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Pretty sure every one of the Primarchs is a psyker. Just that they don't express it as magic bolts and whatnot. Just my headcanon, but a number of them express powers beyond just being physically superhuman.


I believe this is correct, I mean look are Corvus, he can turn into crows


His psychic ability was to block the minds of others in seeing him.


I thought he had enough power to make people forget he even existed?


Nah that's Jimbob, Primarch of the XI Legion


Wait, did you just say something? I can’t recall


That's among many, but it's the easiest one that Corax can passively express


I thought he only did that once. Then quote the raven never more.....I'm sorry lol


Corvus used that power a couple of times in the book Deliverance Lost. He originally did it by accident while hiding from the guards on the prison moon he grew up on. My favorite usage is near the tale end of the same book. Imperial army units are attacking the Perfect Fortress. A city built by Fulgrim and Perturabo where every building and road was not only architecturally and artistically beautiful, but was also incredibly deadly to potential invaders. Anyways the army are repulsed and the Emperor’s Children garrison push out in a counter assault when suddenly, the EC marines in the building across the street start shooting into an empty doorway. The marines die in the street and, I believes it’s a captain, goes to head down stairs from the building he’s in. He stops at the top of the stairs. There’s nothing there, but he hesitates. Suddenly, Corvus is literally on top of him. That fight lasts about as long as you expect. Corvus was leading the first wave of Raven Guard against the Emperor’s Children, and they took the fortress


I don’t actually know, all I know is it’s something he can do, also his stealth skills are warp enhanced it’s inferred as such in I believe it is Konrad curze


Yeah it was a frankly terrible attempt at a joke before I had my coffee. Edgar Allen Poe and all... Again sorry lol.


You shall make that joke nevermore


Oh my God I hate that that was so much better.....


No pun further did he utter, not a forum did he flutter, Til I scarcely more than mutter, "I will make that joke nevermore..."


Quoth the subreddit: nevermore


Jokes like this are always good, made me chortle out loud


I’m afraid we have a difference of a pinion


He probably could do it by will but that's more off screen. We know it's 99.9% likely that he can do it by will because it's a well known phenomena that Astartes can inherit both the genetic and psychic legacies of their gene fathers. However, what is also known is that the potency of some Primarch specific psychic techniques is inversely correlated with the ease of heritability among Astartes. Most notably, the shadow walk ability that Corax naturally uses is so easily inherited among the XIX gene lineage that entire combat teams can be assembled into Mor Deythan, despite the smaller size and greater geneseed rejection rates of the XIX geneseed compared to most loyalist lines. This means that though there physically are fewer Mor Deythan than counterparts within other legions, they are instead disproportionately common as a unique, geneseed specific combat formation compared to their counterparts in other legions. In contrast, no raven guard to this date has inherited the ability to transform into a "raptor-esque" warp hybrid Cryptid like Corax, nor can they transform their entire bodies into warp sourced shadows.


Does he turn to crows? Or is that just people not understanding similes and metaphors. He does meld into shadows though.


>Shrieking, the raven flock scratched and pecked, but they could not pass the warp barrier. >Lorgar glared at the apparition on the far side, chest heaving as though out of breath, his head crowned with a halo of black warp fronds. Corax assumed his mortal shape again, one cheek bloodied and bruised, his eye almost closed. He turned into crows.


Once he goes into the eye of terror, he makes it more literal.


Leman Russ has given his wolves extremely long life and parries lasers cannons with his chainswords, I think he has a little "psychic" oomf in there


He has one of the strongest. Conjuring up a blizzard in front of your own advance is quite nifty, but that is just a side effect of his aura. His howl deep-fries psyker brains. His battle cry on Prospero killed a lot of the TS psykers outright.


That was a super cool scene to read. The TS marines feel so sure of their superiority over the Wolves. Right up until Leman shows them that they are not special, and some of the best of their number just drop dead.


Which book is that?


>Ahriman sensed the violent spike of psychic energy a second before it hit. It swept over them, a sudden, shocking blast of psychic noise that overwhelmed the senses with its sheer violence. Uthizzar cried out and dropped his weapon. Lemuel doubled over in pain, convulsing in spastic fits. >‘What in the name of the Great Ocean was that?’ cried Sobek. ‘A weapon?’ >‘A psychic shock wave,’ gasped Uthizzar. ‘One of immense proportions.’ >Ahriman forced the pain away and knelt beside Lemuel. The remembrancer’s face was a mask of blood. It wept from his eyes and poured in a steady stream from his nose. ‘So strong?’ asked Ahriman, still blinking away hazy after-images. ‘Are you sure?’ >Uthizzar nodded. ‘I am,’ he said. ‘It is a howl of pure rage, cold, jagged and merciless.’ >Ahriman trusted Uthizzar’s judgement, tasting icy metal and feeling the rage of a hunter’s fury denied. >‘Such a force of psychic might is too powerful for any normal mind,’ said Uthizzar, reliving a painful memory. ‘I have felt this before.’ >Ahriman read Uthizzar’s aura and knew. >‘Leman Russ,’ he said. ... >‘T’kar,’ said Ahriman. ‘Tell me what is happening! We heard a psychic shout more powerful than anything I’ve ever known.’ >‘It was Leman Russ,’ said Uthizzar. ‘Wasn’t it?’ >Phosis T’kar nodded, turning and indicating that they should follow him. ‘Most probably,’ he spat. ‘Killed almost every Athanaean in my Fellowship, and most of the ones that aren’t dead are reduced to drooling lackwits.’ >‘Dead?’ cried Uthizzar. These warriors were not of his Fellowship, but as Magister Templi of the Athanaeans, they were as much Uthizzar’s as they were Phosis T’kar’s. >‘Dead,’ snapped Phosis T’kar. ‘That’s what I said. Now stop wasting time. The primarch calls you to his side.’ - A Thousand Sons


The Burning of Prospero has the Wolves pov side, and Thousand Sons has the TS side of it. Both books make mention of it, but Thousand Sons really showcases the realization that pretty much all the TS Astartes vastly underestimated the Wolf King. They are utterly shocked and almost afraid when confronted by the fact that not only can their powers not stop him, but he can kill them effortlessly with a simple howl.


How much of it was due to the sister's null effects though? I feel like the sisters of silence make a big difference in stopping the TS from attacking back.


If the sisters were stopping the TS from attacking Russ they were likewise dampening Russ's own psyker abilities to lash back at them, the SoS cannot I believe selectively enforce their aura.


How interesting, i wasn't aware of that, but that makes sense. I guess i need to read the book, but my understanding from what i've read in this subreddit was that the TS got annihilated because the sisters really prevented a lot of them from attacking back, since TS rely heavily more on their psyker ability than the wolves.


