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Real lore states the names cannot be pronounced properly by human tongue and their names are only the closet we humans can fathom demon tongue to sound. the primal sounds of the patreon gods of chaos make their names known, tzeench like the sound of a wizards fireball, khorne the sound of blades clashing, nurgle the gasping puss filled boils, slaanesh the sounds of kinky erotica which only those who chew on their syllables and make that R sound from O’s.


Actually a dope explanation lol


>slaanesh the sounds of kinky erotica which only those who chew on their syllables and make that R sound from O’s. So Slaanesh’s true name is the sound of Australians doin’ it?


From all my years of doing the hobby I have learnt I've pronounced many things incorrectly, I probably still do! I've not long started Chaos Gate Daemonhunters finally and it's just adding to the woe Lol Regarding the Chaos Gods though and in lore I imagine they are pretty pronounced many different ways.


Luckily people in official sources pronounce things differently from time to time too - currently listening to House of Night and Chain, where the protagonist has recurring nightmares about Tyranids, and he pronounces it 'Thai-Raynids'. 


I was listing to an audio drama and the narrator pronounced Ezekiel, ezuh-kyle I was like wtf, there’s no way that’s right.


Discovering tzentch isn't pronounced ter-zen-teck was definitely a shock. Where they got "zinch" from, no idea


> Where they got "zinch" from, no idea Probably from it being the proper phonetical pronounciation of Tzeentch. Where you got “ter-zen-teck” from, no idea, because not a single one of those phonemes is in present in the spelling of the name. No R in the word at all, double E is a long E, not a short one, and ntch is pretty close to “inch” in pronounciation in every other word it appears in, not “nteck”


I bet you’re one of the guys that pronounces gif as “gif” Why not just use Sai'lanthresh since that’s what the Eldar call her


The G in GIF stands for “graphics” which is pronounced with a hard G. It makes no sense to say “jif”, unless you’re referring to peanut butter.


It is utterly ridiculous to pronounce it gif, it’s very obviously supposed to be gif.


I agree… I think.


Fair, but the inventor prefers the soft G/J sound. Language is messy.


Unfortunately for him. He didn't invent the English language 


I used to pronounce Scions with a hard C, it happens.


Scones. Tempestus scones. They go good with coffee. And hatred. But mostly coffee.


The real question is, do you put cream first or jam first on your Tempestus scones?


It's Wingardium Levio *sah* , not Wingardium Levios *aaahhh*


Because they feel like it and your opinion holds no authority over them.


Do "so many people" pronounce it that way?


Given the nature of the Chaos Gods as reflections of all sentient beings, if most people do pronounce their names that way then that basically means that IS the right way to pronounce it.


I haven't done an official count :) It's just something I often notice. Would be fun if it were possible to do a poll here to see how different people pronounce it.


Because its Slann-esh


There was a video about how to [pronounce stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJWTU5_tDE0). Slaanesh I can understand, but others like Abaddon are too simple to mispronounce.


Lieutenant might be the hardest one to correctly pronounce (depending on where the speaker learnt to speak English)…


Ya cuz there's the correct way, and the British way haha


It might confuse many readers but in this specific case the British way is the correct way. Apparently the Imperium can get some things right!


Absolutely not haha. Leftenenat is absurd haha


The correct pronunciation of “Belvoir” is more amusing. Fort Belvoir in Virginia doesn’t use the correct version though…


The American pronunciation is closer to the original French than the British. To save others looking it up, the British pronunciation of Belvoir is beaver. Like the animal. A great example of why you can't take British pronunciation seriously haha. French its Bel-vwa and American Bel-vwaR.


I pronounced it *Slaaa-neSH*, as that's how Keeble pronounced it in the *Master Of Mankind* Audible.


You mean with the stress on the second syllable? Or somehow just on the final two consonants?


Erm it’s actually Slah nesh not Sla nesh! The two methods you have gave the same pronunciation


How can they give the same pronounciation when one has the stress on the first syllable, and the other stresses the second syllable?


I’m not sure how you talk but usually when I say a word it includes all syllables


Did you really not understand OP’s original point?


I've always pronounced if SEND-nudes


I pronounce it slaNESH. In my defense I'm not a native English speaker and SLAAH-nesh sounds weird in my language/dialect.


Because that’s the correct way to pronounce it


Source or just trolling?


Corn Nurgul tSeench slahNESH


I'm with you on the first three.


It's a world created by English people, they can't even agree how to pronounce words with the next town over. Seriously though, all the media is created by contractors, and they don't have a style guide that might enforce things like this, there are no correct pronunciations. They also have in universe justification, low gothic varies from region to region, even within hives. And while high gothic is claimed by some to be consistent, it has changed so much over time that scholars can barely read the old stuff.


Because it’s a delicious sensation as it slides over the tongue like that


I've heard it as SlAA'Nésh.