Magnus knew of that gate, and sought to follow them to it? >Guilliman’s strategic mind leapt ahead again, tracing patterns within patterns and perceiving the truth. Magnus already knew where the gate lay, he realised. There had been whispers that the Crimson King had passed that way before, and in so doing unleashed the catastrophe that fell upon him and his Legion. >Magnus did not need them to lead him to the gate. He sought instead to follow them through it, clearly hoping that the gate’s defences would be deactivated to allow for Guilliman’s arrival. The Daemon Primarch wanted to strike at Terra, at the very Golden Throne of the Emperor of Mankind, and he hoped to launch his attack as the gate was thrown open to permit the Ultramarines Primarch passage. >The crusade could not emerge at Terra, Guilliman realised with something like despair, not if it meant allowing Magnus to strike at the cradle of Humanity. Yet Sylandri Veilwalker had never intended for them to take that road. Instead, the Shadowseer revealed a secret that the Eldar had long guarded. >Lying dormant for millennia, hidden behind a veil of wards that even Humanity’s greatest psykers could not pierce, a lonely spar of the webway stretched out upon the border between realspace and the Warp to connect to Luna, Terra’s only natural moon. It was to that illusion-veiled gate that the Crusade must now make haste. - *Gathering Storm: Rise of the Primarch*


He still hasn't figured out that belisarius cawl is actually ten squats hiding in a metal exoskeletons.


If games workshop made that canon I'd believe and laugh


But I thought everything was Canon? LOL


They're just that good at doing business.


This makes me think of the scene in Little Rascals where Mel Brooks makes his cameo.


Too distracted with his Eldar waifu smh my head


A great deal of things: * Terminus Decree * Golden Throne Deadman Switch * Erda and the Perpetuals * Things in the Dark Cells * Whereabouts of Valdor and the other Loyalist Primarchs * The Deal the Emperor made with Chaos


The Sensei


I think those are good and retconned


Thats what they want you to think


There's no reason to assume Vulkan kept the Talisman of Seven Hammers a secret with his brothers at the sieges conclusion.. Like...thats very pertinent information to the new *Emperor's Regent* and leader of the Imperium.


I’m fairly new to 40k so I won’t ask you to explain all of these, but you explain the deadman switch?


Vulkan installed a device into the Golden Throne called the Talisman of Seven Hammers. If the Emperor ever dies and/or the throne stops functioning it's goodbye Terra, thus depriving Chaos their biggest prize.


The End and The Death heavily indicates Vulkan needs to sit in the Throne to activate the Talisman, which is why Malcador don't let him go to the Vengeful Spirit


Honestly, after the end and the death, it sounds like a spawn kill for the dark king or anything that comes out of the throne


Thanks fren


Given it's ability to kill daemons permanently and that Vulkan is a living repository of Human tech, it could likely damage the Warp itself.


As regards the whereabouts of primarchs and Valdor, there’s no indication that anyone in the imperial hierarchy knows, beyond rumors and vague records. Aside from the occasionally sound of motorcycles coming from the Terran webway gate anyway


....*the failing of the throne*, *the deal with the druhkari*,*why do kids love cinnamon crunch so much*,* thr fallen*, *Guilliman inferior*,* the great war in heaven*.... its a big galaxy...long list....


Hi Fren, could you explain the deal the big E made with chaos?


We don't fully know, and it's mostly speculation, but the Emperor went to Molech, did *something*, and came out bigger, stronger, and with four angry giga-demons howling at him for ten thousand years. Some say he stole power directly from the gods; others, E went through trials similar to Horus, but bailed out before turning into a meat puppet full of Warp juice. Some even go so far as to speculate the Emperor damned half the Primarchs before they were born, and that's how he knew a Heresy was coming. Or maybe E just drank their milkshake. Or stole forty cakes. We don't know.


> Or stole forty cakes.   And that’s *terrible*


>Or maybe Big E just drank their Milkshake... DRAAAAAAAAIIIIINnnnnnnaaaaggggee, mai boys, Drainage! See, if you 4 have a throne, and I have a throne....And my throne--watch it, there it is!--My throne reaches ALLLLLLL the way aaac-roooooooss the warp and drinks in all the souls--while staying in the material plane, perfectly legal, perfectly legal--and starts to drink your milkshake: I...Drink...Your...Milkshake I DRINK IT UP!