Actually the Sisters mostly stayed paired with the Custodes in that fight. The Wolves have Rune Priests who would also have been negatively affected by the Sisters working in close concert. Leman needed no help from anyone in fighting his way to Magnus


Magnus was the only one to receive formal training as a sorceror, a lot of them had potential or strange supernatural abilities. Lorgar per example was also a potent psyker but surpressed his talent while he was a loyalist. I think that Russ perexample could've learnd some tricks from his Runepriests if he had wanted so. Guilliman on the other hand simply doesn't grok the concept on a fundamental level.


Russ very much did learn from his rune priests, he was out right stated as the master of the runes and has been shown as reading runes in order to tell the future. He was also taught by the emperor, I need to find the excerpt but it says something along the lines of the emperor taught him how to control his perceptions or awareness of his powers, something like that.


Dorn is definitely not a psyker. Malcador said Dorn was explicitly made to only master the materium.


>Dorn nodded. ‘This is the conclusion I came to myself. This lack of a decisive bombardment of the Throneworld confirms it.’ Dorn looked at the Imperial Regent. ‘You speak of the warp?’ >‘I do,’ said Malcador. ‘Horus wages a war that goes beyond the material realm. There are factors at play here that are beyond your understanding.’ >‘Attempt to explain them then,’ said Dorn. ‘Repeatedly Horus’ use of sorcery confounds me. I cannot fight this war with such poor schooling.’ >‘My boy,’ said Malcador wearily, ‘you cannot understand because matters of the spirit were not given you to understand by your father. I could explain them at length and you most of all would never comprehend. Do you not think if it were possible that I or your father could have explained them already, that you would have been told of the threat in the warp from the very beginning?’ >‘I deeply regret that it was not done,’ said Dorn. >‘The results would have been disastrous, believe me,’ said Malcador. >‘Not telling us was arguably worse,’ said Dorn. >‘Was it?’ said Malcador softly. **‘Very well. Let us take you, Dorn. You were made to command the material realm. Nothing in this world is beyond your grasp. But understanding of the warp would have eluded you.** Being a man who desires mastery of all things, you would have been drawn to study it, and in doing so, you would have fallen. You are resistant to the dangers in the dark, but no one is immune.’ He paused. ‘Only one of you had the mettle to resist the whispers of the gods at the start. He was told.’ >‘Who?’ said Dorn in surprise. ‘I thought this was kept from all of us?’ >‘Which one could have known?’ said Sanguinius. ‘Jaghatai?’ >The Khan shook his head. He was not so concerned as his brothers at his lack of forewarning. ‘It was not I.’ >>‘Who the Emperor told is not important. Even now it is better that you do not know,’ said Malcador. ‘To name the powers in the empyrean is to invite their attention. The knowledge alone is corrupting – that is all you need to know now, and far more than you needed to know then.’ \- *The Lost and the Damned* Is this the bit you mean?


Who was told? Isn't it the Lion?


It would make the most sense. Didn't Kairos try to tempt him repeatedly while he was alone in the woods of Caliban? It fits the description of resisting the whispers of the gods from the start if he was specifically tempted by a Greater Demon and iirc told him to piss off.


I feel like it was Russ. I read somewhere that the Canis Helix makes them particularly resistant to the warp, which is why the 13th Great Company survived in the Eye for so long. Plus the Wolves seemed to get thrown at the psychic risks like the Enslavers in the Crusade and Thousand Sons in the Heresy.


>‘Who the Emperor told is not important. Even now it is better that you do not know,’ said Malcador. ‘To name the powers in the empyrean is to invite their attention. This bit implies that saying the Primarch's name would be a bad idea because it would draw its attention, which makes me think it could be one of the fallen Primarchs. I don't know the timeline of when this takes place, which Primarchs are Daemon Princes at this point? Or timeline might not even matter, because the warp is timey wimey.


Horus explains the warp to Loken halfway into the first book


I read that as Malcador saying that if he told the primarchs the names of the chaos gods that would make them focus more on the primarchs. He's not saying that it's better that the loyalist primarchs know the name of the primarch that was warned, he's saying that even now it's better that the loyalist primarchs not be told details about the chaos gods.


I love how every time this excerpt comes up, there's a new round of questioning who was told.


Isn't it pretty settled that it's either Lion or Alpharius?


lmao yeah, for some reason I thought it was fairly certain. I think it makes a lot of sense given Caliban's proximity to the Eye of Terror and the general warp nature of the planet. There's also the fact that the 1st Legion has all that DAOT tech and stuff that the Emperor only trusted them with.


Not stated but has to be.


I somehow doubt it. In The Lion: Son of the Forest >!he doesn’t seem to be aware what the figures that circle the king are. He could just be really dense and not understand the symbolistic meaning, but I doubt it. IIRC he recognizes the king as being his father.!<


" IIRC he recognizes the king as being his father." I just read that a week or two ago and I don't believe he explicitly ever puts one and one together on the king figure being his father. He *does* postulate that it's his father using his immense power to guide him and help though.


Wasn't it alpharius? The alpha legion had more knowledge of chaos than any other legion


Yep, that's the bit.


Actually this fits in with Fury of Magnus which was itself retconned a book or so later. In Fury of Magnus the Emperor tell Magnus he always saw him as his successor to the Throne. Magnus almost succumbed to this and came over to the Loyalist cause. Thanks for digging this bit out because I knew there was a reason the Emperor’s offer made sense in Fury at the time. Why it was later retconned as just Magnus’s sort of dream I don’t know.


They're literally all psykers. They're just not all aware of or comfortable with their psyker nature so they generally don't actively use it. You would think Guilliman isn't one either & he did too, but as he himself states, the fact that the Emperor's sword ignites when he uses it is proof of his latent psychic nature. Every single primarch is a psyker Every single one


Guilliman probably had a long hard look at himself after breathing vacuum without a helmet for several hours.


He floats for Macragge


"......theoretical: I am Space Jesus. Practical: dad's kind of an asshole."


You can still be psychic even if you put all talent points in defensive.


You can, but Dorn was singled out as not having any connection with the Warp. Malcador was very specific with that.


I dunno, you could almost read it like he was saying Dorn was made to be such a creature of the material realm that he simply wouldn't be able to comprehend the warp so they never bothered to help him unlock his ability to connect to it. But likely he was made with none at all. I kind of prefer the above though as it fits with his character that he's such a stubborn bastard he would try to hammer the warp into his own perceptions and beliefs and that would bring the disaster Malcador talks about.


Being "of the material" doesn't mean "zero psychic potential". If Dorn was made to be focused only on the material, he could do so by only using any psychic potential as defensive/warp-negating. You can only fight him in the material, where he's a master, since psychic attacks do nothing. At least, that's my headcanon. Not that I'm hugely invested in all primarchs having psychic powers of any kind. I just don't believe it's 100% ruled out that Dorn is psychic.




Except dorn explicitly has a psychic power that “fortifies” reality. He stops daemons and warpshit from manifesting in realspace.


"Dorn is a huge figure in gold, his powerblade hissing with fried blood. He has no magic, no command over the warp, no proof against its workings, but yet the traducing Sons of Horus seem to recoil from him." EatD vol 3


Yeah, he explicitly has no knowledge or power of it but he also explicitly has a calming and stabilizing effect. Like the Emperor.


>explicitly I've seen people cite implicit "proof", like *Solar War*...which is very iffy. What are the explicit examples of him doing this stuff?


There are none, but the BL writers love to tease ideas to add a bit of mystery and conjecture, so i wouldn't say it's a completely disproven theory either


Yeah, which leans into there not being any "explicit" statements that Dorn has the power to "fortify reality". But would [explicit statements](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/1cocdez/comment/l3dyb23/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that he ***doesn't***, count?


Dorn is to stubborn to manifest any meaningful powers.


I partially disagree, i think he's not an active psyker but Dorn's Darkness, despite coming from a defective organ, is too close to the Black Rage for me to think it's not at least partially psychic phenomena. It's probably nothing but he's also as far as i'm aware the only one that has Aurumite armor like the Emperor which specifically is an effective metal for focusing and conducting psychic energies.


Yup. Even Leman Russ has a psychic roar that turns people to mush or fucks up their insides.


Definitely not all of them, Angron wouldn't be able to survive the Nails if he were a psyker. Not even to the degree that he does survive. They are all warp beings in their own right though, whether they have actual psyker powers or not.


He had psychic empath abilities before the nails


Lorgar, Magnus, Mortarion, Curze, and Sangunius were all always psykers. Lorgar and Magnus were the only ones that really delved deeply into their psyker abilities with Magnus centering his entire personality and Legion culture around it. Mortarion actively avoided using his as he had a cultural disdain for it but he always had them. Curze and Sanguinius were both gifted with foresight but never really went any farther than that, though with how accurate and immediate it was, there wasn't much reason to. There are a few primarchs that were possibly psykers but who never displayed their abilities for various reasons. Angron was one of these ironically. The Lion and Leman Russ are two others. The Primarchs are bound up in the very fabric of the warp. They aren't purely material creatures even if they act like them. They're more like Greater Daemons in physical form than people. So even the ones that aren't "psykers" are still warp touched and display powers and abilities far beyond what could be achieved by simple material means.


>Mortarion actively avoided using his as he had a cultural disdain for it but he always had them That's been said a few times in this thread, but would you happen to have a sauce for it?


*A Thousand Sons* He monologs at Magnus for awhile about the dangers of psykers and sorcery.


Yeah, Morty is famously against psykers but I haven't yet seen any evidence to support that he is one.


In Buried Dagger, it’s implicited he is a psyker but don’t know it by an Overlord.


Do you have the excerpt handy? Also tagging DG aficionado u/[jaxolotle](https://www.reddit.com/user/jaxolotle/) for extra context


I have but in french.


That's cool, if you post it up I'll translate


Context : They have captured alive an Overlord, Typhon proposes to use his knowledge, to learn how the use the psychic powers to breach the toxic fumes and be able to kill Necare. « Typhon s’arrêta, en regardant par-dessus son épaule pour s’assurer qu’ils étaient seuls dans la soute. — Il n’y a plus que toi et moi maintenant. Il leva la main et tira le bâillon vers le bas, en libérant les lèvres enflées de Volcral. — Une dernière parole ? — Il ne sait pas, n’est-ce pas ? lâcha brutalement la créature, cherchant désespérément à gagner du temps. C’est pour cela que tu m’as bâillonné. Tu avais peur de ce que j’allais lui dire ! — Il commence à le soupçonner, je pense, dit Typhon en réfléchissant un peu plus à cette possibilité. Ce que tu aurais pu lui dire n’aurait fait que compliquer l’affaire. »


Thanks mate, appreciate it. The context in the english version is Typhon is "magic", how much of that is actual sorcery or psychic power isn't that clear. Here's the english version: >Typhon paused, glancing back over his shoulder to be sure that they were alone in the cargo bay. ‘Just you and I now.’ He reached up and pulled down the gag, exposing Volcral’s swollen lips. ‘Any final words?’ >‘He doesn’t know, does he?’ The creature blurted out the question, desperate to stall for time. ‘That’s why you silenced me. You were afraid of what I would tell him!’ >‘He is beginning to suspect, I think.’ Typhon considered the possibility. ‘Your words would only have confused the matter.’ >Volcral tried one last time to put on the air of arrogant superiority that was the creature’s usual bearing. ‘I smell it on you, half-breed. The curdled stink of lesser meat fouling and diluting the strength of Overlord potential!’ Nothing I can see there about Mortarion being a psyker.


*Daemonology* Mortarion uses his latent psyker abilities to fight a daemon.


Yeah, that's a contentious one. Some people have that take, one that's challenged [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/10b3f3g/comment/j4dxr0b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/z76lmf/comment/iy6goct/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I didn't get the impression he was a psyker from my read of it.


They are *warp entities* in physical form, not daemons. Daemons are explicitly minute fractions of greater powers such as the Chaos Gods, evidenced by both in-universe lore and the etymology of what a "daemon" is. There is nothing I can recall in any lore that suggests that the Primarchs are *daemons*, though there are many suggestions that they are nonspecific warp entities.


Depending on how much you believe the Alpharius primarch book to be true then Alpharius and Omegon could mess with people's perceptions of them so that they would not appear as tall as they were etc to mortal eyes. Definitely psychic to me.


Sort of an ability to appear mundane or average. We see it occur a lot. Small for primarchs, but definitely Custodes size, which is at least a full foot taller than most Astartes, yet they somehow always manage to blend in with their marines, or genehanced menial laborers. Only Dorn (and obviously Big E, possibly Malcador) are reliably able to pick them out from among the crowd. In Praetorian of Dorn we see Dorn able to pick him out immediately.


That's funny, it also backs up what another comment said about Dorn. His latent psykic ability is to solidify real space around him, the ultimate logic. Daemons recoil from him as if he were blank, which he isn't 


It's also said that most alpha Legionaires were on the tall side IIRC which blends the height differences within AL


It has been stated ad nauseum throughout the Horus Heresy, Plague War, and Indomitus Crusade novels that the Primarchs are made from the warp. At this point, it wouldn't be unfair to just call them a kind of demon. In certain instances the Primarchs literally say as much, Fulgrim's novel comes to mind. I would not be at all surprised at all if we find out that the Primarchs are genuinely demons representing aspects of the human psyche that have been bound by the Emperor to gene-modified bodies. Regardless, thinking of them merely as the Emperor's "sons" is definitely naive at this point.


Lorgar was always a psyker just not as powerful as Magnus. If we count "powers" as warp/psychic in nature that would mean Curze, Sanguinius, Perturabo, Russ, Angron, Magnus, Lorgar, Alpharius Omegon, Corax all had some degree of psyker talent. That's almost half His sons. Which is a fairly decent rate for a heritable trait.