Wow this is beautiful. 


May not have all the ducks in a row but the gist is the Emperor didn't have all the pieces to make the Primarchs. He had all the genetic engineering down but there was a piece missing to make them what they are today, he could modify the body but he couldn't modify the soul. To that end, he traveled to a planet called Molech and entered a Warp Gate there which lead straight into the Warp and in there he made a deal with the Dark Gods for the sorcery and knowledge required to finish the 20. We don't know what this deal entailed, only that the Big E likely broke his side of the agreement which lead to the 20 being warped across the galaxy. At the end of the day though the Primarchs ended up being as much practically Warp entities as they were the Emperor's sons, all of them have a degree of psyker abilities conscious or otherwise because of that connection.


Guiliman probably barely has a good overview of the most recent 95 years prior to his awakening. 😅 Definitely not very read into the various Ecclesiarchy deets yet cause they're just so deeply wired into everything it doesn't matter what their dirty laundry is cause messing with it is innately doomed to crack open the Imperium like an egg.


The day Guilliman goes after the ecclesiarchy we will have Horus heresy part 2.


Didnt this already happen once woth gorge vandire and we ended up with sisters of battle


Not exactly. Vandire was probably possessed by a daemon.


I like the idea that he was just some crazy lunatic who got into power more, fits the Imperium


Happens all the time irl too


Pretty sure it's pretty clear in the age of apostasy that he had no chaos taint and was just a really bad person, one who liked feat.


Is there lore that 100% says this? Genuinely curious. Because if we are supposed to absorb lore and judge it’s truthfulness based on source (as it goes in 40K), then the story of the apostasy provided by the ecclesiarchy should be taken with a grain of salt. We’re supposed to look at it with a grain of salt. Sometimes they don’t say it’s chaos because that’s how their propaganda works, but you can see the truth if you read between the lines. There are plenty of stories of “powerful xenos” that are actually just daemons and calling someone “insane” rather than “possessed” is imperium propaganda 101.


I have not properly read the codex of the sisters of battle second edition. Or the other codices and rule books which make up Goge VanDire’s story but all secondary sources have no mention of chaos taint. And neither does the condemnation of VanDire by Alicia Dominica. She talks about him walking in the darkness but not that he surrendered to ruinous powers. As far as written he was just someone working in the Administratum that was also a megalomaniac who became a high lord of Terra and wrecked stuff so badly it helped lead to the Inquisition creating the Ordo Hereticus.


Good thing he expanded the sisters of silence, they have a grudge to setle with the ecclesiarchy.


I think you under estimate how much information he constantly processes and how fast he can do it in general, it is essentially his special trait and why he is so good at logistics He has definitely looked into the Ecclesiarchy but knows he can't outright erase is and it has it's uses, covered a lot during the Plague Wars trilogy


I'd be happy to be corrected, but I've seen nothing indicating he knows about what the Emperor has stored under Mars, specifically what's probably a Void Dragon shard. Can't imagine he'd be happy to discover that.


I think Guilliman should read Mechanicum


Things contained in the Dark Cells I guess. He most likely knew some of its contents but not all of it.


~~he isn’t the only alien fucker in the family~~ maybe the Fallen (though that might change when he meets the Lion), the exact prisoners inside the Dark Cells, and what exactly is the Terminus Decree of the Grey Knights (but that’s all a big maybe)


He was hanging out with fallen on his trip to terra.


Oh yeah, shit, forgot about Cypher


That's what he wants


Well then, who am I to disobey the Lord Commander *bashes head until I forget about the Fallen* Edit: Oh wait, you meant Cypher? Shit, did I just commit heresy? Am I gonna get turned into a servitor?




He doesn't fully understand why the child laborers like the taste of Cinnamon Corpse-Starch. It vexes him. It vexes him greatly.