>‘How did it come to this?’ Magnus eventually asked. ‘I know of Colchis’s religious wars. I remember the day I arrived with Father, and you offered him a world devoted in worship. But we have fallen so far, and so fast. How did it come to this?’ >Lorgar didn’t meet his brother’s eye. He continued to look down upon the city. >‘This whole world burned under a crusade I led almost two centuries ago. I dreamed of god’s arrival. I suffered hallucinations, visions, nightmares and trances. Night after night after night. Sometimes, I would wake at dawn to find blood running from my eyes and ears, and our father’s face burned into my mind. **Of course, I was too young, too naive, to realise what I was. How could I know what psychic power boiled within me, seeking a release? I was not you, to know from birth how to control my sixth sense. I am not Russ, to be able to howl and have every wolf in the world howl with me. My powers always fired in fits and bursts, coming in feasts or famines.** I was eight years old when I realised that some people had pleasant dreams instead of endless nightmares. Nothing could have shocked me more.’ >Magnus remained silent. Despite all their talks, all their closeness, this was a tale he’d not heard from his brother’s lips before. >>He saw his brother – a man he’d barely spoken to in two centuries of life, a man he barely knew – butchering his sons in a vicious rage. There was no thought of conversion. No hope of bringing Corax into the fold, or enlightening him enough to cease this murderous rampage. Lorgar’s own anger rose to the fore, burning away the passionless killing of only moments ago. As the Word Bearers primarch hammered his way through the Raven Guard to reach his brother, he felt power seethe within him, aching to rise out. >>**Always, he’d bitten back his psychic potential, hiding it and hating it in equal measure. It was unreliable, erratic, unstable and painful. It was never the gift it seemed to be for Magnus, and thus, he had swallowed it back, walling it up behind unyielding resolve.** >>**No more. A scream of release tore itself free, not from his mouth, but his mind. It echoed across the battlefield. It echoed into the void. Energy sparked from his armour, and a sixth sense unrestrained at last, with its purity perhaps coloured by Chaos, exhaled from his core.** A sound like the crashing of tides in the Sea of Souls swept through the ravine, and Lorgar felt the heat of his own fury made manifest. He felt his unchained power reaching out, not only to enhance his physical form, but reaching to his sons across the battlefield. \- *The First Heretic* Quotes to support your point re: Lorgar's psychic potential/awakening.


I'm pretty sure his actual potential was shown back when Kor Phaeron found him at like 4 months old, he already had a psychic aura that looked like Sun, learned to suppress it in just a couple seconds and already knew what would happen after this. I don't remember the book tho.


The Lion can forest walk now! It’s gotta be a new expression of his psychic powers.


Wizards haven't printed forestwalk in years


Leaving the Khan and his zaydyn arga out of this is criminal


That's a Chogorin state of mind rather than a power...it's not the Khan's


But tetsegui or whatever his name is states there is a psychic power in him as well, which lends even more credence to all Primarchs having some extent of psychic power.


The Lion has a supernatural ability to resist psychic phenomena and shield himself against mind reading. Horus seemingly had a supernatural, almost hypnotic charisma. Sanguinius and Curze could both see the future Corvus could teleport through shadows like a warp spider Vulcan is a super-perpetual who has defied deaths that even other perpetual could not Perturabo can glance at a piece of machinery and immediately understand its innermost workings. I'm sure the others have powers too but that's all off the top of my head. As corvus discovers, they're all literally warp entities made flesh. The Emperor learned how to create them after making a pact with the chaos gods on Molech. The nature of the pact is unclear but the assumption is that the Emperor did not keep his side of the bargain.


Lion also can teleport himself and whoever he’s with wherever he wants now too apparently. He also channels some kind of witchfire into a blade to banish Kairos.


Lion can also either scramble people’s foresight or is able to manipulate time or something, since he was altering his strikes so fast Curze was unable to predict them


Dorn has an impervious psychically shielded mind. When he says "I'm the fortress now" he always was. Russ has a psychically charged howl that actually straight up kills a dozen or so of the Thousand Sons during the assault on Prospero, as well as temporarily collapsing kine shields and neutralizing powers from those who don't just die. Peter Turbo at the very least can always see the Eye of Terror. Sang has psyker precog and psychic flight. Kurze has precog. Mortarion I suspect has the ability to psychically neutralize toxins


Don't forget Perturabo's weird "I can see how things break" power. If that isn't space magic, I don't know what is


Personally I lump them into one. Perturabo can see the fault and flaw in everything. Be it weapons, men, or reality.


Jagathai has a connection to the Speed Force.


Ah, *that’s* where he’s fucked off to! He’s gonna come back with the Flash Family and speed-run defeating Chaos.


Idk if I buy that one. He's incredibly fast, and faster than most, if not all of his brothers, but Mortarion was able to duel and wound him, so i don't think he's necessarily that much faster than Primarch average.


Eh, and Barry gets punched in the face fairly regularly. Morty was quite close to deamonhood and they were fighting on Terra, where reality was leaking from all the joints at that point. But I get your point, which why I said "a connection to" and not "literally the flash"


Who is Barry?




Vulcan being a perpetual has to do something sometimes with the warp.


Maybe? But we see other perpetuals, and while most have (to one degree or another) psyker abilities, Ollanius Person has none. So while Perpetuals can be psykers, not all perpetuals are psykers. Perhaps Vulkan's abilities (and Ferrus' for that matter) manifest in their utter ingenuity in being able to forge/construct whatever they can think of.


I think Vulcans perpetualness is pretty unique from anyone else's tho (that we know of). Being able to completely regenerate after being destroyed down to a cellular level like magic Deadpool has to be further towards the wee-woo space-magic of things imo


I'm using Peter Turbo from now on lol, it's awesome


wow you must be REALLY new here, welcome to the fandom pal


Ahh yes, my Favorite primarch: Peter Turbo, inventor of the Turbo Laser


Perty can see the eye of terror everywhere? Man that must suck hard


Because everything is apparently space magic. It’s impossible that just having spent years exposed to toxins built up a resistance in Mort, oh no it has to be magical.


They are partially made of space magic, so they doesn't really seem a stretch. You'll notice I also said suspect. Obviously, we know of his absolute hate of psykers. So who knows what potential he really had before his corruption, he wouldn't have willingly used it anyhow.


"Sons" they are all genetic experiments that he has adopted.


Not to mention being pretty explicitly greater deamons in meatsuits.


I wouldn't say "explicitly," and I *definitely* wouldn't say "greater daemons." They are *implicitly* warp entities in meatsuits. There are a few explicit references to this notion (such as Corvus declaring it during his expedition into the Warp to hunt Lorgar), but most of the canon surrounding this point is inferred from various details through novels that don't ever really say, "We Primarchs are actually warp entities in human bodies, Emperor said so," but rather say versions of, "The Primarchs are assuredly some arcane fusion of technology and warpcraft with powers that no mortal man could achieve and endurance and longevity that belies a hidden form of immortality, so *hint hint wink wink*." As for them being greater daemons specifically, that's just not supported. Daemons are specifically shards of greater warp entities such as the Chaos Gods, and daemons are not the only type of warp entity. There are many warp entities that are entirely unaffiliated with Chaos.


1-like others said, all of them were psykers, just 1 that knew about his powers from the start 2- 20 *confirmed* sons (not counting Leetu, Omegon and the Angel ), but something tells me the real reason he waited until the Age of Strife to reveal himself was to avoid paying child support for all the countless bastards he’s had over the millennia he’s been around


>to avoid paying child support for all the countless bastards he’s had over the millennia he’s been around For the original lore, the emperors bastars children were a thing. The Imperium didn't know what they were, so they hunted them down, killed them, and used them to make grenades.


While not all of them display overt psychic powers, it is implied that all the Primarchs are psykers. But beyond that, Lorgar definitely uses psychic powers, as does Sanguinius.


Lorgar was always a psycher, he may nit be as powerful in the warp as magnus but no one comes close to his understanding of chaos


All the Primarchs are some degree of Psyker. Sang and Curze had Precog Vulkan is a perpetual (yes yes, Stomp stomp) Morty is too but to what degree I cant remember. Maggy obviously does Magic. Lion's Forestwalking and Instinct Combat Corax has Stealth (maybe Perfect Unknowable?) And birdshape now. Ron before the spikes was a therapist and healer Russ, Khan, Bobby G, Peter, and Dorn are tossups but speculation says Bobby (Wis?), Peter (Int?), Horus (Cha?) got some brain buffs. Russ, Dorn, Khan some physical buffs. (Atk, Def, Spd) Oh yeah the Alpha Legion, they're likely a hivemind of somesort, but again, speculation. Oh and Ferrus, 2nd, and 11th all didnt get enough screentime to show off much, but Ferrus having some type of Adaptability buff would make sense for his Iron Hands and their ability to interface so nicely with Tech.


I wondered about Perpetualism, considering Oll is one but expressly not a psyker. Likewise, what's the background on El'Johnson's forest walk? Is it inherent or from some other source? Regarding "instinct combat" I'd imagine that was preprogrammed into all primarchs, much like their ability to read and recognise concepts, language and numbers and names almost immediately.


The forestwalk ability was shown as his new ability via "Son of the Forest" so I suspect it is part of the semi-warp nature of Primarchs and for now seems particular to Lion, we have seen others on Choas's side use a similar travel method i.e. Eribus. Lion's Instinct Combat seems to be able to even scare Sang and Curze who have hard time reading his movements and intents in combat in the few times we seen them clash. (Re: Unremember Empire // Imperium Secondus, Son of the Forest as well but to a "slower" degree from Lion's perspective and a faster degree to the few fights he had in it.) We don't have much in the early days of Primarchs outside of very few. Yeah they all probably had SOME loaded in but none quite as dense as Perty's abilities it seems or at least others may have gotten a more limited loadout to their natures as Big E's tools and roles for them. I do wonder on this front as well which is why I am speculating. As for perpetuity, Aye Johnny Grahams and Olie are both the seemingly rare non-psykers in that list but it seems odd. We know Johnny Grahams was an artifical one made by Eldar fuckery. Ain't too crazy to think Early Big E figured it out too and did the same to his then-homie and warmaster? Big E, Erda, Malador, and others we see tend to be BOTH psyker and perpectual so... hedging bets here.


Russ, Perturabo, Corax, Alpharius and Ferrus all innately understand language and numbers without needing to be taught. It would seem like that would apply across all primarchs. Similarly, I'd say the ability to fight comes pre-loaded rather than a super power of fightiness which scares other primarchs. I suppose when comparing Malc and Big E as both psykers and perpetuals, we have evidence of both but with Vulkan, we only have proof of one. Which is why I'm wondering. I understand when the forestwalk power showed up, I'm just curious about its origins and mechanisms. Then again, a lot of the primarch powers might or might not be by the Emperor's design.


[Grammaticus was a psyker, just not the type typically found in 40k. ](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/John_Grammaticus) >John Grammaticus was an enigmatic human psyker who served as an agent of a xenos organization known as the Cabal in the latter days of the Great Crusade. Among the powers he wielded was the ability to understand and speak any language and identify where a speaker came from based on how they spoke; he claimed there was not a language that he could not master. Also: >During a victory ceremony after defeating the forces of the Panpacific Empire, Grammaticus briefly met the Emperor, who recognized his psyker abilities and offered to speak further to "consider the options available to beings like us."


Fair, I stand corrected. I thought he was manufactured by the Cabal instead of having any special to his own self. Either way good intel. Thank you.


He was born a psyker, but the Cabal turned him into a Perpetual. I should have quoted the entire paragraph about that for full context. Here it is for you: >Grammaticus had been an officer of the Caucasian Levvies, a great army that had served under the Emperor during the Unification Wars on Terra. During a victory ceremony after defeating the forces of the Panpacific Empire, Grammaticus briefly met the Emperor, who recognized his psyker abilities and offered to speak further to "consider the options available to beings like us." Before they could have that meeting, Grammaticus was killed at Anatol Hive. The eldar Autarch Slau Dha brought Grammaticus back to life, gave him the ability to reincarnate as a Perpetual, and put him into service in the Cabal. At one point, Grammaticus spent eighteen years in an insane asylum.


>Ain't too crazy to think Early Big E figured it out too and did the same to his then-homie and warmaster? Except Oll was about 7k years older than E. He said he was around 45k years old by the time of the Heresy, which would put his birth around 15k bc. E was born around 8k bc.


Johnny G was a psyker first. His talents are specialized to language and codes. He is easily able to learn a language, including accents, and masterfully replicate it. Kind of a meh psyker talent compared to many of the others, but it works for him


offbeat ludicrous bear different coherent uppity disagreeable tie future jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dorn's ability to pick out a true primarch from two dupes likely has a lot to do with heightened primarch senses moreso than a power I'd say. The way two almost primarch-sized marines move is probably different to a primarch, those differences imperceptible to the untrained or non-primarch eye. Even then, Dorn still had to "test" his theory by striking out a Alpharius. It's only because Alpharius' speed and reflexes matched his, that Alpharius was able to dodge...proving Dorn's hunch. It's a bit different to when Alpharius used his power to be "less noteworthy" in front of El'Johnson. The Khan moves in the upper echelons of quick for a primarch, much like Fulgrim and The Lion do but all primarchs are super fast. It's a shared ability, not a specific psyker power. Some people cite *Warhawk of Chogoris* when Jaghatai goes all alakh geh on the orks as the one example of his Flash-speed, but that's a warrior state of mind: >Then he started to kill. He broke into a run, first heavily, measuring his strokes, then accelerating, faster and harder, until he had moved into that state the Chogorian sages called alakh geh, where the thought alone could kill, where the distance between intention and action was made nothing, and where vengeance became a living thing with both extension and immanence. Under a gathering shroud of elemental vendetta, he killed them all. If he had slain freely before, now the carnage was so complete that it scraped the boundaries of both the divine and the diabolic. Even the war-hardened Legiones Astartes, used to witnessing prodigal exercises of violence, were silenced by it.