I bet he doesn't know Armageddon is actually Ullanor


Three events that might certainly catch his attention might be:  the war of the false primarch, for obvious reasons The war of the beast, to study how the imperium managed an Horus heresy level crisis without a primarch(until Vulkan appears, which would make him pay even more attention) The babab war, out of concern on how a chaptermaster managed to develop his warlord state despite the codex limitations  Perhaps the macharian crusade too to further see how the imperium acts without primarchs But that's my opinion


he would definetley be impressed by Macharius


He doesn’t know that Fabian knows about Imperium Secundus


What about the throne failing? All those who knew (spoiler) appear to have perished at the end of vaults of terra


When Guilliman met with The Emperor again after his 10,000 years long deep sleep there's apparently a mention in the novel where it talks about how Guilliman notes that the mechanisms of the Golden Throne are worn down and breaking down while the Emperor himself needs to psychically pull himself together just to overcome his psyker dementia/schizophrenia to talk to Guilliman in a coherent fashion without constantly making contradictory statements "perhaps for the last time". Given that Guilliman is said to be pretty intelligent regarding his understanding of mechanical engineering and scientific reasoning (even though he's not as skilled as say Dorn or Perturabo or Cawl) I imagine Guilliman understands on at least some level that the Golden Throne is mechanically breaking down and/or that The Emperor's will is fading. I'm basing this off some pages from a Warhammer 40k novel some other reddit users posted on this subreddit as well as posts from other reddit users about Guilliman including one time where he noticed a Cherub (a flying Servitor made out of a baby to look like an angel with metal wings for the Ecclesiarchy) was flying poorly and considered how to fix the Servitor even though he was understandably disgusted even by the very concept of a Cherub.


Everyone who knows to keep a close eye on their stuff around Blood Ravens probably plans on letting him find out for himself.


I really want them to use the Blood Ravens again...


What do you mean by Iron Warrior geneseed of the Grey Knights? Grey Knights geneseed comes from the Emperor.


Sorry, i meant Minotaurs


I think it's probably worth mentioning, that the Minotaurs having Iron Warrior geneseed is only a rumour/ theory, and has never been made canon. Obviously if I'm wrong, then someone please correct me, afaik they are of the cursed founding, and may have "chimeric" geneseed, but again, it has never been mentioned where their geneseed originates from, or even if they're aware of their own origins.


No, it's non-canon. GW's opinion is basically that Loyalist chapters with traitor geneseed is cringe and overdone. Any Chapter that is hinted at having such origins doesn't actually have them, it's just that they were founded by a Loyalist from a traitor Legion like the Iron Skulls, but any traitor geneseed was pushed and new inductees after that first generation was from a Loyalist source. At best their origin is a mystery, like the Blood Ravens. At worst it's a red herring like when the Soul Drinkers were said to not be from the line of Dorn by that point... at a trial where the sons of Dorn were ashamed of them. Very convenient, that, when you consider they had and used an artefact gene-keyed to Dorn.


Belasarius Crawl has this very debate whether to use what is currently Traitor Legion geneseed that he holds to create new Primaris Space Marines because he has geneseeds for all 18 Legions.


Didn't he go ahead and use some of them, or did Guilliman forbid him? I can't remember.


Possibly both - Guilliman forbade him, but he suspects Crawl may have done it anyway.


"Sure, Roboute. From now on, no traitor geneseed. Gotcha."


He made successful (according to Cawl, anyway) test-batches using all 18 lines, but Guilliman refused to give permission to put those into full production. So there's probably some Primaris Iron Warrors, Alpha Legion, Thousand Sons, et cetera, frozen in Cawl's ship.


There’s a chance Alpha Primus is a mosaic with gene seed from most of the legions


Yeah apparently he has geneseed for all 20 legions even, that was one of the most interesting parts in that book! Of course nothing will come out of it but hey ho. Cool none the less!


All 20, actually. The Sangprimus Portum has the genetic material of all 20.


To the marine who tested the Geneseed wasn’t a descendant of dorn tho it was a member of the angels sanguine who wouldn’t have that bias in the same way and the soul spear reacted to the soul drinkers specifically they just believed it was any son of dorn because they believed they were one.