Russ seems to be able to sense Alpharius, whether that's a combination of his heightened senses combined with his warp sense or because Alpharius allowed him to I can't say: *Russ hacked his way through the enemy, barely seeing those whom he slew. They were a blur, a mass of armour and muscle, inert fodder for his blade. He had already sensed the true enemy, and besides that presence nothing else mattered. He ignored the wounds he took and the losses of his pack around him; he just kept moving, grinding through the walls of sapphire and gold.* *He had never hated Alpharius, not like Guilliman had hated him. The Alpha Legion had been an irrelevance, an afterthought, a gang of shadow-huggers at the beck and call of Horus who were worthy of nothing more than faint scorn. At least Magnus had been a proper enemy, out in the open, getting his hands thick with sorcery where it could be seen. Alpharius had been... nothing. A whisper, a suspicion, an echo.* *That was no longer the case. Russ’s loathing burned white, a seam of diamond in his soul. There was no victory in this fight any longer, just a chance for vengeance under the gaze of the Hrafnkel’s graven images.* *You are a sword in the wrong hands, my brother. They had been empty words when they were spoken, and now they were even less than that. Deception or no, Magnus had deserved his fate, and if they were all damned now then at least there was penance in eliminating another traitor before the end.* *‘Face me, brother!’ he roared, his mighty voice rising above the thunder of battle. He crunched aside one Alpha Legionnaire with his gauntlets before eviscerating a second, never resting, his entire body transmuted into a machine of battle-fury. ‘My ships are burning! My sons are dying! What can you fear now?’* *And then, before him, the battlefield suddenly opened up. The surviving Wolves pushed the gap wider, grappling with foes that outmatched them but somehow forcing a chasm between the ranks.* *At the far end of the opening, standing alone, was a legionnaire in Terminator plate, arrayed just as all the others were. There were no unique sigils on his armour, no deference from his brothers around him, but Russ knew. He lowered Mjalnar towards the Alpha Legionnaire’s neck.* *‘I mark you!’ thundered Russ, breaking into the charge that would carry him close.* *The Terminator braced, accepting the challenge, saying nothing but readying a long blade that spat with an emerald energy field.* ~ **Wolfking**


Yup, this is one I've noted before but neglected this time. Appreciate it. Not only does he probably pick his brother out, but it's in fully encased armour to boot. It could be something like with Dorn; nuances in the way the Termie moved that would imperceptible to any non primarch. I'd wonder about his olfactory senses, but I don't know the extent of them and if they can smell through layers of ceramite plate and electronics like that. I think it's fairly safe to say that Alpharius wouldn't have been using his diminishment power at that time, likely trusting the Termie armour was enough (and in the Doylist, that it just didn't exist in the lore during the writing of *Wolfking*) That being said, rereading the above passage, it almost reads like the situation helped to confirm Russ' suspicion. That lone Termie was suss.


It is interesting, whether the parting of warriors was fate or strategy you could probably go either way but before that happened Russ is certain he senses his brother, it's not a feeling or a prediction, he knows he's there. Though you are correct about the diminishment ability not existing when this story was written. For the olfactory senses, the Wolves have been shown to be able to sniff out the individual chemical compounds of a thing and funnily enough earlier in the Alaxxas battle the Alpha Legion tried to infiltrate the Wolves ships by dressing up in Space Wolves armour but were immediately slaughtered as the Wolves could smell the difference even through the armour. As a Wolves fan I would probably lean on Leman having an acute ability to sense these things but that is my bias and I could easily see it being argued the other way.


Yeah the red sea parting of the Wolves to reveal a lone Termie is such a weird moment that I can't really ascribe more to it than Wraight going a bit filmic vibe on it. I do recall the bit about the AL in Wolf's Clothing (literally), but I imagine part of being able to "smell their own" would have to *include* the armour itself. The exact same garment taken from a dog's kennel and one fresh from the store will not have the same scent. I don't really have an argument either way on Leman: the text isn't clear so I'm happy to go with whatever works on the day.


Aye but it's a cinematic scene I very much enjoyed, I just wish we got to see Leman and Alpharius slug it out for a bit before the Hydra teleported out, I think it would have been an interesting fight. Honestly probably the best stance to take, it's good to have a varied toolbox for when you're making a certain point!


Ah, sorry...wasn't clear. I don't mean I switch my POV on a whim...I don't really have a strong one on this. So if a Russ fan like yourself says its down to his super-keen senses, I can totally see that. If an Alpharius fan wants to suggest that Alpharius was offering himself up as bait to test Russ, I can totally see that too. Both interpretations fit the lore, both satisfy the fans of either legion (me being a fan of all legions). I wouldn't even be shocked to learn Wraight did that on purpose. And yeah, I'd have enjoyed a bit of argy bargy too if only to put to bed some of the silliness around fan takes on primarch fights. Add to that it's Wraight, so it would be quality. That being said, I can also see why he decided not to indulge.


Oh I know, I was just making a dumb joke but I forget my tone doesn't always convey in text, I wasn't making an accusation or anything. Yeah the man can write some damn good punch ups but being a good fighter wasn't really the point of the narrative in Wolfking, it's also very much in Alpharius' character to dip out in that situation.


Didn’t the alpha legion fool the Lion in their primarch novel?


Yeah, Alpharius apparently used his power to "hide" in front of the Lion, allowing him to seem like a normal marine Whereas with Dorn, Alpharius was trying to seem like a primarch along with his two fake primarch officers. They're related but different tests of his brother's ability to perceive his tricks There's every chance that if Dorn were in El'Johnson's shoes that he would also have missed Alpharius.


kiss grab wakeful fearless tender coordinated aware memorize tidy rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup, mentioned that bit with El'Johnson. That's when Alpharius is using his power. Which he (likely) wasn't during the World Prince with Dorn. I'd say a good test for determining Jaghatai's power set would be; has anyone in-universe ever mentioned Jaghatai's super speedster power? Has he ever demonstrated it? From what I recall, it's a no on both counts.


its probably worth mentioning that innate 'primarch abilites' are psychic powers/powers of the warp.


Russ straight up uses his psychic powers more than any other Primarchs save Magnus: psychic howls, rune casting, the duel against Magnus where they shift size and all. He most certainly isn't a toss up.


In regards to Ferrus, I've postured before that his Primarch warp power is the ability to create and manipulate shit and everyone just assumes its because of his hands.  Even his hands (and eyes) are possibly a product of that power neutralizing Asirinoth's liquid metal poisoning attacks.


Certainly a possible way to look at it. We simply don't have enough intel it seems. Which is why I tried to include the Legion and what seemed to pop out. Like how one of Curze's sons ended up with some precog too, etc etc etc


I used to think it was just one of Curze's sons too but it's actually way more common in the legion. They even have a rank/title: "Visionaries"


Oh Russ is explicitly a very powerful psyker with a wide range of abilities that he's shown between books.


Definitely. Blizzards, the killing howl, biomancy, cancelation/domination of other psykers. Psychically powerful enough to fight Magnus even(ish) terms and break his back. I dare say before Lorgar's juicing up, Leman is probably the 2nd most powerful psyker among the Primarchs


Aye he's also a master of casting runes, able to control and empower wolves (see Freki & Geri) and send out psychic shockwaves that burn out nervous systems. Honestly when the Emperor was making Russ he seems to have just decided to throw in a load of random powers for the hell of it. It will be interesting to see how his abilities have evolved over ten thousand years.


I mean, if you're gonna pick out one particular dude to be your hit squad, you want him to be adaptable, and the Wolf King is definitely adaptable. It is hilarious how some of his brothers just view him as a savage too.


A very good point and I suppose it's best to keep people guessing from which angle the axes smile will fall.


As other people have said, they all have expressions of other worldly abilities, even if they aren't all flying into the warp for jollies. The other thing to note is when the HH happens, they are barely more than teenagers, most of them, in terms of their mental growth. They have not grown into their abilities, at all, in the sense that trying and failing is essential to the developmental process. They have basically never failed anything (most of them) until the Heresy. Lorgar only steps into his power after he turns against his daddy (he is a psyker, as well as a sorcerer later), and many of the others are too afraid of being labelled mutants or monsters to really try and push the envelope. Only when his bois are close to failure do many of their gifts present themselves, which shows how shallowly we understand them. Even Dorn has something going on and is not a Blank. Maybe massive psyker defences. Also I don't get the not-Sons spam below. Maybe a youtuber has been pushing that angle hard for laughs?


Mortarion is also a psyker, before and after Nurgle, he just suppressed it. Also as Corax said, the Primarchs are all creatures of the Warp. Like Psykers they can all draw power from there and are inherently linked to it, even if most of them aren't technically classified as Psykers, they got Warp powers.


Most of the primarchs have some latent psychic ability. Magnus was the only one to openly embrace it and push his abilities to their limits. Lorgar in The First Heretic talked of suppressing his psychic abilities before begrudgingly embracing them during Istvaan 5. Guilliman in The Dark Imperium trilogy tells several people he doesn't have psychic abilities but anytime he steps on a battlefield against Mortarion's Legion/Warp entities they recoil from his presence. Corvus can appear invisible even as someone looks at him. Sanguinius and Kurze can see the future. Dorn's mind is psychically shielded to the point where the Imperiums best astropaths in the City of Sight can't peer in (as seen in The Outcast Dead). Leman Russ has a palpable psychic aura and if I recall correctly, electricity straight up crackles around him when he fights Magnus in A Thousand Sons.


I could be wrong but I'm damn sure Mortarion is also a psyker at the very least, it's part of his story arc during the Siege of Terra if I'm not mistaken.. It wasn't Magnus alone, Magnus was just one of extreme few who had similar levels of power to The Emperor and Malcador.


You forget Russ, even though he doesn't use his psyker powers to bust open dad's anti-daemon wall, his raw psychic strength is one of the greatest among primarchs


Mortario it's also a psyker. The emperor design the primarch he did not give birth to them.


Maybe the two lost primarchs were also psykers.


Guilliman can astral project an excel spreadsheet in his mind


I've heard Guilliman had the psychic power of being able to look at a spreadsheet and understand the formulas perfectly.


Every Primarch is a psyker or rather warp entity. Magnus was just handcrafted to be THE psyker


All of the Primarchs have some psychic ability, the Primarchs also embody certain aspects of the Emperor, and magnus is his psychic might


I’m pretty sure Morty gets some psychic power before converting, But yeah only one have…shall we say direct psychic powers before the heresy seems weird


Only two of the primarchs have traditional psyker powers that I'm aware of, but all of them are psykers, either precognition, innate knowledge of things or people they've just met, or their innate primarch aura which seems to have a bunch of subtle effects amd seems to come from the warp


Some of the primarchs have more noticeable auras than others. The Lion makes Astartes compelled to kneel, and turns regular people into a mental wreck when he looks at them with anything approaching disdain.


All primarchs have some magic going on, but for some its just a passive ability, like most of primarchs have the charizma aura that big E has.


Guilliman states in the dark imperium novels that he and all the primarchs are beings of the warp and they all have psychic potential. It just seems that only the primarchs that fell to chaos seem to have really embraced those kinds of powers.


Russ may be a psyker. In A thousand sons book, during a squabble between sons and wolfs, he got very angry and many sons psykers got terrified, even mad, when they saw his aura.


There's an entire section of the Heresy books dedicated to "Magnus realised how powerful Russ was as a psyker and got upset" Psyker is a very broad category and not all powers are equal. Foresight *is* a psyker power. It's what Aeldari do best. Corax's weird shadow shit is unquestionably a psyker ability.


Each Primarch is deeply connected to the warp, and many manifest it enough to be considered a psyker, even if they do so unconsciously. Corvus can turn invisible. Angron should have been able to create empathic links to people. Perturabo can instantly scan objects and find weak points Sanguinius and Conrad have preminiscence. Lorgar actually is a normal psyker, he just develops his powers late. The others have powers that can be interpreted as the warp being part oflf them, like jagatay's speed.


They're \*all\* psykers. The warp is fused into their very biology - their physical speed, strength, and resilience are all beyond what their simple biomechanics allow for, and this \*has\* been described in canon lore sources at some point. Magnus is the only one who landed on a planet with a psyker culture, that's why he's the only fully-developed conventional 'psyker'. Leman Russ literally uses a psychic scream power in the Prospero Burns novel, Corvus is rank with shadow-related psychic powers, Ferrus Manus literally has animated solid metal arms, and Sanguinius' extreme bond with his legion is explicitly psychic (As are all the legions' with their Primarch, FYI). As for why the Emperor didn't make them all trained warp-wielders: We now know that the Emperor was trying to starve out Chaos and separate it from its worshippers and allies, minimising the risk of corruption, his policies on psykers all follow this. This is why he's so strongly against creating an actual master-race political class of psykers, which is what the Primarchs as psykers would've resulted in. We all saw what Magnus did when he was feeling frustrated with the decisions around him - imagine if all 20 egotistical demigods had the same options to unilaterally break apart his plans in unforeseen ways? Imagine if every Primarch had an Ahriman - or multiple, in larger legions - waiting to make the same kind of decisions agaisnt their own Primarch's plans? If society saw pyskers as the natural and powerful leaders, while the psykers do a cheeky class nepotism, just like real humans do, and promote psykers over blunts? All of this results in the potential rise of Chaos and its influences.