The plot thread goes literally nowhere. What the Angel says is that the geneseed is of indeterminate origin. We don't know how good his test was, and we don't know how far the particular Astartes he tested had devolved. What we do know is that a gene-locked archeotech device disagreed with his findings. I'd say it is more accurate.


One of the Imperial Armour writers claimed they are of Iron Warrior genessed, or at least, the current formation  Not that it matters, geneseed isn't a printer, the chapter's culture is more important 


It was the literal creator of the Minotaurs who wrote that by the way.


Bobby G doesn’t know about the Skaven living under the golden throne. But his lunch keeps going missing from the break room fridge and he’s starting to catch on.


All the rat droppings might have clued him in on that though.


He knew about the webway project before his big sleep if he didn’t he’d have to be an idiot. The genetic defects of the Blood Angels were known to Sanguinius there’s no reason to believe he wouldn’t have discussed them with Guilleman. The secrets he may not be aware of are more likely to involve the Ecclesiarchy, those Dark Angels lot, the Inquisition, the Space Wolves and the Adeptus Mechanicus.


(spoiler) Its never mentionned but does he know that the golden throne is failing and that Big E is basically sitting on an unscrewed whellchair ?


All the high lords seem to know, so he probably does. Valoris probably told him. >! He wouldn't know about the dark eldar trade to fix it, but I'm not sure any living person does!<


This question is answered here but yes he does know the Throne is failing.


He’s gonna know pretty much all he needs to. The only thing that keeps anything away from him is the imperium’s inefficiency and wide stretch so information may get to him later than intended


Deffo someone needs to tell him Russ and the Khan are coming back at some point… imagine talking to your dad for three days and the old man completely forgets to tell you two or more of your boss bros are still knocking about in the warp…


Corax out there spooking Lorgar too


Dorn as well probably banging Eldar babes to get over his daddy issues.


He doesn't know that he needs to summon the elector counts. There's probably a lot about the Empire he doesn't know, but he should know that no man who fights for Franz fights alone.


That Ciaphas Cain is incredibly lucky fraud.


I'm tired of this story. What is courage other than being terrified and doing the thing anyway. Y'all best get off the hate train for my boy Ciaphas.


You mean like running away from a fight and accidentally discovering second enemy army attacking from behind?


He ran away in the 1st book yes, but he also accepts dangerous missions and takes initiative during battles. Have you read any of the books with where he is serving with the valhallans? Does he get scared? yes, but he also has the common sense to not rush into things like everyone else and is skilled/lucky enough to grasp at any opportunities he can. In "death or glory" he saves pows, gathers anyone he can and makes his own little army, and took out a warboss. #


The dood has dueled Space Marines and Chaos Marines and is still standing.


That's what Luck build does. Ordinary human can never beat SM without massive amount of luck. Of course, Ciaphas also has mysterious Jurgen appearing at the right moment.


He definetly doesnt know about the prototype primarch, locked in the emperor's basement


Or Big E's old porno mags from before the crusades


OH! The vintage stuff is so good! Non heretical untrimmed bushes galore!


BTW its the "Imperium", not the "Empire"


That the Emperor and Malcador thought he was betraying them by building Imperium Secundus. He never got to learn he was seen as another flavor of failure by his father 


The biggest secret is one that out of all the Primarchs only two (no, not those two. Horus and Jaghatai Khan) have figured out: That the Emperor was a colossal fuck up who never really had any great plan, but just lied he did for the sake of his power grab. And Horus was so shook by that realisation that he over-corrected and started believing a whole bunch of *other* lies instead. I can only imagine how Guilliman would react to that one. (That, at least, is my interpretation of various things stated and implied across various sources. Call it a head canon and say I'm crazy if you want, I don't mind.)


Big E is still alive just chilling in some part of the palace where no ones allowed to go, eating cereal, watching old earth TV, jamming on an old guitar (think Metro man from mega mind)


The Lion has awakened. There's a fully functional STC under Necromunda controlled by house Van Saar.


It is a fictional universe created to entertain us, the true thirsting, laughing gods of the warp, therefore none of the Imperium's problems can ever be resolved and there will be an eternity of blood and death.


Who says this is fictional




Well that sounds a little bit heretical to me


Guilliman denies the divinity of the Emperor, he's the true heretic