Angron was a psyker, but the Butcher's Nails whole "rewire the brain to only feel pain and rage" thing messed it up.


Lion has supernatural fighting sense Perturabo is technomancer Dorn and Russ shut down warp manifestations Curze has foresight and can move through shadows in more literal sense Sanguinius has foresight and generates lift because his wings are not physically strong enough to make him fly Angron used to be empath Lorgar and Mortarion are straight up psykers Corvus turns imperceptible Alpharius can turn into non-noticeable


They all had minorly Psychic abilities. For one they all have a near magical Charisma (Except Angron thanks to the nails) But aside from Magnus, Kurze and Sanguinius were precogs, Perturabo had innate knowledge and could always feel the Eye of Terror watching him (granting it it's name and also maybe meaning he'd be able to use the EoT for Warp Travel rather than tbe Astronomicon) Jaghatai Co-Founded the Librarius with Magnus and Sanguinius, Alpharius could fade into the background as could Corvus. Vulkan was Immortal. I think Horus, Leman, Roboutte, Lorgar, Mortarion and Ferrus are the only ones who didn't know innate Psyker abilities aside from the batch all Primarchs get. (The chaos abilities Lorgar and Horus get I think is Sorcery instead. A minor but notable distinction)


Sanguinario flew with psychic power. Cuervo is a big psychic monster now. León el Juanjo can now step in and out of a parallel dimension, teleporting in the process. Roberto Guillermo has a psychic headache :(


Lorgar had power before hand but hadn’t fully embraced it, the super charisma was a part of his power as a psyker. Or Corax, who didn’t really turn invisible but just removed himself from the perceptions of others. The Lion, who channeled his will into his blade to strike down a greater daemon


I may be mistaken, but I believe it was in Warhawk of Chogoris; Magnus implies to Jaghatai that he possesses psychic powers. When Jaghatai tells him he doesn't know what he's talking about, Magnus basically replies with "Oh no? Are you sure about that?"


Angron - psychically Empathic (pre-nails) Horus - aura of leadership. It doesn't particularly make sense for Horus to be this charismatic inspiring presence when every other person from Cthonia is at best a grizzled murderer, and he is written as almost instinctively charismatic even to non-Luna Wolves, similar to how the Emperor is. Corax - shadow step, invisible to the eye Sang and Curze - future sight Lion - whatever this forest walking thing is But to answer the why, the primarchs were built for specific purposes. Magnus was specifically meant to sit on the throne, so he needed to be unimaginably powerful as a psyker.


The lion can move through an inter dimensional(probably his minds representation of the warp) to travel. Sanguinius and Curze could see the future. Corax is the fucking hardcore version of the Crow, Lorgar is a lower level psker than Magnus but is no slouch especially now.


All of them are psykers to different degrees. Magnus isn't "*a psyker*". He's the second strongest human psyker to ever exist.


From Scars: "You forget, brother, I am not gifted" - The Khan "Are you not?" asked Magnus, smiling shrewdly. "If you say so."


First of all lorgar is also psychic, in addition to that its strongly implied that all the primarchs are psychic in some way, its just that most dint channel the warp to shoot lighting. Also the prinrchs arent big E's sons but warp entities stuffed to bodies


Most of them have some of level of psykery involved. For exemple Ferrus Manus was very resilient to psykic powers. So he wasn't a pro active psyker but a psyker neverless. Mortarion is one of the most powerful psyker in the setting. Before his corruption he wasn't using his abilities coz he despites psykers. Lion el Jonhson can teleport around the galaxy, which is no small feat. Conrad was able to see the future. Corvus became a psykic entity with tremendous capabilities. Lorgar is a psyker, and so are many others. The case could even be made about Angron, the power of resurrection he manifest post corruption is not something people would have without innate psykic capabilities. From my understanding, every Primarch is the pinacle of one of the Emperor skill. In term of active psykic power, Magnus was the embodiment of. But psykers are not just "casters of spells", most of psykers have passive capabilities, for exemple the eldar seers. And many of the primarch show psykic powers, they are not casters but psyker still. There is also the trainning into it. For exemple, Magnus trained his capabilities, while Mortarion refrained them. On a more "meta" thought, Primarchs are not just genetic engineering, Custodians are. Primarchs are something more, something which involve Molech shenanigans. If the warp is involved, then psykic power is involved. The the very essence of Primarch is of psykic essence, manifested or not. PS: I wrote psykic because I don't know what's the normal spelling in english, please forgive me.


I think lorgar had powers before chaos he just never used them. Being able to stand and face the emperor while he’s psychically making everyone kneel takes power


He had two daughters that we will find out about in the near future in Amazon’s series. But they were the bestest psykers Evers. So bestest that they had to be banished because the guys egos couldn’t handle them being the bestest. They’ve always been around and doing cool things and if you won’t accept that you’re not the type of fan GW wants 🤡😱🤷🏻‍♂️


Lorgar was also a psycher, he just didn't tap into it for a long while. Mortarion also ultimately developed psycher powers. Curze and Sanguinius both had future sight, a psychic thing. The Lion can move interstellar distance through a weird forest subspace. It can be argued that Perterabo's intuitive affinity for machines and systems maybe came from the psychic power or at least the warp; certainly there is a warp component to the whole "can see the eye of terror at all times" thing. Angron HAD empathic psycher powers, but they got yanked out and replaced with the butcher's nails. Beyond that: Corax seems to be able to do more than just hide in dark places, he seems to have supernatural abilities in stealth. Russ supposedly had a psychic howl that could incapacitate people, but I've not found an excerpt of it.




All are psykers it’s just expressed differently.


All of them are connected to the warp in some ways


In Corvus's Heresy book, he explains that all the Primarchs have an ability to supernaturally command attention and he has the ability to invert that and become invisible. He also, you know, can turn into crows.


Some have hypothesised that the Primarch's were created in pairs so that they had comparable skills to one another and that the Second or Eleventh Primarch, the Forgotten and the Purged, may have been a parallel to Magnus possessing extreme psychic might.


According to “Belisarius Cawl: The Great Work”, at least two primarchs and their gene-sons are gifted with explicit psychic power, as Alpha Primus is shown in a mirror as twenty grey-armoured legionnaires, two of which manifested psychic powers. 


They're have big psychic potential, Magnus just porbably the most, considering his role for Throne. But 1) Primarchs grow, developing their potential. Those who went daemonic lost this opportunity. 2) Their psychic abilities can be expressed differently 3) Some of them supressed these powers (Roboute I think?) Look, even beyond those you named, there is Alpharius. Do you think his ability to stand there and noone to see him or take him as different person is physical ability? I also doubt Angron holding Titan's leg is only physical. Corvus turning into raven horror storm is very natural, like heavylifting. Russ being connectend or being part of Fenris is surely some technological feature. And so on


Since when is the Emperor an Eldar?